《Promiscuous psycho》15: Tonight
"You'll be paired with a new psychiatrist by next week" doctor Lee sighs before flicking the needle and injecting it into Jungkooks neck. He doesn't move. He can't. The straight jacket restricts him from doing so, and the mouth muzzle makes it difficult to verbally protest.
Even if he was free of restraints, he wouldn't have the energy to move. His body for some reason feels empty, like everything has been pulled out from inside of him.
Taking the boys hand, doctor Lee places it on to her cheek and hums in comfort. Forcing Jungkook to touch her was a regular occurrence, it was her own way of getting through the long days, her secret pleasure. When she had sex with him it wasn't for his benefit at all, that was just a crappy excuse she told the boys father so he wouldn't retaliate against the idea.
She was dangerously obsessed and in love with her own son. When he committed the murders he was taken to a mental institution for teens where the woman originally worked. She was his doctor until the age of 18 before he was transferred.
Discovering that the boy was her son didn't affect her crush. Instead it made her feel like it was okay in a way, because he was almost a part of her, like she then had a right to peruse her feelings.
"Shame about the girl. She lasted longer then the others. Guess you liked her?"
No reply.
"Alright. I'll leave you to rest." The woman says before kissing the boys hand.
"Shower time Jeon" a guard bangs on the steal bars before entering the cell. Jungkook doesn't move from his corner, instead he remains stiff like a statue with his eyes glued to the scrap piece of paper in his hand. After days of suffering from a blank spot of creativity, he'd finally put pen to paper.
"Whatever happened to that young girl who visited him? The one with the nice legs."
"Oh the psychiatrist? She got into a car accident. Died in hospital."
"Damn poor kid."
Jungkook listens to the guards as they walk him to the shower block. It became harder each day to hear about Y/n. To hear about the made up Dorothea over her death.
Some people didn't even get her name right, they didn't know her well enough to remember.
It was strange to Jungkook. He'd known the girl differently to everyone else. Her death was always on his mind where as others didn't think about it much. It was so weird to see people getting on with their days as normal, as though the girl had never existed or worked at the prison.
She only lived in Jungkooks mind now.
Grunting, Jungkook finishes his last push up. Normally, he would be allowed his collar chain off to workout but Doctor Lee made sure to stay on top with his restraints again.
He stops to take a breather but something felt strange, he felt this pain twinging in his throat, like his muscles were clenching tightly. He takes a seat on his bed, but the pain seems to become worse.
Did Doctor Lee slip another pill into his food?
Maybe he was coming down with something?
Could he have just overworked himself?
Before he could come up with another theory, the pain moved down to his chest, and thats when he felt it, the single tear roll down his cheek.
Jungkook PoV
Everything was becoming more and more confusing until face came into mind. The moment it happened my chest started to ache even more.
I want her here with me. I want her laughter back, her smile; her dumb ass questions her kisses her touch I just want her back.
Of all things that have been taken from me, my childhood, my sanity, my freedom.
This one hurts the most.
Jungkook PoV
Rainy days result in being stuck inside. I remember complaining so much at the orphanage when it rained. I'd have no choice but to sit by the window and watch the miserable weather.
God what I'd kill for to look out of a window now. These empty walls just add to my boredom. My mind is slowly dying in this placed. There's nothing that challenges me anymore, not like she did.
I look across at the empty chair in the corner. The one she would sit on during our sessions.
I took them for granted. I took her for granted. Her brilliant mind, her witty personality I should have appreciated it all whilst it was there in front of me and yet I didn't.
"Lights out Jeon, sit up so we can strap you in." The security guard says.
"Wait." Jungkook holds up a hand. "I have a proposition for you."
"Oh yeah?" The guard crosses his arms with a cocky smirk. "What do you want?"
"A night out of my cell. I need a different space to think. To clear my head."
The guard scoffs.
"Please." The boy pleads.
"Not gonna happen, now you know the drill, arms out so I can strap you in—."
"I'll let you have your way with me..."
Those words make the guard freeze. He wasn't stunned, he was completely shaken with shock and disbelief.
Jungkook proceeds to stand up, now unbuttoning his shirt. "Un lock my collar, and I'll let you do whatever want with me in exchange for an hour out of my cell."
Gulping the guard looks down at Jungkooks exposed torso. He'd always found the boys body spectacular, it's why he stared at him when showering.
