《Evanescent || Newt Scamander x Reader》24
As they got back to Honeydukes, ______ turned to Newt. After everything that happened, it was hard to process everything that happened until the moment they stepped out of the cramped passageway.
"Did we just break into Hogwarts and get away with it?" Newt asked, shocked with himself. Even though his goal was to only take a glance at the castle, they actually went into it. Not only that, but they got caught, but ultimately, they got away with it.
How did they swing that?
"I think we did," ______ said, a small smile on her face. "Just barely, but we did." She looked over at him, and their looks of shock both just turned into smiles, and they both had the same idea in their head as they hugged each other.
Newt rest his head on top of hers, closing his eyes and smiling still. To tell the truth, back when he saw the headmaster, he was terrified. He wanted to obliviate her, and he was the kind of wizard Newt couldn't reason with. The kind of wizard Newt couldn't deal with, and he was so scared.
Scared to lose ______. Scared that after all this time, he would lose her to a selfish, muggle-hating man. The fact that she was still there, and that she still had all her memories, that alone was enough to make Newt happy enough to stay there forever. In that moment, where everything was perfect.
He was hugging ______, and she was still so warm. She was real beneath his fingertips, she was alive, and by some miracle, she was with him. Him, of all people.
Did he deserve her?
He was snapped out of his thoughts when _______'s voice rang through the air. "Can we go home?" She asked softly. "We should be getting to bed soon, and you still need to feed your creatures."
"Oh, right," Newt said with a nod, reaching into his coat and pulling out his wand. Holding her around the waist with one hand, he flicked his wand, and they apparated out of Honeydukes.
As soon as they felt the familiar warmness of their home, ______ let go of Newt. "I'm going to go get ready for bed," she told him. "Goodnight, Newt."
Newt glanced at the clock. "I guess it is about time for that..." he trailed off, and then looked back at ______. "Goodnight, love."
______'s heart jumped a little when she heard Newt call her that. Even though it may have not seemed like much to him, or maybe it was just nature, it made her flutter. She couldn't help but smile slightly when she heard him say it.
It was the smallest of gestures, but it made her feel warm inside.
She turned and walked away, heading to her room and getting into the shower. After showering, brushing her teeth and getting into her pajamas, she crawled into bed.
Yet she couldn't fall asleep.
Even under the warm covers, for some reason, the room felt cold. But it was a strange coldness. One that couldn't be fixed with more blankets, and that's when she realized what she felt like she was missing.
Newt's warmth.
He always had a certain kind of warmness, and a different feeling aura. For some reason, at the moment, she couldn't sleep without it. She just felt cold, or maybe she just felt a strange kind of isolation. Either way, she didn't like it, and she couldn't sleep with it.
So, she was going to fix it.
Getting out of bed, she slipped on some slippers and started heading out of her room, going over to Newt's room and knocking on the door. "Newt?" she called out. "Are you still awake?"
She heard some rustling on the other side of the door, and after a moment, Newt opened the door. He was wearing night clothes, and his hair suggested that he was already laying down when she knocked. "Is everything alright?" he asked, looking in her eyes. It was strange for her to be at his door like this, she didn't ever do this.
She shuffled her feet for a moment, trying to sort out her words before she spoke. "Do you mind if... um... can I sleep with you tonight?" she asked. As he only continued to stare at her, she continued, beginning to ramble. "It's just, it's pretty cold in my room, and I thought that maybe if we shared a bed it might be warmer. It can only be for tonight, I promise, I just can't seem to sleep, and-"
"Slow down," Newt told her, smiling sleepily. "I don't mind sharing a bed if you don't." He told her, but in all honesty, his heart was beating faster than he could ever remember it beating. Even when they were back in Hogwarts hid heart wasn't going this fast.
Was he... nervous?
I have nothing I should be nervous about, Newt thought, but he didn't even believe himself. ______ was at his door, and though her intentions were innocent and nothing was on either of their minds besides sharing a bed, he felt nervous. What if he slept weird? What if he talked in his sleep? What if he kicked in his sleep?
