《It's Cliché | rosekook》4


"Isn't this the guy who came looking for you at the store?" asked Lisa then gasp loudly and dramatically with her right hand on her chest when YES this is the same guy!. She pointed her finger to the picture on the business magazine in her hand.

Chaeyoung glance at the magazine, "So what if it's him?"

"So what you ask??? Yah Park Chaeyoung, he is the president of the Entertainment company who owns our favorite streaming app, Netflex!. Oh my God...why don't you tell me? We might get a free subscription for the whole year!" Lisa speaks loudly.

Chaeyoung wonders how Lisa would react if she knows a few nights ago that guy begging her to be his girlfriend for one month. How ironic, he seems desperate to prove his love for her, yet the next day after that night...he stop coming to the store and not showing his face anywhere. This makes Charyoung feels like he just playing with her.

"You said the same thing when my dad wanted to introduce me to the old man who owns an ice cream factory, you wanted free ice cream supply." Chaeyoung chuckles remembering Lisa's words a few months ago.

"But this is different Chae...what his name again..." Lisa looks at the magazine again. "Ah, Jeon Jungkook...this guy is RICHER than that ice cream factory owner. This Jeon guy owns NETFLEX, this streaming app famous around the world!" Lisa's eyes sparkle imagining how Chaeyoung would be rich too.

Chaeyoung just ignores Lisa, she continues filled in the shelf with new baked cookies and desserts.

Truthfully she was moved by his confession on that night, that was the first time a man confessed to her and looking desperate to prove himself. Yet the next day he's like vanish, not showing his face anymore. She feels disappointed.


Jungkook walks from the arrival area with fast steps. People around could see how a few men in a black coat trying to catch his steps with their hands carrying bags and boxes.

"Do you want to go straight away to the office or the pastr-"


"Office? have you lost your mind?" Jungkook looks at Bambam who walking beside him with an unbelievable face. "All man in love will meet their loved one after 4 days being far away, ahhhh you don't have a girlfriend...I forgot."

Bambam just nods agree. His boss finally had a lover and these past few days it's a whirlwind ride for him to handle his boss change of mood. A few days ago they need to take a last-minute flight to Australia for an urgent meeting. And just before the flight took off, his boss just realizes he didn't have his girlfriend's contact number. And because of that, Jeon Jungkook's mood changed like a roller coaster. The whole moment in flight was filled with Jungkook thinking about the probability of his girlfriend's reaction upon seeing him again.

But maybe there's a reason why his boss acting like that.

Because when they arrived at the patisserie, Park Chaeyoung act like she didn't know his boss, Jeon Jungkook.

Bambam was standing still behind his boss watching the scene in front of him like watching the drama on television. There's another beautiful woman behind the counter who watching the scene too.

"I'm sorry, I have an urgent meeting that made me take an urgent flight and leave the country. I want-"

"It's okay, men who confessed to me always come and go. And it's not like we are serious..." Chaeyoung cut off Jungkook's words, she's not even looking at Jungkook.

Bambam's eyes widen, this woman is brave to talk like that to his boss.

Meanwhile, Lisa behind the counter gasp loudly, "He confessed?? why you didn't tell me?" She whispered loudly but everyone inside the store could hear her voice. Thank God only four of them in the store right now.

"But I'm not those men...I came back and I'm serious. If you could give-"

"Lisa, please help attend this customer. I will check cookies inside the oven at the back..." Chaeyoung cut him off again then walks to the kitchen at the back. This is the best - She thought, upon knowing who exactly Jeon Jungkook is, she feels like he was too high in everything for her. Yes, she wished to be with a rich and influential man in Korea that can take her away from her adoptive family. But not a man like Jeon Jungkook. A man like him too powerful.


Lisa looks at the retreating figure of her best friend, then to the two men standing in front of the counter. She tries to control herself, man...the owner of Netflex is right in front of her! this is her lucky day. She will make sure to get that 1 year free subscription!

"Ehermm..." Lisa clear her throat, "I'm sorry, Chaeyoung is not usually like that. It just today her first day of the month...so that's why." Lisa lied.

Jungkook frowns, not understand. What first day? He turns to Bambam, his assistant.

Bambam blinks a few times. He forgot that Jeon Jungkook only smart in business and other things except woman.

"What she meant...Ms. Park..." Bambam steps closer to Jungkook and whispers to his ear.

Jungkook's eyes widen. Oh.

"So, should I wait till it's over or..."

"Flowers!" Lisa cut in..."She likes flowers..."

And that's how Bambam finds himself busy browsing website searching for a suitable flower.

Jungkook agreed to buy roses, but when they arrive at the flower shop...

"Wait, her friend said flowers, plural..." Jungkook's face was serious in thought.

"Boss, normally people give flower bouquet-"

"But I'm not normal people," Jungkook glares.

Chaeyoung thought Jungkook would stop coming looking for her after her unwelcoming attitude towards him this afternoon.

But she's wrong.

Right now he was standing in front of her apartment's door.

"How did you know where I live? Are you stalking me?" She asked, are you stalking me? her eyes widen thinking about all the stalker characters inside the drama she watched in Netflex.

"Put on your outer coat and follow me.." Jungkook says as he looks at how thin her tshirt and how short her pants. His mind starts to think maybe this is her style when she's at home. But she looks beautiful when she's naked too..

"Why? where are we going?"

"Quick," He cuts her off.

Chaeyoung doesn't know why she follows his instruction and follows him towards the elevator. Her heart beating rapidly when she realizes they were going up instead of heading down. Oh my God, will he kill her just because she treated him coldly?

She was nervous when she sees they're going to the upper floor, the last floor.

"What are we doing going to that floor? you're not playing with me, aren't you?" Her voice shaken.

Jungkook frowns, then he realizes his action makes the woman beside him scared. He reaches out his hand and placed her hand on his well-structured hand.

Chaeyoung tries to shake off his hand but he held onto hand tightly. "Relax, I'm not going to do anything..."

She tries again to shake off his hand.

"Stop it." Jungkook continues holding Chaeyoung's hand firmly and told her to behave. Surprisingly she listened and obediently followed him.

Chaeyoung gasps in awe when they walk to the rooftop and see a greenhouse made of glass. In it was a big rose blooming like a sea of flowers. Since when at the rooftop of her apartment have a glass greenhouse???!

"What is-"

"This is for you," Jungkook cut her off, he pulls her hand to walk into the glass greenhouse. "Your friend said you love flowers, then Bambam said a bouquet is enough...but I think you deserve more. So.."

"For me? all of these?"

Jungkook nods, he sees she still looking at him with her eyes widen. "Ermm...you want more than this? Ahh I should-"

"No!," She stops him, "This is enough..."

Jungkook smiles when Chaeyoung turns around and touches the roses around her. Her eyes were sparkling and shining. Secretly he snaps a few pictures of hers with the flowers. He sent one to Bambam...

. - He types, then send it to Bambam with a smug face.

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