《Only Mine (Kagehina) (Kageyama x Hinata)》Chapter 5


Before long it was already the next day and both boys found their way to school. Their school day was pretty ruitined and due to the fact that they were both in different classes, Hinata and Kageyama weren't able to follow up on the blissful events that took place the day before. That was untill it was lunch time and they would finally meet up.

Hinata could feel his whole body tensing out of excitement mixed with a little nerves. There was no morning practice so this was the first time they could finally meet again face to face. Hinata only hoped that what happened the day before wasn't a one time thing. He never felt so connected to a person before, and he definitely didn't want this to end. He wanted to feel for his lips again, feel the softness of them clash with his, embrace so they could feel each others hearts beating in sync.

Hinata was making his way to the back of the gym where most of his teammates eat togther. He was so happy you could see his honey brown eyes twinkling in tbe sunshine, skipping past the different buildings. As he turned the corner to take a shortcut to the gym he saw Kageyama. But he wasn't alone, he was with a girl. Hinata wouldn't obviously normally mind if Kageyama was speaking to other girls, I mean who is he to tell him who he can talk to. But this was different.

Hinata was peaking around the corner of the building observing the scene unfold itself infront of him. Some would call this stalky and creepy but Hinata kept saying that he was simply watching from a distance, nothing wrong with that. Unfortunately Kageyama was way too far away for Hinata to study his facial expression and for sure to far away to hear anything that was said in the conversation between Kageyama and the mystery girl.


It was a strange interaction to say the least. The fact that Hinata has never seen Kageyama talk to this girl, or any girl for that matter really raised questions. 'He probably knows her from his class' shrugged off Hinata.

Just as he was about to leave his peaking corner and join his teammates somthing unspeakable happen. Hinata could feel his heart shatter in two, the colour drained from his face. His whole body felt numb to the core. Why? Hinata questioned himself as he watched Kageyama lean in and give this mystery girl a kiss on the lips. Was yesterday a mistake? Am I not good enough?

Even though it was only one time that Hinata and Kageyama shared such a passionate moment, it ment the world to Hinata. Did Kageyama not feel it too? the burning passion and pure lust between them. It Couldn't have been one sided, the way Kageyama kissed him back, there was no way it could have been a mistake.

So why is he kissing her? Her and not him? Hinata wanted to run away yet his legs felt as if they were paralised from whatever the feeling is he feeling right now. He waited for so long to be able to kiss Kageyama and how blistful and beautiful it was, he felt like yesterday ment nothing. Tears started swelling up in his shattered eyes and finally he got the courage to run away before anyone could see him.

For the first time in life Hinata felt like there was a weight pulling him down, making him drag his feet along the floor. He felt like he couldn't breath properly, like his breaths were being stolen by an unknown source. Even though it was one time, one goddamn time that something happen between himself and Kageyama, he should have known it ment nothing to him, why was he so foolish to think that him and Kageyama could actually become a thing.


As heart broken as he was, he also didn't understand how Kageyama got himself a... Girlfriend? Who is she to him. Why has he never told him about her is she ment so much to Kageyama to the point where they kissed.

It was all too confusing to Hinata, he just wanted to erase that image out of him mind and forget it, like it never happen. Kageyama can't know he saw him kiss another girl, he had to pretend like nothing happened. Nothing happen yestuday, they didn't kiss, they didn't hold hands, they never had a beautiful moment together.

Nothing. Nothing happen.

Hinata sat alone in a corner where no one could find him. He didn't feel like confronting anyone or facing them and having a normal conversation. Although all things come to an end and he now had to get back to his class, he could feel his eyes stinging probably from the crying and were most likely red. Ultimately Hinata got a hold on himself and got up and made his way back, trying to make his normal face and trying to fake his energy like nothing happen.

Nothing happen.


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