《Behind this mask 2.0 (Rottmnt Donnie)》consequences


Awakening in a room, it wasn't his but his twin brothers... Leo was anxiously standing against the wall leaning and facing the ground, he must have been waiting a while...

"L.....Leo?" Donnie tried to speak but it pained him, and other than that his throat was killing him

"DONNIE!" Leo was filled with joy when he noticed his brother is awake, he rushed twords him expecting a hug back, but instead his was met with a wince of pain and being told to 'stop' from Donnie, he pulled back away from Don

"S-sorry, I was excited... You were out for a long time Don" Leo confessed

"How long...?" Donnie had no idea how long he'd been out or even what time it was

"About 5 hours, you must have been really tired or something..." Leo forced out a chuckle trying to get atleast some emotion into the room other than sadness

"I-is yin okay?... I did kinda just pass out on them..." Donnie gave a sorrowed look while looking to the side

"Yins fine Donnie, just a little spooked, yangs back with them now" Leo let out a sigh

The silence was deadly between these two turtles, the tension with so thick you could cut it with a knife, they just sat there expecting one another to talk

Until Donnie was the one to break it ".... I'm sorry Leo..."

"Sorry? Sorry for what don? What do you mean?" Leo was dumbfounded at what Donnie said

Donnie let out a sigh... ' this is going to take a lot out of my voice.'

"I'm sorry for not talking to you guys enough, I'm sorry for just staying in my room all day—not paying any attention to you guys..." Donnie looked in shame, not wanted to make eye contact with Leo

"Oh Donnie... It's fine! We understand if you need your space, we know how antisocial you are!" Leo joked out and laughed

"Heh... I'm just.. going to go back to my lab..." Donnie tried to laugh along with Leo's joke, but he just felt nothing but pain and mental numbness... He just wanted to be in his lab

Donnie turned over and swung his legs over to the other side of Leo's bed, he stood up,

But his legs just shook violently... He was far to weak from malnutrition...

He started to get dizzy again, he immediately fell back onto the bed in a daze


"D-don!? Are you alright?" Leo's voice boomed loudly in Donnie's ears... Everything seems loud...

"Y-yeah!... I'm just a little tired..." Donnie just didn't feel right lying to his brother... It took him a few seconds to gather more strength to push himself back up with lout falling

With his trembling weak legs, he walked to his room, slowly... Watching his balance

Yet still thinking nothing about eating...

He opened the curtain and practically dove on the bed, tired just from walking.... His body ached, painful to breath—he took out his phone and scrolled through his contacts

He clicked a few buttons on his screen and the phone started ringing

"Hey D!, You need something?"

"Uhm yeah... C-can you uhmmm... Come over and hangout w-with me?..." His talking took a lot of energy out of him... His words sounded just airy

"Sure thing Donnie! I'll be over soon"

"Thanks A-a.... April...." He finally stuttered out

"Wait- don are y-" right when she said that Donnie hung up the phone interrupting her, it wasn't on purpose but not an accident either

He laid there just lifeless looking, staring at the ceiling, he had zero energy to do anything, breathing just hurts, his eye began to feel heavy again... But he didn't wanna sleep again

After about 5 minutes with battling his eye to stay awake, Mikey entered his room

"D-donnie?" He shyly spoke out

Donnie couldn't force out anything, he stayed silent, when he tried to make a noice or talk nothing came out so he didn't try

"Are you okay Donnie?" Mikey asked out again

"Mm..." That groan was the only thing Donnie was able to force out

Mikey started walking twords Donnie to sit next to him, he sat on the bed and looked at Donnie, he was pale and looked deathly sick

"Donnie... Are you okay? You look a paler green than you usually do..." Mikey became to grow more concerned when Donnie didn't respond to him, instead Donnie just turned his body slowly and hesitant

Mikey didn't give up, so he picked up his additude to mischievous and grew a smug look on his face

"Donnnieeeee!, C'mon get uppp!, If you don't ill... Mess with your labbbbb" Mikey teased

Donnie became annoyed that his brother wasn't respecting his boundaries

Mikey grinned and started poking Donnie, trying to get him to laugh, talk, something

"Donnieeee get up!"

