《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》23: wound
"Is she awake yet?"
"No, but the doctor said that's normal. He's ordering a CT scan. Thanks for coming so quickly." Jaehyun said he was on the way too."
"Explain to me again what the hell were you thinking. Why did you ask her to meet you?"
"Jungkook, you know why. We were getting roasted online. We need to do damage control and she's the only one who can help us. You have your rules about dealing with the gossip and it's not like we could go to Yerim. Not after-"
"Enough! In case you were wondering, you somehow managed to make things worse."
"Don't tell me you're really worried about ghost girl."
"Shut up, Jaehyun."
"Don't tell me to shut up. Just because you're in charge doesn't mean you can be an asshole to me. I was trying to help. What were you doing besides sitting on your ass hoping it would all blow over?"
"I've told you before, Jaehyun. Trinity doesn't answer to anyone. We don't explain ourselves. We don't do scandals. Now, because of you, we're in a scandal. One of those baseball players recognized you and Rosie. He took pictures, not to mention all his teammates who took a picture of the girl who got knocked out by a baseball."
"You and Rosie were caught together alone. This coming after the video she made with Nayeon doesn't look good. So, don't stand there and try to act tough with me when you know I'm right. Unless you want out. Do you?"
"Do I want out of Trinity? Is that what you're asking? How could you even think that?"
"If you don't want to follow the rules, what else can I think?"
"You're so quick to jump down my back about this when you're the one who originally brought scandal to us."
"No, I didn't."
"Yes, you did. You dated Tzuyu when we all told you it was a mistake. Then, you two break up but you kept it a secret. Why? You wouldn't even tell me or Eunwoo why would you let her have you by the balls. You told me to let her come on to me and look what happened! You think I wanted her to kiss me? You know how I feel about-"
"Is she dead too?" Eunwoo's voice broke through Jaehyun's angry rant.
Roseanne mentally cursed. She really wanted to know what Jaehyun was going to say next. How does he feel about what? She hadn't opened her eyes yet, but she'd watched enough medical dramas to recognize the heart monitor in the room. She was in the hospital.
"No, she's not dead, you idiot," Jaehyun growled.
The sound of feet scuffling against the floor made Roseanne imagine them pushing one another. Eunwoo's voice said, "don't call me an idiot."
"Well, stop acting like one."
Roseanne didn't want to hear the three of the richest YouTubers fighting like little kids while she pretended to sleep. Instead, she opened her eyes to see Jungkook staring at her. He was wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. His arms were crossed against his chest and his eyes fixated on her.
"Did you get an earful?" He asked.
Roseanne felt herself flushing but forced a smile. "I didn't really have a choice. So, what happened between you and Yerim?"
Jungkook cursed before rubbing a hand across his face. "I'm going to the cafeteria. You two watch her," he didn't wait for them to respond. He stomped out of the hospital room as if a bill collector was chasing him.
"Get me some pudding!" Eunwoo yelled after him. "I like chocolate, not vanilla!"
"Shut up," Jaehyun hissed. "He isn't getting you any pudding. I don't know why he even showed up if he was just going to leave after bossing us around...again."
"Is it just me?" Roseanne asked before groaning in pain. "Or is there some tension between the Trinity?" Her head was pounding and she felt a large bruise at the back of her head.
"I'm sorry about what happened," Jaehyun said. He was staring at the tiled floor. "I wanted to talk to you alone and I figured a baseball field was random enough that no one would recognize us. I didn't think anything could go wrong."
"I guess that didn't work out," Roseanne whispered.
"No," Jaehyun agreed. "Who knew you'd get hit to the head with a baseball?"
"Why did you want to talk to me? I mean...you're one-third of the most popular YouTube vlogging squads."
Jaehyun cleared his throat and looked away. Eunwoo plopped himself in a chair.
"Well?" Roseanne asked.
"I wanted your help," Jaehyun admitted. "You know what was in Seonghwa's video. You were there."
