《The Scarred Viking's Bride (On Temp. Hold)》Sixteen
I kept a steady and fast pace through the halls, my strides long to stay away from the tall brute that was chasing me. My dark green wool skirts swooshed around my ankles, yet with all my years with my little nephews, I had learned to move quickly with the thickly layered mass of skirt and underlining.
I could hear the loud stomping of his boots just behind me and I bit my lip to stifle a giggle. I sped up as I felt the brush of fingers on my waist, avoiding his touch. A loud resounding growl made the atmosphere vibrate with the frustration it held as we swayed around and betwixt others in the way, a tempting dance amidst predator and prey.
"Woman, would you stop-"
"I am busy, Aderick," I waved him off with a flick of my wrist, dismissing him.
"Britta, vær så snill, talk to me at least. It has been four sunrises...how much longer do you plan to torture me so?" He said, near pleading.
With his begging, almost whiny, tone, heads were being turned at the odd behavior of the typically stoic Jarl. Many raised eyebrows and slackened jowls were caught by my eyes, and I bit my bottom lip to repress the giggle at the astounded expressions as we passed by. I had the strong urge to look over my shoulder to see if he was on his knees chasing me. It sounded as such.
After that night of the confrontation with his past thrall, Marit, I decided 'twas best if we were separated as I processed everything and soaked in the emotions, particularly the hurt that still made my heart ache at the lie he told. I did not want his heated touch to control the number of days it took for me to forgive his omission, and so I had left the chambers in the middle of the night after weighing my decision.
I had awoken in the morning to shouts and the sounds of objects being thrown and broken as Aderick finally noticed I had left. 'Twas as if Ragnarök was knocking on the door as Aderick stormed through my new chamber doors; a whirlwind of anger, fear, and relief as he noticed me buried under the furs.
He then promptly threw me over his shoulder as I yelled in protest, marched to his chambers and dumped me on top of the furs with a loud growl of annoyance, muttering that I belonged with him in our chambers.
Since that morning, I refused to talk to him, avoiding him the best I could as I struggled to forgive him. I would give him snippets of replies, but never a complete conversation. I still remained in a separate chamber, which drove Aderick nearly mad.
Ingrid had been a blessing in disguise these past four days as she walked with me through the village, showing me where all the shops were and whom was whom amongst the people. By the gods, I swear Ingrid never stopped to take a breath while talking. But she was a good distraction to get out of the manor and avoid Aderick in the same note.
I had a plan, and I was sticking to it.
"Six," I nonchalantly tossed over my shoulder, finally looking at him. I saw him suddenly stop at my reply, dumbfounded, then continue striding my way as a look of pure determination crossed his features.
Within the distance, I could see the door to the food hall where I planned to meet Ingrid. I walked quicker than before to reach my destination without more discussion.
"Six?" He groaned.
"Ja. Four and six totals to ten. Ten days for the ten 'summers'," I said, still walking away from him, with two of my fingers bending at the word, "that you waited for me, Jarl Aderick."
"I told you I was sorry numerous times, Britta. Please, I cannot take this silence much longer."
I abruptly stopped walking, and his burly body bumped into me as he did not notice my sudden halt. His arm snaked around my waist to keep me from falling forward into a child, and he pulled me against his chest. I immediately pushed down at his hold, but with no avail. I sighed with frustration, rubbing my temples as I slowly turned to face him in his arms.
I wanted to forget what happened that night four days ago, but the thought of Marit and Aderick together made my blood boil and heart ache. 'Twas as if that image was imprinted on my mind, never to leave and continuously there to torture me. I understood the customs that female thralls had no threat to a wife of any Norse man, yet the captivating words he spilled to me led me to believe he waited until we met. I knew I should not be mad at him, but yet here I was, avoiding him like a plague because I was hurt and angered.
"Vær så snill, Britta, forgive me. I miss talking to you and miss you at night. I do not like my bed empty, without you in my arms 'tis difficult to sleep. I worry constantly, wondering if you pine for me as I do for you when you are not there. Please, min søte," He breathed, his face pressing into my neck, laying open mouthed kisses along my throat.
I shuddered at his open display of affection, the warm of his mouth tempting against my neck. My head fell to the side almost naturally, but before he could continue his torment, I tore myself out of his embrace.
"You and your lips," I muttered harshly to myself, shaking my head, but I heard a low chuckle escape from Aderick.
I peeked up at him from under my lashes, and a wide smile crinkled his face as he stared down at me, telling me that he heard my soft chastisement. Heat rose to my face as I noticed the intensity of his stare.
I ran a hand over my braid as I thought of what to say to him. Or what I should say first, as my mind was churning with so many passionate phrases running over and over.
"Talk to me, Britta. No more short remarks or replies. No more." With a graze of his fingers along my cheek, 'twas hard not to lean in and completely submit to him and his requests. But I had to tell him how I felt.
I looked away from him, playing with my fingers. I finally breathed in deep before letting it out with a huff, raising my chin to look at the man who was playing tricks with my emotions.
