《The Scarred Viking's Bride (On Temp. Hold)》One
"Aunt Bri! Aunt Bri, stop tickling me! You're going to make me pee my britches!" Leif's loud shriek rang throughout the crowded hall. Members of the clan looked on at us with mirth, a few chuckling at his beet red face.
Numerous people sat by the giant crackling fireplace at the back of our manor's food hall which could seat nearly everyone in the village. The massive fire warmed the grand space and typically remained lit until the wee hours of the morning. The dark intricately carved beams arched high above us on the walls connecting in the middle of the wooden ceiling in a metal candelabra.
Above the mantle, the Haraldsson family crest and colors of green and silver hung with pride on the wall. Food and ale filled the long oak tables as women, children and the elderly feasted on what the hunters brought back from this week's hunt. The men gathered in groups around the room, probably talking about battle strategy and whatever else happened this week. Pappa, Kare, and Ran were somewhere in here. A low constant hum energized the hall as people laughed, gossiped and chatted to one another.
I laughed at my chunky little nephew who was squirming in my lap, attempting to get away from my fingers tickling his belly. Leif stopped suddenly, lying horizontally in my arms.
He huffed, giving up, and crossed his arms. His curly copper hair flopped over his eyes as he glared up at me, his big brown orbs flashing in annoyance.
I playfully stuck my tongue out at him, pestering him. I should not say my little nephew, as he was the oldest of all my nephews only seven winters old. But he keeps up with all my frivolity that we do within the manor, sometimes even taking the blame for my larks. That is one of the reasons why I loved my little Leif.
Straightening my crooked brooch that held the thick red cloak over my green silk gown, I sat him down next to me on the cushioned bench before whispering to him, "Better eat all your food or else your mama shall have you for the last course." I winked at him in jest.
Leif's eyes narrowed at me in mistrust then anxiously looked around the hall looking for his mama.
I glanced around as well looking for my older sister, Astrid. With her shock of hair the color of chestnuts in the time of harvest, she could be found very easily in a crowded room.
Spotting her copper head making her way towards us, I quickly shoved some dried fruit on Leif's nearly empty plate. He gave me an annoyed look knowing how much he could not stand fruit. I nudged him in the side gently with my elbow, silently telling him to hurry and eat it. With a heavy sigh, he shoveled all the fruit into his small mouth and with a few chews, swallowed them all.
"Leif, I hope you did not shove all of those dried apricots in your mouth. You shall choke with your mouth that full," My sister scolded her son gently as she stopped just behind us.
Her face had a soft rosy glow from standing by the fire and being with child. Astrid took after Mamma with her small frame. A pert nose, slightly strong jowl, and dark brown eyes graced her lovely face. She did take after Mamma with her motherly demeanor as well.
Her swollen belly nearly brushed Leif's shoulder as she bent down to kiss him on the cheek.
"Mama, do not kiss me on the cheek. 'Tis not manly to be kissed by his mama in public," Leif whined, leaning away. Astrid only raised a single dark brow at her son in response.
I giggled at my sister. Sharing a knowing look with Astrid, we both rolled our eyes at his attitude. That same remark originated from our brothers when they were growing up.
Even now, Mama liked to kiss my brothers Kare and Ran on the cheek before they left for battle or hunting. Kare was nine and twenty summers and Ran was a few years behind at seven and twenty winters. My mama understood the precious gift of family but learned it at a hard price. Her former clan was murdered several years ago by the Dahlsten clan. Kare and Ran still grumble about it, but they knew she needed that small comfort.
"Oh, my little Leif...someday you shall understand." Astrid murmured, running her fingers through his long hair while rubbing her belly.
She began talking with Leif while I caressed her belly gently, crooning and whispering to my forthcoming niece or nephew. I wagered a few coins that it would be a little girl, but Kare ventured it would be another lad like Leif. I personally did not care, only hoping for the well-being of the babe and my sister in two full moons' time.
A pair of arms wrapped around Astrid's waist and pulled her close to a tall lean body. Bo, her husband, kissed her soundly on the cheek and smiled down at his son. He was dressed in warrior attire, with leather armor and chain mail covering his entire body. Bo was the jester of the family, always wanting to have fun. His dancing blue eyes, strong jaw, and shoulder length light brown hair contrasted well with Astrid's delicate features.
