《Jeffery Dean Morgan One-shots part 2 (Completed)》Miami Beach part 4 (Ike Evans)


Clubbing didn't end well, your brother caught you and Ike in a very sticky situation. Ike couldn't keep his hands off you and the next thing you know you two where up against a wall making out not a care in the world,

Your brother comes around the corner and sees you two and yells at Ike and Ike turns and sees him in shock "oh shit" as your brother can't believe what he is seeing so he turns around and leaves fast without saying a word to you two.

You can't believe what just happened as you push Ike away and go after your brother so you can explain as Ike follows close behind, "darling slow down, and maybe you should let him relax a bit before going at him I know you want to explain but maybe give him a little time alone" as you turn and look at him "Ike Evans stop following me, I need to figure some things out so give me some space" he can't believe you are doing this but he will not fight you on it, he walks away and heads home getting home to find your brother there waiting on him, they got a lot to talk about.

Your brother sits down next to him on his couch and they talk, they have a heart to heart he learns you two are separated now because you did want to case problems between him and Ike's friendship, he can't believe it your happiest is important to and if Ike made you happy then that's all that matters. He promised to help Ike get you back. You head home to find your mom waiting up for you, she knows something happen because you are home early you are normal are with Ike she knew about you two weeks ago.


She has a drink for you as you two seat down and talk a little bit, you hate that your brother find out that way but now you are alone because you told Ike you needed time apart, a couple hours later you mom goes to bed and you are laying in bed listen to music when your phone starts to ring on your side table, you grab it and see it's your brother so you answer it "hi bro are you alright? He smiles as he winks at Ike "oh yeah I'm good sis, listen I'm with Ike and I was wondering if you could open the door downstairs and let us in the house" as he laughs and you roll your eyes " sure I'll go downstairs and unlock the door for you both but be quiet when you come in dad is sick mom said earlier" as he says "completely understand sis" as you hang up and go downstairs and unlock the door.

Then you head back upstairs to go back to bed, you don't want to see either one of them right now, as you turn in for the night,

Tonight is the first night you and Ike will not be share a bed together since you two got together a couple days ago, But you can do it you have to.

One more part to this one!!!!

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