《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Finding each other again Epilogue The dealer to your heart 2/2 (Luke Vaughn)


A couple minutes later Luke finishes needed Kenzie then turns his attention back to you, "Kenzie momma may give me that special milkshake again if we give her the puppy dog eyes" as you turn around and both him and Kenzie are giving you the most adorable puppy dog eyes even and you get weak. And nod your head towards him and he smiles "it worked Kenzie daddy Is going to get that milkshake again" as he kisses her forehead, you come over and grab her from him "alright baby girl bedtime" as Luke kisses her forehead again "night baby girl daddy loves you" as you carry her into her room and put her down for the night, kisses her goodnight then coming back out to find Luke waiting on you in the living-room on the couch.

He smiles "come here mama I want that sweet special milkshake right now" as you walk over to him and sit down next to him, he pulls you on top of him making you staddle him, as he rubs his hands up your back, you have missed him. And you can't wait to be intimate with him again in a few minutes. He flips you over on your back "I missed you so much mama, I know shit has happen but I need you back, I'll do whatever it takes to get you back and let our family become one again" as you rub his face and kisses him password before holding nod your head "I have missed you too Daddy but it's not going to happen overnight, we need to take it slow and if that's the case no special milkshake yet" as he laughs "I figure as much, but I'm going to kiss you again" as he learns down and kisses you with tongue.


He holds you down under him as he rubs himself against you, you can't help but grind up against him you love this feeling you don't want it to stop but you know it has to because it will end with you two become intimate. He rubs your sides then sits back up pulling you close to him as he grabs the tv remote control and turns on the tv, he can't believe you are willing to give him another chance especially after what was said between you two.

Kenzie crys and you get up "I need to check on her, there is some chicken parmesan in the kitchen I know your hungry go make you a plate" as he smiles and watches you get up and head to your guys daughter he then goes and gets him a plate of food, after tonight's Event's you two take it slow working on your relationship and making Kenzie number one priority which is good, you two eventually get back to where you guys where before. Life is truly a blessing for you, Luke and Kenzie you three are an amazing little family.

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