"Better listen to your ma, Leif. She is a smart lady." Bo winked at me then gazed down at Leif who only nodded to his pappa in acknowledgment.
I watched the three of them with a small smile on my face. Someday soon I hoped to have a little family of my own. A husband that loved and respected me, and little ones that would look just like myself and my future husband.
I knew that Oskar was interested in my hand. He was handsome I shall admit, with his light blonde hair and green eyes like the evergreen trees in spring, but I did not feel anything.
Pappa and Mamma were worried that I would not take a husband as I was nine and ten summers old, almost considered too old to be taken as a bride. Kare and Ran did not help matters as they threatened to dismember every man that has asked for my hand in marriage. I believe they would be happy if I never married and became an old maid. I rolled my eyes just thinking of them threatening the last Jarl that came to our village asking for my hand. He left so quickly after they described in detail the tortures they would inflict on him.
Poor fellow.
I wanted what my parents share together. Trust. Respect. Love.
Whenever Pappa gazed at Mamma, it was obvious that he loved her with his entire being. Mama said the moment she saw Pappa that day long ago in the forest, she knew he was the one. I wanted that with a burning fire in my soul. I just haven't met the one yet. Astrid once told me when we were alone in the kitchens that when she met Bo for the first time, they could not take their eyes off of each other. Kare and Ran have wives, both Linnea and Jette, whom I adored and had the kindest hearts. Their little ones were captivating and made me yearn for one of my own.
I guess I would wait until-
"FIRE!" A hoarse voice suddenly shouted.
At once, I snapped back from my thoughts as numerous shouts and screams pierced my ears. People bolted by our table as they scrambled for safety. Women and children ran for their lives as the thick doors of the hall exploded open with fire blazing hot from outside and a large group of unfamiliar men rushed in, their weapons drawn ready to attack. I could feel the heat from the fire outside, albeit it was the middle of winter and I sat in the middle of the hall.
Cold paralyzing fear crept into my veins, making me freeze in my seat as the once peaceful atmosphere of the hall became a war zone. It was as if the god Tyr himself marched into our village and declared war on our people.
"Dahlsten attack!" Someone cried out.
Bo quickly grabbed his son from the bench, shoving Leif into my arms and yelled, "Get to the church! Now!"
Jumping up from my seat, I nodded numbly, tightening my grasp on my little nephew.
"Bo!" Astrid shrieked in panic, grabbing his arm as he reached for his sword. He quickly gathered her in his arms and gave her a long passionate kiss before pushing her towards me.
"The church. Go! Now!" He yelled urgently before running towards the men fighting at the entrance of the hall. I could make out Pappa and my brothers in the fray of fighting. I silently prayed to the gods to watch over them.
I switched Leif onto my other arm as I grabbed my sister's hand and ran. Since we grew up in the manor, we thankfully knew every way out of each room. Servants frantically ran past us in the hallways, nearing knocking me into the hard stone wall. Once we reached the door and stepped outside, we both staggered to a stop.
My jaw dropped at the sight of our devastated village.
Almost every building within our village was on fire. Heat scorched my cheeks as the small barn next to us collapsed with a loud groan from the blazing heat. The hot tongues of fire licked its way across the structures, engulfing every possible building, hatch or small house in flames. People ran out from burning buildings just to encounter unfamiliar men who stabbed them with their swords.
The air was thick with smoke and flying burning embers making it difficult to breathe. The sky, once a clear night with bright stars, glowed a furious red. I wrapped my dark red cloak around Leif to prevent him breathing in the burning ash.
Turning my gaze towards the marketplace, a low sob escaped my lips as I watched people I had said hello to this morning in the marketplace being slain down by members of the Dahlsten clan.
A whimper made my throat vibrate as I felt Leif shaking in my arms. I knew then I had to be strong for my little Leif, although I was petrified. I whispered nonsense words of comfort to my nephew as Astrid and I weaved our way through the burning buildings.
