《The silver sharingan warrior》V1 Chapter 2 The shining beacon
The opening ends to a view of several ships carrying students and docking at the entrance of the school. As soon as one lands, Jaune Arc emerges and goes over to the nearest trash can, hunching over it as he loses his lunch. Ruby Y/n and Yang, alongside several other students, walk out of the ship and head down the paved path to the front of the school.
Ruby/yang: (as they take in the entirety of Beacon Academy) Wow...
Y/n: "once you've seen it as much as i do it loses its luster"
Yang: The view from Vale's got nothing on this!
Ruby: (getting so excited she becomes a 2-D, starry-eyed, floating chibi) Ohmygosh, sis! That kid's got a collapsible staff! And she's got a fire sword! (she tries getting closer, but Yang pulls her sister by the hood back into realistic proportions) Ow! Ooww!
Y/n: do you have a weapon fetish i should know about
Ruby: ew thats filth!!!
Yang: Easy there, little sister. They're just weapons
Y/n: hear we go if you guys need me ill be around *walks off screen*
Ruby: Just weapons'? They're an extension of ourselves! They're a part of us! Oh, they're so cool!
Yang: Well, why can't you swoon over your own weapon? Aren't you happy with it?
Ruby: (transforming her weapon into its scythe form) Of course I'm happy with Crescent Rose! I just really like seeing new ones. It's like meeting new people, but better…
Yang: (playfully pushing her sister's hood down over her face) Ruby, come on, why don't you go try and make some friends of your own?
Ruby(taking off her hood) But… why would I need friends if I have you?
Yang: Well… (in a flash, a group of other students surround Yang and they all dash down the road) Actually, my friends are here. Gotta go catch up. 'Kay, see ya, bye!
Ruby:(spinning and dizzy-eyed from Yang's sudden leaving) Wait, where are you going?! Are we supposed to go to our dorms? Where are our dorms? Do we have dorms? (stopping for a moment, still reeling) I don't know what I'm doing…
Ruby falls backwards into a luggage cart, sending cases flying. Someone is standing over her.
What are you doing?!
Ruby:(getting up on her hands) Uh, sorry!
Weiss:Sorry?! Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused?
Ruby(holding a case) Uuhhh…
WeissGive me that! (she snatches the luggage from Ruby and opens it to reveal its twinkling-sounding contents) This is Dust - mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!
Weiss: What are you, brain-dead? (holding out a vial of red Dust and shutting the case) ! Fire, water, lightning, energy!RubyI… I know… (starts coughing from the Dust pouring into her face)
Weiss:Are you even listening to me? Is any of this sinking in? What do you have to say for yourself?!
Ruby, who had been receiving more and more Dust to her face, finally sneezes, which erupts into a full-blown explosion of flame, snowflakes, and electricity right onto Weiss as y/n walks over with his hands behind his head with a red haired girl behind him. The bottle she had been holding flies over the courtyard and at the feet of Blake Belladonna, who picks it up and notices the Schnee Dust Company logo on the side as she reads from a book and looks over at the scene.
Y/n: well well well look who it is
Weiss: *turns her head and see you* YOU!!! WHY ARE YOU HERE
Y/n: to become a huntsman what are you doing here
Weiss: and who's that girl behind you
???: my name is ada Tarsus
Character profile
Ada Taurus
Height: 6'0
Semblance: discharge allows ada to absorb aura from her enemies attacks and send out powerful slashs from her sword crucible
Back to the story
Weiss: *looks back to Ruby* DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO I AM
Ruby:(finally fed up) Hey, I said I was sorry, princess!
Blake:(off screen, entering the conversation) It's heiress, actually. (Ruby and Weiss look over as Blake approaches with the bottle) Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.
Ada: The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners.
