《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 24 ]
“Chloe, you’re being so overdramatic.”
“Shhh!” I hissed at Charlie, yanking him inside an empty classroom and shutting the door. Pulling the blinds down the window, I tried to take in large amounts of oxygen into my lungs in hopes of returning my breathing back to a normal pace.
“Oh my God.” I whispered, terrified, “Gabby’s going to kill me. She’s actually going to kill me. Oh my God, I’m going to die. I’m going to-” the rest of my rant became muffled as Charlie clamped his hand over my mouth.
“Chloe. Chill the fuck out.” He told me seriously. “You’re acting like you’ve just failed a test.”
I ripped his hand away and looked at him in puzzlement, “But I’ve never failed a test in my life.”
He rolled his eyes, “Whatever, smart ass.”
I smirked and messed up his soft blonde hair, “You love it, Charles.” I sang, daring to take a peek through the door and letting out a sigh of relief when I saw the corridors were empty.
Charlie gave me a disapproved look, “Give it up, Chloe. You can’t run and hide from Gabby forever. Just go up to her and apologize for ditching her at the party.”
I hesitated, “Are you sure-“
“Even if you didn’t give her any warning that you were leaving her.” Charlie continued, cutting in.
“Hey! I didn’t mean-“
“Or the fact that you took the car as well, which meant she might have had to walk home…alone…at night.” He added, not letting me finish my sentence.
“She still might forgive you!” Charlie added quickly, once again cutting me off. “Even if it was a bitch move…”
I slapped him across his chest, making him chuckle. “You’re horrible, Charlie! Now I’ll never be able to face her!”
“Relaaax, there’s nothing to be worried about. She’ll get over it.”
“You really think so?”
“Yeah. Just go apologize.”
“Okay.” I said, nodding in agreement. “You’re right.”
“I’m always right.”
“Pfft, get over yourself.” I told him, pushing him out the door first, using him as some sort of shield as we got out.
I almost collapsed from being so startled at Gabby’s voice calling my name - and would have potentially died from the impact, and embarrassment - if it weren’t for the fact that Charlie had managed to hold me steady before I fell.
“I AM SO SORRY FOR DITCHING YOU ON FRIDAY!” Gabby and I both cried simultaneously.
“WHAT?” We both asked together. “YOU DIDN’T DITCH ME! I DITCHED YOU!” We said again in synch.
We both stopped talking.
A very long moment of silence passed.
Until it was broken by Charlie’s howls of undying laughter.
“What do you mean?” I asked her. “I’m the one that left the party without telling you – which I am so sorry for by the way – but something urgent came up…” I trailed, remembering the fight with André and having to take Reece home to stitch up his wound.
“Really?” Gabby asked, surprise dripping in her voice, “Apparently I got so wasted last Friday, Oliver took me back to his place and took care of me.” She told me smiling.
I hugged her, “Oh thank God. I was so scared you were mad at me.”
Gabby laughed, “And here I was, thinking you were pissed at me.”
“This is such a beautiful moment.” Charlie mocked, rolling his eyes and wiping a fake tear. “I really hate to ruin it, but I will anyway – we’re late to class.”
My stomach dipped every time Mr. Collins would walk around and place a sheet on the students’ desks.
Apparently, we were having a Specialist Math test today, something he’d announced to the class yesterday, when I was too busy wagging with Reece.
“This is all your fault.” I complained, pointing a finger at Reece, who like always, looked calm and casual, with the cutest boy-ish smirk on his face.
He grinned impishly, not even attempting to defend himself. “I know.”
When Mr. Collins finally made his way to the last row, he gave me a friendly smile. “What’s your excuse for your absence yesterday, Miss Armel?”
My cheeks burned, “I…um…I wasn’t feeling well?”
Not looking the least bit convinced, he sighed. “Oh. Well, it’s good that you’re back today, please try to not miss any more of my classes in the future.”
“Of course, Sir.” I said immediately. Beside me, Reece laughed silently, making me glare at him.
Mr. Collins’ attention went onto Reece, “I would ask the same for you Mr. Carter, only...”
“We both know it’ll never happen.” Reece finished off the remainder of the teacher’s sentence, leaning back in his chair, looking like a model in a photo shoot. He ran his fingers through his hair and gave Mr. Collins a flashy smile as turned to the first page of the test.
When the teacher sat back down at his desk, and told us to begin, I quickly scribbled down the working out of my answers.
“Psst, Chloe.” Reece hissed, making me look at his attractive face.
“What?” I asked, still annoyed at him.
“Do you have a pen?”
“Hmm.” I replied, pretending not to be interested in what he was saying and finishing the question I was working on.
“Well, let me use it, loser.”
I narrowed my eyes at him. “Loser, ey?”
