The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me Chapter 1
The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me
Copyright © 2011 Slim_Shady
All rights reserved
A little pink note dropped onto my lap whilst my English teacher was going on about the significance of poetry.
IT WORKED! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
He asked me out to dinner for Saturday night, he mentioned the La Pierre?
OMG I am so excited but nervous at the same time, I couldn't have done it without your help!
I smiled in satisfaction before carefully scribbling down a reply.
I'm glad everything worked out, just like I thought it would.
La Pierre? It's a really classy French restaurant, so you should wear something formal.
I'd say keep it Audrey Hepburn-ish - aka; little black dress.
Keep cool, don't forget to smile and have a blast!
Much Love,
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Emma's body relax and a smile spread across her lips. The girl's here at Prescott Private School had my trust. I'm the girl they all turn to for relationship advice and help - not that I was some kind of relationship guru or anything - I'm just Chloe Armel, Cupid's Assistant as they like to call me...
I just help do what the chubby, half naked baby with a dangerous weapon forgets to do: Shoot you both.
When lunch finally came around, I headed towards the cafeteria to meet up with my friends. A strong arm casually slung over my shoulder and I looked up to meet the light blue eyes of my childhood best friend; Charlie.
"Hey Charles." I smirked at his disgusted look even though I found it awfully cute.
"Ew, Chloe, you know I hate it when you call me that."
"Yeah, thats why I do it!" Again he gave me a glare that made me laugh.
Charlie's a tall blonde boy who's really...pretty. Not that that's a bad thing - all the girls love him. He wears stylish marked clothes and spends more time in the mirror than I do. He also loves sports as long as it's in the gym where its air conditioned and well away from anything mud related.
"Have you finished your English essay yet?" For a moment, my heart dropped deep into my chest, oh God, please don't tell me it's due tomorrow. "It's due tomorrow you know." Charlie finished.
Yay life.
"I'll finish it tonight; I'll go to the library after school or something." from the shocked expression on Charlie's face, I knew what what's coming next.
"What a minute, hold on. Did I hear correctly? Little Nerdy Chloe forgot about her homework?"
"I'm not Nerdy."
"Chloe, you're not only in the advanced Math class but you're seven chapters ahead from what they're currently teaching you, you've memorized the whole periodic table of elements-
"Not the whole table, just one hundred and ten of them."
"How many of them are there all together?"
"One hundred and eighteen..."
He gave me a blank stare.
"You even watch natural history programs for fun."
"Hey!" I protested. "David Attenborough is awesome."
"Right, what is he, like, ninety years old?"
"Eighty-five." I whispered.
He gave me another blank stare before he opened the cafeteria door and walked with me towards our table. Allie, my other best friend was already there sitting with our usual group.
"Allie," Charlie began, "Remind me again why I'm friends with Chloe?"
"Hey!" I called out as I began hitting his arm.
"I don't know, maybe because you'd rather be on her good side than have her ruin your pretty face Charlie."
"Touché," he leaned his arm over my shoulder again "I love you Chloe, don't hurt me."
"Only if you go buy my lunch for me." I told him as I held the money out for him to take. Charlie took a long look at the never ending line and let out a sigh of defeat before taking my money.
I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek "Thank you Charles." For a split second he had a confused expression but then he ran his fingers through his hair and walked off.
When Charlie was well away, Allie let out a laugh and shook her head. "You really shouldn't do that to him Chloe..."
"Do what?"
Allie took a sip out of her Cranberry juice. "You know... Dazzle him."
"Who am I? Edward Cullen?" I mocked with a chuckle.
"You really can't see it, can you?"
"See what?"
"Never mind."
"Allie tell me-"
"Chloe!" I looked up, a little annoyed that I was interrupted but pushed it aside when I saw Gabby. Gabby's another close friend of mine and she's really pretty too, some say we're alike because we're both tall, tanned and I quote: 'Have a body to die for'.
But I'm way too modest to admit it.
We have a lot of differences too. While Gabby has curly russet colored hair, mine is longer, lighter and straight. And while she has deep brown eyes, mine are hazel with a hint of green.
"Hey gorgeous, what's up?" I remarked as I got up to hug her.
"Nothing much, it's just that something's bothering me lately. Can we talk outside?" I looked over at Allie to see if it was fine with her but she was already in a conversation with Arden and Odette.
"Yeah sure, let's go."
We walked outside to the student filled courtyards. Some were enjoying the warm sun, others were studying under oak trees and a couple of shirtless guys were playing soccer on the grass. Gabby and I sat on one of the benches overlooking the boys show off their skills as well as their six packs.
"So, what's up?" I asked again.
