《I Need to Find You 》Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald》Eight


Tina and I followed this guy all the way to the coffee shop not that far from the circus. I couldn't help but had this unsettling feeling in my gut about him. He just shows up out of the blue looking the same time we were looking for Credence. I told Tina if she's sure we should trust this guy and she said maybe he's got a lead. As much as I want to not talk to this guy, she's right. He might have an idea where Credence might be going.

"Look, I think we were at the circus for the same reason, Monsieur..." Tina started. See we don't even know this guy's name.

"Kama," the guy introduced. "Yusuf Kama. And you think right." Even his name. It's just one letter away from karma. And we all know what they say about karma.

I couldn't help and not hide the suspicion in my voice. "And what exactly do you want with Credence?" I asked as I gripped my coffee cup.

"The same as you."

I raised my brow at him. "Which is what exactly?"

"To prove who the boy really is. If the rumors of his identity are correct, he and I are, distantly, related. I am the last male of my pure-blooded line, and so, if the rumors are correct, is he."

I still don't trust this man. "If you're somewhat related to Credence, then why didn't you go to him during the circus? Why wait till the last minute? You could have approached him earlier."

"Alina," Tina whispered with a bit of scolding. I don't care if I'm being harsh with the guy. This guy could be lying and be part of Grindelwald's followers. He could have been following Credence and is using us to get to him. I'm not going to have that. I might not be a wizard or a witch, but I can really bust someone's lip if needed.

Yusuf chuckled. "I understand your concern for Credence. But what do you say to a man you're meeting for the first time in your life?" Ok, he's got me there. But if I found out that I had a family, I would have been excited and tried to meet them face to face as soon as possible. "Have either of you read The Predictions of Tycho Dodonus?"


Tina nodded. "Yeah. But that's poetry, not proof." I gave Tina a look. Hello, I'm still a newbie to this wizarding world. What book is Yusuf talking about?

The guy let out a light chuckle. "If I could show you two something better -"

"I don't like where this is going," I mumbled as I drank my coffee. Tina slapped my arm as the guy continued.

"- more concrete, something that proves who he is, would the Ministries of Europe and America let him live?"

"They might," Tina answered. Well, we need to do something. I'm not losing Credence again.

"Then come." The way he was smiling gave me another unsettling feeling.

Ting got up and almost followed the guy, but I grabbed her arm. "You don't really trust him, do you?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Not really. But he's got a lead on Credence...the only one we got."

I looked at Kama. He's already looking at me. That unsettling feeling filled my stomach. I pulled Tina closer and whispered, "What if he's trying to kill us?"

"Then he would have done it when he needed to. He wouldn't have talked to us." Tina looked towards Kama. "Just trust me. I know what I'm doing."


Newt needs to get to Paris and he needs to do it fast. But he can't really go travel unless the Ministry of Magic knows where's he's going. And like Theseus said, people are watching him. He can't draw attention to himself so he needs to travel without people knowing. So he called a guy and he offered a safe passage...with a price.

He and Jacob were walking to meet the man but his mind was stuck on Alina. He couldn't imagine the look on her face. He doesn't want to imagine. He loves her and wouldn't do anything like that. Don't get him wrong, he tried to move on. But his memories of her haunt him at the dead of night. That sketch of him, he might have enchanted, was still in his case. The moment he opens his case the sketch changes. It goes changes from the drawing of him to her. Her smile that he wants to see so much. He wants to explain that everything in that magazine is a lie. A mistake.


"Jacob, about Alina -" Newt started.

Jacob sighed. "I know. I miss her, too. I wished I was there when she had her panic attack. At least I know Tina's taking care for her." Newt's gaze fell on the floor. His frown plastered on his face. He knows Alina could take care of herself, but he wanted to be next to her. He wanted to protect her. Jacob noticed the frown. "Don't worry. If I know Alina, she's going to be happy when she sees you. Then it's going to be the four of us, it'll just be like New York all over again. Don't worry about it."

"She must really hate me," Newt mumbled.

Jacob gave him a look. "Hate you?" He chuckled. "Out of everyone, I don't think she could hate you even if she tried."

"Is she seeing anyone?" It was ridiculous for Newt to just assume she's not seeing anyone. How could she not? Alina's beautiful. She's caring. She wants what's best for her friends. She's an incredible artist. Who wouldn't want her?

To his relief, Jacob shook his head. "No, not really. No one really got her attention since you left." He smiled. "I think this is the first I've actually seen her like that. She usually moves on quick, but it must have changed when you left. Which is why I know she'll be happy when she sees you."

"What do you think I should say to her if I see her?"

"Oh, well, it's best not to plan these things. You know, you just say whatever comes to you in the moment."

And Newt did. "Her temper reminds me of a coyote's." And Newt didn't mean it in a bad way. When Alina gets angry or provoked she gets angry/defensive, not only to herself, her friends as well.

But Jacob gave him a look. "Don't say that." He knows Newt means well, but it sounded like an insult if he actually tells Alina that. He shook his head before clearing his throat. "Look, you just tell her that you missed her. Right. Right, and then, you came all the way to Paris just to find her. She'll love that. And then, tell her you're losing sleep at night for thinking of her and..." That's when Jacob lost track. While he's trying to help Newt get back in his friend's good graces, he's thinking about Queenie.

"Just don't say nothing about no coyotes, all right?" Jacob finished.

Newt nodded. "Ok."

"Ok." Newt's mouth was still open. Jacob sighed as he knows the worried look Newt has about his friend. He grabbed Newt by the shoulders. "Hey. Hey. Hey. It's gonna be all right. We're in this together, pal. Ok, I'm gonna help you out. Who knows Alina better than me? No one. I'm gonna help you find her and Tina, find Queenie, and we'll all be happy again, just like old times." Then Jacob noticed the stranger not that far from them. "Who is this guy?"

Newt followed his gaze. "Oh, he's the only way I can leave the country without documentation." They made their way towards him. Newt remembers some side effects from what they're about to do. "Now, you don't suffer from motion sickness, do you?"

"I don't do well on boats, Newt."

That's not what he meant, but Jacob doesn't need to know that. "You'll be fine."

Portkey Tout looked bored as he greeted the two. "Stir your stumps. Leaves in one minute." His eyes squinted before he realized who needed the transport. "50 Galleons."

Newt shook his head. "No, we said 30."

"Uh-huh. 30 to go to France. 20 not to tell anyone I seen Newt Scamander leaving the country illegally." He grinned at the duo. "Price of fame, pal." Newt sighed before he paid the man. "Mmm. Ten seconds." Then he started counting down. "Eight."

Newt went to grab Jacob's hand. "Jacob."

"Seven." Jacob grabbed Newt's hand. "Six." The Portkey looked at the bucket as it started to raddle. "Four." The bucket started to spin around. "Three. Two. One."

Newt stepped inside the bucket. The portal sucked him up along with Jacob. Jacob threw his head back and started to scream. His screams were echoing around the place.

Paris, here they come.


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