《The Scarred Viking's Bride (On Temp. Hold)》Four
A brisk knock woke me from my pleasant dreams of a tall mysterious stranger. My eyes shot open, the illusion gone, frantically looking around at the unfamiliar chamber.
The room was cast in harsh shadows from the rising sun, only a few ribbons of light dappled throughout the room. The fire was dimmed to hissing embers, not providing much warmth.
I began to think the knocks were a part of my dream as I simply rolled over and closed my eyes.
The sharp knocks sounded again.
I groaned in dismay. The person on the other side of the door was growing impatient as they knocked again, more so louder. I grumbled a few curses as the warm furs tangled with my legs as I tried to get out of bed. I fell to my hands and knees with a grunt. I hastily snatched the red cloak off the floor and threw it on, clumsily connecting the two sides with the brooch.
I scurried to the door and opened it a few fingersbreadths. A gasp escaped me as soon as I realized who stood outside my room. A familiar pair of sable eyes took in my disheveled appearance with a heated gaze.
I blushed at the indecency of the situation. I stood in my thin undergarments and worn cloak, barely decent and presentable in a Jarl's presence. He was still in battle attire, his face dirty with ash and paint. This was most improper.
"J-Jarl Aderick, what are you doing here?" I stuttered out, running a hand along my curly locks. I blushed in embarrassment as I forgot that this was his home. He remained silent and continued to glare at me with a strange emotion in his eyes.
I began to shut the door to get dressed but a huge tan hand stopped its closing movement. The hand snaked into a thick forearm as he pushed the door open, entering my chambers before kicking it shut.
Eyes widening, I backed up in fear as he stalked towards me. The intensity and heat in his eyes made my body tremble with a strange emotion. I felt the bed of furs brush against my backside and my breathing released in harsh heaves as I realized there was no room for me to escape him. Peeking behind me, I quickly hurdled onto the top of the bed in hopes to make it to the other side and out the window. I barely made it across the large bed before a warm hand grasped my waist and yanked me back against a muscular chest.
The heat radiating off my captor made me shiver in response. This man tempted my control, my temper, and my will.
"Why are you running from me, my little wildcat?" His mouth was near my ear and I shuddered as his warm breath brushed my cheek.
I tried wiggling out of his embrace, shoving at his thick arms that were tightly wrapped around my waist. My cloak hung open and his limbs were essentially touching my skin through my thin undergarments.
Before I could remind the brute of the improper situation we were in, he twirled me around to face him. I desperately leaned away, attempting to close my cloak around me while shoving him away.
It was no use. His grasp was like iron, strong and unbreakable. The Jarl reached up with one arm and simply unclasped my brooch and my cloak fell away onto the floor.
I yelped in shock, not wanting to reach down and grab it for he may gain more than a glance at my body. I shoved him hard in the chest instead. He swayed backward for a moment, and I felt a glimpse of satisfaction before he leaned towards me with all of his weight and we both went falling back onto the bed of furs.
"What are you doing? Get off!" I shrieked in dismay.
I writhed under him in fury, desperate to be relieved of his heavy weight on top of me. The proximity of him was unnerving and alarming, yet I felt the need to wrap my arms around him at the same time. 'Twas strange. This man made me think and want things I should never desire from the individual who was the cause of my torment.
He wrapped a large paw around both wrists and pulled them up over my head. My captor only smiled down at me at my struggles before laying his big body in between my open legs.
"I am going to kiss you, min lille kattunge."
I froze suddenly, feeling a bulge on my upper thigh through my thin shift. What in the gods' name was that? I inwardly had a guess, but there is no way he...
My body began to slowly and traitorously respond to his call, relaxing under him. My mind screamed in protest and begged my body to remember who this man was. What he had done to my people, my home, my family. What he had done to my heart that no longer felt any sort of warm emotion. He was a monster. A ruggedly handsome scarred monster.
He leaned over me, his hypnotic eyes trained on my lips. He looked like a fierce hunter in the woods, trained on his prey, waiting for the right moment for the kill. And I was the prey.
My breathing hitched at the closeness of his warmth and the awareness of what he wished to do. His eyes flickered around my face, taking in every detail before meeting my sharp gaze. Ebon to hazel. I could see the desire and longing churning in their mesmerizing depths.
I turned my face away from his intense stare. I did not want to figure out why he held such intimate emotions in his eyes.
I was a captive, a lone survivor. And he, a ruthless Jarl.
I felt his warm hand caress my face, gently turning my head back toward him. I refused to meet his gaze, so I kept my eyes closed. I wanted this to be over, to separate from this man who was strange yet vaguely familiar. For a brief moment, his alluring full lips brushed against my own and my eyes shot open, gasping at the unfamiliar feeling. I had never been kissed before. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the savage Jarl of the north would be my first kiss.
