《Evanescent || Newt Scamander x Reader》9
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The next morning, Newt woke up on his own and immediately smelt coffee. Knowing that meant ______ would be up too, he got out of bed, only to be immediately met with the cold of the air this morning. He shivered and grabbed his jacket, deciding to wear it inside the house today. He walked out of the room and headed into the kitchen, where ______ was making coffee on the stove and biting into a cookie. He observed her for a moment. Even when she wasn't paying attention to what she was doing, she seemed to present herself flawlessly. Her beautiful, shining eyes were watching the coffee pan, waiting for it to cool enough to pour it into something. He noticed, when looking at her, she was wearing a jacket too. Finally, Newt decided to make his presence known. "Good morning."
______ subconsciously smiled when she heard his voice, turning around and seeing him. "Good morning, Newt," she said. "Sorry that it's cold, I turned on the heater right as I woke up, so it should be heating up soon. You should look out the window. It started snowing like crazy last night, and it's still snowing. It's a storm out there."
Newt walked towards the window, pulling back the drapes and looking at the city below. Sure enough, it was snowing heavily, and he could hear the wind shake the window. Closing the drapes, he looked over at ______. "You don't plan on walking to work this morning, do you?" he asked her, worry in his voice.
______ shook her head quickly. "Of course not. I don't think I'd be able to stand walking in all that snow." As she spoke, the lights started to flicker in the house. "Since I'm not going to work though, I thought I'd finally have time to make a proper breakfast. I have some eggs, and-"
Right in the middle of her sentence, the lights flickered again, and there was some sort of large electric noise, and suddenly all the lights went out. It got super dark, especially considering ______ kept all the drapes closed in hopes it would slow the cold. "______?" Newt called out, only being able to see her outline.
"Power must've gone out," ______ stated, like it wasn't already obvious. Newt didn't mind though, he was just glad to hear her voice.
Pulling out his wand, Newt chanted, "Lumos." The tip of his wand illuminated, filling the room so he could make out ______'s face. "Now what?" he asked, looking to her for answers. He couldn't remember the last time he had been caught up in a power outage.
"Let's open the drapes," she told him, heading over and watching her step so she didn't fall. Pulling them open, Newt put his wand away as a dim light filled the room. ______ felt a shiver go down her spine. "So much for heat," she complained. "The heater isn't going to run now."
Newt thought for a moment, then thought of an idea. "Follow me," he told her. Before he knew what he was doing, he took her hand in his and ran to his room. She was shocked at first, but squeezed his hand, intertwining his fingers with hers. Once they got to the room, Newt looked over at his suitcase. "We can go in there, I have candles and light in there, so hopefully it'll be warmer."
"Sounds perfect," ______ said with a smile, looking at Newt. He smiled back at her, and realizing he was still holding her hand, turned pink and slowly let go.
"Sorry," he apologized. Before ______ could tell him there was no need to apologize, Newt got his suitcase and flipped it open, stepping inside. Once he was torso-deep in, he looked over at ______ and extended a hand out to her. "Come on then," he said with a smile. "I need to feed them breakfast anyways."
Taking his hand, the two of them descended into the case, dropping to the bottom. ______ took some time steadying herself, holding onto Newt's arm without noticing for support. Once she felt stable and realized what she was doing, she let go. "Sorry," she apologized quickly.
"No need to be sorry," he told her, staring into her eyes for a moment before looking away. Grabbing a bucket, he headed outside the room, ______ at his heel. Like she had before, she helped out once again feeding everyone. It still made her so happy every time she saw Newt care for a beast with the biggest smile on his face. Sometimes she would just stand to the side, watching him feed them as he would ramble on, admiring him. He had such a lovely smile, and his hair was always wonderfully messy and curly, and she swore she could get lost in those eyes of his...
"______?" Newt called out, realizing she spaced out.
"Oh, sorry," she said. She grabbed a handful of floating snacks and threw them about, helping him feed. After making sure everyone was fed and happy, they returned to the original room, where the candles were slightly helping the two of them warm up.
Newt sat down on the small hammock he called a bed in there as ______ wandered around the room, looking at everything she didn't get a chance to see the last time she was in here. She never realized how many books there were, and then she found one that caught her attention. Pulling it out, she examined the small journal-like book she held in her hand. It was a dark red color, and she began to read the title out loud. "100 Conversation Starters and Questions," she read aloud, looking at Newt.
"Oh, that's a book my brother got me," he told her, looking over at it. Newt and his brother weren't very close, especially when he went to war, but he used to buy things for Newt when he came across something interesting. "He always thought I had trouble communicating with people."
______ flipped through the pages, reading them in her head. Reading through them, she got an idea. She looked up from the book and towards Newt, a smile on her lips. "Why don't we do a set or two of these?" she asked. "It could pass the time while we wait for the power to come back on."
"How are we going to know if the power comes back on from in here?" Newt asked.
