《The silver sharingan warrior》V1 chapter 7 The stray/ closer and closer
The opening ends to an overview of the streets of Vale being decorated in time for the Vytal Festival. Red, yellow, and green streamers and balloons are proudly on display, and Team RWBY along with Y/n is strolling through it all with an awed Weiss Schnee in the front. A sign is being put up by the elderly Shopkeep that reads in bright red letters "WELCOME TO VALE!" for all the foreign newcomers from their respective kingdoms of Remnant
Weiss :(stopping and raising her arms in amazement) The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!
Ruby:I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much, Weiss. (frowns a little) It's kinda weirding me out...
Weiss:(turning to Ruby) How could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be dances! Parades! A tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking! (they continue walking)
Yang:(sighs, arms crossed) You really know how to take a good thing and make it sound boring.
Y/n: im actually here to meet someone so I'll see you guuuuys later *gets on bike and drives off*
Weiss: did he steal that thing
Ruby: no you dumb bitch he built that with my aunt and her tribe God stop being so snotty
Yang: ok I think little bros personality is rubbing off on you too much
Meanwhile with y/n
We see y/n park his motorcycle infront of juniors bar as he walks towards the door he nods to the bouncers and they let him in
Y/n: what's up party people
The crowd: *cheers*
Junior: aah y/n my favorite customer what can I do for ya
Y/n: I need you to find someone by the name of Cinder falls
Junior: ill head back and see what I can do Meanwhile have a drink the twins have missed you
Y/n: is that so
Melanie: *puts y/n left arm in between her chest* he's right you know
Malicta: *puts y/n right arm in between her chest* we missed you and your "second sword"
Y/n: well then let's do some catching up shall we ladies
Malachite twins:*giggle* let's go
Junior: alright so apparently she hired Roma torchwick to steal all the dust in vale and is supposedly working with the white fang but that's all my men could get before they were arrested by your sister
Y/n: you have no idea how much this helps thanks junior *passes him 5K lien* that should cover the cost of the information
Junior: that should cover it see ya kid
Malachite twins: Bye hun~
Y/n then walks outside and heads back to Beacon on his motorcycle
Y/n then walks past team rwbys dorm but heard yelling so he opens the door to check on them
Y/n: hey you guys okay I heard yelling
Weiss :No! (turns away and walks back over to Blake) You want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers!
Blake:Well, maybe we were just tired of being pushed around!
Silence drops down on the scene again. A surprised Weiss backs away slowly, and Blake realizes her mistake as she looks around at her teammates.
Blake I... I... (she dashes out the door)
Ruby: Blake, wait! Come back!" (she runs over to the door and calls to her down the hallway as Yang sits herself down and Weiss looks down)
Y/n: OK what the hell is going on
Ruby: well you see *explains what happened after you left* and thats about it
Y/n then walks over to Weiss as she looks up at him
Y/n: is this true
Weiss: yes it is b but it doesn't matter she's a white fang spy she lied to us im-
Y/n then bitch slaps the hell outta Weiss as she holds her left cheek in pain as a red mark is present
Yang: I know she deserved it but damn
Ruby: thats gonna leave a mark
Weiss: *sniff* where are you going
Y/n: im gonna tell ada what happened and were gonna go after her *opens door* oh and Weiss *she looks up at you* your just like your father *slams door shut*
The next day during breakfast
Ruby: She's been gone all weekend...
Weiss : Blake's a big girl, I'm sure she can handle herself!
Yang: Weiss, come on. She's one of our teammates.
Weiss: Is she? We all heard what she said!
Ruby: Weiss.
Cloud: jeez i knew you were a bitch but damn
Tifa: I just hope y/n and ada are gonna be okay
Yang: I hope so too and about Blake still being our teammate maybe she is, maybe she isn't. Either way, she's missing, and we need to find her!
Weiss: A member of the White Fang! Right underneath our noses!
Ruby: I just hope she's okay...
Elsewhere, Blake is sipping a cup of tea and sighing. She looks up at Sun sitting across from her, who holds his drink with his tail as his hand props his head up. He takes a sip when Blake puts her cup down.
Blake: So, you want to know more about me...