He paused, pulling away slightly, and met my stunned gaze before covering my mouth in a more passionate kiss. My eyes shuttered close on their own accord. I could feel the grooves of his chest through my thin shift, the warmth of his body covering my smaller frame. Our bodies were so close we were nearly one, and that alone terrified me. My body squirmed underneath his in an attempt to escape the heat and sparks erupting in my chest. That only sent a thrill down my spine to spread in my lower belly. His lips slowly moved against mine in a request, silently pleading to discover the moist cavern behind my lips.
The combination of the fluttering in my lower belly and the sensation of his warm lips against mine made a traitorous ragged moan escape my throat. His tongue quickly entered my mouth, taking advantage of my weakness, lightly probing and caressing my own. I tentatively responded and it seemed to excite him more, groaning as he stroked my hips and belly with his other hand. My mind was screaming in dismay, yet my body was relaxed and nearly willing under his.
Suddenly I pulled away, breathing hard, stopping before his kisses went too far. He growled softly at me but only began trailing his lips along my jaw, down my neck and my breathing quickened at the sensitivity. I could not let this go further.
A small part wanted to continue exploring these new sensations but I knew I could not. Not with this man.
With a sigh, I pulled my wrists from his hold and pushed hard against his shoulders. A flicker of surprise moved through me as he pulled away so easily at my silent plea.
The brute was breathing heavily as he sat up, his eyes closed tightly as if in pain. "By the gods, woman. I want you so badly." His rough voice rolled over my skin. I shivered at his haunting words.
I laid back on the thick furs my chest heaving in severe shock and disgust at myself at what just happened. How could I betray my family like this? To kiss the man who was the reason they were dead? I acted like a wanton woman, a harlot. I cannot believe my reaction to his simple kiss. Unescaped tears burned my eyes as I turned away from him. I held my tears at bay. A small sob left my throat although I tried shoving it down.
I felt a hand brush my hair away from my face, lightly touching a few beads near my temples. I flinched and squeezed my eyes shut tightly, silently willing him to leave me in peace. I heard him rustle around before he rose from the bed.
Some time passed and I did not hear the door open nor shut. My eyes opened and flickered towards the door, discovering him standing by the bed watching me with pain in his eyes. His lips twitched into a grimace before he ran a hand over his scarred face.
"I am not the monster you may believe I am," He began seriously, his voice soft. "I will not take you against your will. I'd rather have you writhing underneath me and begging me to take you. But trust me, kjæreste, you will be begging me to fuck you soon." The dark vow made me tremble. I pulled away from his presence and attempted to block him from my whirling thoughts.
Warm lips briefly caressed my forehead then ceased as he quietly left the chamber.
I turned towards the dying fire within the fireplace across the room and stared hard into the fading flames. I wondered if my life was going to be like those fading embers. Enough to survive and live but with the slightest touch, be snuffed out of the will to continue. Grief and betrayal tugged on my consciousness. I let the man who extinguished the life within me touch my body, and I did not completely resent it. A part of me craved more. But I knew it was forbidden.
What was wrong with me? My emotions pulled back and forth from guilt to grief to anger. And it was because of him. The captivating fiend who waged war between my mind and body.
No more.
The Jarl was not to be trusted, not to be taken as a friend, nor as my future husband. These dastardly feelings were silly and childish, and most definitely not to be pursued.
My head began to throb as apostate tears rolled down my cheeks. My thoughts turned towards my family. What would Mamma do if she were in my place? I knew if Kare or Ran were locked in the devil's home as his future bride they would try to slit the Jarl's throat then escape as soon as he was dead.
But I was not like them. I could not take another being's life. Even someone like him. I refused to have that darkness taint my soul and consciousness.
Sitting up with a sudden burst of energy, I knew I had to get out of here within nightfall.
Knowing that my captor felt the physical pull as well made me inwardly guess that I would not have much time before he desired to claim my maidenhead. A fortnight at the most. But I could get out before then. It had to be this eventide. I could almost feel the encouragement from my family's spirits, urging me to explore the manor to find all the backways and exits of every room.
I rose from the bed and walked towards a window, checking the metal locks. A whimper escaped my throat as I realized someone had removed the lock that once held the window shut. Now several metal nails were shoved deep into the wood frame, preventing any type of opening or closing. I knew instantly that this was his doing. My hand fisted against the pane of glass. I did not even know this man for very long, barely two sun rises and yet it seemed as though he could already read my mind. He knew that I would try the windows for my escape. I moved around the room, checking all the windows in the chance that he forgot to nail one shut.
I silently cursed as I realized there was no escape from my chamber. That meant I had to leave from one of the manor's entrances or backways. Turning back towards the bed, I dressed back into my torn gown and cloak. This would have to do until the dressmaker came. I would have them quickly make a sturdy thick cloak for when I left.
Before I could grab the door handle to leave, another set of knocks sounded on the door before it opened. Thinking it was him again, I backed away nervously, my heart thumping frantically.
Instead of the man I was expecting, a petite figure entered the chamber with a bright smile.
"You are up! Good, the dressmaker is getting impatient although I do not know why. You are Aderick's intended. We honestly thought you were never going to wake," Ingrid chattered with a roll of her dark eyes.