______ thought for a second. "Wait here," she told him, climbing up the ladder. Newt was confused for a minute when a few moments later she came back down with a lamp in her hands, the cord extending up and out of the case. "This is the longest chord I had for a lamp. I have it plugged in upstairs. Once the power come on up there, the lamp will come on down here."
"Makes sense," Newt told her as she set it carefully on the table. She went towards him and took a seat next to him on the hammock, flipping to a spot in the book.
"Alright, let's try these two sets," she began, clearing her voice. "First question: given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?"
Newt thought about it for a moment. "There was this professor I had back when I was in school," he began, thinking about each word carefully. "When they had kicked me out, he defended me to no end to try to clear my name and keep me in school. It was with his help I got my job at the Ministry, so perhaps I'd like to have him as a guest to thank him."
"You almost got kicked out of school?" ______ asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I did, but after a while they let me back in and I got the chance to finish my schooling there." He told her. He took the book from her. "Alright, your turn: would you like to be famous? In what way?"
"Famous?" ______ asked, repeating it out loud more for herself. "Hm... I don't think I'd like to be famous. I imagine it could get tiring, having everyone know you wherever you went. I don't think you'd get to have the same life and opportunities as everyone else."
"I don't think having a little fame is like that," he told her. "Having people know your name wouldn't be that bad, but if everyone recognized you, that could be a problem."
______ nodded, taking the book from him again. "Before going out with someone, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say?"
Newt shook his head. "I don't, and I think sometimes that might be a bit of a problem. I always end up getting myself in trouble for that, some people find me quite annoying."
"Annoying?" she repeated in disbelief. "I find it hard to picture you as annoying."
"Yeah, I really like being around you."
Newt smiled at her words and took the book again. "What would constitute a 'perfect' day to you?"
"Hm... being with someone I liked, away from this city, somewhere it's quiet. I don't know if you've ever heard it, but some people call New York the city that never sleeps, and I can tell you it's true. You get used to it eventually, but it's such a busy town, and such a popular one too. Maybe just getting away for one day with someone by my side, going out and doing something fun, I would call that the perfect day." She smiled, satisfied with her answer. Newt couldn't help but stare at her the entire time, she had a dreamy and wishful look in her eyes when she spoke about what she pictured the perfect day to be. He always fixated on her eyes, those beautiful, shining eyes. When she stole a glance towards Newt, he looks towards her lips, handing her the book. She read the next question aloud, "When did you last sing? To yourself, or to someone else?"
"I don't think it was that long ago..." he thought for a moment. "A week ago, perhaps, and I think it was to one of my beasts. Can't remember who though..."
"Do you remember what you sang?"
"It was a, um, lullaby. They were sick, and I think they're what gave Pickett his cold." He said with a small smile on his face. He took the book. "If you were able to live to the age of 90 and retain either the mind or body of a 30-year-old for the last 60 years of your life, which would you want?"
______ thought for a moment. "The mind, I've always heard when people get older, their minds start to slip away, and they lose memories. It's heartbreaking because they're smart, and they know they're smart, but since their mind is going away they can't really express it."
Newt smiled to himself, whispering, "That's such a Ravenclaw answer." As soon as he said it, he began to think in his mind what house would ______ be in? Would she be a Hufflepuff like him, or something else?
"Oh, sorry. The school I went to, we were divided into houses, and your answer reminded me of one."
"Do you think I'd be in Ravenclaw?"
He shrugged. "There's a lot more to being in a house than what's on the surface. After all this time, I've figured that much out. Who knows what house you'd be put in?"
"Well, whatever it is, I hope it's good." She smiled and took the book back from his hands. "Do you have a secret hunch about how you will die?"
"I see they're keeping the questions light here," Newt joked, thinking for a moment. "I used to think that maybe I would accidentally get myself killed by a beast. That somehow, a beast would get the better of me and I wouldn't be able to help it. After travelling all over the world, learning, and meeting all sorts of fantastic beasts, I don't think that anymore. I think that, despite what people might think, no beast is really dangerous. No matter what, we're always the ones who can do more damage. We're more dangerous than they'll ever be."
______ just stared at him for a moment, a small smile on her face. Newt looked back at her and asked, "Did I say something funny?"
"No, not at all," she told him, shaking her head. "I was just thinking: you're admirable. You so kind, and you tell it how it is. Every time you talk about your beasts, I can tell that they mean the world to you. It's charming."
Newt blushed slightly and laughed, covering his face for a moment before putting his hand down. "I could say the same to you," he began. "When I asked you if I could stay at your house, I was expecting you to kick me out. When I showed you magic, I feared you would run away screaming. Muggles are so strange, I've never met one before that reacts to magic like you do. You're very kind, and understanding, and you're a wonderful listener. Usually I just annoy people," he laughed, looking down for a moment before looking to her lips. "I'm really glad I don't annoy you."
"I don't think I could ever find you annoying. You're kind, and you've seen things beyond your years, and yet you still do wonderful things. Wonderful things for all of your fantastic beasts."