As if Roseanne needed reminding. She squirmed in her hospital bed, unsure of where this conversation was leading.
"Online, everyone is calling me Judas. Random keyboard users are threatening to expose me."
"Do you have any deep dark secrets that could be exposed?" Roseanne asked. "If not, you have nothing to worry about unless they start making stuff up. Now, that's when you have to worry because they could say anything. There's always some sort of power in anonymity. You call them keyboard users but some of them have really high followers online. They can make up whatever they want and not have any sort of remorse."
"That's true," Eunwoo agreed. "I once had a few people tell me to kill myself in the comments of a videoI did where I learned how to juggle. I wasn't good at it and a few viewers were."
"Is that what you needed help with?" Roseanne asked. "Did you want to know how to deal with the online haters? Because I'm just starting to-"
"No, I wanted to talk to you about that picture Yerim showed in Seonghwa's video."
"The one where you were kissing Chou Tzuyu while her boyfriend looked on? Her boyfriend being Jeon Jungkook," Roseanne raised a brow and waited for him to answer. When he didn't, she continued. "Yerim said Tzuyu was testing him. It's crazy how everyone thought Tzuyu was this really nice person because of her videos but Yerim made it seem like she was someone totally different offline."
"Yerim was right," Eunwoo said.
Jaehyun nodded. "Tzuyu was always trying to flirt with us. Even when she first started dating Jungkook she was hitting on us. Right, Eunwoo?"
Eunwoo nodded.
"I didn't want to kiss Tzuyu. I knew exactly what she was up to. So did Jungkook. It was Eunwoo's idea to let her kiss me."
"Why?" Roseanne asked. "If that photo went public, you'd be the one to look bad alongside Tzuyu."
"We didn't say it was a good idea. We were both a little drunk at the time," Eunwoo chimed in.
"Besides," Jaehyun said. "We wanted Jungkook to finally open his eyes about Tzuyu. They had already broken up but he wasn't making it public. She'd make her videos and gush about him but behind his back, she was hooking up with random guys at clubs. Jungkook's the one who ended up looking like an idiot."
"And if he looks dumb, you two look dumb by association?" Roseanne couldn't help but ask.
"I guess you could say that," Jaehyun scratched the back of his head in frustration. "Does that make us look bad?"
Roseanne shrugged. "Why does it matter? You felt the way you felt. There's no shame in that but it does mean you have a motive."
"A motive?"
"Tzuyu was murdered," Roseanne reminded Jaehyun.
He rolled his eyes. "The cops are saying it was an accident. Hell, we all know she liked to drink. I wouldn't be surprised if she was on something."
Eunwoo sat quietly in the corner of the room. Roseanne wondered what he was thinking. Eunwoo was the jokester of the group but he'd been mostly silent since he got to her hospital room.
"Before you say it," Jaehyun said. "I didn't murder anyone."
"I bet you wish you did," Roseanne said. "It sounds like you really didn't like Tzuyu."
"I didn't. Take away everything she put Jungkook through and I still wouldn't like her. She had millions of young girls watching her. They looked up to her and thought she was some sort of ideal beauty. Everything about her is fake-looks and personality. She's the type of woman that makes other women feel inferior because of it."
"That may be true but how is that your problem?"
Eunwoo answered before his friend could. "Jaehyun has a sister and she-"
"Shut up, Eunwoo!" Jaehyun turned to glare at his friend. "She doesn't need to know."
"Know what?" Roseanne asked. "Did your sister look up to Tzuyu?"
"It doesn't matter. My point is that Chou Tzuyu became famous because of her impossible standard of beauty. When Jungkook agreed to date her, I was pissed. He convinced me it was good for our group. Tzuyu brought a new demographic to our videos."
"What do you mean?" Roseanne asked.
Jaehyun smirked. "Don't tell me you didn't know about this?"
"About what?"