Weiss(getting angry again as Ruby chuckles and y/n laughs) Wha- How dare- The nerve of… Ugh! (gets up in Blake's face and takes the bottle from her, walking off in a huff and a glare at y/n as he winks at her as her helpers gather the luggage and follow)
Ruby:(to the storming Weiss, still sorry) I promise I'll make this up to you! (sighs) I guess I'm not the only one having a rough first day… So, what's… (sees Blake and ada walking off as well and y/n's dissaperance, then collapses to the ground on her back) Welcome to Beacon… (she remains this way until a shadow comes over her)
Jaune(holding out his hand) Hey… I'm Jaune.Ruby(taking his hand)
Ruby. (stands up) Aren't you the guy that threw up on the ship?
————Beacon inside the walls are filled with scenic trees, arching architecture, and a winding road alongside a river, down which Ruby and Jaune are walking.
Jaune:All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!
Ruby(laughing) Look, I'm sorry! Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to mind.
Jaune:Oh, yeah? What if I called you Crater Face?
Ruby:Hey, that explosion was an accident!
Jaune:Well, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls off the tongue - ladies love it!
Ruby: (skeptic) Do they?
Jaune :They will! Well, I-I hope they will. My mom always says that… Never mind.
Ruby:(giggles before a short, awkward silence falls) So… I got this thing! (she pulls out Crescent Rose and stabs it into the ground)JauneWhoa! Is that a scythe?
Ruby:,It's also a customizable high-impact sniper rifle!
Y/n: its also a gun
Jaune and ruby are frightened by your sudden appearance and jump back
Ruby: *pout* big brother stop dissapering so much its annoying
Y/n: sorry lil sis well I was on my way to the auditorium follow me
Jaune: thanks man
Y/n: "so this is that arc guy ozpin was talking about he may not look like much but I can sense great potential in him"
Yang: (waving) Ruby! Y/n! Over here! I saved you a spot!
Ruby:(to Jaune) Oh! Hey, I-I gotta go! I'll see you after the ceremony! (leaves)
Jaune:Hey, wait! (sighs) Ah, great. Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?! And a super cool ninja guy (he moves on to reveal Pyrrha Nikos standing behind him, hand on her hips as she watches him walk away.)
Pyrrha: "ninja guy could he mean y/n"
Yang (once Ruby joins her, arms crossed) How's your first day going, little sister?
Ruby You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?
Yang Yikes! Meltdown already?
Ruby No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school! And there was some fire, and I think some ice...?
Yang:(smiling broadly) Are you being sarcastic?
Y/n: no like she actually went kaboom out front
Ruby:(scoffs as the camera pans around to reveal Weiss right next to her) I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage, and then she yelled at me, and then I sneezed, and then I exploded, and then she yelled at me again, and I felt really, really bad, and I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!
Ruby(quickly jumping into her sister's arms) Oh, God, it's happening again!
Weiss:You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!
Yang(deadpan) Oh my God, you really exploded.
Y/n: oh really what gave it away
Ruby:It was an accident. (getting down; to Weiss) It was an accident! (Weiss holds up a pamphlet titled "DUST for dummies and other Inadequate Individuals" to Ruby) What's this?
Weiss:(listing off policies to a clueless and horrified Ruby, going faster and higher pitched with each word) The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product. Although not mandatory, the Schnee Family highly encourages their customers to read and familiarize themselves with this easy to follow guide to Dust applications and practices in the field.
Weiss:You really wanna start making things up to me?
Weiss:(handing the pamphlet to Ruby) Read this, and don't ever speak to me again.
Y/n: harsh much ice queen
Yang:Look, uh, it sounds like you two just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over and try to be friends, okay?
Ruby:(putting the pamphlet away) Yeah! Great idea, sis! (holding out her hand as she clears her throat) Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!
Weiss:(seemingly enthusiastic) Yeah! And we can paint our nails and try on clothes and talk about cute boys, like tall, dark, and handsome here!
Y/n: you think I'm handsome well your absolutely breath taking
Weiss: *blushing* s shut up BAKA!!!
Ruby:Wow, really?!
Weiss(dead silence under her glare)
The girls' attention is drawn to the stage, where Professor Ozpin is readying the microphone, with Glynda beside him.
Ozpin:I'll… keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. (as the students whisper among themselves) You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step.
