《Games Of Vengeance.》Past & Present.



Jennie was sitting in Chaeyoung's room. Both girls were becoming closer and closer of course, for their own greed. Chaeyoung for getting to know more about Taehyung and Jennie for making Chaeyoung believe that Taehyung was the man of her dream. Chaeyoung sat on the bed as Jennie sat on the sofa, both of them talking about something until Jennie's phone started to ring. She sighed as she declined the call.

- Why didn't you picked the call up? Who was it?

The blonde asked as Jennie looked at her and shook her head.

- It is one of Taehyung's fangirls. I don't know where they get my number but they always ask for his number ugh I am so fed up.

The brunette said as she rolled her eyes blowing on her manicured nails as Chaeyoung chewed her cheeks feeling angry but she knew better to not show it.

- Taehyung has fan girls too?

- Of course

- Can I ask something?

The taller girl asked as Jennie just nodded her head

- How many girls did Taehyung dated?

- Only one. He loved her a lot you know?

Jennie said sipping on her cold coffee as Chaeyoung's nodded her head raising her eyebrows in amusement.

- And then?

- But she left him. It is almost 3 years since that happened he was really depressed and never got out to work Jimin and others helped with the business and then he started moving on until,

Jennie said stopping mid sentence leaving Chaeyoung curious

- Until what?

- Until he saw you

- What?

Park Chaeyoung was a hard deal. Taehyung knew but he also knew that even after everything she was still a girl and Kim Taehyung was a master in fluttering a girls heart.

- Yes Chaeyoung. I did not wanted to say this but you really remind him of that girl. Your personality the way you talk and everything. And that is why my brother is I think avoiding you because he doesn't want to give a wrong expression that you are his past clone or anything. He thinks you are an honourable lady and you should be treated like one.

Jennie said as she watched Chaeyoung's face change. She prepared the speech and tried to sound as genuine as possible, when in actual she was gagging and rolling her eyes internally. She could not believe when Nayeon wrote that speech and gave it to her.


- Oh I am sorry excuse me but I have to take this call

Jennie said as she got up going downstairs leaving Chaeyoung with her thoughts alone.

- This is still weird for me. A coincidence? Nah it is too big for some coincidence. Is it so true that Kim Taehyung's ex lover was like me? I have to find it out. Why do I still feel that all of this is a very big set up? There is only one way to find out.

She said as she went near her wardrobe and took out a small microphone. She looked down the stairs to see Jennie still talking on her phone she hurried towards her purse as she inserted the microphone. Little did she know what Jennie was doing downstairs.

Jennie went downstairs as Yoongi was on the call she was looking everywhere and there were not many servants or any guards.

- How many microphones do you have?

- I have 5

- Cool, Now first go toward the big vase which is placed in the middle of the living room insert one in it.

Yoongi said as Jennie did what he was saying she went near the vase and inserted it. Kim Jennie was like a fox no one could stop her from doing what she wants. She was a confident smart and cunning woman. Her cunning attitude was the reason she was in Bangtan.

- Second go near the sitting area there is a lamp there right? Insert one there. The next one near the bar, I heard Boss Park spends half his time there. Okay now you have two left one will be in Boss Parks office and the other in Park Chaeyoung's room.

He said as from the glass she saw Chaeyoung peeking from above and going back she frowned becoming suspicious.

- Chaeyoung just peeked at me.

- She is up to something do the rest two cameras fast.

Yoongi ordered as Jennie nodded going upstairs as she found two guards standing outside the office she went near them as they looked at her.

- Hello, Boss Park asked both of you to go downstairs.

she said as both the guards obliged and went out, Jennie hurried inside and looked around and looked at his table striding there she placed the microphone under his table she walked out going towards Chaeyoung's room as she saw both the guards coming towards her. Her posture was normal she did not want to come out suspicious.


- Boss Park is not there downstairs!

- I know. I just said that Boss Park wanted both of you to go downstairs i never said that he is waiting for both of you.

She said shrugging and simply walking away leaving both the guards confused. She came inside the room to find Chaeyoung on the bed again she frowned finding something odd.

- I am so sorry Chaeyoung but I have to go now.

She said as Chaeyoung nodded. Both the girls went down and just then Chaeyoung noticed that Jennie did not take her bag with her.

- Jennie your bag!

She said as Jennie slapped her forehead

- Its okay you can return it the next time.

- NO! I-I mean just take it with you I don't know when we will meet that is why.

She said as Jennie nodded her head coming out of the door she rushed upstairs. She left her purse on purpose she noticed that her bag was not on the same place she left it, and Chaeyoung was pestering her to take her bag with her. That just means something is wrong with that bag. She inserted the other microphone under her dressing table and went downstairs feeling proud that she finally did the task.


Jennie came inside the mansion as you saw her and waved at her and she kept a finger on her lips silencing you as you frowned at her she did the same with Yoongi and others. She sat on the sofa as sh opened her bag just then Taehyung entered

- Jennie did you-

- Oh hey brother!

She yelled suddenly and you all were confused so was Taehyung he looked at Jennie as if she grew two heads she gestured the man to say something taking the microphone out and then you all realised what was happening.

- O-oh hey where are you coming from?

Taehyung asked as he observed the mic.

- I was at Chaeyoung's place.

- Park Chaeyoung?

Taehyung asked. He knew Chaeyoung would be listening to everything and he had to say the dialogues very carefully.

- Yes, why are you still avoiding her?

- You know I have no reason to avoid her. It is just she reminds me so much of Emily Thompson.

He said as Chaeyoungs eyes widened.

So there is a girl? That means it was really a coincidence? Impossible.

- Brother, it is okay take your time and I don't think Park Chaeyoung would be interested in you.

Jennie said smirking as hoseok almost let out a laugh and Jimin was controlling his laugh too. Meanwhile, SeokJin and Jeongyeon were getting ready to connect and activate the microphones they inserted.

- Really? That is well that would be heartbreaking for me.

Taehyung said and you just stood there not knowing what to do. Your sister was inviting herself inside a trap set by someone she was liking.

- And why is that?

- Well because, it would really be an honour to be liked by someone like Park Chaeyoung don't you think? I mean she is coming from a respectable family she is smart and beautiful.

- Respectable family my ass

Jimin said.

- Good, you are short too and their respect is for a short time too

Jungkook put a hand on his mouth stopping himself from laughing as Jimin glared at him Nayeon nudged both of them to keep his mouth shut.

- But brother you have so many other girls who are crazy over you. Why not just chose just any?

- My dearest little sister, you see I have a thing for blondes

He said looking at you directly and you gulped rolling your eyes as you pushed your hair back.

ha! brown hair is the best.

Soon Taehyung switched the mic off as everyone sighed and started laughing.

- This fucking means that Park Chaeyoung is finally taking interest in you.

Hoseok said as Taehyung smirked, as he looked at Nayeon

- Nayeon is our Emily Thompson ready?

- She is more than ready

Nayeon said chuckling as Taehyung leaned back on the leather couch resting his head.

- Let us start to execute the other plan.

Yoongi said as everyone looked at him.

- So soon?

- Yes, Chaeyoung is taking way too long and I am sure that after you finish then only she will believe you completely.

Yoongi said as Namjoon nodded agreeing the elder brother as Taehyung smirked sitting straight he looked at Yoongi.

- I have been waiting for a long time to do this Hyung.


Hey lovelies!!

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