"I-I'm not gay though."
"But you want me."
With heavy breaths the guard looks up into the boys eyes. "Y-you are very handsome I must admit" he says, cheeks now blushing.
Jungkooks expression remains blank. Even when the guard crashes his lips against him, kissing his neck and chest hungrily. The spikey bristles of his beard prick against his smooth skin, but he plays along by fake moaning.
The guard begins unbuckling his pants, hurriedly pulling them down to his ankles along with his underwear. "I'm gonna take my time with you."
He breathes before hugging Jungkook. "Touch me" he whispers into the boys ear.
"Un lock my collar first" the boy moans.
"Of course" the guard nods, and just as he pulls out a set of keys, Jungkook knees him in the gut before snatching the keys from his hand.
He frees himself from the chain, but rather than hurting the guard, he simply locks him inside the cell.
"W-wait where are you going?" The man asks whilst hugging himself in pain.
Jungkook pauses for a moment.
"To be with her again"
Y/n PoV
"Come on. Have something to drink."
"I don't want anything" I push away Kirsten's hand.
"Girl you've gotta get over it. He's stuck there. Forget about him—."
"I can't forget."
"Y/n you've been fired. You won't be able to get back in that place ever again so you might as well move on from him—."
"You don't get it." I shake my head before getting up.
"He's smart. Way smarter than anyone believes him to be, and he's talented at art, his gift of sketching free hand is unbelievable. He can also be soft and gentle, caring, but none of those people give him the chance to prove himself."
"He needed me. I needed him. After my fathers death, I've been feeling lost and empty. He changed that. He gave me a purpose. He gave me a reason to care about something again, made me feel like I could actually accomplish something worthwhile."
"He's just a patient Y/n..."
"You couldn't be more wrong. At one point he was my only friend. He was the cause of my laughter. My art teacher. And then, he was my patient."
"Yah where are you going?" Kirsten asks.
"To see him."
"You can't Y/n you've been fired."
"Jimin will let me in." I shake my head whilst tying my shoelace.
6 days earlier
Jin PoV
I turn around, ready to follow the guards, when I hear her...
Y/n PoV
I desperately gasp to swallow some air, like a person emerging from being underwater for too long.
My heart is racing like crazy, I'm a shaking mess my vision is spiralling and I can't help but scream from the piercing ringing in my ears. I clasp my head in pain, my screams failing to drown out the awful sound.
It suddenly stops when Jin grabs hold of me, his voice bringing me out of the terrifying scenes that were playing through my mind.
I felt it. I actually felt my heart stop. I was dead for a moment. My body had shut down and it was terrifying.
Back to present
"He saved me Kirst. I have to thank him for that." I say before fleeing my friends apartment.
I'd already sent Jimin the text to meet me at the prison, which he did.
When I see him I embrace him in a hug, him doing the same only tighter. He was one of the first people to visit me in hospital, and he told me about how the prison had covered up what happened. They'd even gone to the lengths of taking Jimin off Jungkook duty. They've done everything to avoid me having any contact with the boy.
"I missed you."
"Missed you too."
We release from our hug, Jimin unlocking the doors before letting me inside. "You're not coming in?" I look back at him.
"No I'm gonna keep watch out here. I'll text you if I see anything."
Nodding I head to Jungkooks cell, and despite the late hour it seems most of the prisoners are still awake.
"Finally I was wondering when your sweet ass would make an appearance again"
"Damn baby where you been?"
"Come here sexy so I can fuck that sweet ass of yours."
I pick up the pace, my footsteps now echoing through the halls and overpowering the vulgar voices. When I reach Jungkooks cell I see the steal doors are already open, the barred gate still locked though. I look inside, confused to see a prison guard sat on the floor with a face of discomfort.
"Where is he?? Where's Jungkook??"
The guard looks up at me, brows furrowing. "You're Y/n? You're supposed to be dead."
"They told us you'd died."
"W-who did??"
"The director. Doctor Lee." He grunts before clutching his gut. "Everyone thinks your dead."
"...even Jungkook?"
The guards lack of reply tells me the answer I was dreading.
Taking one of the keys Jimin gave me I unlock the cell and approach him hurriedly. "You need to tell me where he's gone!"
