《FATE | a new love story | KTH》•6•


Tae baby am waiting for you. When are you going to come?

Jen i am really really sorry but I don't think I can make it today. I really have an important work to do. I promise I'll make it up to you next time.

What!! You serious!! This was our first date and you couldn't make it.

Tae answer me what work got you all of a sudden?

Are you cheating on me?

Is it y/n?

Fuck I knew it

Tae answer me.

Tae put down his phone. He was not at all willing to give any explanation to Jennie's questions for not taking her to the date. He was sitting on his bed thinking to go to meet y/n when suddenly his phone rang.

📞: Yes!

📞: Hello Mr. Kim. You didn't went to your date? Oops you must be too tensed to enjoy.

It didn't took long for Tae to understand who it was.

📞: Hun shut the hell up. You know you are messing around. Please don't bring y/n here. Please.

📞: Why my boy got scared? Tae you know I lost my favourite person in my life for you. It was your dad for whom I don't have my dad with me today. I would have punished your dad only but he was lucky. I promise if he was alive today I would have done so but now you are my target. I want to give you the same feeling of loosing someone you care for and destroy your dreams.

📞: Please Hun Please. Try to understand my dad did nothing. He did his job to catch all the smugglers and it's not his fault that your dad chose to suicide.

📞: seriously tae!! You think that. Well my dad chose to suicide because your dad left no way for him. I want just to see that pain of losing everything you care in your eyes. (Hun was giving his disgusting laughter). Isn't it y/n you care for!


📞: Hun please Hun!

📞: just wait and watch. She trusts me. She gonna leave you forever. Don't be impatient. She will soon.

📞: Hun! Hun! Hu..

Hun hung up the call.

Tae was left in confusion and fear.

It was two days since the incident took place. Tae called me several times and I ignored each of them. He tried to get to my house but I strictly declared if he does so i may not talk to him ever. Well i didn't meant those but I just wanted to run away from the situation. I was too afraid to do face it.

I was just as confused as hell." What the hell is happening to me. Why is it so difficult for me to let go Tae with Jennie. I just don't know."

I was deep buried in my thoughts when suddenly someone knocked the door. I went to open it and with no doubt it was Yoongi as he said he would visit me. I let him in and we sat in my room.

"I know everything y/n. Well Tae told me everything that you are ignoring him. And you gotta trust me y/n Tae really cares for you."

"Well if you know everything then tell me how did Tae and Hun know each other?"

Yoongi paused for a bit and continued

Tae's dad was the police officer who was in charge of catching all the smugglers in the city and Hun's dad was one of those smugglers. And you think Hun's family transferred, no. His family had no other way but to run to other city to save themselves. But Tae's father was very much dedicated to his job and thus he wanted to get hold of each of them. Hun's father had no other way but to commit suicide.


"And now that's how they know each other and are enemies."

I was really not expecting my childhood friend and my bestfriend would be enemies. I trust both of them and really don't wanna loose anyone of them.

"Yoongi I can't take this anymore. All these that are going on. I just can't and Tae. I think you were right. He's just not my bestfriend but someone really i want. I don't know what is it, infatuation or crush but I might like him."

Yoongi took my hand in his and looked directly at my eyes which were filled with water waiting for my eyes to blink to roll down my cheeks. "Y/n, it can't be just infatuation. I saw the way you look at him. I know you better than anyone else. Put your hand on your heart, close your eyes, calm down youself and think about it. Just think for once and get it sorted what you really feel for him. And when you get to the decision you are going to tell me first. Okay!"

My tears were now rolling down my cheeks. I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I really needed that. I was crying badly now. He calmed me down. After almost one hour i told him to go back home.

Yoongi came out of y/n house and she closed the door behind him bidding him goodnight with a sweet smile. Yoongi went to his car, opened the door and got inside.

📞: It's done. I am hundred and one percent sure she loves Tae. Don't worry she goona admit it by tomorrow.

📞: Great! It's all done from this side also. Am waiting in your house, come quick gotta celebrate soon.

Yoongi cut the call with a smirk in his face and rode off.

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