Reece gave me a cheeky smile. “Do you have a pen?”
“No. Sorry, I don’t.” I replied, purposely waving an extra pen in front of him.
“Do you have a pen?” He asked again, smiling.
“Do you have a pen?”
“Ask me again and I’ll hit you with a stick.” I threatened jokingly.
A few seconds of silence passed before Reece spoke again.
“Do you have a stick?”
I looked at him, confused, “Um, no?”
He poked his tongue out to the side sexily, “Alright then, do you have a pen?”
I laughed out loud, and chucked the pen at him, “So much for trying to be mad at you.”
“How could you be mad at a face like this?” He gestured round himself. “The Reecelius is just too perfect to be mad at.”
“Guys, settle down at the back there.” Mr. Collins told us.
I held back a giggle and finished the remaining questions quickly.
Half an hour later, I had managed to complete the test, with five minutes to spare. The teacher told us to bring the test papers to the front, and I was about to get up and do so until Reece snatched the papers from my hands and told me he’d take them up for me.
His eyes held onto a mischievous glint; one that left me doubting his motives.
“Allie needs a boyfriend.” Gabby announced bluntly as the four of us lay under our usual spot under the oak tree.
“I do not!” Allie said, blushing and averting her gaze away from us.
Being the greatest friends in the world, we just laughed at her and began suggesting names of potential candidates for the role.
“Hmm, how about John?” Gabby asked, twirling her hair and looking for splitends, “He’s cute.”
Allie scowled. “Ew no. He’s a jerk.”
“Yuck. His muscles look too fake.”
“I’ve never heard him speak in my life.”
Allie rolled her eyes, “Ugh, he never shuts up.”
Gabby sighed in frustration. “You’re so picky. They’re all hot, Allie.”
Allie put her long cherry-red hair to the side and began to plait it, getting lost in thought,“But, I don’t want just a hot guy, Gabs,” She barely whispered. “I want the right guy. Someone sweet and funny who still knows when to be serious. A guy who accepts me, flaws and all. Someone smart and sporty, but never cocky. A gentleman with a bit of a rebel side…”
My brain instantly clicked into action.
A gentleman with a bit of a rebel side?
My lips formed into a smirk.
“Allie...” I said slowly, failing miserably at regaining my excitement. She looked at me questioningly.
My smile grew wider. It was time Cupid’s Assistant played another round of matchmaker.
“I think it’s time I introduced you to Dennis DiCaprio.”
Dear Cupid’s Assistant,
So, I texted this guy that I like, but he hasn’t texted back.
I don’t think he will.
Dear Liv,
Well darling, this guy was obviously so excited that you texted him first that he fainted.
Don’t stress too much, if you’re not worth his time, I don’t see how he’s worth yours.
I let out a tired sigh and closed my laptop; happy that I had finally replied to the hundreds of e-mails I had forgotten to check over the past few days. Glancing at the clock hanging on the wall, it read quarter to midnight, causing me to let out a groan of disappointment.
I really needed to get some sleep.
Getting comfortable in the guest bed, I closed my eyes and tried to drift off…until muffled voices coming from downstairs caught my attention.
‘Ignore it and sleep!’ My sleep-deprived body begged, but my curiousness had a mind of its own as I found myself slowly opening the guestroom door.
“Why would you do that?! How could you!” Reece was yelling, his voice dripping off with anger, and a hint of ache.
“Reece, listen to me-” Aurora pleaded, sounding so frail and heartbreaking, I wanted to run down the stairs and hug her.
“You know how I feel about this.” He snapped, cutting her off. “You know we’re not speaking to each other.”
Not speaking to who?
“He wants to see you.” His mother said gently, her voice soft and almost quivering.
“I don’t care! I don’t want to see him!”
“Reece, he’s your father.”
‘Father?’ I gasped inaudibly. Reece had never mentioned anything about his dad before.
“He cheated on you!” Reece practically shouted in the beautiful woman’s face. “With a slut half his age!” He added, disgust dripping off his tongue. “And then left us! He left his wife and his only son! Without even a mother-fuckin’ goodbye.”
His voice broke at the last word. Reece took in a few deep breaths, at the same time I let out a breath I had unintentionally held onto.
“So next time he calls, saying he want to see his son, tell him I’m dead – Just like he’s dead to me.” Reece said roughly, his voice all choked up.
Sounds of someone running up the stairs made me shut the door at superhuman speed. I heard the door to the room next to mine shut with a loud thump, making me flinch ever so slightly.
I held a hand to my heart, feeling it quicken it’s pace against my chest. I couldn’t stop thinking about how livid and crushed Reece had sounded. The way his voice broke because of the agony he was feeling made me want to go and console him.
And that’s exactly what I decided to do.