Holding Astrid's hand in a tight grasp, we ran on the worn dirt path towards the chapel, which resided a small field away from the village. My bare feet began aching and throbbing from stepping on the small rocks on the path. A few people ran in front of us, seeking protection within the church walls as we did.
Screams of the dying, shouts of fighting men, and the harsh sound of clashing metal followed us as we ran for our lives.
Gasping for precious breath and holding Leif closely to my chest, the church doors swung open as we slowed from a run to a hurried pace. The carved doors of the chapel were propped open by our holy man urgently waving us inside. My eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room of the chapel and I realized more people took shelter in the church than I imagined. Children curled their bodies into their mothers as their worried parent tried consoling them while trying not to panic themselves.
Quickly finding an open spot by the corner of the room, I placed Leif down on the ground where he curled into a small ball. It hurt my heart to see my little devious nephew like this.
Suddenly turning towards Astrid, I grabbed her shoulders and stared into her eyes with urgency. Dread curled itself deep in my belly.
We forgot someone. Someone important.
"Mamma. I'm going back to find Mamma," I breathed, still slightly out of breath from the run.
"What? Are you down in the head, Britta? You shan't go back there, you shall be killed! I forbid you to go," Astrid whispered harshly. She grabbed my forearms and dug her nails into my skin as if to hold me here in the chapel.
"No!" I whispered back, my chest heaving in growing anger. "I think I know where she went in the market place. I have to check. Please, you have to understand. She never came back before they arrived. I cannot leave her there. I am going to bring her back here," I pleaded with her.
I could see the war in my sister's eyes before she squeezed them tightly shut. She breathed in deeply before opening them and releasing a haggard sigh.
"You will go straight to where she went, and if she is not there, you come back. I do not care. She's smart, Bri. Just come back to me," Astrid begged me.
I nodded, trying to remember where Mamma said she was heading off to in the marketplace. Or was it the forest? I had to go back and find her. She was my mamma, my confidant, and my companion. I could not stay here safely hidden while worrying if she was safe, hurt, or captured by the Dahlsten clan. I just could not do it.
Astrid could not go, for she was with child and could not run very fast. And she had Leif to look after. There was no other choice.
I could feel the heavy weight of watching eyes as I brushed a kiss on Leif's head then quietly left the chapel without a backward glance. I nodded to the holy man at the door as I passed him, who looked at me in sorrow.
I pushed back the numbing terror that rose at going back to the mass of burning buildings and fighting. Gathering my thick cloak around me and covering my mouth and nose, I ran on the path back towards the blazing village. I maneuvered through the burning buildings, watching my back and surroundings for the enemy. Taking cover behind a thick oak tree, I squinted to see past the thick smoke rolling off the buildings. I recognized the sign from the dressmaker's shop across the road from where I hid.
I suddenly remembered Mamma telling me she wanted to go look at the new silks that came in from overseas and perchance looking at other beads for my hair. I unconsciously brushed my thick braid off my shoulder, touching the beads that were intertwined in my curly blonde locks.
The dressmaker's shop looked empty, but I knew I had to look. The fire had not touched this part of the village quite yet, and I was extremely thankful. I glanced around me frantically looking for any sign of Dahlsten warriors.
I silently counted to three in my head then raced across the road to the damaged shop. The door was fractured off its hinges, broken down by the raiders. Inside everything was broken and torn to pieces and I silently mourned the loss of all the beautiful silk material. I slowly spun in a circle in the destroyed room.
"Mamma? Are you in here? Mamma?" I yelled hoarsely from underneath my cloak.
Smoke began creeping its digits into the shop. I could hear the loud crackling of the fire outside, knowing I did not have much time left inside the dress shop.
"Mamma, where are you?" I heard a loud groaning crack above me and I screamed in terror as part of the ceiling collapsed.
I dove from underneath the falling beams and barely made it out of the shop before it all collapsed on itself. I began crawling away from the shop on my hands and knees before I felt a sharp tug on my dress.
Horror filled me as I turned around expecting a leering Dahlsten man pulling at my gown.
