《[MXTX] Three Times the Love》Chapter 4 - About the Love Life in the Hot Springs


"Can you believe that Shen-xiong ordered us to clean his room..." Wei Wuxian groaned.

One of his hands carried a broom, while the other was a small-clothed wiper. Beads of sweat had eventually formed on his forehead from the labour. Wei Wuxian might've been the wife of his relationship, but it never occurred to him that he'd have to complete chores in the future. "Well, we are staying over, so it'd be bad if we don't help him out." Xie Lian kindly spoke next to him.

Xie Lian had a petite and slightly feminine figure, bandages wrapped around his arms and neck as he swept the floor. Finally noticing Wei Wuxian's odd glances at him, Xie Lian was puzzled, "Do I have something on my face?"

Wei Wuxian shook his head helplessly, "No, there's nothing on your face. I was just wondering how an arrogant Ghost King ended up sharing a room with a scrap picker."

Hearing his statement, Xie Lian's ears reddened. "San Lang and I just shared a long history... and are in a... relationship so..." he stared at the ground, fumbling with his broom, "It's only natural that we get to share a room."

"Okay okay," Wei Wuxian chuckled. "I was just teasing you. There's no need to get all worked up."

Xie Lian obediently nodded, "But Wei-xiong, how did you and HanGuang-Jun end up together?"

"Haha," Wei Wuxian laughed, "Lan Zhan had fallen in love with me at first sight during our school days. He couldn't help himself, groping me all over the place and having Spring Dreams about me-"

"Wei-xiong," Xie Lian lowered his voice to a whisper, "I don't think you should talk about HanGuang-Jun like this... just because he's not here with us."

"So what?" Wei Wuxian huffed. "Your San Lang isn't here as well, so do tell me... how good is he in bed?"

"Huh?" Xie Lian's red face had reddened to such an extent, he seemed as if he was about to evaporate. His hand that held the broom had dropped it, with a resounding CRASH overflowing the room. "I I I I I I I I I I..." He continued on with his repeat of I's, while Wei Wuxian watched him in disbelief. "Actually... I... I'm a bit hungry..." Xie Lian mumbled.

"I'll go get some snacks, I'll be right back." He didn't dare to look Wei Wuxian in the eyes as he ran off.

Wei Wuxian pressed a finger innocently on his lips, "By 'snacks', did he mean by the Ghost King or no...?"

By the time Xie Lian returned with the snacks, Wei Wuxian had finished sweeping all the dust in Shen Qingqiu's office. "I'm back." Xie Lian seemed to be out of breath, with rosy cheeks accompanying his slender cheekbones. "Do you like porridge...? Luo-xiong offered them, but he seemed kind of upset when giving them away..." He carried a tray of several bowls of porridge.

Wei Wuxian smirked, "It seems like Luo-xiong is being generous on behalf of his Shizun."

Xie Lian became quiet as he set the tray gently on a table, "I think Luo-xiong is trying really hard to gain his Shizun's favour. I really admire him... if only I had his talent for cooking..."

"Is Xie-xiong's having trouble in the aspects of cooking?" Wei Wuxian asked.

"Maybe." Xie Lian sighed.

They began wiping the tables and windows with tablecloths; not a single dust left in sight. Their waists ached unbearably as they continued, something they never thought they'd have in common from doing chores.


"Have you two finished...?" A stern voice had entered the room.

Wei Wuxian and Xie Lian turned around to find Shen Qingqiu at the doorway. "Shouldn't you be able to tell by the looks?" Wei Wuxian huffed.

Shen Qingqiu fanned himself, "Why should I?"

Wei Wuxian smirked, "Right, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between cleanliness and filth, which makes sense why you have such trash in bed."

Shen Qingqiu froze, "Trash... in bed?" Then, his face darkened. "Binghe's... not trash in bed..."

A gleeful smile plastered over Wei Wuxian's lips, "Hey! You just admitted that you two do things in bed!"

