《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 27 ]
Friday finally came around.
I watched, amused, as clothes covered every inch of Allie’s bedroom floor, sprawled all over her bed…and even rotating on the fan.
Allie collapsed onto her bed and covered her face as she let out a scream in frustration, “Chloe! I have nothing to wear!”
“Have a cry.”
She moved her hands away and glared at me, “You’re supposed to help me!”
I laughed and got up, straightening my dress and walking over to her almost empty closet. Rummaging through her clothes, I sighed when nothing really grabbed my attention.
“Do you want to borrow one of my outfits?”
Allie looked devastated, “There’s no time! It’s almost five and I haven’t even done my make up yet.”
“You mean, I haven’t done your make up yet.” I corrected with a grin.
“I think I’m going to cry.”
I laughed at her and shoved her playfully, “Don’t be silly! You’re supposed to have fun tonight. Aren’t you happy I found such a cute guy for you, Allie Ballie?”
Allie sighed, her eyes looked hesitant, “Chloe, he’s gorgeous. I can’t believe he agreed to go on a blind date. He’s going to regret it so much once he takes a look at me.”
My mouth opened in surprise as I gaped at her. How could she think that? Allie was beautiful in the most natural way. I averted my gaze, feeling overwhelmed whenever someone puts themselves down. It hurt me how girls always have so many insecurities, no matter how many times you tell them they’re perfect, just the way they are.
Something shined in the mirror, making me turn around and search for it. Under a whole pile of clothes Allie had carelessly thrown around, my eyes caught sight of a gold material. I pulled the material out from under the stack and examined the pretty cute gold skirt.
“Not if I can help it!” I smirked at her, holding up the short metallic skirt. “Do you have a black top to go with?”
Allie crossed her arms, “Chloe, I’m not wearing that.”
I scoffed at her, “Yeah, you are.”
We argued a little more. She was dead set that she wanted nothing to do with the little miniskirt and I was determined to make her look sexy in the most elegant way.
We had a vote. Allie voted no and I voted yes.
So obviously I won.
Half an hour later, we both had our eyes locked in front of the mirror. Allie looked at herself in disbelief and admiration, she brought her hand up and touched her face; as if she wondered if it was all true and happening.
The girl in the mirror reflected her every move, confirming that it was her.
“You look amazing.” I told her honestly, my smile never leaving my face.
I had Allie’s long cherry red hair curled to the side where a single braid was pinned to make it look like a headband, I had her take off her nerdy glasses and wear contacts for tonight, so that I could apply as much mascara as I wanted to make her blue eyes stand out and captivate you.
I didn’t want Allie wearing too much make up because she already had her natural beauty, so I applied a little bit of pink lip gloss and covered her freckles with a light layer of foundation.
Lastly, I had her wear that sexy gold skirt, which hugged her curves in all the right places, it was short enough for her long pale legs to attract a boy’s eye, and it definitely covered enough to leave plenty for the imagination.
“Chloe,” Allie’s voice was soft, “I don’t know how to thank you enough. I never thought I could look this good.”
I hugged her, “Dennis wont be able to take his eyes off you tonight my girl!” I pulled back and dashed to her desk where the camera she uses for photographing nature and other boring things (like tables) lay and turned it on.
“This better be your next profile picture on Facebook.” I told her as I took snapshots of her and judged them. She honestly looked flawless in every single one of them.
Words could not describe how happy I was for her.
The night was sparkling as I walked home.
Allie had offered to drop me off but I had refused, saying that she would be late for her date with Dennis.
But really, I just wanted some time to be alone and just think.
Billions of thoughts were running through my mind as I dived my hands deeper into my pockets and let out a warm breath, watching as it became visible like smoke.
Yesterday, I had confessed something I hadn’t even admitted to myself.
My feelings for Reece Carter.
A butterfly began fluttering in my stomach as a subconscious smile tugged at my lips at the mention of his name in my mind.
I was falling for him.
Falling hard.
I spun around at a supernatural speed, in that second my heart had jumped into my throat and I lay a shaky hand over my chest, trying to calm myself down as I stared, terrified, at the French boy in front of me.
I gulped inaudibly, “André,” I quivered, cursing myself for being unable to hide my fear. I watched as his eyebrows creased in confusion, his left eye was freshly bruised.
André gazed at me, looking slightly cheerful, “What a lovely surprise. How have you been?” he asked, sounding genuinely curious. He took a step closer and I immediately reacted by moving away. His eyes questioned me before he spoke, “What’s wrong?”
