《Touch Me》19. Behind The Curtain Part 2


"Susie, if you could leave us alone." He looked at Susie expectedly.

Susie looked back at him knowingly.

What the hell ?

She lifted herself on her toes and kissed him on the cheeks. Before she left, she gave me one long glance. It felt as if she were sorry to be in here.

My mind was spinning.

It was jumbled up with prom, Susie unexpectedly showing up, my spontaneous anger that made me want her to blow me, Juliet witnessing it - fuck Juliet ! No,no she had to know the truth.

I felt nothing for that bitch. And now Oliver showing up unexpectedly.

I couldn't breathe.

When she left, I looked at him angrily, " Why the fuck is she here Oliver ?"

Oliver walked over the room and plopped himself on the couch.

He laid back and took a long look at me. Suddenly out of the bloom, he started laughing.

The more he laughed, the more I wanted to rip his mouth off and shove it up his ass. Getting fed up with his ludicrous behaviour, I asked him again.

This time more firmly.

" Oliver what the fuck is happening here ?"

"Well okay, since you can't figure this out. I'll help you, cousin. You took a blow from your ex-girlfriend while your current .. sorry I mean former girlfriend saw you enjoying it. With me so far ?"

I growled.

"Don't fuck with me, Oliver. Tell me what are you doing here with Susie ?"

"You know brother, I always thought I admired you for your charm and 'intensity'. Well, that was a long time ago, the time I was a stupid useless kid. Still am, but I ain't stupid. I know what you did to Susie.

You knew she liked me, hell loved me if for that matter, but yet you went after her anyway and why. Because you want what you cannot get. That's your fucking motto ! This went same for your precious Juliet, didn't it ? Couldn't get her, so chased after her, till she was wrapped around your little finger.


But I guess you got lost too, didn't you ? Falling in love, for Christ sake, you in love ? It's Ridiculous ! Since I saw how hopeless you were, I wanted to teach you a lesson. A lesson of love, shall we call it eh ? Yes, a very valuable lesson of love. I wanted you to know how much it pained me to see you with Susie, so I told her everything and asked her to come out here where I know you would be getting ready for that stupid prom and I knew Juliet would be coming to your place as well.

I put the two together and voila ! We have what I like to present the miserable Owen Melon !"

The sight before began to blur.

I could feel the anger wash through my brain and dripping down my body. It was clear what I saw was Red.

Immediately I went after him to strangle his rotten neck and beat him into pulp. And that's what I just did.

I hit him, punched him and drew back to kick him in the stomach.

"You can't change anything now. She is gone. Gone for the good."

I was raging with frustration and betrayal.

Steam rang out of my ears. I felt the control slip right out of me. I needed something. Someone.

I needed ... Juliet.

I ran out of the room, straight for the door. I looked out to find the limousine was gone.


I tried her cellphone. It went straight to her voicemail.

My eyes shut painfully, with tears threatening to escape as I hear her sarcastic cheery husky voice.

What had I done ?

I had lost everything in one night. Everything !

I lost Juliet, my heart and my soul all in one night.

The next day, I went to her place. I knocked on her door several times but there was no answer.


I immediately thought of her friend's house, Darcy. I went over there only to be kicked hard in the balls.

"Fuck." I groaned and crouched down with my hands holding on to whatever was left of my balls.

Oh lord, that bloody hurt.

But I knew I deserved it.

"You better stay the fuck away from her, Melon! Because if you don't, you are going to answer to me ! Now get your sorry ass off my porch, you lousy son of a bitch !" She snap the door shut at my face.

I slowly went to my car, limping along the way.

After that I tried her parent's place but then I realised we hadn't even gotten to introduce ourselves to each other's parents. So that was out.

I tried a lot of places.

But I couldn't get a hold of her. Slowly I started losing hope.

I used wait around the classes, her special beer bar, watch her games and think about her. But she was a no show.

I felt like a ghost, floating around here and there. Never really making real connection with anything.

I felt bland.

Tasteless and most of all lonely. The hollow was never fixed in me. Finally, my parents got involved when they heard I stared a brawl with the principal.

They cut off my car, my credit cards, everything.

I was miserable for days until my dad came and whooped my ass or else he would have to chuck me out. I knew he was joking but I could see the concern and worry on his face. I didn't want him to worry.

That's when I knew I had to get my shit together from then on.

Slowly, I started to appear for my classes. Gave my exams and got straight into business school and from then on took control of my father's business.

But the hollowness never left. Sure I hooked up but just hooked up.

I had shut myself out. I couldn't let anyone take whatever was left of me anymore.

I just couldn't.

I was all I had left of me.

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