Glynda:(as Ozpin leaves, she steps up to talk) You will gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed.
Yang:He seemed kind of… off.
Ruby:It's almost like he wasn't even there.
Y/n: you could say that
Jaune:(approaching Weiss from the side) I'm a natural blond, you know!
Weiss puts her hand to her face in exasperation.
The first night at Beacon, students are splayed out in sleeping bags.
Ruby, in her pajamas and with a sleeping mask around her head, is writing in a journal when Yang crashes next to her, similarly dressed.
Yang:It's like a big slumber party!
Ruby(not looking up) I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though.
YangI know do! (purrs as she watches several muscular, shirtless guys… and Jaune, dressed in feetie pajamas, waving to her, which makes her groan before she returns her attention to Ruby) What's that?
Ruby:A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.
Yang:Aw, that's so ! (knocked back as a pillow is launched at her face)
As yang says this y/n walks into the room in his black shorts with his parents family emblem on the right thigh as every girl looks at him and blushs madly
Y/n then walks up to a blushing ada and Blake
Y/n: hey mind if I sleep here my sister's are kinda noisy
Blake: n n n no problem right ada *looks at ada*
Adas mind:
Blake: hello earth to ada
Ada: *snaps out of fantasy* huh oh uh yeah sure
Y/n: thanks *places sleeping bag down and falls asleep*
At this moment in time yang drags ruby over to the red and black faunus duo and sleeping y/n
Yang(singing) Hel-looooo! I believe you three may know each other?Blake:Aren't you… that girl that exploded?
Ruby:Uh, yeah! My name's Ruby! But you can just call me Crater… (smiles, embarrassed) Actually, you can just call me Ruby.
Yang:(as Ruby laughs uncomfortably) Nice night, don't you think?
Blake:Yes - it's lovely! Almost as lovely as this book! (Ruby and Yang stand there) That I will continue to read. (Ruby and Yang continue standing) As soon as you leave!
Yang:(to Ruby) Yeah, this girl's a lost cause.
Ruby:(to Blake) What's it about?Blake(surprised) Huh?RubyYour book. Does it have a name?
Blake:Well… i-it's about a man with two souls, each fighting for control over his body.
Yang:(sarcastically) Oh, yeah... That's real lovely!
Ruby:I love books. Yang used to read to me every night before bed. Stories of heroes and monsters… They're one of the reasons I want to be a Huntress!
Ada: thats very ambitious for a child
Blake:Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale.
Ruby:Well, that's why we're here! To make it better.
Yang:Oh, I am so proud of my baby sister! (hugs Ruby into the air)
Ruby:(kicking out) Cut it out! (the forced sisterly bonding evolves into a dust cloud of fighting limbs and flying stars)
As this is going on y/n gets up and walks out the door with a sad look which didn't go unnoticed by Ada who follows
Blake:(laughing slightly) Well, Ruby, Yang, it's a pleasure to ha-
Weiss:(storming onto the scene in her own pajamas as Ruby traps Yang's leg) What in the world is going on over here?! Don't you realize some of us are trying to sleep?
Weiss and Yang(at the sight of each other) Oh, not you again!
Ruby:Shh! Guys, she's right! People are trying to sleep!
Weiss:Oh, now you're on my side!
Ruby:I was always on your side!
Yang:Yeah, what's your problem with my sister? She's only trying to be nice!
Weiss:She's a hazard to my health!
Blake, who rolls her eyes at the fight, simply closes her book, reaches over to grab her candle, and blows it out, enveloping the scene in black it then lights up to show y/n outside kneeling while looking up at the stars
Y/n: *hold necklace and emits a f/c aura into it* hey Cinder I got into Beacon like we always wanted.......yang and ruby are here and it would be really great if you were here too I hope you my Semblance can bring this message to you and that you've gotten my other ones I promise we will see each other again see ya soon fire fly
Ada: "he misses his friend.........wait.. why do I care about this human so much I'll have to sleep on this to clear my head" *walks back into ballroom* as the end credits play
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