Newt looked up, and ask they made eye contact, he blushed again, ______ noticing it slightly. Before she could think anything about it though, Newt took the book from her and read the next question. "For what in your life do you feel most grateful?"
______ thought about it. "I'm really grateful to be able to live in this apartment, to even have a roof over my head. My family helps me out with expenses when the rent comes due, because working where I am, I don't make much money. I'm lucky that my wage pays for food and a small portion of the rent. If it weren't for people helping me, I might be out on the streets."
"I might've run into a less understanding Muggle if they didn't help you," Newt added. "So I guess I'm grateful for that as well."
______ took the book from his hands. "If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be?"
Newt thought for a moment. "I'd like to think I was raised fairly. I got to be raised around magical creatures, so that was a plus. If I had to change something though... maybe I'd like to have been a little more social. Not too much so, I don't think I could handle having a lot of friends, but just enough so maybe I could get along with people better."
"If you changed that though," ______ began, "You'd lose a lot of qualities you have."
"No matter what I changed, I would lose a lot of qualities," Newt told her. "Butterfly effect."
"I guess so," she agreed. "The butterfly effect will change everything no matter what, huh?"
Newt nodded and took the boo from her. "If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be?"
______ smiled and came up with a response almost right away. "I'd like not to be a Muggle anymore," she told him. "I think it would be so fascinating to become part of your community and learn everything, I already love what I've seen so far."
"Well, magic isn't all good," Newt told her. "There's some dark wizards who like to abuse magic and cause problems."
"Well, then maybe I'd use my magic to fight them," ______ said with a laugh. "Somebody's got to do it, so even if it wasn't me, I'd want to help. Magic should be used properly, shame on everyone who abuses it!"
Newt smiled. "That's what I say. You'd make a great defender of magic," he told her. She could've been an Auror if she wanted to.
She took the book from him. "We finished set one!" she exclaimed happily. "One more set?"
"Sure," he replied. "The power still hasn't come back on, so why not?"
"Aright! You're turn then, and it's a fun one. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?"
Newt thought. "I'd like to know if somewhere in the future the transgressions against beasts will stop, or at least lessen. Boring, I know, but it would mean so much to me."
"It's not boring," she told him. "It's nice, and it's meaningful. I think that's a great question to ask an all-knowing crystal ball."
"I hope the answer would be yes," he took the book. "Is there something that you've dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven't you done it?"
______ pondered it for a moment. "I think... I think I'd like to get out of here. I mentioned it before, but I really think I could benefit more outside of New York than in here. I'm wasting away in that factory, and I'd love to go somewhere else, but I'm kind of stuck."
"Stuck?" he asked. "Stuck how?"
"I have a job here, I have a place. It's the only one I've got. I don't have money to go anywhere else, and even if I did... I guess I would be scared. It's a big world out there for someone to see on their own."
I'd go with you, Newt caught himself thinking. He would, too. Ever since she came back with a sliced hand from her work yesterday, he's thought that she deserves more. Something else, something that can't be found here in New York.
Maybe someday he could get her out of here.
Maybe someday, he could take her with him.
While Newt was lost in his thoughts, ______ took the book and read the next question. "What is your most treasured memory?"
Coming here, Newt thought to himself almost instantly. He didn't realize he said it out loud until he saw ______ giving him a questioning look. "What do you mean?"
Newt blushed slightly, and he looked away from her eyes again as he thought. What did he mean? He didn't think about it, the thought had just made its way into his head and out of his mouth. He looked back over at ______, who was staring at him expectantly. "Oh, um..." he began, trailing off and collecting his thoughts. "Coming here, to America. To New York. It's been a lot more interesting than I expected, in more ways than one."
As he said this, he thought back to the time he spent with Porpentina, Queenie and Jacob. Those times were certainly interesting, but above all, there was one event that stuck out to him.
Breaking into ______'s apartment, and getting the chance to meet her, and talk to her, and get to know her. Right here, right now, this was the most interesting thing New York had brought him.
"I'm glad you like it here," ______ said with a smile. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, but it seemed like in that moment they exchanged thoughts. ______ was glad Newt came here too. He was kind, and quirky, and smart, and he made her feel better. He made her feel important. He made her feel that maybe, just maybe, she could have a life outside of her apartment, and outside of that dreaded factory.
She felt lucky that his creature broke into her apartment.
Almost subconsciously, the two of them leaned towards each other. Neither of them were really paying attention, until suddenly a light flickering on made ______ stop in her tracks and shift her attention. Realizing what the situation looked like, ______ leaned back a bit, blushing. "Um," she began in a low voice. "Looks like the power came back on."
Newt snapped out of the daze he was in. One second he was just staring at ______'s lips, and the next thing he knew, he had to be snapped out of a daydream by ______. He didn't even know what he was doing. Newt turned around looked at the lamp. "Looks like it," he agreed.
"I'm going to see if I can get the heat turned back on," she stood up. "I suppose it's lunch time now. We should make something. What do you want to eat?"
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