Realizing that he stepped in Wei Wuxian's trap, Shen Qingqiu's ears had reddened as he dropped his fan. Xie Lian managed to catch it before it clanked against the floor. "I... you..." Shen Qingqiu couldn't express his anger and embarrassment from words, and found himself lacking of vent. His face went red. "You... scum... animal..."

"Yes, Shizun?" A doting voice echoed from his side.

Their eyes had all widened as they noticed Luo Binghe by Shen Qingqiu's side.

Wei Wuxian resisted his urge to laugh. Oh my god! Could it be... Luo-xiong actually thought...

When Luo Binghe noticed the total silence, he was in great dismay. "Shizun, what's wrong?"

Shen Qingqiu reached for the fan in Xie Lian's arms, who gave it back voluntarily. "Nothing."

"Ahem," Wei Wuxian coughed. "Your Shizun is just tired and wants to go relax at the hot springs."

"Hot springs?" Luo Binghe's eyes had brightened with brilliance, as if he was a puppy who had his favourite treat dangling right above his face. "Yes, the hot springs." Wei Wuxian nodded with satisfaction. "Xie-xiong and I will accompany your Shizun to the hot springs. Unfortunately, it'll only have to be the three of us."

"How come?" Luo Binghe was as pitiful as a dog whose ears were dropped downwards and tucked behind.

A grim smile fumbled on Wei Wuxian's lips, "We wouldn't want an uninvited guest to be peeping on us."

Luo Binghe frowned, "You say that as if you're a girl."

Wei Wuxian frowned, "And you say that as if you're a man."

"Are you sure this is a good idea...?" Xie Lian's petite voice shuddered.

Wei Wuxian had a proud smile, "Of course!"

Shen Qingqiu passed him a disapproving frown. "When we're done, I won't let you guys get away with this."

They were inside the changing room of a nearby but private hot spring's centre. After Wei Wuxian deliberately paid extra, the manager had offered them a private hot springs. A smile played on Wei Wuxian's face as he remembered how astonished the manager was when he saw the money Wei Wuxian had asked for from his husband's purse.

"Yada yada." Wei Wuxian chuckled. "Just saying, you'll know that you won't regret this!"

Saying that, he had stripped his upper shirt bare. Xie Lian immediately darted his gaze away, not wanting to raise any attention to himself. "Maybe... I'll just go in with my clothes on."

"No can do!" Wei Wuxian proudly stated, tying a towel around his waist. "When one tries to enjoy, they must try to enjoy to the utmost!"

Shen Qingqiu frowned deeper, "How does this count as enjoying... this is clearly torture."

"Shen-xiong," Wei Wuxian demanded, "If you don't take off your clothes, I'll have to do it for you! The same goes for you too, Xie-xiong."


After he said that statement, the two shy ones had hurriedly tugged off their clothes and tied a towel around their waist. "Let's go." Wei Wuxian beamed a bright smile as he skipped to the hot spring. The pool of steaming hot water was accompanied by a surrounding of big fat rocks. A forest of grass was decorated to cover up the view, so that nobody would be able to peep in. The heat was so bizarre, they could almost see the unwavering fizzle rising upwards in the air.

"Wah, it's hot." Just after he extended a feet inside the water, Wei Wuxian had to pull it back up.

"Don't be rash." Shen Qingqiu stated. "When taking a bath, you must do so with precaution."

Wei Wuxian darted him a disapproving frown, "Shen-xiong, we're at the hot springs. There's no need to bring a fan."

Indeed, Shen Qingqiu was still holding onto his fan; fanning himself deliberately to bring currents of colder temperature winds towards his face. Immediately, Wei Wuxian snatched the fan out of his arms, holding it out of reach from Shen Qingqiu. The owner of the fan was severely angered, "Give that back."

"If you want it back, I'll give it." Wei Wuxian smiled, "But it'll be soaked in the hot springs' water."

"Wei-xiong," Xie Lian shyly reasoned, "Don't you think you're being a bit unreasonable?"

"Yup," Wei Wuxian popped the 'p', "That's me!"

Shen Qingqiu's face had dark lines going down, while Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Anyways," Wei Wuxian stated, "We might as well enjoy ourselves."