"It's an old YouTube trick. It's why we make collab videos. Even now, famous singers and actors do it when they have a new movie or album coming out. You date another famous person and it's automatically guaranteed you'll get new audience members. It's basically sharing clout. Fans of party A will follow party B because they want to know why A likes B so much. You want to know why? Because deep down some fans have some weird hope that they'll be better than party B and maybe one day they'll meet party A and party A will fall wildly in love with them."
"One, you used the word party too much in that explanation and two, that's pathetic," Roseanne frowned.
Had Tzuyu dated Jungkook to get some of his audience? Had he dated her for the same reason? That couldn't be true because he looked upset in the picture of Tzuyu kissing Jaehyun.
Jaehyun shrugged. "Say what you want but it works. Don't act like you didn't know this because it's probably why you agreed to make a video with Seonghwa Spills."
A feeling of nausea rolled around Roseanne's stomach. Jaehyun was right. She wanted to broaden her audience. It was one of the reasons she made a video with Seonghwa. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at a smirking Jaehyun.
"We made a video together. It's not like we pretended to care about one another or date. I remember Tzuyu was selling merchandise advertising her relationship with Jungkook. They were fooling their fans and profiting off it."
"Jungkook didn't see a dime from that," Eunwoo said loudly. "He wanted to stop her from making it but our lawyer said it would make him look bad."
"Suing your girlfriend over a couple of merch would make anyone look bad," Jaehyun said. "Jungkook had no idea she was going to sell the merch until it was too late."
"Wow. Tzuyu sounds like a real keeper," Roseanne said sarcastically.
"She must've had her moments for Jungkook to keep dating her. It went sour at the end but for a long while he really cared about her," Jaehyun said. "Don't misunderstand. At first, they were supposed to be a fake couple but it became real for Jungkook. I think he thought it was real for Tzuyu too."
"How do you know it wasn't?" Roseanne asked.
"I don't. I saw the hell she put my friend through. If she loved him and that's how she treated him, I'd hate to see how she treated her enemies."
Eunwoo chuckled from the corner of the room.
"So back to why you needed my help," Roseanne reminded Jaehyun. "Can we get back to that anytime soon?"
"I'm getting there," Jaehyun cleared his throat. "I wanted you to make another video."
"Like a collab video?"
"No, a video on your own."
Roseanne wasn't quite following what Jaehyun was asking. "What exactly did you want the video to be about?"
"I was hoping you could tell everyone the truth about Tzuyu. Like an expose on her life now that she's dead."
She held a hand up. "Let me make sure I understand. You want me to let everyone know what a horrible person Tzuyu was. You don't want to be in the video because you know as well as I do that her fans will attack me in the most brutal way possible and I'll be the one who ends up looking like the bad guy for exposing her now that she's dead."
Again, Eunwoo laughed from the corner of the room.
"You wouldn't look like-"
"Stop!" Roseanne shook her head. "Do you think I'm some kind of idiot? If I make that video it'll take attention away from you and I'll be the one getting dragged again."
Roseanne wanted to scream. She wanted to shake Jaehyun. To scratch his eyes out for being so dismissive of her. She understood where he was coming from. He was a successful YouTuber. She was trying to build herself an audience. Nobody really cares about a one-hit wonder. All her life, even before YouTube, Roseanne understood she was on her own. For some reason, Jaehyun's words made her feel more alone than ever.
"My head hurts," Roseanne moaned, cradling her head with both her hands. Why didn't anyone care about her?
Jaehyun reached over and pressed a button near her hospital bed. Seconds later, a young nurse with too much lipstick rushed in. Another young nurse was hot on her heels.
"Did you need help?" One of the nurses asked. Roseanne noticed she was staring at Jaehyun and hadn't spared her, the patient, a glance.
Jimin stuck a thumb out towards Roseanne. "She woke up and said her head hurts."
"I wish I'd gotten hit by a baseball," Eunwoo muttered. "Then I'd be surrounded by hot nurses."
