《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》39: truth
The pounding from the walls was endless. Jennie was grinning from ear to ear. "What are you so happy about?" Roseanne asked.
"It's a rainy night outside and we're in a haunted mansion. Why wouldn't I be happy?"
Roseanne smiled back at her. "True. I think Giselle, the ghost you're so happy to be around, is freaking everyone else out," she pointed to Yerim, Seonghwa, and Tzuyu's manicurist. They were hugging one another, telling each other to calm down. Jaehyun and Eunwoo were laughing close by.
"Jaehyun is acting tough but the truth is, he's scared of ghosts. He's only okay with Giselle," Jungkook shared.
"Is that why you keep watching him?" Roseanne asked.
Jungkook nodded. "I don't want him to embarrass our squad."
"There's nothing to be afraid of," Jennie said. She turned to Giselle. "Giselle, can you please stop knocking on the wall. You're scaring the others."
The pounding stopped.
"Everyone, I prepared a meal for you all to have before we do the séance," Jungkook said. "Feel free to grab something to eat in the dining room."
"I thought we were going to film," Roseanne asked.
"We will. I just want everyone to be relaxed when we start filming."
Roseanne nodded. "I left my camera in your study. Jennie is making us all put our phones away."
Jungkook smiled. "Yes, she said it would interfere with her ability to talk to spirits. I don't mind because it means only we will have footage of the séance tonight."
"I'm going to go grab the camera."
Once she was in the study, she closed the door and leaned her back against it. "You can do this, Rosie."
She walked over to the table in the middle of the room and picked up her camera. The door opened behind her. Roseanne didn't turn around. Instead, she rolled her eyes. "Jungkook, you didn't have to follow me here."
"You just couldn't be satisfied with what I gave you, could you?"
Roseanne turned around to see Yerim staring at her.
"What did you say?" Roseanne asked.
"I want to film tonight's séance. Why can't anyone film? Why is it just being uploaded on your channel? Tzuyu was my friend."
"Oh, I'm sorry. It wasn't my choice. It was Jungkook's."
"Jungkook's? Do you think if you dropped his name, I'll automatically agree?"
"Yerim, what's going on? This is Jungkook's house. If you want to film, take it up with him."
"I'm taking it up with you. Since when did you become such good friends with Jeon Jungkook? As long as he dated Tzuyu, he never looked at another girl. Not even when they weren't officially together. How the hell did you get him to befriend a nobody like you?"
Roseanne's hands tightened around her camera. "A nobody like me? Girl, are you drunk?"
"Let me film! You wouldn't even be in this situation if it weren't for me!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"That night Tzuyu died, she gave me her necklace. Actually, the bitch threw it at me after she and Jungkook fought and she finally realized he wasn't going back to her."
"You're the one who sent me the necklace?"
"Of course."
Yerim cackled. "Because you're the only one selfish enough to make videos about Tzuyu. Especially after you posted the video of her screaming. I knew if I sent you the necklace, you'd keep posting videos about Tzuyu. I just needed to befriend you so I can be in them too."
"Why are you telling me this?" Roseanne asked. "Because you want to film? Then film. I don't want to fight with you."
"Really? What if I asked you to not post any videos about the séance? Just let me do it. After all, your subscribers have already grown to the millions. Mine is still in the thousands."
"I'm okay with that," Roseanne lied. "It's only fair. You helped me so I have to help you. We'll have to tell Jungkook a really good story for him to go along with that."
"You'd really help me?" Yerim asked, smiling. "Really?"
"Of course. What are friends for?"
"Liar," Yerim hissed. "As if I'd believe someone like you. You think I don't know you're not lying."
"What do you want me to do, Yerim? What do I need to do so you know I'm not lying?"
"I don't know. Fake being sick or something. Don't even appear in the video," Yerim was getting closer to Roseanne who was standing by the desk.
"You want me to not be in the video?" Roseanne asked. "Jungkook won't allow that. He's only letting us film because of me."
"Shut up!"
"Fine! I won't be in the video," Roseanne said, throwing her hands in the air.
"I don't believe you," Yerim said, grabbing a letter opener laying on the desk.
"I'm not lying."
"Don't worry. I'll make sure you speak the truth."
Before Roseanne could dodge her, Yerim jumped forward and stabbed Roseanne in the abdomen. Roseanne fell to the ground, hitting her head against a small table.
The door burst open. Roseanne looked up.
"What the hell are you doing, Yerim?" Sehun asked. "Did you kill her too?"
"Too?" Roseanne gasped.
