《The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me》The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me [ 20 ]
The next morning, I woke up with someone’s arm around me. I slowly opened my eyes and found my breath caught in my throat when my gaze fell onto Reece’s sleeping face.
It never failed to amaze me how peaceful and innocent he looked as he slept – with the way his shaggy brown hair cascaded over his closed eyes and his steady breathing…It’s funny how he reminds me of both an Angel and the Devil sometimes.
My eyes trailed down to see him still half naked…in my bed. I couldn’t even remember when I had fallen asleep beside him last night!
I looked at the clock hanging off my wall – it read five-thirty in the morning.
My parents would be back soon.
Oh crap.
Panicking, I did the only thing reasonable at the time.
I pushed Reece off the bed.
He landed on the ground with a thump, and I immediately felt sorry for him. I watched him rub his eyes as he just registered what had happened.
“Did you just push me off the bed?”
A blush of embarrassment and guilt formed on my cheeks, nevertheless, I began yelling at him.
“Yes, now get out!”
Reece looked dazed, confused and completely adorable, “Woah, eaaasy killer…did you forget to take your meds? Or are you experimenting with your dosage?”
“Reece, get out! My parents will be back any minute!” I cried in frustration as I threw a pillow at him.
He sighed and shook his head in disappointment while getting up, “Jeez, who lit the fuse to your tampon?”
I threw another pillow at him. “Hey!”
Reece walked towards my window and lifted it up, “Okaaay, Chill. I don’t know what you’re on, but I’m sure they offer Rehabilitation Programs for it.”
With that he jumped out of my window and swung on the tree branch.
I leaned against the windowsill and watched him get inside his room right when my parents’ car swerved into our driveway.
I let out a sigh of relief - that had been really close.
“What do you mean you’re going to Cambodia?” I exclaimed while watching my parents pack their bags.
My mum frantically folded her clothes and asked my dad to help her zip up the luggage. “We’ve both been asked to go there and help treat children and families that have extreme medical conditions. Our flight is in an hour; we’ll be back in two weeks. I’m so sorry this is all so sudden baby.”
“But…what about me? Am I staying here alone for two weeks?”
Who’s going to cook dinner for me?!
I could just barely manage to make toast without it burning.
“Don’t be silly, did you really think we would leave you without an adult looking after you? I mean - you’d starve to death. No offense honey, but you can’t even make two-minute noodles if your life depended on it.”
I ignored her comment.
“So…what’s going to happen?” I asked them as I followed them down the stairs where they checked if they hadn’t forgotten anything.
“You’re staying with Aurora.”
My mouth formed into an ‘O’. “W-what?”
“We’ve gotten really close over the past few weeks, she’s so lovely. I asked her if she could take care of you since we’re right next door and she was thrilled.”
“The Carters?” I asked, more to myself.
“Yup. It’s better this way, she lives right next door so it’s just easier. Be on your best behavior Chloe, okay?” She kissed my cheeks and gave me a tight squeeze.
I hugged my dad who had remained silent this whole time. He’s not much of a talker, my dad.
Mum gave me more details and instructions on what to do and where to go…I just stood there, nodding my head, saying; “Yeah, okay, okay, yup, right, okay, yes, okay, alright, I will, okay, I know, BYE MUM!”
“I’ll call you when we get there!” she cried as I watched them get into the taxi and leave for the airport.
Living with Reece for two weeks?
Cupid, what are you up to?
Aurora opened the door with a bright smile and hugged me enthusiastically.
“Oh Chloe! I’m so glad you’re staying with us, it’ll be great to finally have a girl around the house.”
I laughed, “Thanks so much for taking me in, in such short notice.”
She waved me off, “Trust me, it’s nothing… anyway, bebé, I need to go out and get some things from the store, I’ll be back in…” She glanced at her watch, “About half an hour?” She ended it sounding more like a question. I nodded in understanding – seeming like it was the appropriate gesture to make.
She smiled at me and rubbed my arm lovingly, “Reece is upstairs – he doesn’t know you’re here yet, so if you want, you can go tell him the news.” She grabbed her handbag and I smiled as I watched her scurry out the door.
Aurora was really adorable.
I walked up the stairs and instantly spotted his room.
Well, the skull banners and DANGER - KEEP OUT signs kind of gave it away.
I knocked a few times, when no one answered, I allowed myself to go in.
I know – Naughty, naughty Chloe.
His room was empty. The sound of running water filled my ears – Reece was in the shower.
I plumped down on his single-sized bed - which felt relatively smaller compared to my Queen sized one - Yet, something about his bed was...soft and welcoming. His bookshelf was full of ribbons and trophies for fighting tournaments he had won…which judging by what I saw was a lot.
For a moment, I wondered if André was okay - regardless of the fact he had tried to kill me last night. Deep inside, I still hoped he was all right.
Sitting there, wallowing in my own sorrow, I noticed something that caught my eyes.
Chocolate Brownies!
There was only a couple on his desk, wrapped in plastic. I sneakily opened the wrap and took a bite out of one.
Oh my God.
I think I just had a taste-gasim.
I moaned in pleasure as I greedily ate the second…and the third. By the time Reece had walked out of the bathroom, with only a white towel around his waist, I had eaten all of his brownies.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” Reece yelled, his eyes burning with sudden anger.
I burst out laughing.
I started laughing so hard, that no noise came out…that I was just sitting on Reece’s bed…clapping like a retarded seal.
“Those weren’t yours!” he growled in frustration.
I giggled, “Well, they didn’t have your name on it!”
He waved a yellow sticky note in front of my face. On it, it had 'REECE CARTER' in big bold letters.
He groaned in irritation. “Stay there. Don’t move.”
I chuckled and pretended to be a statue, frozen with a stupid face.
He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair.
“Just, don’t do anything till I come back.” He ordered. With that he grasped his phone and shut the door behind him.
I began giggling again.
☮ Reece’s POV ☮
I frantically searched my contacts and clicked on Valentino’s number.
He picked up on the second ring.
“Yo, bruthha, wassup man,”
“Val, I need your help.”
“Sup man, what’s wrong?” he asked, concern clearly audible in his tone.
“Um…are the guys with you?”
“Yeah, we’re all here. What’s happened?” Dennis asked. Valentino had no doubt put me on speaker as the guys kept asking me what was on.
I let out a breath I had unconsciously held onto his entire time.
“Chloe ate all of the Hash Brownies.”
A/N - Dedicated to MissDiorCherie for TBBC&M's new cover, thank you love! <3
FYI - Hash Brownies are brownies filled with Marijuana/Weed...just sayin' (;
Anyway...Thanks so much for all of the people that Voted for which story they'd like me to do!
Just a heads up, TBBC&M is JUST STARTING.
I have no intentions to finish it anytime soon.
Now that Chloe & Reece are starting to get close - I really want the adventures to begin!
It's going to be a massive roller coaster ride to remember and I truly want to thank all the Readers and Fans that have been supporting this story!
heart, smiley-face, ex oh ex oh.
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