Meanwhile Ada and Y/n are seen walking towards the cafe that Blake and sun are in
Y/n: *pats her head* let's not do anything drastic ok
Ada: *blushing* o-ok so y/n you got a girlfriend
Y/n: nope not really uum ada why do you wear that blindfold all the time
Ada: well its......you can't tell anyone ok
Y/n: cross my heart
Ada: back when me and Blake were kids I had an older brother his name was Adam we joined the white fang all 3 of us hoping we could help change things for faunus but eventually my brothers ways of equality got dark and twisted and the man I knew as my brother was gone *sniff* so me and Blake ran and joined Beacon *sniff* sometimes I still have nightmares about what he did *sniff* about the people he killed.....the people I killed
Y/n then hugs ada as she breaks down and cries into his chest
Y/n: its alright ada the past is the past and what we do from here on out isn't affected by your past
Ada: *sniff* really
Y/n: of course now *sees Blake and sun leaving the cafe* let's go get our friend back
The scene transitions to Ruby, Yang, and Weiss walking through town and calling in vain for their missing teammate.
Ruby:(continuing to scream) Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?
Ruby:(turning on Weiss) Weiiiiss, you're not helping!
Weiss: Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!
Ruby:(crossing her arms in irritation) Ugh, Weiss...
Weiss : It was just an idea!
Ruby:(walking down the sidewalk) Yeah, a bad one.
Yang: (following behind Ruby) Weiss, I think we should hear her side of the story before we jump to any conclusions.
Weiss: (following behind Yang) I think that when we hear it, you'll all realize I was right!
Penny: (following behind Weiss) And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!
Ruby: (turning around suddenly with her team in surprise) Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?
Penny: (cheerfully ignoring the question) Hey guys! What are you up to?
Yang:We're looking for our friend Blake.
Penny:Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!
Ruby, Weiss, and Yang stare at Penny.
Ruby:Wait, how did you know that?
Penny:Uhh, the cat ears? (points to her head)
Yang:(laughing a little) What cat ears? She wears a... boooohhh...
Ruby:(whispering) She does like tuna a lot...
Penny:So, where is she?
Ruby:We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.
Penny:(gasping) That's terrible! (approaching an uncomfortable Ruby) Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!
Ruby:(doing her best to continue smiling) Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?
She looks over Penny to direct her question at Yang and Weiss, who's blinking outlines are all that's left of their sudden departure from the company of the strange girl. A tumbleweed blows past them again in the quiet.
Penny:It sure is windy today!
Sun and Blake are then seen walking down an alley.
Sun:(hands behind his head) So, what's the plan now?
Blake:(contemplating) I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before.
Sun:(widening his eyes) What if they did?" (lowering his arms and pacing in front of Blake as he continues his theory) "I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right?
Blake:The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be.
Sun:Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas.
Blake:How huge? (Thats what she said)
Sun:Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter.
Blake:You're sure?
Suddenly Y/n and Ada drop down from the rooftop ninja style
Ada: well then let's get investigating
Sun: whoa are you a ninja and who the fuck is this guy
Ada: so it seems I got the smarter boy
Blake: *facepalms*
Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake ada and y/n are laying flat on their stomach on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers.
Sun:(off-screen) Did I miss anything?
Blake:(looking up as Sun drops down to blakes right) Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.
Sun:Cool. (holds out one of the green apples in his arms) I stole us some food!
Ada (giving Sun a questioning look) Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?
Sun:(defensively countering:) Hey, weren't you in a cult or something? (Blake and ada deliver an angry glare at him) Okay, too soon!
Just as he says this, the winds blows all around them, and they look up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.
Ada:Oh no...
Sun:Is that them?
Blake:(staring at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit) Yes... It's them.
White Fang Soldier :(to the other White Fang members coming from the aircraft, motioning with his rifle) All right, grab the tow cables!
Sun:You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?
Blake:(staring sadly at the scene) No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right. (she closes her eyes in despair, only to open them suddenly when she hears a new voice)
Roma: Hey! What's the holdup!? (the soldiers look up at Roma gesturing widely and coming down the ramp) We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?
Blake:This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a Human.