"Too?" Yerim repeated, dropping the letter opener at Roseanne's feet.
Roseanne pushed her hand against her stomach. "You killed Tzuyu?"
Yerim shook her head wildly. "No!"
There was a pounding sound from the walls. Roseanne gasped. "Giselle, get help!"
"Who the hell is Giselle?" Sehun asked. He stepped forward, closing the door behind him. "Yerim, I need you to get away from Rosé. We can get you all the mental help you need. We need to get an ambulance to help her. She's losing too much blood. She's going to die."
Roseanne's eyes felt heavy as she tried to focus on the couple arguing in front of her.
"Do you think we'll be able to film once she's gone?" Yerim asked.
"Film?" Sehun sighed. "Yerim, you almost killed her. We won't film anything today."
"No, I need to make this video! Tzuyu ruined everything and now she's ruining everything. Let's just keep her up here."
"No, Yerim. She'll die."
"Stop ruining things for me!" Yerim hissed. "Just leave me alone. You said you were going to leave. Why didn't you? You always say you're going to break up with me but you never do."
"You want is to break up?" Sehun asked in disbelief.
"I'm literally dying here," Roseanne moaned.
"Shut up!" Yerim growled at her. She turned back to Sehun. "If it weren't for you, I'd probably be more famous right now. Why are you even still with me still? You can't do anything right. You even failed on being a rapper. Is that why you switch to gaming? Did the rapper life fail you? Is that why you're being so clingy?" She bickered. "You're such a clinger."
Sehun's eyes narrowed. "What did you just call me?"
"You heard me!"
"Take that back."
"Go away," Yerim demanded as she tried to push Sehun out of her way.
"You selfish bitch!" Sehun pushed Yerim away, causing her to fall to the ground. "You're just like her, aren't you."
"You pushed me," Yerim said, surprise in her voice.
"Tzuyu used to call me clinger because of that. Don't you dare say that to me!"
"Wait, you're clinger?" Roseanne asked. "You cheated on Yerim with Tzuyu, didn't you?"
"It only happened once," Sehun admitted. "I would only contact her to make sure she wasn't going to say anything to you, Yerim."
"You cheated on me?" Yerim began to cry.
"She wouldn't stop threatening me unless I did what she said. We started hooking up but those times didn't count. I didn't want to sleep with her. She made me."
"You liar!" Yerim hurled hurled at Sehun who pushed her off of him. Yerim's head hit the edge of the desk Roseanne's camera was in. She fell to the floor, her eyes closed, blood seeping from where she was.
"Yerim," Sehun gasped. He bent down to lean over her.
"You killed Tzuyu, didn't you?" Roseanne asked, her voice almost a whisper. "What? You cheated and didn't want Yerim to find out?"
Darkness was taking over her but Roseanne willed herself to keep her eyes opening. Hitting her head after getting a concussion was probably deadly.
Sehun's eyes narrowed. "I followed her upstairs. She wanted me to dump Yerim and start dating her. She said I was popular enough to be her boyfriend. I told her I wouldn't do it but she wouldn't stop threatening me. So, I hit her with the bookend. She started laughing and called me clingy. Should I call you Clinger?' Her stupid laughter wouldn't stop...so I pushed her off the balcony. And, she wasn't laughing anymore."
"You're a murderer."
"I feel better telling you," Sehun admitted. "Everyone is downstairs getting ready for the séance. No one will even find you until you're already dead. Unlike with Tzuyu, I don't have anyone to help me cover up the murder."
The pounding on the walls became louder.
"Eunwoo said that was a ghost. When you're gone, maybe you'll find out the truth," Sehun said, smirking.
"What truth?"
"That Jisub is my uncle," Sehun admitted. "He's always been the dark sheep of the family so I don't let everyone know my uncle is a criminal addicted to drugs. I paid him to blackmail that medical examiner to lie about Tzuyu's death. If only you would've kept quiet. But no...you had to make those stupid videos claiming Tzuyu was murdered. And you still wouldn't stop after I tried scaring you."
"You were the one who broke into my house and took pictures of me? You did all of that?"
"I even tried to run you over so you can get the message but you were still determined on making those videos," Sehun chuckled. "I had no idea Jisub was also your landlord. Small world, isn't it?"
Darkness enveloped Roseanne. A small ball of light danced around her, growing larger and larger until a familiar man with fashionable clothes stood in front of her.
"Dad?" Roseanne sobbed.
"Rosie? You need to wake up. You aren't supposed to be here yet."
"No, I want to stay with you."