"I am not fond of being lied to, Aderick. That is one of the worst things you could possibly do. It makes me not want to trust you, to not be around you," He flinched at my words, but I had to continue. "I know that I should not be upset, but I felt belittled and Marit..." I sighed.
"Time. 'Tis the best thing you can give me. These past four days I needed time to gather my thoughts, deal with what happened, and forgive you for your deceit," I said softly yet forcefully, ensuring that this was something I would not tolerate in the future.
Silence hung in the air as he comprehended my words, his brow furrowed in thought. His onyx eyes continued to search mine, perhaps to find something else within my hazel ones.
"Have you?" He asked, just as soft, his eyes continuing to search mine. For what, I did not know.
"Have I what?"
"Forgiven me?" His eyes shined with a small spark of hope.
I bit my lip and looked away from his stare.
I nodded ever so slightly. "I began to."
"Something is better than nothing at all, nei?"
A small smile graced my features as he tried to jest with me. I rolled my eyes but smiled wider as he pressed a kiss to my hair, pulling me close.
I enjoyed his embrace for several breaths, soaking in his masculine smell before stepping away. Slow, I reminded myself.
He growled at me and tugged me back into his arms, and I stumbled into them with a small squeak.
"Britta, where are you?" A loud, irritated tone yelled, I jumped at the intrusion and turned in the direction of Ingrid's voice.
Ingrid was leaning against the wall just before the hall entrance, tapping her foot in annoyance, her arms crossed as she looked at the two of us together. She huffed and rolled her eyes, muttering, "Of course," underneath her breath.
She floated towards us. "You took too long, Bri, so I came out to find you. And," she drawled, a mahogany brow raised, "not surprisingly, you two are together once more. What happened to your plan? I thought you were going to wait for six more sunrises to talk to him?"
I nodded. "I had planned to. But he continued to whine like a babe, so I had to do something to silence him," I said with a wink towards her.
Aderick scoffed. "I did not, Britta," He muttered, a flush rising to his cheeks.
"Enough! We must be on our way, Eir does not like people to be late," Ingrid stated, pulling me out of Aderick's hold and towards the door outside.
"Eir? Are you seeing her? Why?" He demanded.
"She is our seer, Ade, you know that." She said in a dull tone, looking at him as if he were senseless.
"I understand that, Ingrid," He said exasperated, "but why? All that old hag does is spill lies to make us believe in fables that shall never come true."
"Wait- Eir? As in the goddess, Eir?" I asked.
Both siblings turned towards me, one with an exasperated look and the other nearly vibrating with excitement and impatience.
Ingrid nodded, her long hair bouncing with the movement. "Ja! Eir is the oldest woman of the clan, yet the wisest. Though she is not a patient woman. We must go now, or she will not be so kind to us," she said with another pull of my wrist.
"Alright, Ingrid, I am coming." I muttered, finally yanking my wrist out of her hold. I rubbed the spot that ached from her tiny yet forceful fingers, frowning at the realization of how strong little Ingrid truly was. I assumed with Aderick being her only sibling, she had to learn to be strong.
"I am coming with, to make sure she does not fill your heads with nonsense, " Aderick finally muttered, a sigh leaving him as we left the manor and walked down the hill towards the village.
As we walked through the main route through the marketplace and a few homes, people began yelling greetings to Ingrid and I as we passed them. I smiled slightly and waved at them, conscious of the questioning stare coming from my side. A little girl that I had met just yesterday ran up to me with a field flower in her little outstretched hand, and I dropped to my knees to speak to her.
"For yew, Miss Brida," the girl whispered, giggling slightly as I took the delicate blue flower and placed it behind my ear.
"'Tis beautiful, Alva, takk skal du ha," I whispered back, pinching her little freckled cheek.
An adorable laugh left her as I tickled her. Her dark brown curls fell in her face as she bent her head in embarressment, her small hands covering her cheeks.
"I must go, liten en, perchance on the morrow we can play?" I smiled once more as she nodded her little head nearly frantically.
I rose from my perch and waved to little Alva as I walked to the waiting pair that were watching me. We continued walking, silence wrapping around us. I smiled to myself at the innocence shining off of Alva, whom at first was shy, but warmed to me once I gave her a small collection of flowers I found on the path to the village. We had spent nearly all day playing with the other children within the clan and I had not smiled like that since...
"Britta, we are here," Ingrid's voice broke through my thoughts as we eventually stopped in front of a small hut. It was worn from the harsh winters and had seen better days, but looked like a home to the individual within as bushes framed the house on the ground.
"Are you alright, min søte? You left us for a moment there."
I turned to Aderick. "Ja, I am okay. Just thinking," I said as I looked back towards the small hovel.
"Jarl Aderick, what a surprise. You do not typically come down my way," A worn yet smooth feminine voice crept from the entrance of the home.
He rolled his eyes and muttered, "There is a reason why, old bat."
"Young man, I knew you before you were born, do not tempt me to put you out of your misery," the voice threatened.
I covered my mouth to stifle my laugh at the mysterious woman's words. Ingrid laughed out loud, her bell-like chortle ringing through the air. Aderick simply huffed at her threat, clearly not bothered. Either he had heard this before or he did not take her seriously.