Before his worried thoughts could make him change his mind, ______ was smiling. "Thank you," she told him, and he moved aside to let her into the room. That's when he remembered he left some clothes on the ground, and there were probably all sorts of notes and papers scattered around the room.
"Sorry about the mess," he apologized, shutting the door behind him. "I'm not really the neatest person when it comes down to it..."
"It's fine," she assured him, and when she turned to look at him, they met eyes, and it's like they shared the same thought.
She wasn't showing it as much as Newt, but she was nervous too. When they met eyes, that much was obvious to the other one. The thought that she was just as nervous as he was almost calmed Newt a little bit, and he couldn't help but smile a little at the thought.
He wasn't the only one over-thinking things, hopefully.
Meanwhile, a question that ______ kept meaning to ask but she always forgot came into her head. Impulsively, she spoke before she could think of her words. "Sorry if this question comes out of nowhere," she began. "But remember when I woke you up back in New York scared the both of us?"
Newt gave her a confused look. "I think so," he told her. "Why?"
"Oh, uh, well..." she began, trailing off. Now that she began to ask it, she didn't really want to take the question back. "What surprised me the most was that you were saying my name."
Newt's heart dropped suddenly, and he felt even more nervous for a moment, if at all possible. "I did?" he asked, feigning ignorance. In all honesty, he remembered what she was talking about, and he remembered the dream very well. It's one he didn't understand at first when he had it, because at that time, he hadn't recognized his feelings. He was still trying to sort out the point Tina brought up: that he was fighting harder to keep ______ than he ever did for Jacob, and he had considered Jacob to be a good friend.
"You did," ______ continued. "I'm sorry if I'm being nosy, but I can't help but be curious... why were you saying my name?"
There it is, Newt thought. The question I was afraid of. Newt tried to gather his thoughts in his head before answering her. He hoped what he was going to say didn't sound strange, because even though they were a couple, he was still afraid. Afraid that she might leave, that she might change the way he sees her. Even after all they had been though together, he was still scared.
It was silly, actually, because that thought never for a second crossed her mind. No matter what, there was never a thought in her mind of leaving Newt. She was scared that he might leave her, but if he stuck around for this long, why would he leave?
"Well, um..." Newt began, trailing off. "I don't remember that many of the specific details. I remember you were there, and I remember being really close to you, like we were about to kiss, already kissing, or just kissed." He told her, looking away for a moment. "And I remember you being really warm, and then you were trying to walk away, and so I was calling out your name, and I wanted to know what just happened. I think that's about when you woke me up."
______ stood there for a moment, thinking. He was dreaming of us kissing? She thought, and a subconscious smile crawled on her face, but at the same time, she was confused. Thinking about when he had the dream, it was well before they got together. It was well before anything, actually. Before she even realized she had feelings for him. Her silence made Newt nervous, and he began to ramble.
"I'm sorry if that sounds weird, but to be honest, it was weird for me too. I didn't really understand the dream at first, and I thought that maybe it was just some strange thought. Some kind of dream you file away and forget about, looking back and laughing, but at the same time, it... meant a lot to me. It almost helped me sort out what I was feeling, and how I felt towards you." She still stood there in silence. "______?" Newt called out, trying to get her attention.
"I'm sorry."
She spoke all of a sudden, and Newt stared at her, confused. "What?" he asked.
She was feeling a wave of confusion and guilt at the moment. "You have this dream which helped you find out how you feel," she began. "And I... I don't know. I don't know when I started feeling how I feel for you. I don't remember falling in love with you, all I remember was that when I saw you about to die, that I would've given anything for it to be me. I would've given anything not to see you unhappy, hurt, or even dead. I don't know where my feelings came from, they just came."
"That's nothing to be sorry about," Newt told her, stepping towards her. "I make it sound like I know where my feelings came from, but to be honest, I don't know either. I just felt a certain... connection to you. I looked at you, and I talked to you, and every second I was around you I could tell you weren't like other people. You were patient with me, and you were never mad at me, even when I broke into your apartment. I didn't even know why you decided to come with me to Britain."
"I trusted you," she told him. "I remember that. You said that I wouldn't remember you if I stayed, and that gave me a horrible feeling. I didn't want to forget you. I didn't want you to leave, and you told me that if I went with you, I would be safe."