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I had to leave you when you were a kid and I'm so sorry I'm making you leave now. You're going to do great things, Rosie. You need to wake up."
"No, it hurts too much."
"Rosie, I love you. I miss you."
"I miss you too. If I wake up...promise me you'll meet me again when I hunt ghosts."
"Of course I will."
He wrapped his hands around her and she was filled with warmth. "I love you, Rosie. I'm always looking out for you."
Roseanne woke up Sehun standing above her. He was holding a small statue Roseanne recognized from the hallway.
"You're still alive," he placed his hands around her neck.
Roseanne gasped for breath as her hand reached for the letter opener. She pulled it towards her fingers until she could lift it up. She swung it up and into Sehun's side. Sehun screamed in pain, releasing Roseanne for a moment.
"What the hell is going on here?" Jungkook shouted. "Someone call the police!"
Roseanne felt the weight of Sehun being lifted off of her. A symphony of voices filled the room and darkness once again took over.
"Mark, you can't keep ignoring me," Roseanne through the phone. She sighed and hung up the phone.
"He's still not answering you?" Jungkook asked.
Roseanne shook her head. "It keeps going straight to voicemail."
"Are you okay?"
"I will be," Roseanne said softly.
"Everything will work out in the end."
Two pounds from the wall told her Giselle was near. After she'd been stabbed, Jungkook admitted the pounding downstairs became excessive and it was Giselle who told him to go upstairs to his study to check on Roseanne. That's how he found Sehun.
Eunwoo and Jaehyun popped in behind Jungkook. Eunwoo pushed his way inside Roseanne's room. She'd been living there and Jungkook insisted that she remain.
"We want to check out the haunted house, Ghost Hunter. You in?"
"Are we filming this?" Roseanne asked.
She was up to three million subscribers on YouTube. Her mind briefly flashed to Sehun and Yerim who were no longer on YouTube. Yerim was in therapy and awaiting a hearing for her attempted murder. Sehun was off of YouTube and had just been found guilty for murdering Tzuyu and Dr. Kang, and for attempt murder of Roseanne. He had killed the doctor after his uncle Jisub had told him the medical examiner was going to come clean. Jisub had been hit by a car and killed while he was running from the police.
Roseanne gave them a thumbs up. "Of course."
"That lady from the movie studio called our attorney again," Jungkook said. "She really wants to make that movie about your life. She's calling you the Nancy Drew of YouTube."
"How ironic would it be if they named the movie Rosie Drew?" Eunwoo asked.
"More like the lead in Final Destination," Roseanne ignored Eunwoo's comment. "I told her I'd think about the movie."
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. I've been thinking. I'd like for most of my earnings to go to some charities for foster kids."
Jungkook smiled. "We never posted that séance video and we still got a ton of coverage."
"You're part of our group now," Jungkook reminded her.
"Yeah," Eunwoo said. "You're not alone anymore, Rosie."
"Hey, can you invite that hot medium you brought when we did the séance?" Jaehyun asked.
"Alright, let's go," Eunwoo slapped Jaehyun on the back and the two left the room.
Jungkook smiled at Roseanne again. "So, about the ghost-hunting video..."
"I'm in," Roseanne grumbled. "I don't know why you're even asking. You know I'm always in when it comes to a YouTube video about the paranormal."
He nodded. "I had another proposition for you."
"What's that? Is there another haunted house to visit?"
"No, it's a different proposition. I thought it would be a good idea to finally move forward."
"Move forward? What do you mean?" Roseanne asked.
Jungkook cleared his throat. "Rosie, I've waited months to ask this...but will you have dinner with me?"
"I always have dinner with you."
Jungkook chuckled. "No, I mean like at a fancy restaurant. I'll dress up. You'll dress up. I might even buy you some flowers so you can call me old-fashion."
"D-do you mean...like...a date?"
Jungkook smiled. "You can call it that. Or not. I'll go at your pace. Just say yes."
Five pounds against the wall answered him.
"See?" Jungkook pointed to the wall. "Even Giselle thinks you should say yes."
Roseanne laughed. "Yes, I'll have dinner with you."
He smiled again and headed out the door. Roseanne watched him leave. Eunwoo was right. She was no longer the foster kid who was all alone. She had friends who cared about her.
She quickly got off the bed and ran to catch up to them. "Wait for me!"
Life wasn't perfect...but it was close.
And fin. So that's it. That's Whatever It Takes. I know the ending wasn't to your satisfaction as I know you all wanted more RoseKook moments, but there is going to be a second book to this, I just don't know when I'm going to publish it. I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster ride of twists and turns.
Until next time,
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