
"How many weeks have you been pregnant, dear?"

You turned to a Korean old lady who sat beside you. You were pretty sure she is a Korean who came to travel to your country and she might want to go back to Korea now. You were too lazy to start a nice conversation so you could just assume who she is before she's going to tell her personal life. Who knows, right?

And yes, you are on the flight heading to South Korea right now but it is totally not for Jungkook's sake. You were actually planning to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs once you arrived there. Seeing Jungkook again after three months really terrifies you especially when he knows that you are now having his baby. With his power and strong influence in that country, you were so afraid that he might take your baby away from you once he has been born. Jungkook can do anything that he wants easily by only using his wealth.

You knew Jungkook very well. After BTS succeed and gained a lot of income, he started to dirt himself into business games. He built JK Group, a company that manufacturers and sells sports cars with his own brand. Since then he started to change slowly. From the innocent and lovely guy to a wild womanizer who likes to spend his money on many girls that he met in the nightclub.

And that's why you wanted to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seeking their advice and any information that could help you to against Jungkook later. If the baby has been born in Korea and his name will register under that country, you know the chances for you to win this child's custody are very small. You have no rights when the baby's nationality is the same as his dad meanwhile you are just an outsider. Sooner or later, Jungkook surely will banish you away from South Korea and you will no longer get to see your child once the baby is in his hands.

You know the reason why he came to your house last week was not because of you or even for the baby's sake. He was just in trouble. After the broke-up controversy, his reputation was fallen down to the ground in a blink. He loses half of his property to Jennie and all the investors of JK Group slowly took away their seats off. As an expert PR, you knew this kind of action will appear in the business industry and Jungkook only came to you just to get back his reputation when he saw many of the supporters are on your side. Now people have been seeing Jungkook negatively and by making up with you could win their hearts back.

After the small talk with the old lady, you excused yourself to have some rest. It was only one hour more before you arrive in Korea. You grabbed your phone and opened up your SNS. The first thing that you saw was a status update from BTS account. Every fan has been tagged you to the post which you find completely unnecessary. You didn't want to know every bit of his life, what he does and what he says. You were already done to become a part of his life.

The tweet was from Jungkook. After he confessed the whole situation in the press conference a few days ago, people keep bashing him and commenting negatively towards him. You scrolled down to read other comments. You were so surprised when some of them also commented about you and surprisingly they talk bad about the innocent unborn child.


Y/N deserves to be left by Jungkook. Having sex without marriage is a sin! And having a child without marriage also illegal in our country. She is a sinner and God is punishing her right now.

Wait Y/N is not a virgin? LMAO! She's been acting like an angel when she was Jungkook's girlfriend. Innocent my ass!

That girl is a WHORE!

I wonder how many women that already been pregnant by Jungkook. Just wait for another 3 months, probably Jennie will get pregnant too LOL!

What about the baby? They are not married yet. Which family's name will he be using later? Ahh, poor that kid will have a useless parent like them. His dad is a playboy and now his mom is a bitch! Thank you for entertaining us with this drama!

Your eyes drip with tears. Your walls, the walls that hold you up, make you strong before this just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. Salty drops fall from your chin, drenching your cloth when you read those comments. You pressed your head against to the seat hoping that it could help loosen your trembling body right now.

How were you gonna survive later once you enter Korea? Once people saw you, they will do the same as they did to Jungkook. You didn't think you could handle those cruel words they smashed to you like a meteor. Even as you press your hand against the seat, it shakes, it trembles. You just can't stop it. Why can you not stop crying?

"Ma'am, are you okay?"


You opened your eyes quickly as you feel a hand reach on your shoulder. You saw two stewardesses in front of you right now, looking worried. You realized all the passengers of this flight were already gone include the old lady next to you before this. Wait? Did the flight already arrive in Korea?

After those cabin crews helping you get off from the flight safely and even offered themselves to grab your bag, you walked out from Incheon International Airport with a hope there will be a taxi straight away for you. You can't be seen and noticed by the Koreans. You bet that the whole Korean already know your face by now!

You put your shade on and hide your face with a hat. As your feet started to step out from the front door, suddenly you heard someone shouted your name.

"It's Y/N! Jungkook's ex-girlfriend!"

People started to crowd around you and blocking your way from moving any further. They quickly took out their phone and taking your pictures and even some of them were recording videos for some SNS updates later. You realized they keep looking at your baby bump. And what's more surprising is there were also some journalists and cameramen, starting to attack you with some bombard questions. You are totally dead now!

"Y/N-shii... Are you already making up with Jungkook?"

"Are you going to get married to Jungkook soon?"

"Where have you been before?"

"Give me your opinion about Jungkook's relationship with Jennie. Is it hurt your feelings?"

"Is it true that you guys just hired Jennie to cover up your pregnancy?"

One by one question being asked by those journalists even didn't give you any chance to answer it. You barely hard to breathe when all of them attacked you like that. The space they gave to you was really small. Your anxiety rises with a force as you never handle this kind of hatred crowd.

By the time you were hoping that someone could help you out from it, there is someone who suddenly touch your shoulder, hugged you from the side. You turned and it was...


"Please do have some respect for a pregnant woman..."

It was Mark. Oh god, you felt wanna tearing up when you saw him. You were not really expecting to see him now but it's such a relief when he was by your side now. Someone who you know for a long time. But then those journalists still big headed and asking another question which was what is your relationship with Mark.

"Don't make me repeat my words. Now please give us some space to walk...


