《| His Secretary | KTH ✔️》Part 7


It has been a few days that you two have now returned back to Seoul. You were very happy today because your dad was coming to Seoul to meet you. You were eagerly waiting for him at home, thanking your stars as it was a Sunday, hence you had a day off.

Your dad took a little time to come home though his flight from Incheon landed long ago. "What took you so long from the airport to come appa?" You happily hugged once he entered inside your apartment. "How is my little princess?" He questioned you in return, patting your head.

"I see! You are a big girl now hmm?" He kissed the top of your head looking around the near apartment and you giggled in response. "Wait. I will bring coffee for you." You jumped from the couch in which you sat with your dad. "I am bringing it y/nie" Minie resisted but you showed her your palm.

"No Minie! I learnt making it recently so I want dad to taste my hand made coffee" you pouted and your dad widened his eyes in surprise. "Is it? Oh my god y/n. That's a pleasant surprise." Your dad chortled and you walked inside the kitchen to make him some coffee.

"It's really good baby." He complimented instantly after taking a sip and you clapped your hands in excitement. "Umm...well y/n....I have something important to tell you." Your dad cleared his throat and you could see his smile drop as he formed a serious expression.

"You were asking me why it took me so long to come from the airport right?" You nodded your head, tucking a strand of hair behind your left ear. "Actually I went to meet Mr.Kim." He let out a breath and you crooked your brows. "Your boss's father. Kim Beom Seok." Your face scrunched with more perplexity, wondering how your dad knew Taehyung's dad.


"Yes dad. You called for me?" Taehyung spoke standing at the doorstep of his dad's room only to find his dad and mom both sitting there with smiling faces. "Yes. Come here." He patted the place beside him on his bed and Taehyung walked up to them, sitting on the bed.


"Umm.." his dad looked at his mom before looking back at Taehyung. "You know Taehyung-ah that your brother is soon going to get married." Taehyung nodded his head, asking for him to continue. "And after him, it's only you who is left." Taehyung frowned, understanding where his dad was leading this conversation to.

"Look before getting angry, listen to me. I know you are not interested in marriages and you want to focus on your work and all but son....you are already doing good and you are my young, handsome boy..." he patted his arm with a wide smile but dropped it as Taehyung's face was blank.

"Ahh...! Stop scaring me with those looks..." his dad scoffed and hence his mother took the lead and walked up to his son. "Baby...we all need someone in our life...we can't always stay alone..." she caressed his cheek. "But mom I am seriously not interested in getting married..." he sighed.

"But we want to see you happily settled with a nice girl." She cupped his cheeks this time, making him look up to you. "Mom I am already happy in my life with you, dad and Hyung. I don't need anyone else." He said firmly.

"We are there and we will always be. But a special one is a special one. You don't open up to anyone. You are always so quiet and calm. You need someone to open your heart to. Everyone needs someone as their soulmate." His mother smiled, caressing his hairs this time and he left a long sigh.

Taehyung was always a reserved kind of a person who liked to keep things up to himself. He wasn't wrong when he said that he was content in his life because he was. He never felt the need of someone else in his life. He might not show but he loved his little family very dearly.

"So coming to the point...we want you to get settled after Seokjin's marriage." Taehyung glared at his dad who looked away from him. "We have a girl in our vicinity too." His mother spoke, making Taehyung's eyes go wide. "Don't you think you guys are too fast? You have already chosen a girl?"


"Of course! If we rely on you then we would die but won't be able to see your wife. Also, no sane girl would want to be your girlfriend. So I am sure that you don't have one." His mother slapped Taehyung dad's arm while Taehyung just rolled his eyes.

"Well....who is the girl...?" He looked at his mother who smiled at him in return. "You know her very well..." Taehyung crooked his eyebrows, wanting an explanation. "She is Lee y/n. Your secretary." Taehyung felt like someone rang a big bell near his ear as the sound kept resonating and he blinked several times to grasp the name.


"No dad never! Never! Never! NEVER!" You hastily walked around the living room, cupping the sides of your waist. "I will never get married to him." You shook your head. "But why baby. He is good looking, he belongs to a well-to-do family. He runs his own company. He is perfect." Your dad walked behind you, making circles around the sofa.

"Appa, that's just the outer appearance. You don't know him personally. He is so annoying. So rude and so blank. I can't even breathe properly in front of him. How can I even get married to such a man?" You huffed, glaring at your dad.

"Is there really someone who can annoy my daughter? Then I think he is the perfect one for you." You dad laughed but you frowned. "Appaa!" You whined, throwing your hands in the air and he pulled you into his hug, caressing your head.

"y/n I am not telling you to get married today only. Take some time to know him. Maybe he will turn out to be the one for you." He lovingly caressed your back. "But he doesn't like me. Also he listens to old songs, he talks so rudely, he doesn't even smile, he is bossy...!" You pouted, pushing your head into your dad's chest.

"He is completely different from me!" You said in a low voice. "But still....you can at least try knowing him better? Won't you do this much for your appa's happiness who wants to see his little princess happily settled with her prince charming?"

"He is a monster, not any prince." You frowned, making your dad chuckle. "But you're a princess right? I have always let you do whatever you have wanted. I have even let you work by yourself, away from me. Won't you listen to your appa?" You sighed heavily, snuggling more in his embrace, while your mind started roaming around your boss, Kim Taehyung.


"Dad, she is completely different from me." He shook his head. "She is chaotic, irritating, clumsy and what not! I can't marry her even in my nightmare." He looked away, getting up from the bed to walk out of the room. "Come on! She isn't that bad!" Seokjin entered inside, stopping his brother from going anywhere.

"Dad, I met her once. She is cute." Seokjin smiled, holding Taehyung by his shoulder. "She might be cute to you Hyung but she is definitely an irritating human being. I can't stay with her. She talks too much. And all her talks are absolutely nonsense. Bogus! She always has something to say and do. She can't stay calm and damn! She is so noisy. She can even make a noisy meditation."

Taehyung huffed once after completing speaking. "What I can see now is that you have become a lot talkative." Seokjin chuckled amusingly and Taehyung frowned seeing everyone smile. "You never used to talk so much Tae. And never did you notice so much about anyone. Hmm....what's the matter?" His mother raised her brows teasingly.

"There is absolutely no matter here mom. I just don't like that girl." Taehyung looked away from everyone. "We aren't telling you to get married today only. Are we? Take your time. Know her properly. Fall in love with her and then get married."

"It's impossible for me to fall in love with her." He glared at the three of them. "Love is impossible itself little bro. You can't predict from before. What if-" "No!" Taehyung interrupted Seokjin in between, before he could speak anything else.

Leaving the room hastily, he walked upstairs as now his business oriented mind got clouded with his secretary, Miss Lee.


Hello people!💜🤗

I hope you all liked this part.

The next one will be released soon❤️

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