《Whatever It Takes | Rosekook ✓》10: break


"Let me get this straight," the tall male who introduced himself as Officer Park Chanyeol scrunched his nose over the small notepad he was writing on. "You're saying you think someone broke into your apartment to scare you?"

"To be fair, it could've been a ghost," Roseanne murmured. "Trying to scare me, that is. There have been documented accounts of ghosts hacking into phones and computers. Google it if you don't believe me."

"You're not helping," Mark hissed. He was making coffee for them, filling the room with its scent.

"Ma'am," Officer Chanyeol tapped his pen against his pad. "You do realize I'm an officer of the law, not a ghost buster?"

"Of course," Roseanne nodded. "I just wanted to make sure all venues were being investigated."

Mark turned to Officer Chanyeol. "I'd rather you investigate the living suspects when it comes to the break-in. Are you going to dust her window for fingerprints?"

"I'll get to that. Are you sure you didn't leave the window open? Maybe you were too tired to remember? It's a hot night, maybe you wanted the breeze to blow in," the officer asked.

"I'm positive. Do you think whoever broke in will come back? They did send me those texts. Can you track them by their phone number?"

"We'll try our best but many times these types of texts are from unregistered phones or phone apps that have the ability to disguise a person's number. Advancements in technology are great but they almost always give criminals new opportunities to take advantage of people," officer Chanyeol took a few more notes before asking. "Do the messages hold any significance towards you?"

"You mean them calling me a liar?"

"Right. You mentioned someone had carved LIAR into your door earlier today. Now, someone sent you several messages with the same words. That can't be a coincidence. Is there something you're lying about?" Chanyeol asked.

"No," she spit out. She took a cup of coffee from Mark. "Would you like some coffee?"


He shook his head. "What about your past relationships? Maybe you lied to someone and they probably took it too personally."

"No," Roseanne sat down on her sofa. "I don't think I've lied to someone that would want to threaten me like that."

"Any past relationships? A boyfriend, maybe? An ex?"

"She's been single since the day she was born," Mark muttered. He was scrolling through his phone, sitting next to Roseanne. Her eyes narrowed on her friend and he shrugged.

Officer Chanyeol sighed. "Listen, someone carves the word liar into your door then later texts the same message to you after breaking into your apartment to take pictures of you while you slept. There's got to be a reason why. You honestly have no idea why anyone would target you this way?"

Roseanne cleared her throat, her eyes staring into the dark liquid she was sipping on. "Well...it might have something to do with my YouTube videos."

"I'm not following," Officer Chanyeol frowned. "Do you make YouTube videos?"

"Yes, I have a YouTube channel for all things horror related-I tell scary stories, investigate cold cases, hunt for ghosts, etc."

"You believe in ghosts?"

"Yes," Roseanne said. "We've had a few encounters. Just recently, I had contact with Park Jihyo. She spoke to me through our Spirit box."

When Officer Chanyeol didn't reply, Roseanne assumed he was waiting for her to continue. She stood. "It's a device that lets ghosts speak to us. A lot of people are really interested in ghost investigations but as I said, we do all kinds of videos. Just recently I uploaded a video when I went to the Park mansion."

Officer Chanyeol's eyes widened and Roseanne watched his expression change from confusion to recognition. "You're the ghost girl Seokjin was talking about." He pointed his pen at her.

"Yeah," she murmured. "Anyway, that could be the reason why I'm getting these messages. Some people just like to stir up trouble."


Officer Chanyeol scratched the back of his head. "I'll go ahead and check the window. I'll look into this phone number as well. In the meantime, keep your windows locked and just be cautious of your surroundings."

After Officer Chanyeol was gone, Roseanne closed her eyes. She noticed Mark was concentrating on his phone. She gave him a nudge. "I think I'm going to bed, if-"

"Rosie, you're going to want to see this," Mark waved his phone at her.

She grimaced. "Are they shredding me apart online? I told you-"

"Will you stop thinking about your views? Your video with Yerim is already trending. No, this is a news report. The police have confirmed Tzuyu's death was not a homicide. They're ruling it an accident."

Roseanne shot forward, her hands grasping his phone so she could read along with him. "I heard her scream, Mark. There's no way it was an accident. How could they be so stupid?"

"Apparently, there's no other signs of foul play," he was reading the article, "and there were numerous reports of her drinking heavily. They are definitely ruling out a homicide."

"They're wrong! I'm going to make another video. You said people were watching, right? My subscriber count is up. Maybe I can get everyone to protest at the station or something. They're letting a murderer get away."

Mark's mouth dropped. "Are you serious? Can you hear yourself right now? You're not going to do anything, Rosie."

"I can't let her murderer get away with this, Mark. What does that make me if I stay quiet? I won't do it!"

"Rosie, calm down. I know you heard her screaming but this is what the police do for living. Just because you think they're wrong doesn't mean they are."

"I know, but-"

Mark tossed his phone on the sofa and placed his hands on her shoulders. "No, I refuse to let you do this. You need to let this go. Tzuyu's death was an accident. Accept it."

"But the ouija board said she was murdered."

"For all you know, you or Yerim subconsciously moved it. I've heard that happens."

"No, she said she didn't and I know I didn't."

"Stop it!" Mark gave her a slight shake. "I know you want to help, I really do, but please know the line between helping and obsessing. You can't find someone who doesn't exist."

Roseanne closed her eyes. Was she completely wrong about Tzuyu? Was her death really an accident?

"Don't make this hard for yourself and risk your life. The police have said it was an accident. You know what this means, right? You need to stop making videos about Tzuyu's death."

She looked away, unable to meet her friend's eyes.

"Rosie?" Mark's fingers lightly squeezed her friend's shoulders.

"You're right," she whispered. "I just...I just know they're wrong about this but you're right. I can't risk my life for this."

Mark pulled her into his arms and gave her a hug. He sighed. "Someone broke into our apartment and took pictures of you while you were sleeping. How are you not freaking out right now?"

She shrugged. "I honestly don't think it's hit me. I mean...I feel slightly violated but at the same time, I'm just annoyed. I need to do something."

"Do you want to watch some crime documentaries?" Mark grinned.

It was something they did to pass time. They would look at crime documentaries and make guesses on who they think killed the victim.

Roseanne shook her head. "No, I think I just want to get some sleep. You should go to bed too."

"It's not that late," Mark said. "I can stay up."

"Go back to bed. My window is locked and Officer Chanyeol even put a board on top so it couldn't open no matter what. I'm safe as a bunny."

"You're assuming bunnies are always safe."

"Shut up and go to bed, Mark."

He grinned at her again before giving her another hug and making his way back to his bedroom.

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