Mark suddenly shouted making the entire crowd become quiet. Probably they also didn't expect to get yelled at by Mark, not in public where all the people got the power to show everything through their social media. It will become a big controversy later. Perhaps they'll be bad-mouthed about you are a playgirl with Jungkook as your child's dad and Mark who came from nowhere and hugging you. This was going to give them a different meaning and surely your face will be in breaking news a few more minutes.

Mark brought you to his car leaving the chaos that he already did.

"Oh my god, Y/N! Where did you go? I had been looking for you like crazy..."

He looked at you after starting his car's engine up. So were you, looking at him with no answer to his question. He then lowered his eyes, looking at your belly. You quickly took your cardigan and cover your big baby bump. Embarass? Maybe a little.

"Is it because of him? I knew he's going to ruin your life sooner or later!" he said as if he had already kept the negative thinking about you for a long time.

Okay, who did Mark just mention right now? Was it Jungkook? Or this baby? He looked away from you and started to drive out of the parking lot.

"Who?" you asked, dumbfounded.

"Jungkook is such an asshole! I told you he ain't worth fighting for. Now you come back here again? For what, Y/N? For what?"

Mark suddenly shouted at you which makes you surprised a little bit. Your heart beats faster than usual when he raised his voice towards you. You didn't expect him to be mad at you like a total crazy. To be honest, it has been a while you didn't meet him because of the problem you had with Jungkook.

"I'm trying to save this baby from him! I know he's going to take him away from me..."

You started to cry, making Mark pulled over his car. He looked at you, pitifully. Well, he didn't expect you would respond like this since you were pregnant. You thought maybe the Y/N he knew probably will defend Jungkook like before.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N..." Mark started to realize that you might also have been stressing out because of this problem and he feel bad adding more.

"No, you were right. He is not the right guy for me..."

"I bet you now so regret choosing him over me..." He lets out a small laugh with the hope it might distract you from crying.

How can you get to know Mark Tuan? Like he is also an idol. How can you get both idols in your life? Well basically Mark is older than you but you have no idea why he signed up for your class when you both studying at university. Probably he was too busy with his tight schedule and got no chance to finish his studies at the right time. He was also one of your best friends back then and surprisingly, he used to confess his love for you. But the dumb you still choosing Jungkook than him as your boyfriend which you were very regretful now. He's way more charming than that scumbag! Obvi!

"Past is past, Mark..." you smiled while wiping your tears away.

"My feelings never changed, Y/N..." He looked at you, deep in the eyes making you uncomfortable with his stare.

After a moment of silence, you tried to change the topic because his staring keeps getting serious. You chuckled, letting a bright mood come in, "Anyways, how can you be at the airport? Wearing a suit? Dang! Got any photoshoot there?"

"I'm sending Bambam off. He's going back to Thailand for a while. And sorry for the journalists too. They were there because of GOT7 at first. I have no idea you will come back today..."

"What about this fancy suit then? I'm sure you're not wearing it for Bambam." you released a sincere laugh. Seriously, he looks so different today and you know this kind of wearing is really not his style. What makes him wear this expensive attire?

He suddenly changed his expression. You could see that he doesn't like your question. "I have a meeting later... With the hotel board of directors..."

Yes, Mark Tuan is not only an idol. But he also the inheritor of Raymond Hotel, a famous 5 stars hotel in South Korea owned by his father, Raymond Tuan. You have no idea that he is a chaebol's son when you first know him. And he was also never exposed to the media that he's from a high-class family until recently when he was chosen as the next CEO of the company. Entire South Korea became chaotic when he got listed as the youngest CEO ever. Well, he's not quite young actually. He's already 30!

"So where you will be staying now?"

"I don't know yet. Maybe at my friend's house. You know, our mischievous Kim Eun Ha..."

"Jungkook knows where her house is and it's not safe at all. I'll take you to my hotel. Don't worry, I won't charge anything..." He replied to you while giving a smile at you. A charming smile from a charming prince. He started his car back and drove towards the hotel.

Now it's already nighttime and you were all alone in your hotel room. You literally didn't see Mark yet since he sending you off that afternoon. And you have been dying of boredom now. Where did he go? He already makes a promise to you, having dinner together but you can't see he will coming in any minute from now on. It's already late. You decided to sleep as you were too tired and having some jetlag because of your flight.

As you were about to close the lamp, the bell suddenly rang. Ahh, it must be Mark now! When you opened the door, your body automatically froze! It's not Mark but Jungkook's mom in front of you right now! She quickly hugged you without giving any warning.

"Y/N... I'm so sorry on Jungkook's behalf..."

"No, mom. It's not your fault at all..."

Your tears started to fall down when you heard his mom was crying on your shoulder. She stroke your hair gently. You brought her into the room. It has also been a while you didn't meet his mother. How was she now? She touched your baby bump. Yeah, she was touching her grandchild now. Look, your grandma is coming to see you, dear baby!

"Jungkook looks so miserable when you guys broke up, Y/N..."

You just looked at her, quietly. Seriously, if she tried to convince you to get back to Jungkook again then the answer is still no. You will not get yourself hurt another round because you knew Jungkook is still the same person. He will never change!

"Just think about this baby, Y/N. He wants his dad too. I'm sure Jungkook will be a better man if he already has a child. He will realize his own responsibility and grown-ups..."

"I'm already old and I love you like my own daughter. There's nothing that I hope for except seeing my son marrying you before I got to close my eyes, Y/N..."

"Mom, please don't say things like this..."

"I want to let you know that I am sick now. And the doctor said I only left another 3 months to survive. Please don't tell Jungkook about it. He will get heartbroken soon. You're the only person that could stand with him..."


"Can you grant my last wish, Y/N? By marrying Jungkook?"

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