《Evanescent || Newt Scamander x Reader》20
It had only been a day, if you could even call it that, since ______ almost died.
Newt had gotten out of that castle as soon as he was able to give her enough medicine to make her pulse a little stronger. He couldn't take her to a muggle hospital, they would ask too many questions. He was worried about taking her to a wizard one, although the laws were slacker it didn't mean everybody was nice to Muggles and they all got along.
So, Newt called someone he trusted. Someone he hoped would help him.
He sent the fastest beast he could to take an emergency letter to Tina back in the states. He just hoped it would get to her on time. By the time he had gotten out of the castle, it was one in the morning.
He rushed home so he could get ______ somewhere with less commotion, and from the second he set her down on the bed, he couldn't get to sleep. He couldn't stop worrying. What if she got worse overnight while Newt was sleeping? What if she needed something and he was fast asleep? What if-
He couldn't turn off any of his thoughts.
A day after sending his letter, he got one back from Tina. He was scared of what she might say, what she was going to tell him. He was helpless, he couldn't deal with this on his own. He usually didn't worry so much or panic, but he couldn't help it. Not when it came to ______. He opened the letter slowly, fearing he words written on it. He was relieved when he saw what she wrote:
Dear Newt,
I'm taking the next boat to Britain I can catch. It leaves tonight, so I should be there tomorrow evening or so. Look out for me. I won't ask anything now, but as soon as I get there, you have a lot of explaining to do. Queenie's coming too, she's worried about you. You were so panicked in your letter.
Until then,
Porpentina Goldstein.
He smiled and hugged the letter to him. He was relieved, she was coming to help. She put all the obliviating business behind in America, and he almost forgot about what happened before he left. What she told him.
Of course she would come to help him. He just hoped she wasn't getting the wrong impression. She needed him there as a friend, nothing less, nothing more. After all this time, he realized who he was infatuated with.
And she was lying in the next room.
He was making breakfast for two, but in reality, he would be the only one eating it. ______ still hadn't waken up, and he was scared. He was so scared, he still couldn't get any sleep. Anytime he made food, he made food for her too, just in case she woke up. He had no idea what to do, he was at a loss. All he knew how to do was give her medicine and make sure she wasn't dead.
Newt went back into the room, watching over ______. "Morning," he told her, sitting down in the chair next to the bed. "Tina wrote back to me. She and her sister Queenie are coming either tomorrow or tonight, depending on when she wrote that letter. She'll be a big help, she can help do the things I can't." He was talking to her while eating, as if he would expect an answer. He didn't expect anything, he just hoped. Hoped she would wake up. "I don't think you've met Queenie. You'll like her, she's really nice, and I think she might be better at taking care of sick people than I am. She's better at cooking too, so if you wake up while she's around, she can cook you a proper meal. She'll know what you like too, she can read minds."
Newt set his breakfast tray down and looked at hers, filled and untouched. He sighed and looked back at ______, still unresponsive. Out of habit, he reached for her neck, just to make sure she still had a pulse. After making sure she was alive, he examined her face.
He just wanted her to wake up, even if it was only for a second. He had no idea if this was a deadly reaction, but he needed to see her eyes, even just one last time. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Wake up, ______," he whispered sweetly. "Please, just wake up. I need to tell you something."
You could tell Newt wasn't doing well. He'd been trying to take care of himself as much as her, but the second he left the room, he stressed about it. He couldn't sleep, caffeinated tea was the only thing keeping him going at this point. Even when he tried reading a book he couldn't concentrate. The only break he got was when he was feeding his creatures, they calmed him down a little bit.
He had a new creature to take care of, too. When Newt was trying to leave the castle on that night, the Crup that had led him there was still laying out there. Newt didn't want to just leave him there, he could tell he had nowhere to go. He didn't have an owner from what he could see, and so Newt made the rash decision to take him with him. He wanted ______ to name him as soon as she woke up. He already was trying to get him to warm up to her. They were usually ferocious towards Muggles, but ______ had always been different. Pickett was proof enough for that.
