《Percy Jackson: Hunter of Artemis》Join the Hunt


I watched the daughter of Hades as she followed the Hunters into the camp cautiously. She and her friends gathered around the camp fire and sat on one of the many logs surrounding the area. I could tell they were nervous by the way they squeezed one another's hands tight. Their eyes flickered from side to side, seemingly aware of all the weapons hidden in multiple places. We kept them there just in case.

I could sense multiple magic items in this area. Rosy had a charm bracelet that turned into a 7 foot spear. In either form, anyone who touched it would recieve anything from a small shock to being killed by a shock with as much force as a lightning bolt. It all depended on what mood she was in. She also had a distress call. A distress call is a little object given by a god to a hero to use in any time of need.

Kayla had a crown that made nature stand to protect her. It was a tiny circlet, much smaller than that of a Hunter's. It was not hidden; it was in plain sight. But I could sence that only Kayla or her mother could activate the magic. The other item she carried was far more important. Although it looked like a small hair clip holding her hair back, it was a powerful weapon, cleverly consealed. But not clever enough for my new found power. The clip transformed into a dagger known as Apolithó̱ or petrify. It was named this because anyone she struck with the dagger would instantly turn to stone.

But again, the child of Hades seemed to have the flashiest item. Consealed as a simple beanie, was a replica of the Helm of Darkness. I could tell that the real thing was ten times stronger than this one, but that was enough. My deepest fears were being called forth. I could push the feeling back now though. This replica was not as powerful as the original.


"Just a heads up, the girls all have magical items. Rosy has an electric spear-bracelet thingy and a distress call, Kayla has a crown that calls upon nature to protect her and her hair pin is actually Apolithó̱. Oh, and Ginger has a less powerful replica of the Helm of Darkness, no doubt on the orders of her father, Hades," I told Thalia through the mind link her and I share. Artemis had given this to us because Thalia was her lieutenant and I had powers that exceded everyone else's. I could detect the immortal parent of any demigod by looking at them and I know whatever magical items they posses and what they can do. I know whether or not the demigods know how to use their powers yet. And I also can read their immediate thoughts, knowing what someone was going to do before they did it. It helped a lot on missions and with newcomers, so Artemis gave us the blessing.

"Thanks Waterboy," she said.

"No problem Pineneedle," I said calling her by the nickname I created for her. I didn't like calling her Pinecone Face, her face looks nothing like a pinecone and besides, it's just plain disrespectful. And I am not disrespectful to my sisters in arms.

I closed the link with Thalia and watched the events play out. The girls continued talking to the newbies. The newbies did not seem happy with some news they were given. They started yelling out insults and called the hunters nasty names.

I saw an arrow appear right by my head: the signal that they needed me about now. I readied my bow and sent an arrow flying. As quick as lightning I had eight more arrows raining down towards the newbies. The arows struck their clothing and pinned them to the trees.


"Nobody messes with my sisters and gets away with it," I said as I leapt from my tree and walked leisurely toward the girls. I waved to my sisters and turned to the newbies. I walked over to Ginger and yanked off her beanie. I went to Rosy and, using my powers over water so that the electricity wouldn't harm me, I removed her bracelet and her locket (which happened to be the distress call). I went over to Kayla and removed her circlet and hair clip. With the arrows holding them back, they could not stop me as I took their magic items.

"Who are you?" Ginger asked.

"Why did you take our stuff?" Rosy growled.

"Why is there a guy in an all out girls club?" Kayla asked.

"Who I am is none of your buisness, I took your stuff because they could seriously harm my dear sisters as they are magic, and I am a Hunter of Artemis. The first male to join since Orion," I answered, bored, as if I had to answer these questions a lot. Which I did, every time a new recruit comes along.

The newbies looked at me skeptically, obviously not believing my tale. "If you don't believe me, just say so and I will prove it," I say, annoyed.

"Show us then, Hunter of Artemis. Prove to us that you are who you say to be," Ginger said, trying to act brave, but I could see her eyes flicker with fear as I looked upon her.

Suddenly, I was glowing silver with the blessing of Artemis. The tint of silver that had swirled in my sea green eyes since I joined the Hunt started to glow brightly. The mark of Artemis, a bow and arrow crossed over a moon, glowed on my sholder, with multiple incantations in Ancient Greek ran up and down my arms. I had never told anyone of these tatoos I got when I joined. They seriously creeped me out. I didn't know what they were or what they meant, but I knew that they meant something and it scared me to think what they could mean. I knew I should tell Artemis about them, but I couldn't work up enough courage to show her.

"Is that enough proof for you?" I questioned the new comers. They nodded their heads furiously, obviously scared out of their minds. I didn't need to be a mind reader to know this.

I walked back to my tree and decided to sleep there for the night. I climbed up onto the scouting deck I had up there. The Hunters knew not to disturb me unless it was an emergency, so I know someone wouldn't try to find me. Even if they did just look through the tree, its branches grew so closely together that it was impossible to see through it. From the outside that is. If you're on the inside, you'd know that you could see through the tree limbs like they weren't there. It was an enchantment I had asked Artemis to place on the tree and she wholeheartedly complied.

I took of my jacket and stared at the still glowing tattoos. For the first time since I joined, I understood some of the incantations. They weren't really incantations at all. They were prophecies.

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