"It's Oliver." Why am I not surprised? Last month, I went through Hell trying to get them to admit their feelings for each other. They had this sort of Love/Hate relationship going on, I couldn't understand it - one minute they're ripping each other's heads off, the next they're fighting for each other. It was masochistic, but cute.
"Hmm, go on"
"So it feels like I'm the one that keeps trying! I'm always the first to say 'Hi', the first to text, I just feel like I'm being annoying. Sometimes I feel like making out with his best friend to get a reaction out of him!"
I let a moment pass by and let her control her breathing.
"Well, whatever you do, don't do that." Gabby opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off. "Trust me, you're not the first person I've heard say that - but listen, relax a little, it's Oliver we're talking about; have you forgotten he used to be a player? You're his first actual girlfriend and it's not like he's flirting with other girls, he just needs a little space. Don't worry, he'll come around."
"So, I do nothing?"
"Yup," I smiled as I popped the 'p'. "Don't call him, don't text him, act busy, don't flirt with other guys, be cool and voila: he's back."
Gabby nodded in approval "Okay" she whispered. "Thanks Chloe, you're the best."
I winked at her "I know I am, I'm Chloe Armel."
Gabby gave me a blank stare. I seemed to be getting them a lot lately.
"Chloe, only Chuck Bass can pull that off."
Gee. Thanks Gabby.
When the bell rang, signaling school was over; I couldn't help but feel a little glum. The last thing I could be bothered with was my English essay that I had yet to start.
I would have done it at home but it would involve the process of me finding my laptop which was currently packed on one of the million cardboard boxes situated in the new house I've just moved in. I felt a little frustrated and angry - not that I had anything against the house, I'd only seen it once and it looked...nice, smaller, but nice - I just don't see why we had to move. My previous house was a gorgeous white mansion with golden gates with a fountain in front of the entrance.
Our house now is also spacious and double storied, but it only has a brick wall separating us from our neighbors. I even think I recalled my room to have its window directly in front of my neighbor's bedroom window which made me feel uncomfortable, I didn't want to be invading someone else's privacy, vice versa.
When I made it to the library, I was a bit surprised to see that it was empty. Rows and rows of unfilled seats and vacant computers everywhere.
"Hello?" I called out. When the words left my mouth, they seemed to come out much, much louder.
"Shhh," I almost jumped ten feet in the air, the librarian's head shot up from under her desk and gave me a lethal look "We use our inside voices in the library, we don't want to distract others from their work."
Er, excuse me lady, if you haven't noticed, you and I are the only one's here.
Instead, I muttered an apology and sat down behind one of the computers to begin my essay.
Librarian's take their jobs way too seriously.
My essay was almost done.
"The library's shutting down now." I have out a small sigh of annoyance and looked over to the librarian who was no doubt talking to me - seeing as no one else bothers to do their homework in the library afterschool anymore. The tired looking woman had already turned off most of the lights and held her keys as she impatiently waited for me to pack up and leave.
She followed me out the library entrance and locked it behind her. I heard her let out a breath of relief that she could finally go home now. I was about to thank her but she was already making her way out of the building.
I shrugged and began to follow her before I stopped in my tracks and remembered that I had left my diary in my locker. I called it a diary, but really it's my planner. I couldn't survive a day without it - it's got all my homework, timetables, numbers and everything else I need to stay organized.
As I began walking around the corners of the hallways, I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. It was six o'clock and not a single person was here, even some of the lights were shut down. I began picking up the pace as I got closer and closer to my locker. When I reached it, I hurried to open it and take my diary out.
"Where is it?" I muttered to myself. So maybe I had the tendency to have a messy locker...I'd clean it later. Well then again, I had the tendency to procrastinate too...
And then, just as I found it and shut my locker; every single light in school turned off.
"What the Hell?" I hastily placed my belongings into my bag - without even zipping it up - and ran straight to the doors. Pulling, pushing, hitting, kicking, screaming out for name it, I tried it.
All the doors were locked. No one was there.
I was locked inside my school.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up!" I pleaded quietly.
"Please consider recharging, as your main credit balance is only; zero dollars and three cents."
"You've got to be kidding me." I slumped down against the wall and laid my head in my arms. It was six-forty-five now and my parents wouldn't be home until eight.
Suddenly, I heard a few background noises. Finally! Someone must have noticed I was missing and has come to save me. With a comforted smile on my face, I headed towards the window.
And then my smile faded the moment someone smashed in the window; causing the shattered glass to sparkle in the moonlight.
I considered that my rescuers would most likely have a key to open the door.
I quickly crouched behind the wall, just in time to hide myself. By now, the reality had hit me - someone was breaking into the school. After a moment, I allowed myself to take a peek. When I did, I felt my heartbeat racing.
Five tall, well built guys all dressed in black, wore masks and held baseball bats in their hands. They didn't have those woolen masks that covered your whole head like you usually see in movies... or even scary ones for Halloween; their masks were all black but it suited more for a masquerade party.
