《If I Fall // Fantastic Beasts》Ten


Two days had gone by and the pair couldn't stop thinking about what was to come of their relationship now? They were still best friends but now that they both knew they liked each other more than best friends, it frightened them both a little bit.

'What's happening over there?' Mercy spoke up over the loud crowd across the street, 'what is that lady yelling about?'

The pair walked over across the street to see what was the big deal, as they approached the lady they could hear her chants more clearly.

'Witches live among us! Where there is light, there is a shadow!'

Mercy and Newt looked at each other worriedly, it's been ages since they've come across someone like this. Someone who wanted Witches and Wizards dead as they looked at them like something evil.

Mercy sighed as a small blob of blackish-brown ran across behind the yelling lady, she shook her head hoping she was imagining what she had saw, it must of been a rat. Newt tapped her shoulder and pointing towards the doors to a bank as the so called 'rat' scurried into the building getting lost within the feet of strangers.

'Was that... the Niffler?' Mercy panicked

Newt frowned as he nodded his head, 'come on'

He grabbed Mercy by her hand and pulled her through the large crowd behind him, 'you! Sir, what brings you to our meeting?' The woman smiled as a boy handed Newt and Mercy a brochure.

'Just, Er... wanted to see what had drawn all these people over' Mercy shrugged trying to help Newt

The lady put on another fake smile as she drew a deep breathe in before continuing to speak towards Newt, 'are you a leader or a follower?'

'Er, I'm really more of a chaser, actually' he coughed as he spotting the Niffler through the window of the bank. He grabbed Mercy's hand again as he continued to guide her through the crowd into the ignoring the woman's angry shout's.


'Where did he go?' Mercy muttered looking at the tiled floor

'He could be anywhere, he loves anything shiny'

Newt stood still examining the building as Mercy snuck off deeper into the bank, she spotted the Niffler next to a woman's shoe slipping a jewel into its pouch. Mercy sighed as she followed the creature towards the back of the bank.

'Get back here!' She whispered as the Niffler caught sight of her, the creature stopped to take notice of the woman but ignored her presence before running off down a flight of stairs.

Newt ran beside her, 'did you see him?'

'He went down the stairs'

The two slowly crept down the staircase just in time to spot the Niffler crawling under a large green vault door. Newt shouted something with his wand pointing at the vault door, slowly the door re opened itself as Mercy heard a voice behind her.


She turned around to see a man standing by the stair case with a worried expression placed on his face. Sirens began to sound through out the building as another man stepped down the stairs, 'you've come to steal the money now?'

Mercy panicked as she grabbed Newt and the strange man before disapperating away from the bank, and hopefully her problems too.

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