《Date A Live (the second flame spirit)》The Beach


It is currently morning time, with both Shido and (y/n) in a room talking about his next move. Not only that but (y/n) was changing into swim trunks trying to get his mind off of what happened last night.

(Now for anyone who agrees with me when I say....... you will never forget something like that.... especially if your close to getting laid)

"So what was with all the noise last night?"- Shido

"I don't want to talk about it!!!"- (y/n)

"Okay okay I'm sorry."- Shido

"No I'm sorry I didn't mean to bite your head off. But, if I'm going to be straight with you I'm starting to see what you go through with Tohka and Origami."- (y/n)

"😓 That bad huh?"- Shido

"Yeah, at least the beach will be a nice change of past so what's Reine's plan?"- (y/n)

"She's going to give the two of them ear peaces so she can control what they do. And you'll have one too so all you have to do it pretend you don't know about them."- Shido

"Oh okay I can do this."- (y/n)

He might of said that but at the back of his mind he was having serious doubts about the whole thing. Cause come tomorrow he's going to have to choose one of them to disappear, anyone would be down knowing that. Plus he couldn't stop thinking about what happened all last night, why where they acting so different then normal?

"Are you okay man, you know you can tell me anything right."- Shido

"** Honestly dude, I'm not 100% sure I can do this. This whole deciding who gets delivered die thing, I can't do that to any of them."- (y/n)

"Hey now come on. Remember what you told me, you said you did this because of me (y/n) when I heard that I was ready to try and convince you to not do this. But, you convinced me to let you do this if you haven't noticed I can be pretty stubborn at times when there's only two options. If you managed to do that I'm sure whatever you choose next will be the right thing. And whatever you choose I'll support you full on, after all your like the brother I've never had."- Shido

"Awe, thanks man.... you know what I want to try something."- (y/n)

(Y/n) stands up and summons his sword sword and holds it by the holy upside down and holds it out to Shido.


"Your giving me your sword?"- Shido

"What no, this is like a brotherhood thing knights used to do. My hand starts first and then you put yours on top of mine."- (y/n)

Doing as he said Shido grabs hold of the hilt then (y/n) puts his other hand on it. There was no more room for Shido to put his other hand on it so he just put his hand on the ending of the hilt.

"From this day forward you Shido Itsuka and I (y/n) Cancio are now brothers by the sword. We will fight together and honor each other as the years go by, for this oath is unbreakable, and to break this oath is to break our bond. Do you except?"- (Y/N)

"I do."- Shido

"Now to seal it we both need to slam the sword into the ground."- (y/n)

"Right."- Shido

And with that the both of them slammed the sword into the ground and their brotherhood was formed.

Okay (y/n), you can do this! Yes yes yes yes you can win! You feel great you can do this aaaaaaaaah!!!"- (y/n)

'What are you doing?'- Reine

"I uhh-uhh..... nothing."- (y/n)

'Really cause it sounded like you were chanting to yourself.'- Reine

"... Okay maybe a little but, can you blame me?"- (y/n)

'Possibly, I just wanted to tell you that the girls are almost done changing and on there way. Just remember I'm telling them what to do.'- Renie

Okay just breath. I don't get why I'm so nervous, oh wait it's cause I'm scared of what 1 of these 2 will do as soon as they get here or what Renie will tell them. Frankly I'm still thinking about what happened last night, seriously what the hell was that all about. Probably should of kept my mind mouth shut cause here they come and all I have to say is...

"Ah-ha so this is where you've been hiding out (y/n)."- Kaguya

"Discovery, I have found you (y/n)."- Yuzuru

Holy hell they look so sexy!!! What am I saying calm down (y/n) just breath, stick to the plan. Compliment them on this computer go from there, honestly why am I even freaking out I've seen them both na-yaaaah okay stop right there.