Pickett had gone back to staying with Newt. Newt didn't know how to read it, maybe it was because ______ was sick, or maybe it was because Newt was simply warmer. Whatever the reason, Newt found it kind of funny. His entire excuse to stay around ______ was because Pickett wouldn't get off of her, but now that didn't apply.
Now he just wanted to be around her. No concrete excuse, he didn't need one. He just wanted to be with her.
The day crawled on, ______ still not showing any signs of waking up soon. Newt only left the room a few times to feed his creatures, the Crup always laying down and whining when Newt was trying to leave. He smiled down at the wizard dog. "You're just like Pickett, aren't you?" he asked, leaning down and petting the dog. "She'll wake up soon, and when she does, you'll get to see her. I promise."
Newt headed back upstairs, the time shifting into evening. Deciding to try to read next to ______, he was a few chapters in when he heard some knocks on the door, followed by a voice. A voice he knew.
"Mister Scamander?"
Newt's eyes widened, and he set his book down and stood up with haste. He ran over to the door, throwing it open. "Tina, Queenie," he said, slightly out of breath. "You guys are here."
"I told you we were coming," Tina said with a smile, and Newt moved aside to let the two girls in.
Queenie walked past him with a look of concern. Unlike Tina, she could actually read his thoughts and know what was going on right away. It was especially easy now since Newt was under stress and hurting. "Oh honey," she began. "You haven't slept in days. Or... bathed..." she trailed off, taking one step back. "You need to take care of yourself."
Newt shook his head. "Later," he told her. "Anyways, you should see ______. She hasn't been awake in days."
Tina gave him a concerned look. "Newt, how've you been taking care of her?" she asked in a soft voice.
"Sorry, what?"
"What I mean is what have you been doing for her?"
"Oh, right," Newt nodded, then started walking into the room he had ______ in, she was still laying in the bed, unresponsive. Tina and Queenie followed him in, looking from ______ to Newt. "I sucked the venom out and stitched up her neck, and I give her medicine everyday, but that's about it."
"That's it?" Tina asked, surprised. I'm so glad we came when we did, she thought. As much as she didn't like the idea of Newt and ______ together before, she meant a lot to him. The world, in fact. "Newt, you go take a shower. We've got things to do."
"Things?" Newt asked, confused. "Whatever you're going to do, I can help. I don't want to just sit around."
Tina paused. "Newt, we have to change her. She can't just sit in the same clothes for days, and she needs to eat too."
"Oh, right," Newt said, shaking his head. How could I forget that? He thought. She could've just died from hunger or dehydration because of me.
"You go bathe honey," Queenie told him in a reassuring voice. "You've been doing fine, you can't remember everything. That's why we're here."
Newt only nodded and walked out of the room. Tina and Queenie turned to each other. "He's really in the dumps," Tina mumbled, taking the covers off of ______ so they could start changing her into fresh clothes.
"He loves her," Queenie said nonchalantly.
Tina paused for a moment, her heart involuntarily sinking. "You think so?" she asked, not looking at Tina, focused on trying to find something to put ______ in. Her bag was next to the bed, untouched, so she pulled some things out of there.
"Well, I'm not a mind reader for nothing," Queenie said. She knew about her sister's crush on Newt too, she has for a while. She also knew that Tina needed to get over him. Queenie could tell Newt was in love with this girl. Real, genuine love. She loved her sister too much for her to go on liking a man who didn't see her the same way.
After getting ______ changed into some of her other clothes, Tina spoke. "I'm going to go blend some food together so she can eat. What do you think I should make her?"
"Just something simple," Queenie told her. "Maybe some vegetables and something with protein in it. Something with Vitamin D too."
Tina nodded, leaving the room. Queenie looked around for somewhere to sit, settling herself where Newt had been. "
Just then, Newt walked into the room, his hair damp and now in different clothes. He had his eyes focused on the ground. "Have you guys finished changing her?" he asked in a small voice.
"We have," Queenie told him. He nodded and entered, and seeing Queenie sit where he usually was, he slowly sat at the foot the bed next to ______'s feet. At first, there was nothing but silence. Queenie decided to break it. "You need sleep," she told him.