"I did a good job of that, didn't I? First thing to happen in Britain is you getting kidnapped and tortured. I couldn't even get there in time to help you."
"Newt, you saved me." she told him, stepping towards him, taking his hands and looking in his eyes. "I was happy to sacrifice myself for you, but you saved me. You didn't give up when I wouldn't wake up. I may have thrown myself in front of you, but you're the one who did all the saving."
Newt looking into her eyes, and as she spoke, it hit him. He remembered that before everything, before he fell in love with her, he fell in love with her eyes. She had beautiful eyes, and they showed all her emotion. Emotions that were never mad at him, were never annoyed with him, that were always interested in what he had to say, and he could read her like a book.
Her eyes were everything.
"Can I tell you something?" he began, but before she could answer, he started to speak. He wasn't thinking at all, he just started talking. "I love you. I love you, ______ ______. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, and I can't imagine what I'd be doing now if you weren't here. I don't know if I would've ever gotten my case back, I don't know if I'd even be alive without you. I don't know what I'd do without you, and I'm not just saying that. I mean every word of it. I don't understand what you see in me, and there's so much about me I don't understand how you've gotten used to, and you never fail to impress me. You make me feel things that were so new to me I didn't know what they were, but I know now: it's love. You make me love you, and I don't know how lucky I must be that you love me back. I'm hard to get along with, I'm not the fastest thinker, I'm not god at understanding other people's thoughts, I get along better with creatures than people, I'm not the person most people would know, but when you're here, I feel like I could be all of those things. I want to be all of those things for you, and Merlin, do I love you. I cannot stress that enough. I have no idea what I would do if I were to have broken into anyone else's apartment but yours."
______ stood there for a moment, having no idea what to say after hearing everything that he had to say to her. At first, Newt thought he might have scared her with all the information he had just divulged onto her, but before he could say anything more, she began to talk.
"I love you too, Newt. The truth is, I have no idea where I'd be if it weren't for you. I didn't know I loved you until you said it, and while that might sound bad, I really hope it isn't. It's not a bad thing. As soon as I heard the word love come from you, I finally found it. The word I'd been looking for, the word to describe how I felt. I knew I like you, I knew I cared about you, and I knew there was something special in the air when I was around you. When I was around you, I didn't feel like I did when I was around other people. I never knew the word for it, for the longest time, I thought maybe there wasn't a word for it, that maybe it was just an experience. I didn't have the word until you spoke it, but that doesn't make it mean any less, right?"
Newt shook his head. "I don't think it does," he told her. "And now more than ever, I can feel it."
"Feel what?"
"Love," he told her, a large smile on his face. "Love, love. I can feel it running through me, if that makes any sense."
"It does," she said. "Because I feel it too."
Her hands left his and traveled upwards, wrapping her arms around his neck as his hands went to her waist. Without either of them having to prompt it, they both closed their eyes, leaning in and kissing each other. As her hands went up to his hair, he leaned against her more, trying to pull her closer, trying to get her as close to him as possible. Without thinking about it, he lifted her off the ground, and her legs found her way around his waist. The kiss end when they pulled away only for air, only to kiss again seconds later. Still holding her up, Newt walked over to the bed, setting her down on it gently and separating his lips from hers.
"We should be getting to bed," he told her. "That's what you came here for in the first place."
"Oh, right," she said, nodding and blushing. She had lost her thoughts when they began to talk, as often what happened when she started talking to him. Whenever they spoke, it was like the rest of the world stopped around them, but that's not how it worked. Time still passed, and it was late now. The time hit her like a wave, and her drowsiness caught up to her, making her yawn.
Newt smiled. "Come on," he told her, and he got into bed next to her. They both got under sheets, and even though they weren't even touching, he could feel her body warmth, and she could feel his.
Almost without thinking about it, Newt got closer to her from behind, wrapping his arms around her. She was socked, but he didn't mind at all. She just smiled and pressed herself against Newt, cuddling up to him. He smiled too, cuddling his face into the crook of her neck, kissing it.
"Goodnight, ______." He whispered in her ear. "I love you."
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