《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Howl


I woke up in a cage. No really. I woke up in a freaking cage. Immediately, I knew this was Annabeth's doing. I scanned my surroundings and soon realized where I was: in a holding cell at Camp Half-Hell. Oops I mean Half Blood. Actually? Not I don't. I stood up and started pacing.

'Tough life in paradise?' A male voice asked in my head.

'This isn't even close to paradise,' I growl back. 'Who are you even?"

'I'm Loner. I was given to you by Lady Artemis," he replied.

'What are you? And what do you mean given to me?' I ask.

'I'm a wolf spirit. My physical form was killed by mortal hunters about a week ago. Lady Artemis took my soul from my body before I could be reincarnated and stored me in her mind. Later, she gave me to you saying that it may be necessary to save your life soon,' he replied.

'Wait. So I'm a werewolf?' I ask scared.

'No. You are a wolf spirit, meaning you can shift into a wolf and have conversations with me. You're more like a shape shifter than a werewolf,' Loner explained.


For a short while, we stayed in a comfortable silence. I was still pacing in the cage when Loner growled in my head.

'What is it?' I ask.

'Group of people coming in on your right. The person leading them is female with blond hair and grey eyes,' Loner reported.

'Annabeth,' I growled.

'They've stopped.'

I stopped pacing and whipped my head toward Annabeth and let out a feral snarl.

"What-exactly-were you thinking?" I growled out.

"I was thinking that you need to come home," Annabeth answered.

Probably to her greatest surprise, I laughed. I laughed so hard there were tears in my eyes and I was clutching my stomach. When I finally calmed down, I looked at her.

"That's funny, because this isn't my home," I said.

"What do you mean? Of course this is your home! You practically grew up here! You had so many friends and you had a family-," Annabeth started but I cut her off.

"I had a family that threw me out like yesterday's trash," I said.

She gaped at me. I knew I had bested her. I also knew that she would keep trying to win.

"And your family is getting you back," she retorts.


"I already have a family that's better than any you guys could give me," I replied.

"That's funny, because when I found you, you were at the hunters' camp," She said with a smug expression on her face. Ha. She thought she got me. I gave her a 'Really?' look.

"I thought you were smart. You found me at the hunters' camp because they are my family. They are my sisters and you took me away from them. And now, you shall pay," I snarled.

Annabeth took a step back. That's right. Fear me.

"I told that idiot brother of yours to send a message for me. Did it not reach its destination?" I asked giving a pointed look at Malcolm.

I saw that his face was pale as a sheet. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He was paler than Nico! I resisted the urge to laugh my head off when he began to stutter.

"I-I s-swear th-that I g-got y-your m-message t-to c-c-camp. Sh-she w-was a-al-already on a q-quest," he stuttered, sounding absolutely terrified.

Ah. I guess I can't kill him now. Too bad.

"I guess I can't get mad at you then. You better thank your lucky stars then, Malcolm. Because when I'm mad at someone, there is no escaping my wrath," I said. Malcolm let out a sigh of relief. But I wasn't through with him yet. "Don't think your off the hook. You flirted with Phoebe. I still have a reason to cause bodily harm to you," I continued.

Malcolm stiffened. He nodded so fast, I thought his head might fall off. Again, I resisted the urge to laugh.

'This is hilarious,' Loner told me.

'That it is,' I reply.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked, breaking me out of my thoughts. I know that she didn't know what was going on and I knew she hated it. She hates not knowing stuff.

"Malcolm here was on a quest to find me. When my sister told him not to lie to me, because he had, he started flirting with her. Thalia warned him against it because I tend to cause bodily harm to people who flirt with my sisters," I explained, annoyed.

"Why are you so annoyed with me?" She all but yelled the question at me.

"You broke my heart, turned the entirety of the camp against me, and took me away from my new family. Why wouldn't I be annoyed with you?" I shouted back.


"Because I want you back," she said.

"And I don't want you back. I am a Hunter of Artemis. I have sworn off live, and I will never betray my oath," I growled out. "You know what? You can have the dam ring. I have no reason to keep it."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ring I was going to propose to her with and threw it at her. She caught it and placed it on her right ring finger. I growled at her. Annabeth took a couple steps toward me. Bad idea girlie. I snarled at her, causing her to take another step back. I continued to snarl and growl at her. I felt my canines elongate but I just ignored it. I knew what was happening to me. It was just my wolf spirit reacting to my anger.

Annabeth scrambled back in fear of me. She gasped as I grabbed the bars of the cage with my bare hands and ripped them apart with my wolf strength and my hunter strength combined. I stepped out and stalked toward her.

"You have no right to say you love me," I spat out before turning toward the forest and ran away from the entire camp to let my wolf out.

I soon reached the woods and shifted. How, I have no idea. I guess I was so angry that it was instinct. I ran through the forest until I reached Jersey. I looked up into the sky and saw the full moon. I whipped my head back and howled the long and sad howl of a wolf with a missing family.

If I knew the hunters as well as I do, then they will come to check out the howl. And I was correct.

Five minutes later, two dozen girls clad in silver came into the clearing. I immediately recognized Thalia, Zoë, Phoebe, Kinzie, Rosy, Ginger, Kiana, Layla, Sydney, Silvia, Jolene, Natalia, Reina, Sasha, Mia, MayLee, Alissa, Riley, and Taylor. There were five other girls that I didn't recognize.

"Ah, isn't he adorable," Thalia cooed.

"Thals, it's me," I mind linked her.

She gasped aloud. "Percy?"

"That's me."

"How are you a wolf?"

"Artemis gave me the spirit of a wolf. Now I'm something known as a wolf spirit," I said. Thalia gasped. I didn't know what was wrong, but I chose to ignore it for now. "Can you get me some clothes? I have a feeling I ripped mine when I shifted."

"Layla, go get a pair of Percy's clothes," Thalia said, never taking her eyes off me. Layla ran in the direction of camp and came back minutes later with a set of clothes in her hand. She handed the clothing to Thalia and she handed them to me. I took the clothes in my mouth and darted behind a tree. I shifted back to human form with a little help from Loner. I slipped my clothes on and stepped back out in front of the girls.

Thalia, Zoë and Phoebe ran at me and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank the gods Percy! We were worried about you!" Phoebe said.

"Ah I'm fine."

Who is this?" One of the newbies asked.

"Who's asking?" I ask.

"Sherlock," the girl replied sarcastically.

"Nice to meet you Sherlock," I replied. The girl pulled her bow out and aimed at me.

"Who the Hades are you?" She asked, her voice tight.

"Who the Hades is asking?" I replied. She fired the arrow.

Quick as lightning, I had my bow out, an arrow notched. I fired and it split through the girl's arrow, embedding itself in a tree less than a centimeter from her head. I watched as she flinched.

"First off, you are a Hunter of Artemis. Never show fear unless it's your strategy. Second, I am Percy Jackson, and I will be your trainer in many things at camp. Third, I have had a really bad day, so I would appreciate it if you would refrain from pissing me off further. Now. Who are you?" I demanded.

"Ashley Night, daughter of Demeter."

Nice to meet you. Who are you four?" I say, directing the question at the other four newbies.

"Mariana Reed, daughter of Ares."

"Kyra Young, daughter of Hebe."

"Lyla Pierce, daughter of Phobos."

"Name's Rae Blaze, daughter of Hephaestus."

"Nice to meet all of you. Now I believe we have some catching up to do. Where's Artemis?"

"I'm here, Percy," Artemis said as she stepped to the front of the crowd. "Do you like my gift?"

I smiled wide. "Oh yes."

Artemis chuckled. "Well, now that we're all here, how about we eat."

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