"I'll sleep later," he told her. "When it's later, maybe."
Queenie sighed, she could tell he wasn't going to sleep at all if she didn't make him. He was too worried about ______, and she didn't need to read his mind for that one. It was written all over his face. "What happened to her anyways? You were vague in your letter. Something about a dark wizard attack?"
Newt shook his head. "That's a story for another time," he voided the subject. Just then, Tina walked back in the room. She had a tube in one hand, a glass with blended food in the other. Newt knew what was coming, and he wasn't sure he wanted to be in the room to watch it. He didn't want to leave her though.
Queenie spoke up. "Could you go get a glass of water? She's going to need that too," she told Newt, giving him something to do so he could get out of the room at the same time. Newt nodded and left the room, and Queenie and Tina moved so they were stood above ______.
As Tina opened her mouth, Queenie asked "Which one is the stomach? I know if we do this wrong we'll accidentally pump it into her lungs."
Tina thought for a moment. "I think the one at the very back of your throat it is your lungs," she told her. "I remember reading that somewhere."
"Well, here's to hoping you're right," Queenie said, and they slowly lowered the tube into her mouth and down her throat. They held their breath as they started pouring the drink in, and when she didn't start choking, they let it out. Right as they emptied the cup, Newt walked in.
Seeing a tube leading from Tina's hands into ______'s stomach was a sight he never thought he'd see, and a sight he never wanted to see. Even though it made him a little squeamish, he stepped in, handing the cup to Queenie. "Here you go," he told her.
"Thanks honey," she told him with a smile, and Newt looked away as they poured the water in, going down the tube and hydrating ______.
After they got the tube out, they all went into the living room to sit down. As Queenie started making cocoa for the three of them, Tina began asking questions. "Newt, you have a few things to explain," she began. "What happened with the dark wizard? What could've happened that did that to her?"
Newt paused. "She threw herself in front of me," he began in a sad voice. "There was this dark wizard trying to use swooping evil's deathly abilities to go on a murder spree. He was going to have him kill me after he cursed him, but she threw herself in front of me..." As he trailed off, he wiped a tear off his face he didn't realize spilled out.
It was a vague description. It didn't answer so many of Tina's questions, but she didn't want to press it. She could tell just thinking about it hurt him. Just then, Queenie walked into the room, three cups of cocoa. She gave one to Newt and offered Tina one. They all drank their cocoa, talking about nothing in particular. They didn't want to ask about what happened anymore, and Queenie didn't even want to read his mind. Something like that was just too personal, too scarring.
After drinking and talking, drowsiness suddenly hit Newt, making him yawn loudly. "Ah," Queenie began. "You really must be getting to sleep."
"I'm fine," Newt assured her. "It's just a yawn. It's been a long day."
"Newt," Tina chirped in. "You haven't slept in days. You haven't been taking care of yourself. You go to sleep, don't worry, we'll watch over ______. It's what we're here for."
Newt sighed and nodded, too tired to put up a fight. "Wake me up if she wakes," he told Tina in a tired voice. "I'll be in the back bedroom."
"Of course," Tina told him. "Good night, Newt."
"Night," he told her, walking off.
Queenie smiled. "I knew if I put a little drowsy medicine in his cocoa he'd go right to bed."
Tina stared wide-eyed at Queenie. "You did what?"
"Oh, don't worry, he didn't notice."
"That's not what I was worried about!" Tina exclaimed. She sighed and put her head in her hands. "There's no use in the both of us staying up. We should take shifts."
"Alright," Queenie replied, putting her cup down. "I'll take the first shift. I don't like being waken."
"Typical," Tina joked, and Queenie stood up. "I'll just sleep on the couch here."
"Alright, I'll wake you if I need help with anything." Queenie told her, leaving the room.
The night went on without a hitch, and so did the day. And the day after that.
And the day after that.
For three days while Queenie and Tina were there, ______ still didn't wake up. They knew she was alive, and Newt didn't want to give up. Every day he kept saying, "We're one day closer to her waking up. She'll wake up soon, I know she will."