One guy in particular stood out more. I noticed his smirk the moment the other boys turned on their flashlights. Mischievous? Rebellious? Roguish? How could I describe it?
"Gentlemen, let the fun begin." His voice made me shiver - and I'm not talking about the bad kind either. I noted the slight Spanish accent in his words and the way it rolled so deep and smoothly.
And then the sound of smashing and vandalism brought me out of my reverie.
At his command, the remaining four guys began to break every window and destroy anything in their way. I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. Why would they do that? And they all look so young too; I wouldn't imagine them to be any older than eighteen. Suddenly a thought came to my mind... did they even go to my school?
"Maybe we should leave our mark over there too, what do you guys think?"
Oh God. They're coming my way. Oh God. They're going to see me. Oh God, they're going to kill me. No one's going to know it was them; they'd probably dump my body somewhere where in a river. Oh God, I never even got to do half the things on my bucket list. Oh God, all my dreams of studying medicine is now ruined.
DEAR GOD, I If I survive this near-death experience, I will...
- Well I already go to church every Sunday
- I do a fair share of community service
- I help organize fundraisers
God, you owe me big time.
I noticed the flight of stairs at the end of the corridor, but it would actually involve me passing the wall which was doing a good job of hiding me. There's a high chance they wouldn't miss me but the question was, would I be able to out run them? I glanced again - they all had their backs to me for the moment.
It was now or never.
I ran...and then I stopped.
Tumbling down, out of my unzipped bag, was my diary. It landed on the marble floor with a loud thud that echoed in the hall. All five guys turned towards me.
Yay life.
If time froze right now, I would probably laugh. I'd zoom in closer to each guy's face, which showed signs of surprise and curiosity...and then I'd zoom in on myself where I'd have most awkward expression - almost as if I were to say "Err. Hi, I'm Chloe, I'm...just...gonna...leave now".
So I ran. I sprinted down the stairs. I was three levels down before I heard a series of footsteps following me. My heart was leaping out of my chest; I could not believe I was in this situation.
My breathing was getting out of control, not that I was tired - sprinting is my sport - I was scared. I could hear faint running that wasn't coming from me but I didn't dare look back. I turned as many corners as I could manage; not that I knew where I was heading. Every door was locked, just like I imagined them to be.
I passed three more corners then stopped. I was back where I started.
Only this time, the guys weren't there and the window was broken.
Again, I began to sprint but then someone's hand griped my elbow, swinging me straight into his chest with force.
His eyes grabbed my attention.
A deep emerald shade, flecked with darker marbling of grey and black. I was almost hypnotized by its intensity.
He gazed too. As if he was captivated by something. Suddenly, I realized that this masked person still had his arms securely wrapped around me, sending sparks and other delightful sentiments. I mentally shook my head and began to pull away - well, try to anyway.
"Let me go!"
"Why? So you run off and tell the police?" Again, the slight Spanish accent began to take me off track.
"I promise, I won't. Please, let me go. Trust me, I won't tell." His eyes were still intently fixed onto mine. The faintest sounds of running were drumming in the back of my mind. He noticed too.
And he let go.
For half a moment... we forgot the world and just faced each other.
And then I seized the instant to escape.
I swiftly jumped out the window and raced down the road - half expecting him to change his mind and follow me. I pushed my legs to the limit, sprinting as fast as I could endure, never daring to look back.
☮ Reece's POV ☮
I watched her run away into the night and wondered if I'd just made a mistake.
"Reece! Where is she?" Valentino took off his mask and I noticed his worried phrase.
"She ran away."
All four guys were in sync. "What?!"
"Don't worry, she won't tell."
"Are you sure?" Dennis finally found the courage to ask.
"Dennis, my friend," I leaned a hand over his shoulder, "Don't question me." I turned to the boys and smiled.
"Gentlemen, our work here is done. We've accomplished what we came here to lets celebrate and get drunk." My friends seemed to loosen up a little and we made our way to Valentino's four wheel drive.
When we were well away from the school, I asked the guys a question I'd been keen on knowing the answer to all night.
"So, who's got the girl's notebook?" More like who does it belong to.
"Right here, Reece." Jayden handed me a little gold floral diary from the back seat.
I opened it up to the first page and felt another smirk play on my lips. Finally... a name to our mystery girl.
"Chloe... Chloe Armel."
New story!! I'm so excited! First chapter may be a little...errr uneventful...but I have heaps of ideas & plans so please give this story a chance!
You have NO IDEA how many kit kats I had to go through to start this off hahaha
Old fans: I'm back ;)
New fans: Welcome to the Mad House ;)
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heart, smiley-face, ex oh ex oh
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