《Evanescent || Newt Scamander x Reader》13


Newt had to get over the shock, he knew that.

He stood there for what felt like forever, replying every moment he spent with Tina inside his head. What was he missing? What was it that made Tina fall in love with him? Was he just that oblivious to never realize her feelings?

One thing was for sure, he didn't expect Tina to say that. He didn't expect Tina to just give up, but she had. He felt guilty, but somehow... he didn't feel bad. He just didn't return the feelings. What could he do?

He could at least listen to her. He could get his case, get ______, and get out of New York.

He blinked a couple of times, trying to get himself back into the real world. Out of his head, back into reality. Back to having to catch a boat that left in five minutes.

Five minutes.

Realizing what the time was, Newt panicked. "______!" he shouted, running towards what was once his room. Or, at least, the room he was staying in. He threw open, his case, sticking half his body in, not going all the way in. What can you say? He was in a hurry. Seeing ______ just sitting on his hammock, he called out her name again. "______!" he called out.

Hearing his voice made her jump. Everything had been so silent before. She turned to see Newt half-in his case, hanging upside down. "Newt – you startled me. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's fine now, Tina left. However, everything will not be fine if we don't leave soon. Our boat is set to depart in five minutes."

_______'s eyes widened. "Five minutes?" she shouted, jolting up. Would they even have the time to run to the docks and get on their boat?

"Yes, we need to hurry!" Newt shouted, reaching his hand out towards her. She ran up and took his hand, and he pulled her out of the case quickly. Maybe even too quickly.

Because their combined force sent them crashing out of the case, ______ landing right on top of Newt. It was like the first day they met, except now it was reversed.

Newt's face turned red. "Sorry," he told her. "Didn't mean to pull you out so hard. I just thought it would be quicker." He tore his eyes away from his, looking where he always did: her lips.

"It's fine," she mumbled, looking away from him too. Her face was starting to turn red when she snapped back into their situation. "Anyways, we need to get going. Five minutes!" she exclaimed, then looked at the clock. "Three minutes now! Oh god, we're going to miss the boat!" She stood up quickly, running and grabbing her stuff.

Newt stood up too. He knew one way that they could make it there on time, but he was hesitant to mention it to ______. After all, she had such a bad reaction last time.

But in this situation, what choice did they have?

______ came running back into the room, looking at Newt. "I hope you're a fast runner, because we're going to have to run faster than we have in our entire lives."

"We still might not even make it if we run," Newt told her, then paused. "We're going to have to apparate."

_______'s face paled. She knew it was probably the only way, but remembering the way it made her feel before, she almost got dizzy just thinking about it. Newt recognized this, and continued talking. "It might be better than last time. I promise I'll try to make it better for you," he offered, but he wasn't quite sure how to do that. Maybe if he held her closer to him, it wouldn't be as bad.


"Alright... okay..." ______ whispered, gripping her things harder and stepping towards Newt. He held out his arm to her and she wrapped her own around it, holding it tighter than last time. Now that she knew what it was like, she was a little scared to do it again.

But how else were they going to catch their boat?

Newt pulled his arm in, pulling ______ closer to him in the process. "Right then" he held up his wand. "Let's go."

He swished his wand, and as they were thrown into apparition again, ______ thought that it felt worse this time than before. Perhaps it was because the thought of it already made her dizzy before it happened, or maybe it was because she psyched herself out before they went in. Whatever it was, it was worse than she remembered. In all her dizziness, she almost let go of Newt, but before she could, they were back in the real world, on solid ground.

As soon as they landed, ______ dropped her luggage and almost fell right over. "______!" Newt called out, dropping his case and catching her quickly. This is why he didn't want to apparate, but he did, and now they were going to make it. If ______ could walk, that is.

"Hm?" she hummed, grabbing Newt for balance. She didn't even dare open her eyes, she already knew her head wouldn't stop spinning for a while. She thought for a moment she might even get sick, and there was a terrible feeling in her stomach.

"We're almost there ______, we just have to get on the boat." He reassured her. He could tell she was doing even worse than the first time, and seeing as they were about to miss their boat, he didn't know what to do. He only had one idea, and by the looks of it, he was going to have to do use it "Sorry ______," he began. "Please excuse me."

"What do you mean sorry?" she asked, trying to open her eyes. Before she could though, she felt a kind of weightlessness. Newt had picked her up bridal-style, setting her luggage on top of her. It was slightly inconvenient, but he had to. He was less worried about the inconvenience, however, and more embarrassed of the position he was in. It was extremely improper for him to be holding her like he was, but under the circumstances, he didn't have much choice. She couldn't really walk without falling at the moment, and they had a boat to catch.

Newt walked to their boat as fast as he could, looking for the numbers along the side. As he walked up the landing, he knew that the person taking tickets was staring at him. He could feel it. "Long story," he said when he got to the top. "The tickets are in my pocket, I assure you. I can't get them out, really." He felt embarrassed even further as he turned sideways, tilting his head towards his jacket pocket.

The man gave him a strange look as he reached into Newt's jacket pocket. This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever done, Newt thought to himself. The man examined the tickets before punching holes into them, awkwardly slipping them back into Newt's pocket. "Thank you," Newt said, walking past the ticket man.

As they got on the boat, Newt gently started putting ______ back on the ground, still holding onto her shoulders for support. "Are you alright? Can you stand?" he asked her worriedly. Before anything, he was worried about her.


She nodded slowly. "That was dreadful," she told him. "I never want to have to do that again.'

"Well, let's hope we'll never have to do it again." As he began to let go of her, he saw her sway, almost falling again before he grabbed her. "You need to lie down," he told her, one arm around her as his free hand held her arm gently. He looked around before spotting a worker on deck. "Ah, excuse me!" he called out to them.

