《Crazy Little Thing Called Mate》\Twenty•Eight/



As I made my way out of mine and Titus' bedroom the sound of people talking from the first floor hit my ears, it made my heart race.

I became ultra aware of myself and knew I would surely do something that would completely ruin this night.

"My dear Lady Graystone," I turned my head at the sound of my father in law approaching me, "I dare say you look every part an Alpha's wife."

"I hope that's a good thing Alpha Supreme."

"I can assure you it is my dear, as it is my son who is the lucky Alpha to have you on his arm tonight...speaking of, would you do me the honor as we ascend to our party awaiting us downstairs?" He asked as he held out his elbow for me to place my hand in the crook of his arm.

We both knew I couldn't refuse him.

In all honesty the man had never truly wronged me, he just...gives me an eerie vibe, it makes me ultra alert whenever he's around. This more than likely comes from my family hauling him as some sort of king...who wouldn't be nervous around royalty?

I carefully took his arm and let him lead me down the stairs. At the very least, I'd have one hell of an entrance and with his help I wouldn't fall flat on my face in front of all these people I've never met before.

As we carefully made our way down the grand staircase silence spread throughout the room and a booming voice suddenly sounded.

"Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, The Alpha Supreme and The Lady Graystone."

The silence was thick as all eyes were suddenly on me.

I instantly became a nervous wreck.

These people were as emotionless and silent as corpses, even hushed whispers of disdain would've been better than the unknown judgment of these strangers that now seemed to surround me, ogling me like a frightened animal on display at a zoo.


I just knew at any moment my heart would literally beat straight out of my chest due to my intense nervousness.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps behind me pulled me from my inner turmoil.

The booming voice sounded once again, "Our ever vigilant leader, Lord Titus, Alpha Graystone."


I know I had mentioned that the alpha supreme is like royalty and to be honest that's basically the way a ton of Weres are raised, but it felt so surreal to hear lord and lady...I'd of probably flat out laughed and began looking around if they'd of called me princess like 'who me?'

When Titus came to my side he immediately placed a hand intimately at the small of my back before he spoke. Wave of reassurance surged through me in the form of those strange yet comforting vibrating pulses from Titus' touch.

"My friends, it is a great honor to have you all here in my home with me tonight as I get to introduce you all to the newest member of this household and the only person who can get away with telling me what to do."

A polite round of chuckles sounded at Titus' playful remark.

"It is with great pleasure that I get to introduce you all to my lovely wife, your soon to be Luna, Lady Everest Graystone."

I tried to keep my blush at bay as the applause sounded.

"Now let the cocktail party begin."

After that it was as if everyone was signaled to ignore us and go about their own business, because soon Titus and I found ourselves talking alone.

"Hello." He sounded smartly.

I couldn't help but smile up at him like a giddy teenager. "Hi." I said in return, I also had to admit that I was growing rather use to the feeling of his hand upon my back. Almost as if his own hand were designed to fit specifically there.

"I haven't gotten the chance to properly tell you how strikingly gorgeous you look tonight Mrs Graystone."


My heart fluttered wildly in my chest, and for the first time I actually felt like the wife of Titus Graystone.

"You don't look so bad yourself Mr Graystone." I teased.

He kissed my hair lightly (I could swear he inhaled my scent as well) "well I've been told I do scrub up nicely...and as much as I do love seeing you in this dress," he said before leaning in closer so that his voice was barely above a whisper now "...I'd really like nothing more than to see you out of it."

I tried my damnedest to pretend like his words didn't affect me so. "W-we should probably be more social with our guest." I said softly, I don't think he realizes just how excited he seems to get me, and there is no use in tapping into those carnal urges when we can't exactly act on them currently.

A knowing smirk filled his face handsomely.

"Fine, lets go and mingle before we get into some trouble...but don't think we won't revisit this... topic, later tonight." He said low with a cheeky wink to add to the sexualized moment.

Now my heart was racing for another reason altogether, but as we began to walk toward a small group of people, my hand securely in Titus', my reserve came back as I knew I had to be perfect and impress these people.

Upon reaching them they stopped talking and each of them greeted Titus warmly before turning their attention toward me, everyone gave me friendly and polite smiles which I returned.

"Lady Graystone, your dress is lovely." One of the females said as an icebreaker.

I had a multitude of thoughts on what to say. Of course I realized that how I respond would cement how this group of individuals would remember their first encounter with me.

Then Heidi's words sprang forward, 'be yourself.'

"Thank you, although I'm not too certain how I'll fare later on...much respect to y'all northern ladies, I don't know how you can handle this cold with such grace."

A couple of small chuckles sounded from the men as the woman seemed humored.

"I'm sure I can help with that." Titus sounded as he once again snaked his arm around my waist, I blushed and the guys (being guys) playfully clapped his back at the double meaning of his words.

After that it became much easier to navigate my way through these conversations.

It also helped that a lot of these people were close to Titus' and my ages, so we didn't have to be extremely on display with what we said or did, with less censorship it made things easy...but I knew that wouldn't be the case when it came to the actual presenting

Amongst his peers, it was also easy to forget the elusive tough Alpha demeanor Titus is normally known for as he spoke without limitations and laughed heartily.

"Ladies and gentlemen, if you would please begin making your way to your seats in the garden as the presenting will begin shortly."

I couldn't know for sure, but as soon as my nerves began to rise once again Titus reached out and began rubbing my back soothingly, as if he could sense my nervousness.

We stood back and watched as the house began to pour outside to join the rest of the pack.

Soon Titus and I were truly left alone.

With his rough hands, he ever so gently crooked his finger under my chin, bringing my face up to look at his own, he gave me a soft smile "Remember Everest, I'll be right next to you the entire time...I promise, I'm not going to leave you." Then for the first time that evening he bent down slightly and touched his lips to mine, "are you ready wife?"

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