《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Finding each other again Epilogue The dealer to your heart 1/2 (Luke Vaughn)


Tonight Luke is coming over after his shift at the casino ends, Kenzie is laying on the floor playing with one of her toys, your best friend is over at your place today since Luke moved out and in with Riley and her mom Vickie, you got a job and your friend Maxie normal stays with Kenzie while you work, you are getting ready to go into work, you got a job at a clinic you have your nursing license so you don't mind helping people out that needed it and the hours are amazing with a baby under 1.

Maxie loves watching Kenzie she is amazing baby plus it's good experience for her future because she is in school to become a teacher, you bend over and kiss Kenzie before heading off to work, you know today is going to be long plus tonight you got to put up with Luke stopping by and seeing Kenzie just great, you miss him but you two seem to be unable to get along now a days.

You do your work day then come home to see Luke already there and Maxie gone you don't understand he should be at work at the casino Right as you come in and he smiles at you "hi" as you smile at him "hi Luke aren't you meant to be at work? He smiles "I worked earlier so I came by and let Maxie leave me and little boo here just been hanging out waiting for you mama" as you giggle, "I need to change, then I'll make Kenzie something to eat" as you go upstairs to your room and change into out of your work clothes into some sweats.

You come back downstairs and go into the kitchen, you need to start on getting Kenzie's food ready, Luke comes in the kitchen he is holding Kenzie in his arms as he smiles "Kenzie momma making you food, you know what I want Kenzie from momma? As you turn around and look at him suspicious he licks his lips "Kenzie I want momma to make me her special milkshake again" as you can't believe he just said milkshake because it means being intimate, you two had keywords around the kids so you can be naughty as he winks at you as you finish fixing Kenzie's food then bring it to him "Luke you going to feed her? As he smiles and nods his head.


"I mean it i want that sweet special milkshake of yours" as he takes her food and seats down with her and starts to feed her as you smile at him. What is going on, can this really be happening because you will not fight it if it is truly happening you love Luke and want him back with you and Kenzie fully.

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