I must have slept longer than I imagined. I faintly remember the sun casting a bright light into the room when I closed my eyes, and when my abductor barged in the rays of sunlight were slowly gaining strength. A half days time at least. I had never slept for that long before.
Ingrid dragged me from my wayward thoughts as she grabbed my hand and pulled me from the room. We weaved our way around the manor, entering a different wing as we stopped in front of another door. She opened it and lead me inside to where numerous bundles of fabrics, ribbons, and piles of beads were spread across the room. The room was more feminine than the one I lodged in. The walls were the same color but the room was accentuated with soft purple curtains. It definitely held a womanly touch with the jewelry and swaths of ribbons on the desk. The bed was a variety of lighter furs, a natural custom for women to have within her bedroom.
I assumed this was Ingrid's personal chambers as she strode confidently into the room. Three women were bustling about, sorting fabrics into separate piles by color and texture. There were piles among piles of fabrics, beautiful colors ranging from a rich red to vibrant green. I became uneasy as I spotted a large pile of white and soft cream colored fabric on the bed.
White fabric was used for only one purpose...
Ingrid cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the other women. They noticed us and hastily curtsied. I opened my mouth in protest of their actions but Ingrid elbowed me in the side. I pasted a small smile on my face instead.
"Lady Ingrid, we are about finished separating everything. Is this the maiden we are assisting?" The older woman with the sharp eyes glanced over at me.
She seemed to take in my size and other measurements just by the quick glance over. I shifted uncomfortably, knowing I looked like a detested slave with my filthy garments.
The older woman, who introduced herself as Laila, gestured me towards the center of the room where her two assistants stood awaiting with swaths of different colored fabric in their arms. I hesitantly approached the small step stool between them and stood upon it. They helped me strip down to my thin undergarments. Laila and Ingrid circled around me, muttering to each other ideas of gowns. The two young girls held different fabrics up against my body, then were pulling them away when Laila shook or nodded her head.
I did not like their scrutinizing gaze upon me. My weakened mind forced me to believe that they were judging the gown I wore and my appearance. I crossed my arms protectively across my chest.
Laila ripped them down as she wrapped a measuring piece of fabric around my breasts. She muttered a number to one of the girls. I was miserable and uncomfortable having four people assess me like a piece of stock. I closed my eyes to shut them out.
They discussed gowns, formal and casual. When a wedding dress was mentioned, I could not help my flinch at the words. They either ignored it or did not notice my reaction as they continued to talk about the wedding dress, which color of white it should be. Lace or no lace. Little beading or elaborate. I did not care. This dress would never be worn, at least not by me. Once they understood that I was not going to marry him, perchance they would give it to the Jarl's next unfortunate bride. But they did not need to know that just yet.
I felt a soft hand on my arm. I opened my eyes and saw Ingrid looking up at me with compassion and a hint of sadness. Tears filled my eyes as all of my emotions from the past several days rushed to the surface again. I was turning into a weeping willow, always shedding tears.
Kare and Ran would have guffawed at me blubbering in tears like a newborn babe.
Ingrid turned towards Laila and the girls. "A moment please," she said. Laila bowed her head at us before shooing the girls out of the room.
I was a sobbing mess as Ingrid guided me off the stool and onto her bed. The loss of my family and my home, and the burden of becoming a Jarl's bride was too much. I could barely breathe over the loud sobs. Ingrid only curled herself around me and gently ran her fingers through my hair, in a slow motion, over and over. Mamma used to do it when I was younger and it quieted my cries as I fell into a light doze on Ingrid's shoulder.
"Give him a chance, Bri. Nothing is what it seems. Especially Ade," She murmured.
A jolt of sadness went through me as I heard her say my nickname that Leif had given me what seemed so long ago. My mind then jumped to the words nothing is what it seems. It sounded so ominous yet it did not. Even that thought puzzled me. I did not know what she meant by her words.
They made me apprehensive.
The brute surprised me back in my chambers, being somewhat gentle with me as if I were but a delicate flower, yet I knew it was no doubt an act. A façade until the wedding night. An easy plan to seduce me till he could claim my maidenhead. But I would not stay long enough for there to be a wedding. That I was sure of.
I pulled away from Ingrid, wiping a few stray tears away. I chuckled nervously, growing embarrassed at my sudden meltdown.
"Pardon me, Ingrid. I did not mean to cry in front of you like a babe," I rasped out. My voice was still rough from the smoke.
Ingrid shook her head. "I understand, Britta. Well, I have never been in your position, I guess 'tis difficult to fully grasp. Yet, I know that you are struggling with all of this. Aderick, a new home, Aderick..." She trailed off with a small smile.
I could not help but respond with one of my own. Her smile was infectious.
"I know how he is. I grew up with the man," Ingrid rolled her eyes. She paused, becoming very serious in a single moment. I grew confused as her mood turned solemn.
Her dark eyes turned towards mine, looking deeply, her brows furrowing, almost willing me to understand what she said next.
"Britta...you do not fathom. Aderick has been waiting for you for a very long time. Longer than you could ever imagine."
My breathing stopped.
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