
"Jackson? What are you doing here?" I ask, taken back by his sudden appearance.

"Nice to see you too." Jackson scoffs as he comes to me, throwing his arms around me.

"Seriously though, what brings you here? Shouldn't you be at your own school?" I ask, confused.

"Just enjoy my company, won't you? Now show me your dorm room." Jackson says as he grabs my arm, dragging me away from the others.

"What room is it?" Jackson asks as he stops, not knowing where to go. "369." I say and he grins.

"Is everyone perverted, damn." I huff as I head in the direction of my room, Jackson following behind me.

When we get to my dorm room I push the door open, still having no idea why we didn't lock this damn thing.

"Woah, spacious." Jackson says as he looks around, taking everything in.

"Oh, you must be the roommate. Hi, I'm Jackson!" Jackson said, smiling widely.

Jackson was the type of person to be very friendly. I guess that's why we became friends when we were younger.

I looked over to see Jin look up, a slight look of confusion on his face. None the less, he smiled and stood.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin." He says and Jackson smiled. "You're cute. You're gay, right?" Jackson asks bluntly.

I nearly choked as Jin's eyes went wide. "Of course not. What gave you that idea?" He asked, shifting his eyes, he didn't dare look at me.

"Oh, you're not? I'm gay, I could have swore I got some gay vibes. Sorry about that." Jackson chuckles as he plops down on my bed.

I had to choke back a laugh at his words. "What are you laughing at, Kim? I've gotten gay vibes from you for years."

Now it was my turn to go wide eyed. "Yah! Stop being ridiculous. I'm not gay and you know it." I say.

"Or so that's what you say." Jackson mumbles then continues with;

"I told you I'd sleep with you if you wanted to find out." He says and I make a face.

"I'd rather get hit by a train." I scoff as I sit down on my bed, ignoring Jackson beside me.

"So how long have you two known each other? You seem close." Jin says from his side of the room.


"Since 2nd grade. I'm surprised I've been able to tolerate him that long." Jackson says and I scoff.

"Wow, that's a long time." Jin says and Jackson nods. "It really is. I like Namjoon more than he likes me though, he hates me most of the time." Jackson says.

"I don't hate you, you're just annoying." I shrug. "So are you!" Jackson shoots back.

"Has he gotten on your nerves yet? He's a lot to handle." Jackson says as he looks over at Jin.

By the look in Jackson's eye I could tell he thought Jin was cute. Not that I cared.

"Not really." Jin says, not bothering to look over at me. "Are you sure about that? He didn't get drunk? Puke everywhere? Didn't try to cuddle with you? Nothing?" Jackson asked.

"No, uh, cuddle with me?" Jin asked confused and my lips turn into a straight line.

"He's a cuddler. For as long as I've known Namjoon he's liked to crawl in my bed and cuddle." Jackson says.

"When we were kids! Don't make it sound weird." I say as I glare over at Jackson.

"You did it not that long ago!" He shot back and I rose my hand and punched him in the shoulder.

"Leave, would you? You're getting on my nerves." I say and Jackson frowns.

"Damn, sorry Mr. Afraid to be a little gay." Jackson says, making a face at me.

"Let's just go somewhere. I'm tired of sitting here." I say as I stand and walk towards the door.

"Nice meeting you!" Jackson says before running out after me like a little puppy.


Jackson and I ended up going off campus for lunch and lets just say, his annoying ways didn't stop there.

"Your roommate is hot! He's definetly gay too." He says, scarfing down his food.

"He said he wasn't. Just drop it." I say as I take a sip of my drink, feeling irritated already.

"Why are you so uptight? You're being more angry towards me then usual." Jackson frowns.

I look at him, watching the pancake he had hanging from his lips.

"I'm not, I just don't get why you think I'm gay. What have I ever done to lead you to believe that?" I huff.

Jackson looked at me, his eyes blank. "Are you seriously acting like you don't remember?"


"Remember what?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.

"When I first came out to you, you questioned yourself for like a solid week, Namjoon. We even kissed in high school." Jackson says and my eyes widen.

"You must be crazy. That never happened." I say, taken back and shocked.

"I'm serious. You told me you were curious to know what it was like and we kissed." Jackson says, his words serious.

"I don't believe that." I say, not believing what he said was true. There was just no way. I think I would remember that.

"Well believe it because we kissed. You liked it and you're gay, just accept it." Jackson says as he takes another bite of his food.

"I won't accept something that didn't happen. I get you may like me or something but I'm not gay so stop trying to change my mind." I say and Jackson scoffs.

"What a typical straight guy thing to say."

"What?" I ask, looking at Jackson with a scrunched face. "You thinking I like you just because I'm calling you out. I wouldn't even dream of dating you, you're not my type." Jackson says, his nose turned up.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I say and he doesn't respond, instead continues to eat.

Yeah right. He could assume all he wanted but I knew I wasn't gay. I knew I liked girls and not guys.

I always had, no matter what Jackson said. I'm straight. As straight as a board.

After Jackson and I ate Jackson told me he was going to head home but he'd come visit again.

Right now I just wanted to go back to my dorm and sleep. I had two classes tomorrow which meant more horrible work.

As soon as I got to my room I collapsed right onto my bed, face first. My bed felt heavenly right now.

"Back already?" I hear Jin ask but I don't bother to move. "Mhm." I mumble.

I hear him shuffling with things but I don't look because well, I don't care.

"Do you want the light off? I'm heading out and I don't know when I'll be back." Jin says.

I don't answer.

I hear a slight sigh before the door opens then closes. I turn over and see that he had left the light on.

I sit up and walk over to the mini fridge, pulling out a water bottle. I take a sip before heading back over to my bed and sitting down.

Glancing down at my phone I see that it's going on 6pm. It would be nighttime before I knew it.

I guess all I really could do now was sleep and I was totally okay with that.

As I was walking down to the lounge to meet up with my friend, I'm stopped by one of Namjoon's friends, Tae.

At his side was Jimin who had his arm wrapped around Tae's. "Hey, what's up?" He asked, a smile growing on his face.

"Just waiting for a friend. You?" I ask. "Jimin and I are heading out for a date." Tae says, smiling brightly.

My eyebrows rose. "You guys are dating?" I ask. "Yeah." Jimin grinned as he leaned his head against Tae's shoulder.

"Oh, I didn't know." I say and he laughs. "Its fine. We don't go around telling everyone." Tae shrugs.

"Ah." I say, pressing my lips together. "Anyway, where's Namjoon? I haven't seen him since earlier." Tae says, frowning almost.

"He was just coming back as I left. He was going to sleep I think." I say and Jimin nods.

"Alright well keep us update." He says with a smile and my eyebrows furrow.

"Updated with what?" I ask.

"You guys have a secret thing you don't want anyone to know about, right?" Jimin asked, his eyebrows raised.

"What? Of course not." I say, shocked that I was getting assumed to be gay for the second time today.

"Really? That's shocking. I was really convinced Namjoon was gay. I've sensed it for so long but maybe I'm wrong." Tae says.

"You have?" I ask. "Yeah but don't be weirded out or anything. I'm sure it's nothing." Tae says before looking down at Jimin.

"Anyway, we have to go so enjoy yourself." He nods before he and Jimin head in the other direction.

Their words continue to play in my head as they disappear from my view. Three gay men assumed that Namjoon and I were gay.

Did that mean something? What if it did...

Did that mean I was gay?

Of course not.

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