Ada:Especially not one like that. (Both Blake and ada stand up and unsheathes the katana of Gambol Shroud and crucibal before walking off the edge of the roof)
Sun:(alarmed) Hey, what are you 2 doing AND WHERE IS Y/N!?!?
Blake and Ada fall to the ground in a crouch, then continue on to hide behind one of the containers, peeking around the corner to see Roma berate a White Fang member holding a coil of rope.
Roma:No, you idiot! This isn't a leash! (as she's looking around, Blake and Ada suddenly appears behind her with blakes blade at her throat) What the- Oh, for f- (rolls her eyes when she's cut off by Blake mid-swear)
Blake:Nobody move!
The White Fang soldiers ready their guns and equip their swords in response.
Roma:Whoa! Take it easy there, little ladys
As the White Fang closes in on them, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world.
Ada:Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?
Roma: Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?
Blake:What are you talking about?
Roma: The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!
Blake:Tell me what it is, or we'll put an end to your little operation.
Suddenly, the air is filled with more turbines blowing the wind wildly around the holdup.
Roma:(looking up) I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation...
Two more Bullheads are hovering above the heist, and as Blake and ada watch in horror, Roma smiles and manages to fire her cane at Blake and Ada's feet, resulting in a large explosion.
Penny and Ruby turn around upon hearing the noise, seeing the smoke rise from the docking bay just a few buildings away.
Ruby Oh no...
Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolls and runs out of the way of Roma's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind her as she flips and uses her semblance to dodge then retreats behind more containers while gets surrounded by white fang members.
Roma: (approaching slowly) Here, kitty, kitty, kitty... (her taunt is interrupted when a banana peel lands on her head, causing her to toss it aside then look up and growl at the assailant eyes widening)
Sun leaps from the container above Roma and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight.
Sun:Leave her alone!
The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members descend on the scene, standing by Roma as she gets up and surrounding Sun
Meanwhile with Ada is seen surrounded by white fang members as they close in on her
WF: oh man I wonder what reward we'll get for bringing in adams ex lover and sister
Y/n: (off screen) yeah well you can keep wondering
WF: WHAT THE *gets kicked into a wall*
Y/n: sorry I'm late Ada ready to take these mongrels down *activates sharingan*
Ada: *readys crucibal* ready
Y/n and ada then charge forward and cut threw the White Fang Soldiers as ada slashs one soldier in the abdomen as y/n kicks one and slashs the other across the chest as he bends down as ada rolls over your back and slashs downward on another soldier y/n spins his blade in the air and reverts his sheathe into pistol mode and shoots 4 soldiers with electric dust before catching his blade one handed and slashs a fang on the back trying to run away back to ada she is seen cutting threw soldiers left and right before she fires 6 fire dust bullets at some fang as it causes a large explosion knocking out the last few soldiers
Ada: lets hurry back to the others
Y/n: you go on ahead ive got to check something
Ada: alright stay safe *runs to the others
Back with blake and sun
Ruby:(off-screen) Hey!
Ruby appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action.
Roma: (losing interest in Sun, waving) Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime? And where's that cutie of a brother of yours
Penny:(approaching Ruby) Ruby, are these people your friends?
Ruby:(looking behind her) Penny, get back! And DID YOU JUST CALL MY BROTHER CUTE (while her attention is diverted, Roma snarls and fires her cane at her,launching the young Huntress-in-training back from the explosion's force and sending her scythe flying away) AAAAAH!
Roma gives off a professional-level evil laugh at her attack on the young girl.
Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare, walking forward while Ruby tries to get back up.
Ruby:Penny, wait! Stop! (she raises her hand in a futile attempt to stop her)
Penny:Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready!
Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.
Sun:(observing the spectacle in amazement) Whoa! (he runs off to safety)
Ada: thank oum she's on our side.
Three Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pull their wielder back with their strings. When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light. With a punching action, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.
Stunned, she turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.
Ruby:(watching in awe) Woah... How is she doing that?
Seeing the Bullhead's flight fall under Penny's control, Roma grimaces and turns to run towards the last transport.
Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result.