However, the three wives had absolutely no idea about the situation on the other side of their private hot springs. Next to their private hot springs was another private area, with only bushes of flowers and tall grass to separate them. Little did they know, their three husbands were situated on the other side, making sure to listen in with all their might.

Heat had dripped immensely down Hua Cheng's neck as he inched in closer, "Are you sure they're in there?"

"What are you talking about?" Luo Binghe snapped. "We all saw them go in there! Well, you only have one eye, so I don't blame you for not seeing."

Hua Cheng glared at him. "At least I gave it away for a purpose, unlike you and your love to your Shizun."

"You-" Luo Binghe's face was redder than his racing blood, which boiled hotter than the waters of the hot springs. "I hear them." Lan Zhan had gratefully interrupted him. Immediately, the two had stopped arguing and listened in closely.

"Anyways, we might as well enjoy ourselves." The sound of Wei Wuxian laughed from the other side.

Then, the sound of waters splashing had overcome the scenario. The three husbands were all wondering what was happening on the other side, and how their wives appeared with their upper bare and a towel around their waist. Lan Zhan's ears had reddened at the thought.

"Can I have my fan back now...?" Shen Qingqiu's voice groaned.

Luo Binghe's concerned face had melted into a doting one as he finally discerned his lover's voice.

"You can have it back after we're done." Wei Wuxian answered.

A dead silence washed over them. "So..." Wei Wuxian began, "Let's talk about something."

"Talk about what?" Shen Qingqiu scoffed.

A gleam had glimmered in Wei Wuxian's eyes, "Our love life!"

Immediately, Xie Lian and Shen Qingqiu had choked on their breath. Their husbands had choked as well behind the bushes, struggling to cover themselves up. However, the wives paid no attention to the sudden extra coughs in the hot springs. In fact, they were so embarrassed, none of them noticed a thing.

"How come Wei-xiong has taken an interest to romance?" Xie Lian gently asked.

"Isn't that simple?" Wei Wuxian frowned. "I've been asking both of you if your men were good in bed, but none of you guys answered! Now that we're here alone, you'll have no choice but to speak up!"

Luo Binghe and Hua Cheng held their breaths.

"Wei-xiong," Xie Lian blushed unbearably red, "Is it fine if I don't talk about that..."

"That's fine." Wei Wuxian sighed. "However, do tell me when you fell in love with your man! When was it, don't tell me you guys started crushing on each other since little?"

Xie Lian lowered his head embarrassedly, "Unfortunately, I never got the chance to be introduced to any aspects of romance. My didn't approve of romance at that time, while I only focused on my studies and training."

"Woah," Wei Wuxian gasped. "This scrap picker has a Guoshi!"

Xie Lian puffed his chest proudly, "Of course I do! I've only became a scrap picker when I couldn't find a suitable job."

"Ohh..." Wei Wuxian said pitifully, "So it's like that."

Then, his pitiful expression was exchanged by a snickering one, "It's so unfortunate that Xie-xiong couldn't share his romance experiences in his youth!"

Xie Lian frowned, "What are you talking about? I'm forever seventeen."

Wei Wuxian frowned, "If you're forever seventeen, then I'll forever have no spiritual energy."

"You have no spiritual energy?" Shen Qingqiu asked, his interest was piqued.

Wei Wuxian laughed, "Of course not! Back in my youth, this Yiling Patriarch was so powerful, he didn't even need cultivation powers to control fierce corpses! However, nowadays, that may not be the case."

"Woah!" Xie Lian began to praise, "Wei-xiong, you're so strong!"

"Hahaha," Wei Wuxian roared, "Of course I'm strong!"

"Yes," Shen Qingqiu smiled, "You were so strong, you still managed to get kidnapped by Binghe and I earlier today."

"Oi," Wei Wuxian whistled, "Only strong people attracts other strong people."

Xie Lian chuckled shyly in the corner, "How did Shen-xiong fall in love with Luo-xiong?"

Shen Qingqiu's face had immediately blushed, "You shameless one! You should know fully well that I didn't fall in love with him, Binghe was the one to fall in love with me!"

