《It's Cliché | rosekook》10


Jungkook looks at his wristwatch. The clock already showed the time passed at 6.30 pm. He is supposed to meet Chaeyoung's adoptive parents in the restaurant in front of him at 6. Yet, he still inside the car replying to a few emails from his foreign investors.

"Ms. Park still in the patisserie handling the difficult customer. She won't make it here..." Bambam reported from the front seat.

Jungkook nods, "Good...make sure she couldn't come at all and stay in the patisserie until I get there."

Bambam understood and excuses himself to make a call.

Jungkook takes a few files beside him and steps off the car, walking straight to the restaurant.

Jung Woo-sung and his wife Sae-ron. waiting with annoyance. Chaeyoung didn't pick up her phone and they have been waiting for 30 minutes. Lately, Chaeyoung likes to test their patient, Jung Woo-sung had thought that Chaeyoung was lying when she said she has a boyfriend...maybe that's the reason why she still not here.

After a few minutes, a good looking man stepped into the restaurant. Everyone's attention changed to the man.

Jung Woo-sung raised his eyebrows when the good looking man walking straight to their table elegantly. His face looks familiar but he couldn't remember his name or where he had seen this man.

"Mr and Mrs Jung..." The good looking man greeted.

"Ah yes..." Sae-ron replies with a wide smile thinking the man probably her husband's business partner. "You are-"

"I'm Chaeyoung's boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. I apologize for my lateness."

His introduction made the Jung couple shocked.

Jeon Jungkook? Is this the same man he saw in the news this morning? CEO of Netflex? One of the successful younh entrepreneurs in Korea?

How did Park Chaeyoung get so lucky to be able to get to know and be with him? Where did she get the opportunity to know him?! She just working in that small patisserie!

Sae-ron frowning deep, Park Chaeyoung is just an orphan...how could she get a better man than the Jung's daughters? Sae-ron didn't want to see Park Chaeyoung have a good life!

So when the man sits on the chair in front them and politely orders food for them, she decided to make this handsome guy realize who exactly Park Chaeyoung.

"Mr. Jeon, you're a great guy and you have a good reputation. I don't think Chaeyoung is suitable for you. She's an orphan, from the first day we adopted her...never once she treats us kindly. Don't get cheated by her! She is the best when it comes to acting innocent." Sae-ron turns to her husband as if whatever she said earlier was indeed the truth.


Jung Woo-sung nods, "The reason we wanted to meet her boyfriend also was because we wanted whoever the guy is to know the truth about her. See, she didn't even come yet. If she a responsible daughter...she won't make us wait for her."

Jungkook looks at Chaeyoung's adoptive parents. They slander her without batting an eye. Ahhh...he had prepared a few documents earlier thinking he might use those documents to threaten Jung family to let Chaeyoung go. Bambam has been working hard to compile all evidence about the negligence of the Jung family in raising Chaeyoung since the first day they adopted her. He even prepared the documents to take this matter to the family court. When he read the report from Bambam, his heart hurt reading about how the Jung family started introduced her to the old businessmen when she still 15 years old. No wonder she was desperate looking for a man who could make her cut ties with the Jung.

"Mr and Mrs Jung, I will be remembering your defamation and accusations towards my girlfriend today. I didn't come here to greet you two or act like a good man. I came here because I wanted to pass on a few documents. Have a look...I think we might have a good time to settle about this."

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

Chaeyoung looks at her phone, 9 pm. She was waiting for Jungkook at the front of the patisserie. The street seems empty, maybe because the black sky showed it might be rain soon. But she felt uncomfortable because of the streetlamp above her full with termite...they flying everywhere. She hates it, she wanted to move away but she was scared Jungkook couldn't see her.

She yelps a few times when the termite flying in front of her face. At the end, she decided to walk to the bus stop and wait for Jungkook. But as she crossed the road, she gets a call from him.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

Chaeyoung turns her head, thinking he saw her and that means he already arrived.

Yes, he was standing beside his car, one hand holding his phone and another hand holding the car door.

She smiles and ended the call without replying to his question. She crosses the road again and walks to his car, he parked exactly at the spot she waited earlier...below the streetlamp.


"How's everything? Did you meet them?" Chaeyoung asked as she walks closer to him. She couldn't wait to know what happened to their meeting. She was supposed to be there but a customer complaint about his reserved cakes and demand her to bake again.

"Don't worry, everything went well." Jungkook smiled.

"Really? I'm sorry if they said anything unreasonable to you..." She looks at him, feeling shy that now he knew her family's affair.

Jungkook smiles at her, she apologized for her adoptive parents...yet the old couple busy slandering her.

"Aren't you tired? Did the customer being too hard?" He asked, concerned.

Truthfully the customer was a C- list actor hired by Bambam specifically to make problems with Chaeyoung and prevent her from going to the restaurant meeting her parents. He doesn't want her to know that he dug everything about her childhood and he doesn't want her to know he threatened her adoptive parents using their negligence after adoption. She never told him about how she was treated when she still young, all she told him is about the countless blind date her parents set up for her and using her for business purposes.

"Yeah a little bit..."

"Get inside the car, I'll drive you home..." He turns to open the car door for her.

"Are you busy tomorrow? I wanted to treat you to dinner..." Chaeyoung said, a little blush on her cheeks.

Jungkook stops his step, he turns back to look at her. Ah he just remember... "Tomorrow I have a short flight to Jeju, I got an event to attend for 3 days."

Chaeyoung's heart dropped. 3 days? she remembers he asked her to give him a month...does he still count that? a week left before their relationship reaches a month. Yes, she counted the days too. Will he go without saying anything like before?

"Let's get inside the car," Jungkook was about to turn but Chaeyoung quickly moves forward and stop him by holding his arm.

"Wait!" unconsciously her pitch high. "I-I'm hungry, could we go eating something before you send me?"

Jungkook chuckles, "Yes sure...let's go."

"We walk! The store just over there. Just park your car here..." Chaeyoung tries to calm down, hoping Jungkook didn't catch her nervousness. She wanted to prolong the time she had with him.

"But it looks like it gonna rain-"

"It's okay! Let's walk," her grip on his arm tightened.

Jungkook noticed that Chaeyoung seems different. Her voice was higher as if she was panicking about something.

But before he could say anything, a few termites flying around Chaeyoung and she yelp loudly.

Her right hand still gripping Jungkook while the other hand busy swatting the termites from her face.

Jungkook chuckles, she looks cute tho. He steps closer to help remove a few termites from her hair.

"Let me help you...relax, they're harmless."

"I hate flying bugs..." Her voice sounds like she wanted to cry.

"That's why I said we get in the car, the termites were everywhere, it's gonna rain-"

"No, I want to walk-" She cut him off but she stops halfway as she realizes a termite just landing on her nose. Her hand was ready to swat it away but Jungkook caught her hand.

Chaeyoung looks up at him, wondering why he stops her. She saw his face lean in....her heart beating loudly.

Jungkook inhaling deeply and blowing directly at the bug. It flies away...

But Chaeyoug's eyes still on him, shocked with his action. He chuckles softly looking at her. The same face she made when he teased her in his car before. She was nervous when their face was closed.

Something is tugging on his heart when she looks at him like that, something that's telling him this is the perfect time to show Chaeyoung how he's been feeling. To express to her his desire, how much he loves being by her side... So as these long and drawn-out seconds pass, he just needs to take one step forward to close the gap...

Chaeyoung's eyes widen seeing Jungkook moving even closer. Her mouth dry...should she stop him, or should not? Her heart screaming, get it together Chaeyoung!

Before she can even blink, Jungkook dipped forward...taking her lips into his own.

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