《bio dad Bruce wayne》I have a daughter


I got off from work and headed straight to the mansion . As I was going inside I got a call from Sabine. Sabine my best friend who vanished 20 years ago and never came back again. Never heard from her in year's. As I was picking the Alfred also gave me some papers.

Sabine - S. Bruce - B

S: hello is this Bruce Wayne speaking.

B: yes ,Sabine this is bruce.

S: I want to tell you why I never contacted you in 20 years. 20 years ago on that night we were drunk and we slept with each other but I didn't love you so I ran away bruce . I am sorry bruce.

B: it's ok! Sabine ,I don't blame you! It's ok!

S: but now I need your help . You have a daughter. I have already sent you the DNA report. There are some problems in china so I am going to China with my husband. I can't take her with me can you please take care of her for me. please!

B: of course Sabine. I just got the reports. She is my daughter too. Don't worry! I will take care of her. When are you sending her here?

S: thankyou bruce! She will be there in 3 days.

B: ok! That's perfect! Bye Sabine.

S: bye bruce!


T: tim. /

Bb: Barbara. /

J: Jason. /

D: Damien. /

C: cass. /

Dk : dick. /

B:bruce. /

A:Alfred. /


I have a daughter . How am gonna tell the others this. I sigh and go to living room.

B: Alfred prepare a room for a girl.

A: when will she be coming master?

B: in 3 days

Dk: who will be coming in 3 days?

T: am I getting a new sister.??

Bb: did you adopt someone again??

B : no she is my blood daughter!

J : see demon spawn your not the only blood child.

D: tt.

B: alright ! she is coming in two days treat her nicely. You too Damien.

D: Tt.

Maybe my this child could be little normal * sigh *.

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