Was he actually being serious? Was this another one of his sick jokes? I let out an uneasy laugh, darting my eyes around and feeling a little better because people walking the streets were surrounding us everywhere, putting my mind to rest that he wouldn’t do anything rash in public.
“Chloé?” He asked again, hesitantly taking a step closer, “Is something wrong?”
Well. If you count almost murdering me in cold blood at a teenage party wrong…then no, not at all!
I peered my eyes at him. “How could you honestly ask me that after what happened the last time we saw each other?”
Either André was getting old at an abnormal pace, or he deserved to be an award-winning actor… because the next few words that he spoke made my eyes widen to it’s extent.
“Chloé, what are you talking about? The last time we spoke to each other was two years ago in December.”
He was kidding. Right?
This kid had to be pulling my leg, he cant possibly…
“What happened to your eye then?” I snapped, making him flinch and look puzzled at my sudden change of subject. His eyebrows creased, nevertheless, he eventually answered.
“I don’t remember.”
I peered my eyes at him. “André, how can you not remember how you got a black eye?”
He let out a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. “Because I lost my memory, Chloé.”
A gasp escaped my lips faster than I could control myself. I took a step back in total shock and utter disbelief.
I sucked in a deep breath, choking on air. “W-what?!”
André cracked his knuckles, a bad habit he had whenever he was thinking too hard, “A few nights ago, I woke up in hospital. I…I don’t know what happened, the doctors believe I was beaten up the night before. There were a few hits to my head…” he trailed off, looking defeated.
“You lost your memory?!” I cried, tears prickling my eyes.
My heart was hammering hard against my chest. Had Reece hit André that hard, it made him lose his memory?!
I was horrified. Guilt washed over me, making my stomach churn.
Sure, the boy standing in front of me had tried to harm me, but he wasn’t at his state of mind, he was intoxicated! Behind his menacing smile and his sadistic ways, I couldn’t help but remember how close we used to be, back when I was with Ashton.
“How much of your memory have you lost?” I whispered, not meeting his eyes.
André didn’t seem to be bothered too much, “Not a significant amount. Just bits and pieces, here and there.”
“Is there a chance the memories will ever come back again?”
He rolled his eyes and laughed, “The doctors like to give me false hope, but I see past their bullshit.”
“André, I’m so sorry…” I said sincerely, getting emotional at the fact that he’ll never know how sorry I truly was.
He shrugged, “Don’t be. Merde [Shit] happens. That’s life for you.” He said, cracking a half-smile.
A cold wind blew past us, making me grip my jacket tighter around myself. People were heading home, the streets were becoming unfilled. It was getting late - I had to get back.
Mustering up a smile, I tried not to look at him in pity, “Look, André, it was great seeing you again,” The words sounded weird coming from my mouth, I never thought I would ever say that sentence to him after what happened last Friday. “I'm so sorry for what happened to you. But I should get going.”
“Bonne nuit [Good night], Chloé. Maybe one day we could grab a cup of coffee and talk about all the things that have happened since the last time I saw you.”
His words brought to me a sense of Déjà vu.
My heart skipped a beat when I realised exactly how familiar it really sounded.
In fact…I was pretty sure those were my exact words when I had met him for the first time after two years.
“Now, now Chloé, leaving so soon?”
“Why not? It’s not like I’d want to have a cup of coffee and talk about all the things happening with me since the last time I saw you.”
“Such a shame, C, we used to be so close...”
I snapped back to reality and looked straight into his eyes.
“Sure.” I lied.
He flashed me a smile. His dark eyes look authentically blissful. “Lovely. I’ll see you around then.”
“Au revoir [Good bye], André.” I began making my way down the almost empty street, but forced myself to turn around once more and face the young French boy.
“What day did you say you woke up in hospital, again?”
Again, curiousity flashed his eyes at my random question. “Wednesday.”
“And you were beaten up the night before…so on Tuesday, right?”
“Yes. Why?”
“Nothing. Just asking. Good bye André.”
I left, before he could say another word.
Tyler's party was on Friday night.
Reece hadn’t caused André’s memory loss.
Someone else did.
After numerous attempts at finding the right key (since the only access I had to light was a dim lamppost), I finally discovered the stupid piece of metal and unlocked the door. Shutting it behind me and taking off my shoes, I let out a tired sigh before dragging myself upstairs and heading towards the guest room.
A strong arm captured my wrist and pushed me against the wall.
My head ricocheted off the drywall, making me wince. I glared at the pair of dark green eyes before me. “What the hell, Reece?”
He glowered down at me, his dark hair falling over his eyes. “Where were you?”