Wei Wuxian tilted his head, "What's wrong with spilling some tea? It's not like your lover is here."

Luo Binghe's breath had hitched.

Xie Lian embarrassedly mumbled, "But if you're uncomfortable, we won't force you."

"No no no," Wei Wuxian frowned, "We are forcing you."

"Well..." Shen Qingqiu seemed reluctant at first, but eventually, he calmed down and relaxed. "When I first met Binghe, I didn't treat him so well. However, he kept following after me regardless of my mistakes and bad deeds. In the end... I couldn't stand it anymore. Maybe I just... can't leave Binghe alone. He's like a small puppy you know!" Shen Qingqiu's face went red. Nobody could figure out if it was from the hot springs or his embarrassment, "I just can't stand to... abandon him..."

Xie Lian smiled, "Shen-xiong has such a sweet heart!"

"What sweet heart?" Shen Qingqiu frowned, "Bah! I don't even know what that is!"

Hua Cheng frowned while looking at Luo Binghe up and down. If Luo Binghe was truly a dog, his tail would've been wagging all day long with his perking upwards ears.

"What about Wei-xiong!" Xie Lian was excited, "How did you fall in love with HanGuang-Jun?"

Wei Wuxian scoffed, "Even if I told you, you guys might not believe me."

Xie Lian's bright eyes had brightened furthermore, "I'll believe you! I'll believe in you over the Gods and Heavenly Officials!"

"Heavenly Officials?" Wei Wuxian almost bursted out laughing, "Whazzat?"

Xie Lian's ears turned red in fright, "...you never heard? They're like the rulers of heaven."

"Huh? Heaven? Oh, I don't care about that." Wei Wuxian frowned, "But do let me begin my awesome romantic story of how I fell in love with Lan Zhan!"

After spending half an hour discussing, Xie Lian was gushing in worship, "Wei-xiong! You're telling me it's true that your parents had set up HanGuang-Jun and you for marriage? Then... you ran away and fled the sect? However, you bumped into HanGuang-Jun who was searching for you even if it meant the cost of his life? Then... you fell in love with him? Is what you're saying all true?"

"Of course!" Wei Wuxian proudly stated.

Lan Zhan suppressed his desire to slap a hand over his forehead.

"Don't believe him," Shen Qingqiu snarled, "Just don't trust a word out of that guy's mouth."

"Fine fine!" Wei Wuxian bellowed, "I was joking! But why do you guys always have to take a joke so seriously!?!"

Xie Lian blinked, "...Wei-xiong, don't get mad!"

Wei Wuxian fumed, "If you don't want me to get mad, then you start talking about your love life with your man!"

Xie Lian panicked, "I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

On the other side, Hua Cheng's heart raised in anticipation as he yearned for the sound of his Gege's voice. "So..." Xie Lian shyly began, "San Lang and I share our first... first kiss.... underwater and... and... it was to get rid of a child spirit... but..." His ears began burning redder than the red ribbon that tied Wei Wuxian's hair together. "But... I really had no experience before! It shocked me so much... and I couldn't breathe..."

"Ooh!" Wei Wuxian goggled, "An underwater kiss! How romantic and tactical!"

"Don't say it like that..." Xie Lian squirmed uncomfortably, his cheeks warm.

"Hm... that sounds quite sweet, even if it was just for a child spirit." Shen Qingqiu commented.

"You guys, stop it..." Xie Lian didn't know whether to cry or laugh, "Or else... I might accidentally drown myself again..."

"Hmm?" Wei Wuxian cooed, "Are you going to have your hubby to kiss you again?"

Xie Lian's breath hitched. It was then he completely went red.

"Enough of that," Shen Qingqiu stated, "If you continue teasing him, he'll pass out from the heat."

Luo Binghe: You say that as if you're a girl.

Wei Wuxian: You say that as if you're a man.

Luo Binghe: QAQ

A fellow Demon Lord was harmed at that day. Please send him flowers, burn incense, and burn a lot of money at his funeral.

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