The worker walked up to the two of them. "How can I help you?" she asked with a smile.

"I was wondering if we could get a cabin? As soon as possible, please, she's not feeling too well."

The worker nodded. "Follow me," she told them, and they walked down the hall. Newt didn't loosen his grip on ______ for a second, worried she might fall over any second. She finally had mustered the strength to open her eyes, and though she saw spots, she kept them open the best she could.

The worker led them down a hall before finally opening the door to a small, one-bed cabin. "Here you go," she told them with a smile.

Newt stepped into the room, sitting ______ on the bed. He hadn't noticed at this point that the room only had one bed, and since it was so small, they'd probably have to end up sharing the bed. Right now, all he was focused on was ______'s welfare. "Lie down," he told her in a soothing voice. "I'll get you some medicine like last time."

He almost forgot all about the worker before she spoke again. "Anything else I can get you two?"

"No, I think that'll be it. Thank you," he told her, dismissing her with a smile.

The worker turned to leave before she stopped ad turned back around. "By the way, I just want to say that you two are an adorable couple."

"Couple?" Newt asked suddenly, a blushing coming onto his cheeks. It was in that moment he realized that's probably what they looked like. After all, he carried her onto the boat, and held onto her all the way walking to the cabin. Then there was the cabin itself. He had been so caught up in making sure ______ was okay that he didn't notice until now that it was a one bedroom cabin.

"Yes, you two are absolutely darling. You are a couple, right?" she asked, now unsure. If she had given them a one-bedroom and they weren't a couple, she might have to deal with some seriously angry customers. It had happened to her before. Especially since it was usually improper to even stay at someone's house if you two were seeing each other.

"Sure, I mean, yes," Newt told her, nodding. He didn't want to make things awkward and have to explain why he was acting the way he was, and he didn't want to have to move ______ to another room. The best thing for her right now was to lay down. So, instead, he just agreed with the worker, smiling at her. ______ was so out of it, her headache taking up so much of her thinking that she didn't even realize what was going on.

"Okay, making sure. If you need me, I'll be on deck." The worker told him, turning and walking out of the room.

Newt turned his attention back to ______. "Is the dizziness going down?" he asked her.

"Hm?" she asked, thinking about the question. "A little bit. Gosh, how do you do that all the time?"

"Believe it or not, it gets better the more you do it. I'm going to get you some medicine," he told her, opening his suitcase and going in. She opened her eyes again, looking around the small cabin room. The world was still spinning, and she felt as the boat began to leave the dock.

Newt came back up a few minutes later with some pills and a glass of water. "Here," he said, giving ______ the items. She sat up slowly, taking them and drinking form her mug.

"Thank you," she told him. She looked around the room. "Did they give us a one-bed cabin?" she asked, realizing where they were.

"Yes," he told her. "She thought we were a couple. Anyways, you can have the bed. I'll sleep in my suitcase."

"Oh, alright," she nodded. They thought we were a couple? ______ thought. She could see why, seeing how they came onto the boat could probably confuse a lot of people.

Suddenly, the chill of the room hit her, sending goosebumps up her arms. Newt noticed this. "Here," he said, taking off his coat. "You should probably rest. Already having motion sickness and then getting on a boat doesn't mix well, you should get some rest. It'll be warmer in my suitcase, so you can have my coat."

He leaned over and wrapped ______ in his coat, pulling it closed and buttoning it. ______ subconsciously smiled. She loved the smell of the jacket, and it was already warm from Newt wearing it. It was soft too, and she could just melt into it. "Thank you," she said, looking right into Newt's eyes for the first time since they fell on the floor earlier.

Newt felt his face flush a little and tried his best not to look away, not to break this eye contact. "No problem," he told her. "Now, lay down. You need to get some rest."

"Alright, alright, I'm laying down," she said with a yawn. Newt had added a little bit of some drowsing medicine into her pills from earlier, he already knew that it would be best if she got some rest.

She laid down on the bed, pulling the covers over her and closing her eyes. In just a few short minutes, she was fast asleep. Newt stayed by her side until she did so, making sure she didn't get sick or anything. He really did care about her.

Suddenly, as he thought that, he was thrown back to earlier. To what Tina said.

She had got him thinking. Thinking about how he felt towards ______. She had a point, Newt had been calling ______ his friend, but he didn't do all of this for Jacob. It didn't even cross his mind. He felt bad about letting Jacob step out into the rain and letting him lose his memory, but he knew it needed to be done. However, no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't imagine ever doing that to ______. The more and more he thought about it, the less it made sense.

Was ______ really just a friend to him?

The answer was simple. At least, to anyone watching on the outside, like Tina. She could see it in his eyes. She wasn't just a friend to him, he cared about her so much more. Even while Newt had trouble placing his own feelings, Tina already knew how he felt towards ______.

Newt looked over at ______, who was still sleeping. A small smile crept onto his face. "I can't wait to show you Britain. You're going to love it."

He stood up, opening his case. He stood in front of it for a second, about to go inside. He hesitated for a moment, looking back at ______. Without really thinking about it first, he walked over to her and leaned over her head, kissing it softly. She stirred slightly, and Newt drew back, realizing what he just did. His face was redder than it ever had been, but as ______ shifted slightly in her sleep, Newt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. "Get a good rest," he whispered, and a smile on his lips, he descended into his case.

At this moment, everything seemed perfect.

They had no idea that someone was watching them. Someone neither of them have met, but were going to very soon.

Someone who had heard of a wizard with a case full of fantastic beasts.

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