The two nurses turned to Eunwoo and giggled.
"Can I get your autograph?" One of them held up a notepad with the hospital's logs.
"Am I in some kind of Twilight zone?" Roseanne asked. "Not to interrupt but could I get some pain medicine? My head is killing me."
"We'll ask a doctor," the too-much lipstick nurse said without even glancing at Roseanne. The other was pulling out her phone and aimed it at Jaehyun.
"Well, they're getting a bad review on Google," Roseanne mumbled.
The hospital door swung open and Jungkook entered carrying three cups of pudding. He took a look around the room and rolled his eyes. "Get out."
Both nurses gasped when they saw this.
"J-Jungkook! I'm so sorry for your loss. You must be missing Tzuyu so much," one of the nurses said.
Roseanne swallowed her laughter. Clearly, she wasn't sorry Tzuyu was out of the picture by the way she was drooling over Jungkook.
Jungkook slammed the pudding down on a small table near Roseanne's bed. "Get out, now."
"You want us to leave? But she pressed the call button. She needs our help."
"Then help her. Don't stand here asking for autographs and trying to take pictures."
Eunwoo cleared his throat. "I think now would be a good time to get the doctor for that pain medicine."
Both nurses scowled at Jungkook and muttered something about being a fake nice-guy on the internet before leaving.
"Isn't it a rule to be nice to our fans?" Jaehyun asked pointedly.
Jungkook pulled the puddings out from the bag and handed one to Eunwoo. "Not if they're ignoring their patients for an autograph."
"I wanted chocolate pudding," Eunwoo whined. "Didn't you hear me? I hate vanilla pudding."
Jungkook sighed and shook his head.
"I'm sure you can go downstairs and exchange it," Jungkook said. He was pacing back and forth in a small space.
"Why don't you both go?" Jungkook suggested.
Jaehyun gave him an open-mouthed look of disbelief. "Are you serious? We're in the middle of a crisis right now?"
"Go," Jungkook demanded.
Jaehyun cursed before stomping out of the room, a bemused Eunwoo following behind him.
"I don't think I like your friends," Roseanne whispered.
Jungkook shrugged. "They're good guys. They can be dumbasses at times but generally, they're okay."
Roseanne wasn't sure how to respond to him. Would he be upset that Jaehyun basically told her about his relationship with Chou Tzuyu? She watched as he pulled one of the pudding out and tore open the top. He pulled out a plastic spoon.
"Jaehyun wanted me to make a video about Tzuyu," Roseanne blurted out.
Jungkook's eyes met hers.
"He told me all about what happened in that picture," Roseanne couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth.
"What did you tell him?" Jungkook asked. "Did you say you'd do the video?"
"N-no," she answered. "I don't want to make a video like that."
Before he could respond, the door to her hospital room opened again and a worried-looking Eunwoo and Jaehyun walked in.
"We've got a problem," Jaehyun said.
"The owners of the mansion called," Eunwoo explained. "They want to give us a partial refund and they want us out."
"Why?" Jungkook asked.
"Someone called in a tip to the police," Jaehyun said. "Apparently, the mansion is being sealed off again."
"What kind of tip?" Roseanne asked. Has someone else found the bloody bookend? The only people who had been in the mansion were currently in her hospital room. Unless the killer called it in.
"Someone said there was a murder weapon in the mansion," Jaehyun answered. "The owners gave them permission to search without a warrant. They let the cops in and saw everything."
"And?" Jungkook had his hands on his hips.
Jaehyun stared at Roseanne while he answered. "They found one. Chou Tzuyu's death is being ruled as a homicide."
"Yes. I'm willing to come in and give a DNA swab and fingerprints. Whatever you need," Mark said. He was holding his cellphone close to his ear. "I've got nothing to hide. I'm just glad my tip could help. Hopefully, you can catch Tzuyu's killer soon. No, I'd like to remain anonymous."
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