Roma:(watching from the safety of her escape) These kids just keep getting weirder... (with her observation made, she uses her cane to close the doors, and the jet lifts off, flying away from the lost battle)
Later, a handful of police cars are at the docks, where Ruby, Blake, Sun, Ada, and Penny are sitting on boxes in silence. That is, until Weiss and Yang appear on the scene with Tifa and cloud
Ruby:(speaking quickly to explain the situation) Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute... (Weiss ignores her and squares off with Blake)
Blake:(calmly looking her down) Weiss, I want you to know that me and ada are no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when we were with the-
Weiss: Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" (she pauses) Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided...
Yang, Sun, and Ruby look on, worried.
Weiss :I don't care.
Blake/Ada (surprised) You don't care?
Weiss :You said you're not one of them anymore, right?
Blake:No, w-we haven't been since we were younger-
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Still WIP, Contains Mature contentDoes not contain: -Harem ( or any kind of romance)-A fourteen years old magic academy Prodigy -Cultivation of KI, CHI, XI, Mi, HI, or whatever -Wish fulfillment-A Proper professional writing -A perfect Grammer Released at randomChapter length are random(This is a side project, so pelase let me do it at my own pace)
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The Planetfall Generation
A colony ship is sailing through space to an unexplored planet. Shocking data sent through by a few lucky probes launched this quest to the far side of the galaxy. In these images, gargantuan beasts, breathtaking vistas and unbelievable flora crafted by an unknown energy filled the land. The fauna and flora had the magical ability to bend the laws we humans so believed in. The discovery which took it from dream to action was the conjecture from scientists, that humans could also gain these powers. Thus began a new era; After Eden. --------------------------------------------One chapter or more per day. Extra Chapters all week 14.8-19.8 Please enjoy. Vlue
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King's Genesis
A new game, 'Chaos Realms' is released on the eve of the 22nd Century. Its announcement brought skepticism, as the creators claimed it would be the second world for humanity. But all of that doubt was washed away in mere moments. It altered the very bedrock of society. Hundreds of millions of people signed up in mere days, with many more over time. This story, however, is about struggle. One young man's struggle to become the strongest, and how much of his humanity he was willing to sacrifice. But would the game always just be a game? Or would it become something else entirely?
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My Roleplay Server
Given the chance to reincarnate in a world with two wishes, who would say no? Especially when you could live a life you've always wanted. This is supposed to be a relaxed story about a man fulfilling the dreams he couldn't in his first life. There will still be drama and more adult things, but overall it will be pretty chill. The action of the story will come in when he finishes making the server. As of right now, 4/6/2022, it's looking like this is going to be a slower-paced novel. Hopefully, in the future, I can get the pacing downright. This is my first released story, so feel free to give me all your constructive criticism. I do plan on finishing this story. Please point out any mistakes you see. This novel is also on Webnovel and Scribble Hub.
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An A.I Is Such A Cheat In The Martial World!
Ed Sullivan gets transported into Cesar Fang when he dies. But he is not alone. He has a super A.I named Jasmine along with a heavenly treasure with him! In this new world, humans are at war against Desolate Beasts that dominate the planet! With his knowledge, his A.I, and heavenly treasure, nothing will stop him from reaching the top!This novel is a mix of Against The Gods/I Shall Seal The Heavens/Warlock Of The Magus World with a main focus on True Martial World. It also has a focus in Science and Science Fiction. There will be Alchemy, Forging, Relic making (From TMW), and Science stuff. This is my first novel. It will be 18+ Enjoy!
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မြေခွေးရှစ်တိနှင့်ဗီလိန်ရှစ်ရှုန်း || ဘာသာပြန်
Author: ကျွေ့ယို့ဟဲဖန်Total: 118Chapters+4Extrasမိတ်ဆက်စာသား:"ဇာတ်ကြောင်းပြန်လည်ရေးသားပြီးသော် အဓိကဇာတ်ဆောင်ရောင်ဝါကားပြန်ရောက်လာခဲ့ပေ၏။"အဓိကဇာတ်ကောင်: ရှုလင်ကျား|| မင်းသား: ကျင်းဖေးထုန်။This is just a fan translation. I translated this from Chinese(mtl) to Myanmar. All credits to Original Author.Start Date: 5.2.2022.
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