“Do you have any idea what time it is? Did it ever occur to you to call Aurora, or even me, and tell us you were going somewhere after school? Or when you’d be getting back?” He inquired, looking exasperated. “I had to go out looking for you, because someone forgot to take their phone with them.” Reece accused, narrowing his eyes at me.
I blinked, letting his sudden outburst sink in.
Reece went out looking for me?
“I-I’m sorry!” I stuttered, finding it tough to utter a word because of our proximity, not being able to overlook the fact that he still had me pressed against the wall, with his strong, muscled body pressed against me…
A faint blush dusted across my cheeks.
“Do you even know how mobiles work?” He asked rhetorically, “Let me explain. You take it with you, and when it begins to ring, you answer.” Reece explained slowly as if I was mentally challenged. “Is that too much for a nerd like you to understand?”
I bit back a comeback, instead I sighed and looked at him defensively, “I get it. It won’t happen again. Sorry for worrying you and Aurora.”
“Who said I was worried?”
I gaped at him, “But you said-”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
I flinched at his words, feeling hurt. I looked down, averting my gaze and feeling slightly embarrassed.
Reece started laughing, “I’m kidding, Chloe.”
I whipped my head back up, noticing his smirk and amused eyes. I shoved him, “You’re such a jerk!”
“I know.” He replied blithely, with an entertained expression. “But you’re the one attracted to a jerk, so what does that say about you?”
My face heated up again. I practically choked on air. “W-what? I’m not attracted to you!”
My eyes widened, “I’m not!”
A captivating flash of pain crossed through Reece’s eyes, “You’re not?”
And just like that, breathing became foreign to me. Entirely extraterrestrial.
“I - Oh my God - that’s not - I didn’t mean - ”
Reece began laughing again, “I’m kidding!”
He snickered, and I watched his brown hair cascaded over his eyes again, Reece did one of those boy-ish hair flicks and smirked at me, “You should have seen your face. Priceless.”
“You should have seen your face when a spider was on you. Priceless.” I retorted, feeling a sense of triumph.
He edged even closer to me (if that was even possible), and I felt his cool breath on my face, “We agreed to never bring that up again.”
A smile couldn’t help but slip on my face as I remembered the funny moment, “I think it’s cute. The bad boy’s afraid of an incy wincy spider.”
“Shut up.” He snapped, looking uncomfortable. I found it hard not to laugh as I saw his tanned skin turn the slightest shade of pink as he looked away, muttering a few cuss words.
It was official: Reece blushing, was a googolplex (1 followed by 100 zeros) times cuter than anything else in the world.
“You’re blushing! Oh my God that’s so cute!”
His green eyes burned within mine, “Do you want to die?”
I slanted my head to the side, looking smug, “OoOooh, what are you going to do?” I smiled cheekily, “Last time I checked, I’m the one who knows your weakness.”
Reece looked taken back, a surprised smile tugged at his lips, before he instantly replaced it with his million-dollar smirk.
The next thing I knew, Reece pushed up against me, crushing his stone-hard chest against mine. My heart pounded so hard I was certain he could feel it. His hands slid down my back until he landed at my waist, pulling me closer to him. Reece’s face was so close; I could count each of his long, dark eyelashes… every light brown fleck in his green eyes. I was spellbound… completely hypnotized.
My breath caught in my throat as he leaned in, drifting his lips over the skin of my neck, making me shiver in anticipation. Ever so gently, his lips pressed against my jawline, causing me to gasp and shut my eyes, savouring the sparks that he had ignited. My entire body felt like it was on fire as Reece continued to leave trails of smooth, lingering kisses down my neck, each sending a strong current through my body.
I couldn’t think straight, not when Reece was making me feel like this. Why was he doing this again? A billion thoughts were running through my mind, but I pushed them away, only focusing on Reece’s lips…his hands…him.
A soft sigh of pure ecstasy escaped my lips, my hands subconsciously rested on his broad chest. Reece’s lips were still working wonders on my neck, causing my knees to feel anemic.
I felt completely paralyzed. It was like being frozen, yet feeling as if you were on fire.
I couldn’t manage to utter a single word; the only sounds coming from me were the embarrassing sighs of sheer pleasure. I was in my own personal heaven on earth.
And just like that, he pulled away. I fluttered my eyes open, still feeling dazed.
His eyes had a mischievous glint; his smirk never left his face. Reece winked at me.
“Looks like I just discovered your weakness, too.”
A/N - Think of my updating schedule like a girl's menstrual cycle, it happens once a month.
P.S - COTE!!! :D xx
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