It was a normal day. Nothing much had happened through the day, and it was the same as the one before. They were doing night shifts, and Queenie was sitting next to the bed, reading a book while looking over to check ______ every so often. She didn't expect anything, so when she suddenly heard shifting next to her, she looked away from her book and gasped when she saw it.
______ was trying to sit up, groaning and grabbing her neck.
"Oh my god!" Queenie screeched happily, putting her book down. "______! You're awake!"
______ had a piercing headache, and her neck had a severe pain in it, like someone had just stabbed her. She looked over to the woman who just had screeched out her name. "Who are you?" She asked. "Where... where am I?"
"Not much time to explain," Queenie told her, standing up. "I'm a friend of Newt's, he's been worried sick about you. Literally. He could sleep for days. Never mind that though, you smell dreadful," Queenie told her honestly, stepping back. "You go take a shower, I'll go wake Newt."
"I'm sorry, what?" ______ asked. "I'm not sure what's happening."
"I'll let Newt explain then. Now, go freshen up!" Queenie nudged her, going to ______'s bag and grabbing the bag of toiletries she had packed. "I need to go tell Newt."
As Queenie rushed out of the room, ______ turned to the room Queenie was pushing her towards. Walking in, she looked around carefully. It was an ordinary bathroom, although small. She started running a shower and stepped in slowly, her legs still shaky from being out for so long.
How long has it been anyways?
Meanwhile, Queenie was basically knocking down Newt's door, jumping up and down for joy. "Newt!" she exclaimed loudly, waking the wizard.
"What is it?" he asked, sitting up slowly and rubbing his eyes. He looked over at the clock, it was only 12:00, his shift wasn't until 3:00.
"She's awake!" Queenie exclaimed, a huge smile on her face. Newt's eyes widened, he didn't have to ask about anything anymore. He knew exactly what she was waking him up for.
Newt jumped out of bed, literally, and grabbed his jacket off the chair, putting it on. It was getting near the end of December, and it was freezing, especially considering he just jumped out of bed. Right as he was about to run out, Queenie stopped him for a moment. "Woah," she began. "I want to tell you something first."
"What is it?" he asked impatiently, but not rudely. He was just itching to see her, he wanted to hug her. To talk to her. To know that she was alright.
"I didn't tell her much, but from what it sounds like, she doesn't know where she is or what was going on. She's taking a shower now, but when she gets out... you have some explaining to do to her."
She doesn't know what's going on? Newt asked in his head, fearing the worst. He had gotten all of the venom out, right? She can't have lost her memory, there was a reasonable answer for all of this. He was sure of it. Newt just nodded. "Got it, I'll explain everything to her. Please, I need to see her."
Queenie half-smiled. "I know you do," she said, moving aside. Newt walked past her, running to where he knew ______ would be now.
Walking into the room, he heard the shower still running in the bathroom attached to it. A ridiculously large smile spread across his face.
She was awake. She was alive. She made it through.
When the water stopped running, Newt's heart jumped. He couldn't stand still, he started pacing. He started assuming the worst. What if she didn't remember him? What if he didn't get all the venom out? What if she was sad, what if she was angry? What if she was...
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a door open. Newt spun around at lightning speed, and when he did, he saw ______. She was standing at the doorway of the bathroom, dressed in some basic pajamas, and water droplets still falling down her face. They stared at each other for a moment, both unbelieving that the other was there. Slowly, a smile spread across both of their faces, and they spoke in unison.
Bursting into tears suddenly, ______ made a rash decision to run up to Newt and throw her arms around him. They weren't sad tears, they were happy. She was happy. In fact, she was overjoyed.
She managed to save Newt, and he saved her.
"You're alive," she whispered, not letting go. He didn't mind it, when he was hugging her, he felt like everything was right. This time, everything was right. He knew for a fact now she wasn't under amortentia, and it made everything feel different. Especially this hug. She was warmer, despite being soaking. She seemed softer too, in a way. He could hold her closer without feeling uncomfortable.
Everything was perfect. What was he so worried about anyways?"
"I should be saying that to you," he told her. "You haven't been awake for days."
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