Instead, I found my dress caught underneath a fallen beam. I tugged hard, pulling the material as hard as I could. My silk dress ripped until I went tumbling backward into the dirt road. I huffed in irritation and dismay.
Where was she? I rose from the ground, brushing off the dirt from my filthy gown. She couldn't be too far from the dress shop.
"Mamma!" I cried out in the middle of the road, helplessness suddenly filling me. I could not find her. I could not find anyone. It was as if they had left or were gone. The fighting had to have stopped if no one was in sight.
Or...no. It was not possible. I shall not believe that the others that did not make it to the church were dead. I refused to think it.
"Mamma? Is that you?" I rushed towards the familiar voice, blinding searching for her in the smoke.
"Britta!" A hoarse weak voice called out not far from where I stood. I could barely make out the buildings as the smoke thickened.
The smoke stung my eyes fiercely making my eyes fill with tears and pour down my cheeks. I coughed loudly. My throat burned as if I poured Pappa's favorite dark ale down my throat straight from the bottle.
A slow building panic began low in my belly and I tried shoving it down. But as I squinted through the thick smoke, dread and fear made me shake uncontrollably. I was alone, lost, and scared out of my mind. Why did I believe I could do this by myself? I should have brought someone with me. I silently mocked myself for thinking I could do this.
"Britta...over here, kjære," A frail voice whispered.
"Mamma!" Underneath a thick pillar of wood, by a collapsed scorched shop, a crumpled body lay nearly crushed from the weight.
With a loud agonizing sob, I realized it was my beloved Mamma. I rushed over to her before collapsing to my knees before her. Her face was dirty from soot and bloody. The oak pillar had fallen across her body, keeping her trapped on the ground.
Sticky liquid coated my dress and I gingerly touched it and raised it to my face. My jaw dropped and fresh tears gushed from my eyes.
It was blood.
Thick warm blood from my mother's body. I now noticed the pool of dark blood surrounding us and coating the cold hard ground.
I grabbed the pillar and shoved upwards with all my might. Splinters dug into my palms making my flesh sing with pain but I did not cry out.
I tried pulling it off of Mamma for several attempts but with no avail. The beam did not budge. Not even a little. The beam was too burdensome for me to push off of her. I curled myself around her, sobbing at the realization that this would be our last moment with each other.
All of the moments of the future that we were supposed to have together ripped through my mind. She would not watch me walk down the aisle to my future husband on my wedding day. Nor get to make my wedding dress like we discussed almost every day. My forthcoming children would nevermore know their bestemor. I thought we were guaranteed more time than this.
But I was wrong.
This place, this place of hell is where my mother would lay until she died from blood loss. I would have to watch her take her last breath on this earth. My heart sank at the thought.
"Shhh...child. I do not feel anything. I am numb, thank Odin." Rona murmured, as she tried to console me from my misery and grief.
I looked at her dirty weary face with blurring eyes. She looked beautiful even as she was on the brink of death. I could see the acceptance of her death in her mahogany eyes and her drawn pallid face. She released a ragged cough. Her hand softly brushed over my hair, releasing my leather tie from my braid. My thick hair flowed around us like a curtain, shielding us in our little world from the hell surrounding us.
"Mamma, I lo-" I stopped speaking, my breath caught in my throat.
Mamma's unseeing eyes looked up at the night sky, the light in her warm eyes gone. Her hand fell limply towards the ground but I gently caught it in my grasp before it could hit the earth. I kissed her hand before closing her eyes with a brush of my fingers.
Grief tore an agonizing black hole in my chest where my heart used to beat.
Gone. She was gone.
I released a loud sorrowful wail as the world crashed down upon me like Ragnarök. My chest ached fiercely, so much so that I could not breathe properly. I rocked back and forth in agony, desperately trying to stop the gaping throbbing hole in my center from aching.
I brushed her hair back away from her brow as I began softly singing the lullaby she used to croon to me when I was but a child of only a few summers. The words told a tale of a beautiful girl dancing along a meadow filled with wildflowers in a world of peace and happiness. So unlike my world in this moment. As the song came to an end, I laid my head against her neck until the last note escaped my scalded throat. Continuous tears ran down my face until I could shed no more.
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Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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