《Who am I?! (Completed)》Sneak Peak!





"Are you serious!"



"B-but I have diplomatic immunity!"



"Siblings" she scoffed "Marinette's an only child!"



"Wait... Adrien knew?" 



"Is she Okay?"






"No way"



"Lila wasn't lying!"



"How could you?!"



"Everything we did to Marinette..."



"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry"



Leaving the room, all they heard were the small cries and pleads from the brunette. 



"Me and Nino broke up for no reason!" 



"Lila Gabriella Rossi!" 



"What have you done?"






"Why do I feel bad Tikki?" 



"It's hard to stay gentle in such a cruel world"



"Evil doesn't rest"



"This is worse than I thought and it's all my fault"



"Your just in time for the party Ladybug! Care to spare a dance before I take your miraculous?!"

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