"Come in, come in, all of you. I know that you wish for me to look at the Jarl's intended, Ingrid." The voice rasped.
Nervous, I grasped Aderick's hand as we entered the dimmed home. I let out a breath as I realized the outside of the hut did not reflect the inside, as 'twas clean and organized in a fashion perfect for an elderly woman. A pallet of furs laid in the far corner of the room, with a small fireplace in the center. Shelves that held vials of random and unfamiliar ingredients were against the wall. My nose wrinkled the peculiar smell that wafted throughout the room, wrapping around me. I began to feel my muscles relax, thought my mind was wary of my surroundings.
My eyes snapped to the short and wrinkled woman that shakily rose from her perch on the ground. Her long graying hair was pulled into a braid that nearly swept the ground as she walked. I raised a hand to help her, and she waved a veiny hand of her own at me. "No need for that, Britta Haraldsson, I am old but not as old they may portray me," she winked at me as she slowly made her way towards us.
Ingrid bowed her head slightly in respect. "Eir, 'tis good to see you again."
"You are almost late, my dear, but no worries, I know what kept you," the woman said, turning to face me.
My brow furrowed. "How did you know my name? And you knew why we stopped?"
She smirked. "I am a seer, kjære, I know many things. I have heard the rumors of your beauty and kindness since you were but a child. Word spreads like fire here in the mountains. Especially if our future Jarl takes a liking to you," she said, turning her back to grab a few bottles along the shelves. "I know you have a soft spot for children, as your nephews and little nieces were your everything."
Emotions suddenly made my throat close and eyes water at her simple yet heavy words. I only nodded in silence, not daring to reply. Ingrid grabbed my hand in comfort, and I gave her a watery smile.
"Come sit, kjæreste." I pulled away from Ingrid and walked slowly to where Eir had sat by the fire, watching her carefully.
Ingrid was not fibbing at this woman being a seer, as having the powers to see in the future and gather one's past while in their prescence was a gift only few were bestowed to by the gods.
Aderick began to lower himself next to me, yet Eir snapped her eyes to his, the warning in the gray orbs clear. A rumble left him as he eventually retreated, taking a few steps rearward to stand next to Ingrid by the entrance.
I looked up at him before he got too far, knowing that I would need his presence near me as I listened to Eir's foretelling words. I pleaded with him, only using my eyes, scared to use my voice. I could blatantly see the war in his obsediant irises as he fought what he wished to do, and what Eir had said.
Eir huffed, not looking at us, throwing herbs into the small flames. "Fine, Aderick. You may sit beside your bride, but do not interfere with what shall happen," she warned.
He nodded then sat next to me, gathering my hand in both of his. He began rubbing a soothing pattern along my flesh, the small gesture comforting my nerves.
Eir cleared her throat. "May I?" she extended a hand towards me.
I pulled my hand out of Aderick's grasp, placing it within hers and with a quick flick of her wrist, she flipped my hand, palm facing outward. Before I could register what was happening, Eir pulled a small intricate knife from the folds of her worn dress and swiped the blade against the meaty part of my palm. I gasped at the sting, and Aderick released an irritated snarl at my blood being spilled. Eir ignored the both of us as she squeezed my hand, and a few drops of blood fell into the small fire between us. Suddenly, the flames grew, flashing bright, and I jumped in surprise.
I retracted my hand before the flames could catch, cradling it against my chest. Eir peered into the flames, tilting her head side to side to see something. I forgot the low throbbing pain in my hand and stared too, yet I did not see anything. I glanced over to Aderick, who seemed concerned as he inspected my hand. He tore cloth from his shirt and wrapped it carefully around my hand, securing it with a small knot. I smiled at him and he returned the gesture.
"Ah, there it is!" I jumped once more at the loud exclamation.
Eir hummed and paused for several breaths, her eyes constantly flickering to different spots within the flames. I waited with belated breath to hear what she had to say.
"Britta Haraldsson...Your past is shrouded in pain, a pain that is nearly crippling. It would have crippled a weak-willed person, yet you were raised to be strong. Yet, the loss of your family nearly consumed you, did it not? You wished to join your deceased family many a time, yet something held you here," Eir pressed, continuing to stare into the flames. "Being the last of the Haraldsson people makes you guilty, although it should not. Your family is happy that you are growing into the woman they knew you would, with or without them. You are alive for a reason, Britta, and the gods ensure that 'tis because of the man beside you."
Stunned, my grasp in Aderick's warm hand slackened and my lips parted in astonishment. I looked up at him, and I was met with the same substantial surprise within his eyes as I felt in this moment.
"But, liten en, your future is not smooth, but troublesome," My head snapped back to Eir, whose eyes were becoming glassy. "'Tis surrounded with death, war, and heartbreak. A war that is coming within Aderick's future shall intertwine with yours, tenfold as you are the desired prize of it all. Either your paths shall end on a positive note, or an unfavorable one. One with happiness and you both are well. The other..."
Eir sighed deeply as if saddened by what she saw within the red flames. She pursed her lips as she debated whether to speak aloud.
I cleared my throat lightly. "The other, Eir?"
"The other, one of you shall perish."
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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