"Said he wanted to take a walk." The man breathes heavily. "I-I need a doctor I think he may have cracked a rib or something."
Ignoring the man I fix my eyes on a piece of paper on the floor.
It's a drawing.
Of me...
H-he drew me.
"Okay. Look. I'll text someone to come help you." I say whilst taking out my phone, about to text Jimin when I notice the guards zipper was undone on his pants. I look at him, and his face softens to shameful.
"Where is he?" I ask, my tone cold and harsh.
"T-the roof. S-said he doesn't wanna live when there's nothing left to live for."
Hearing those words was like a knife stabbing me in the throat and chest at same time.
Wasting no time I flee from the cell. I won't have him kill himself. Not when he thinks I'm dead. That can't be his last memory of me. He needs to know I'm alive and that there is still someone in this world who truly loves him.
I find myself running up a spiral staircase. The roof is over 6 floors up, but I'm determined to reach him, so sod the asthma when I was 11, sod the never going to the gym with Kirsten, bitch I did yoga!
"Yah Jungkook wait!" I laugh and try to keep up with the boy but he's much faster than me. I stop for a minute out of breath, taking out my inhaler which he notices and immediately comes back down a few steps.
"Are you alright?" He asks, and I hold a thumbs up before taking a puff of my medication.
He smiles, ruffling my hair before taking hold of me hand. "We'll walk up the rest."
"Where are we going anyway?"
"To the roof. There's a really cool view I wanna show you."
"Jungkook I'm afraid of heights."
"I'll hold your hand."
"And you won't let go?"
"Course not. I'm afraid of heights too." He smiles.
I'd completely forgotten about that moment until now. My sweet innocent Jungkook, I should have never let go of your hand.
Jungkook hadn't been outside in over 6 years. He'd almost forgotten what a night sky even looked like.
The night air felt cold against his skin, his shirt blowing open from the harsh wind. He shivered before closing his eyes, his bare feet continuing to step across the concrete roof and bring him closer to the ledge.
Y/n PoV
I push the door with all of my strength, my body immediately being smacked by the cold wind. It's freezing out tonight. My eyes even start to water slightly making my vision blurry, but I spot him.
"JUNGKOOK!!" I shout just as he steps up into the ledge. He turns at my voice, his expression softening into a smile. He's seen me. And yet he isn't shocked.
I step towards him hesitantly. I don't wanna startle him.
"Heaven?" He questions, and I shake my head, the thought of him falling making my entire body tremble with fear.
"N-no, I'm here with you Jungkook. I'm here now please, please just get down."
Jungkook looks down at his feet. And I feel the weight of relief lift off of me when he steps down from the ledge.
"I don't wanna be dreaming Y/n."
"I want you to actually be standing in front of me right now."
"But I can't trust my own thoughts. How do I know you're not just a figment of my imagination—."
"Because of this" I say before running up and embracing the boy, my face smushing against his cold chest as I wrap my arms around his waist, his shirt blowing open from the wind that hits us both.
He remains frozen for a few seconds before his arms gently close around me. I hear how his breath shudders, so I just hug him tighter.
"Y-you're really alive."
"I actually thought I'd lost you for good."
When he hugs me tighter I can't help but burst out crying. "I can't believe you. I thought you were afraid of heights??"
"I was more afraid of living in a world where you don't exist Y/n."
"How could you even think about killing yourself though? There's no way I could live my life if you weren't a part of it!"
"Living just seemed to difficult."
"Well I'm here to make it easier." I say. I wanted to take out my phone to text Jimin, but a part of me was too scared to let go from hugging Jungkook. So I didn't.
"Stop crying nuisance." The boy speaks, and I scoff. "That's easier said then done."
"But your tears are soaking my chest—."
"Sorry" I sniffle before stepping back. Seeing him standing there, I only just realise how different he looks. He's lost weight. Quite a lot actually. And he looks paler too.
"Y-you must be freezing" I say before stepping forward and attending to button up his shirt. He watches me, almost like a kid watching someone tie their own shoelace for them.
"I don't mind. I haven't been outside in a while, it's nice to feel something other then that stuffy air in my cell."
That place isn't ever gonna be good for him. They're destroying him. It's like they're drowning the person before they've even had a chance to come up to the surface.
I hope to god Jin has a lawyer ready.
Because I'm taking Jungkook out of this place tonight.
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