I exited the room and silently made my way next door. Every step I took was hesitant but before I knew it, I was already gently knocking on the entrance to his room.
No one answered.
Honestly, I don’t know what the hell I was planning on doing. But, plans never really mattered when it was about Reece.
With Reece, it’s all about being in the moment.
So I dared myself to twist the nob and go in.
Almost immediately, I was hit with the cold midnight breeze that entered his room from the opened window. I shivered as goose bumps instantly covered my skin since all I was wearing was a white tank top and little black pajama shorts.
Taking a quick glance around his fairly tidy room, I noticed Reece was nowhere in sight.
And then my heart began to beat like an African drum as I finally I put two and two together.
Reece wasn’t here and the window was open.
Oh God.
My eyes widened as I rushed towards the windowsill, overlooking the dark, empty street.
“Reece?!” I gasped into the lonely night. My eyes searched furiously for the green-eyed boy as the wind brushed my hair away from my face.
“That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.”
My head snapped up so fast at the sound of his voice, I hit my head on the wooden top. “Jesus Christ, Reece.” I swore, rubbing my sore skull, “I thought you ran away or something.”
I looked up to see that Reece had climbed up the roof of his house and was sitting there, with a bottle of vodka in his hand, looking lost in thought as he watched the millions of stars illuminating the night sky.
Grabbing onto the edge and stepping onto a steady-looking branch, I dared to crawl – in a not so graceful manner – until I made it on top of the roof. Taking small, careful steps, I finally got to where Reece was sitting and plumped down.
“Oh my God,” I complained playfully, trying my best to lighten up the mood, “That was hard for a nerd that hates gym class.”
Reece didn’t seem to acknowledge my attempt at a joke.
Instead, he looked lost in his own world, as his dark eyes looked up at the sparkling night.
Suddenly, I felt my stomach churn. What if he just wanted to be alone by himself? I shouldn’t have just intruded his privacy. I sighed at how stupid I was.
“Reece, I’m so sorry, do you want me to leave?” I asked quietly, looking down at my hands.
“No.” He replied almost immediately. My eyes flickered upwards in hope to meet his but he was still looking at the sky. His jaw was locked and his entire body looked tensed as he brought the bottle up to his lips and took a mouthful of the alcoholic drink.
For a while, we just sat there in silence, both lost in thought as I wondered how a father would ever leave such an amazing guy like Reece?
“Amazing?” Reece scoffed. “I’m probably every parent’s nightmare.”
I didn’t know whether to be embarrassed about the fact I’d just thought out loud or be shocked at how bad Reece really felt about himself.
“You, on the other hand, you’re too perfect.” Reece continued, making me speechless, “You’re the child every parent wishes for. You’ve never broken the law, or gotten into a fistfight…instead you always try to help everyone, you’re too nice – Fuck man, I’ve never even heard you swear.”
He took another gulp of Vodka, “But I’m the disappointment, no wonder my own father left me-”
I placed my hand over his mouth, turning his face to look me in the eyes. “Don’t ever think that.” I told him solemnly. “You’re perfect. I’m wish I was half as amazing as you are. I wish I were as fearless, or as wild, or as carefree as you. You have no clue what effect you have on people.” I said earnestly, astonished at the sudden burst of confidence in me.
Reece’s enchanting deep emerald eyes just continued to stare at me with an unreadable expression. My cheeks suddenly flamed up, regardless of how cold it was tonight. Reece slowly took hold of my hand and removed it from his lips, but made no move to let go – Not that I minded.
In fact, his hand was warm, which felt like gold when it contacted my icy skin. His body was radiating heat and I subconsciously found myself edging closer to him.
I let my head rest against his shoulder and let out a yawn, but showed no signs that I wanted to leave. “You know, now that I think about it…” I began, whilst trying to make shapes out of the stars.
“I’ve actually broken the law before.”
Reece let out a cynical chuckle, “Pfft yeah right. What did you do? Accidentally keep a pen that you’d borrowed?”
“Actually, I might have stolen $540.”
He moved so he could look at me, he looked so taken back, I wanted to laugh.
I put my hands up in surrender mode, “Look, I just…I kept forgetting! I know, it was wrong and I’ll probably still go to Hell even though I paid the amount to Charity!”
“You stole half a grand?! How?!”
“I…I umm…” How do I say this without looking stupid?
I sighed, Chloe; you’re already way past looking stupid.
I let out a deep breath and finally confessed.
“I didn’t top off my Myki for a year.”
Reece laughed so hard, he almost fell off the roof.
A/N - Naw, did you guys like Chloe & Reece's little moment?! :D
For those who don't know what a Myki Card is, it's a bus ticket that works like a bank card. HAHA. I actually did this. Bad Hasti.