"Hey girls man those swim suits look great on you. Black is a great color for you Kaguya, and Yuzuru who knew white would look so good on you."- (y/n)

"** yeah you better believe it!"- Kaguya


"Acknowledgement, thank you for saying such kind words."- Yuzuru

The 2 of them turned their backs to speak into a ear peace. I'm guessing Renie is telling them what to do and after a second or two they turned back around and pulled out Sunblock. Wait where did they get sunblock, wait where did they even keep it their in swimsuits!?

"(Y/n) can you put Divine protection from the miasma of light on my body?"- Kaguya

"What?"- (y/n)

"Request, will you please put sunblock onto me?"- Yuzuru

"Okay now that I understood."- (y/n)

Okay so far so good the 3 of us walked off on the beach to fine a place where we can set up. Where they can take off there tops....and I can rub their bodies.....with sunblock.....


Anyway we finally found a nice spot and they both took off their tops and I faced the other way until they told me to look.

"Okay now (y/n) I'm turning my back to you with full trust don't let me down."- Kaguya

"Yeah already."- (y/n)

I put some sunblock on my hand and rubbed some on my other I walked over to Kaguya and touched her back.

"Aaaaaaah *"- Kaguya

"😳S-sorry is that cold?"- (y/n)

"N-no it's fine don't stop keep going."- Kaguya

Doing as she said I started to rub her back again and, which was met with more moaning and her moving a little which causes my hand to slipand get a hand full of her breast. And before anyone starts to judge me saying "how did my hand slip?" keep in mind my hands are covered in sunblock so it's pretty slippery.

"H-hey (y/n) what are you doing don't touch there!"- Kaguya

"Sorry!!"- (y/n)

"Frustration, what about me (y/n)?"- Yuzuru

"Oh right."- (y/n)

I moved over to Yuzuru and was going to do her back but she turned over giving me a full view of her chest and oh my god I was frozen. And the fact that she was doing a pose you would see on a hug pillow didn't help me at all!

"Request, (Y/n) I want you to do my front first actually."- Yuzuru

"R-right...h-here I go."- (y/n)

I got a little more sunblock and rubbed my hands together again and touched her sides first causing her to moan and twitch a bit. I moved my hands are a bit more on her stomach until I stop and was close to her breast. Yuzuru was breathing heavily and took hold of one of my arms looking right at me with a blush and one of my hands on her shoulder and the other her side.

"D-don't stop ** please keep going. You... you can touch them if you have to."- Yuzuru

"Y-yuzuru I don't k-know about."- (y/n)

Before I can finish Kaguya called for me and I looked over at her and saw she was sitting up with her own breast out but she was lightly blushing covering them with one arm looking at me.

"C-come here and do my legs.... p-please?"- Kaguya

'What is going on, not this shit again!!'- (y/n)

I stopped what I was doing to Yuzuru and moved over to Kaguya. I mean it helped a little that she wasn't looking but not really cause I was pretty much rubbing her leg but I wasn't that close to her. Sadly though I still heard a light moan and...this is where it gets weird cause I didn't notice it at first but Kaguya was actually scooting a little bit closer to me. Right to the point where my hands are right on her thighs, even so that's not even the worst thing that's happening right now. You see from someone else's stand points and mine as well me and her are perfectly lined up to where...to where I'm.... I'm essentially in between her 2 legs.

Hey hey I didn't want this okay and I'm just now currently hearing from Renie, the sunblock thing was her idea. But Yuzuru turning over and wanting me to rub her front wasn't her idea seriously what going on with these 2!? I felt Kaguya put one of her hands on my face so I can look at her.

"(Y/n)... there's something I want...... I want to tell you that I.....that I."- Kaguya

My heart was racing like a mile a minute right now. what is she going to say? Why is she doing this? I was hopping to get my answers until Yuzuru tackled her and kinda knocked me away to. So now Yuzuru has Kaguya pinned down and was looking at me.

"Counter attack, (y/n) hurry and do my back."- Yuzuru

"Hey back off he wasn't done with me!"- Kaguya

Kaguya flips them over so now she's on top and Yuzuru is on the bottom. And then again and again and again it's like a game of cat and mouse and seeing that they're going back to normal a bit, I finally got some time to collect my thoughts and calm myself down.

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