《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》You're It


Thalia, Phoebe, and I continued on our walk. We laughed and joked and pretended that the whole 'choose love or sisters' thing never happened.

"Ok ok. I got another one for you. What's wrong with Apollo, Aeolus, and Zeus?" I said.

"You have got to be the only person on earth that's not afraid to insult the gods," Phoebe said, chuckling.

"I don't know. What's wrong with them?" Thalia asked.

"Apollo's not the brightest, Aeolus is a total airhead, and Zeus's brain is clouded," I say.

The girls burst out laughing.

"How do you come up with such stupid puns?" Thalia said.

"I dunno. It's a talent of mine I guess," I say.

"Then we have a very talented little brother," Phoebe answered.

"That you do."

"So twenty questions time," Thalia said. "Percy, who do you miss the most from Camp Half Blood?"

I shoulda known this was coming. I thought on that for a minute.

"Leo," I finally decided.

"Why?" Phoebe asked.

"Because he always knew how to make someone smile with his corny jokes and sense of humor. I'm not gonna say that it was all that good, but he could seriously make someone smile." I say.

The girls nodded. "Ok my turn," I say. "Phoebe, what is your favorite thing about me?"

"My favorite thing about you is your competitive spirit. I finally have someone that doesn't mind having a little fun with me!" She answered.

"Thalia, what is the best part of being Artemis's lieutenant?" Phoebe and I asked at the same time.

"That's not creepy at all," Thalia muttered under her breath, sarcasm laced throughout her words.

"The best part is being able to boss all of you around!" She shouted.


"Hey!" Phoebe and I said at the same time.

"Stop doing that!" Thalia shouted.

Ok. Time to come clean. I've been using my mind reading ability to find out what Phoebe is about to say and when she is going to say it, so I can make this whole thing really creepy for Thalia. Phoebe knows my scheme.

"We're not doing anything," we say.

"Yes you are say something random."

"Lady Artemis," Phoebe and I say.

"Ok, I'm getting tired of this," Thalia says. "Percy, stop reading Phoebe's mind."

"Ahhhhh! You always ruin all the fun!" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Not my problem," she answers.

"How about we stop playing 20 questions. We already know just about everything about each other anyway," Phoebe says.

"True," Thalia says. Just for my own enjoyment, I say it with her.

"Perseus!" the girls roar.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop. Unless we come across a camper from my past. Then we can freak them out together," I say.

The girls look at one another. "Deal," they say.

A satisfied smirk appeared on my face. If any experienced camper I knew dared to mess with me, they would be sorry. I would not only freak them out along with my sisters, but I would make sure they would pay quite severely for what they had done to me. I would let them live - oh yes. But only to deliver a message for me: stay away, or face my wrath.

My fatal flaw is loyalty. But I am only loyal to my friends. The campers are not my friends. It's as simple as that.

"So. I'm bored. What do you want to do?" Thalia says.

"Tag you're it!" I shouted, tapping her on the shoulder. Then I bolted away as fast as I could, Phoebe right at my heels.


"Hey!" Thalia exclaimed before running after us. I let out a laugh as I came across a pond. I dove in. I found that the pond was 10 feet deep and there was a cave at the bottom. I swam into the cave and watched.

Phoebe soon ran up to the edge of the pond and looked into it. I could see her lips moving, indicating that she was speaking, but I couldn't hear her. I only knew she was it when she dove in and I read her mind.

'I know you're in here, Percy. Come out. You can't hide forever,' she was thinking.

I quickly swam out of the cave and shot out of the water like a torpedo. Call me crazy. I panicked. The last thing I saw before the water spit me up was her triumphant expression. I was confused until I reached the surface and found Thalia waiting at the shore. Only then did I realize I was being tricked.

"Tag. I win," Thalia said as she tapped my shoulder.

"Cheater! You used Phoebe to trick me!" I said.

"There were no rules against it," Thalia said pointedly.

I was about to reply when Phoebe burst through the surface of the pond. She crawled out of the water and looked at me expectantly.

"Dry me off, would you, little brother," she said.

I grinned evilly. "No."

She looked shocked. "Please Perseus," she said.

"Fine," I said.

"Thank you!" she said gratefully.

"If you catch me first!" I said and bolted off.

"Why you little snitch!" Phoebe said before running after me.

I ran, weaving in and out of trees. I could sense Phoebe behind me, but I was determined to lose her. I ran into a clearing then back out of it again. I climbed a tree and watched as Phoebe entered the clearing. I watched as she looked around. Then I climbed back down as quietly as I could and bolted back to the clearing where we were planning on setting up camp and set my tent up.

I climbed inside my tent and waited for the girls to come back.

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