Okay, just to clear up a few things, PLEASE DON'T TALK TO ME ON CHAT/ MEEBO And I say that in the nicest way possible because it's really hard replying to fifty people at the same time. However, I really appreciate the fact that you guys want to talk to me, so make it easier for the both of us and just SEND ME A PRIVATE INBOX. I always reply and I love talking to you guys! :D x
- In Serial19 Chapters
Titan Warriors - A Mech LitRPg
Sergeant Brandon Mc’Dew was an Airborne Ranger and a good one too. That is until he found that one mission that ended his career like so many other warriors before him. But instead of pearly gates or red flames Brandon awoke in a white room full of ugly green chairs and an image of his brain floating in a tube. The life he knew was a simulation to train rapid grown people. The universe he now finds himself in is a war torn far future where Humanity as dominated the stars. Enlisted against his better opinions he finds himself a fledgling Titan Jock in a minor noble House on a far off arm of the Milky Way. Brandon is stuck trying to survive in this new world. A world where 100 meter tall robots of war dominate the battlefield, Kings and Queens rule from thrones upon high, uncaring of the people beneath them, and expendable people can be grown in a tube to fight a war they know nothing about. ***Authors Note*** This is a MEch or MEcca based light LitRPG. There will be stat sheets, skills, and gear, however it will not be the primary focus of the story. I will be looking for a lot of reader input, so if you have any themes you would like to see in the story let me know with PMs or comments. Finally, this is a early draft so let me know if you see any errors or mistakes. Thanks. I will be releasing one chapter a week on Wednesdays. If you would like to get up to 3 early chapters ahead of time; or increase my release rate, please check out my Patron page.
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Villain Gecko
Become the greatest hero or villain the world is already big! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life while attempting evil... or wreaking havoc on the world. Become the greatest hero or villain the world is already big! Balance the challenges of leading a normal life while attempting evil... or wreaking havoc on the world.
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In a world overrun with hordes of undead, a small fortress stood as one of the last bastions of the living. The soldiers in the garrison were aware of the undead closing on them and understood their outlook was grim. Rem had prepared himself alongside his comrades for the incoming attack when he was abruptly summoned into another world. Now Rem is able to use magic for the first time in his life as part of a strange system inherent in his new home, and his daily plans mostly consist of finding a guild quest monster, stabbing it in the face and profiting. His prospects have improved, and he has the opportunity to live a relatively normal life in the pursuit of comfort and happiness! This is the story of Rem not doing that.---Note: There will be traumatizing content and progression is not the central aspect of this story. On Hiatus - added a note at the end of Chapter 8.
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A 41 year old neet finally getting out for the first time in years because of the death of his parents is shot to death walking outside of a grocery store.He gets reincarnated into a world of fantasy only to find out that everything is not what it seems.(As you can see i changed the title because i felt like it, it used to be Just Normal for whatever reason)Website: https://ilightnovel.wordpress.com/
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Road Trip. | ✓ | [ e d i t i n g ]
" Across country? With you?" " admit it, you want to." -- Carter Grace didn't like her neighbor. She didn't like his love for old rock music, beanies, and worn black combat boots. She didn't like the way he'd smile a smile where the right corner of his mouth would tilt up just slightly more than the left. She especially didn't like it when he called her Angel. Nicholas Arson has a passion for the simple way of things, old rock, batman, and his worn combat boots. He loves to drown out the world with his music. He especially loves playing the piano, guitar, or any instrument he could get his hands on. He also finds joy in bothering his next door neighbor, Carter Grace. And when Nicholas learn that Carter's grandmother is all the way across the country, and that his Angel was going all the way to her to bring her home, he couldn't help but bud in. -- " I'll drive you the whole way there, and pay for gas."
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Red Feather (Hawks x Reader)
Drunk as hell, your favorite hero walks you home. This gives way to a whole bunch of new and weird experiences but all in all, they put you in a better place. He's cocky, confident, and a huge flirt but he let's you past his surface little by little. The first chapter is inspired by Yagami Yato. It starts off as her Valentine's video (its not word for word so it has some differences. Keeps it interesting) after the middle of the first chapter, her videos are no longer referenced not used.[Will eventually have lemon for you thirsty readers ;)))))]If you see any misspellings, awkward phrases, or miss-used words, please I beg you PLEASE let me know. Also, news about my book will be posted to my announcements, follow for them. Editors: @Korebihhh and @kiridudeRanks:#1 bnha (8/15/20) #1 takami (8/15/20)#1 takamikeigo (8/28/20) #1 my hero (10/5/20) #1 feather (4/11/21)#2 red (10/5/20) #2 keigo (10/5/20)#3 hawksxreader (9/11/20) #4 Hawks (9/11/20)
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