Man oh how Donnie hated being touched without permission, he became more and more irritated with more and more pokes


"S-stop it Michael..." He quietly mumbled out

"What was that?, I can't hear youuuu!" He teased again

"I said stop touching me...." He said, only slightly raising his voice

"I have to show you something I didn't for you!" Mikey excitedly blurted

Mikey continued poking Donnie, then he grabbed Donnie shoulder and tried to make his turn over to see what Mikey has

"DAMMIT ANGELO I SAID STOP TOUCHING ME!" Donnie snapped loudly, his hand striking Mikey across the left side of his face...

Donnie was filled with anger while staring down his younger brother, Mikey was shocked at what Donnie done... His cheek stung, tears streamed down his eyes...

Donnie immediately realized his terrible error.... How could he strike his own brother across the face?, Especially his baby brother

Mikey crumpled up the paper he had in his hands and ran out of the room so fast, before Donnie could say anything, not even getting a full word out...

Donnie's hand flew to his mouth.... " No... No. no. WHY DID I DO THAT!?" The softshell cried out

Donnie didn't mean to... It was like a survival reflex, he didn't mean to hit Mikey... He didn't... He couldn't even think straight either

He looked at the paper that was crumpled up on the floor, Donnie picked his up with little hesitation—he unfolded it up and what inside was...

A drawing, there were scribbles all over it, failed eraser marks, and non of the lines were straight either...

It was a drawing of him, Mikey, Leo, and Raph... Tears flooded his eyes, rolling down his cheeks

Just then Leo stormed in his room, holding Mikey closely to him—mikey was sobbing—sobbing hard...

"DONNIE HOW COULD YOU HIT HIM?!?" Leo shouted out

The shouting stung Donnie's ears... He didn't know how to respond

"I-i didnt, my hand-, but..., Didn't mean..." His words were wall jumbled, he could make a sentence...

Then he felt a hard slap across his face... Leo was staring at him, angered his hand soon raised again... Donnie flinched and immediately tried covering his face to avoid another slap

"THATS ENOUGH!." Raph's loud voice boomed, his hand was firmly grasping Leo's wrist

"Let- GO RAPH!, IM JUST GIVING HIM HIS OWN MEDICINE!" Leo dared to snap back at Raph

"WE DON'T HIT EACH OTHER., ITS NOT RIGHT!" raph argued back

The shouting, ...the guilt, ...the pain... It was to much for Donnie—he covered his ears and breathed heavily, he crouched down to the ground and his eye burned with tears

pain... Endlessly ran through him... Physically and mentally

"S-STOP IT!, I CANT DEAL WITH YOU GUYS RIGHT NOW! IM SUFFERING ENOUGH!!" Donnie blurted on the top of his lungs, forcing everyone to go silent and stare with pure shock

"I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT MIKEY, I DIDNT MEAN TO BE THIS MUCH OF A PAIN FOR YOU GUYS!...." Donnie broke down in tears—he was dehydrated, but he couldn't help but feel bad

"What do you mean suffering?." Raph questioned

Mikey just stared in silence... Trying to stop his own water works from falling down

"You have n-no idea... How much. I can't eat, sleep, I can barely walk as is or even keep my vision straight!... You guys realize nothing!, ALL BECAUSE WE WENT ON THAT STUPID FUCKING MISSION!"

"W-what happened on the mission Donnie...." They all questioned silently in their head, but Mikey was the only one daring to speak it out loud

Donnie stayed silent... His tears continuing to fall on the floor making small puddles, he whimpered... He wanted to say something... He wanted to tell them what happened but it was to painful to even remember what happened that awful day.

"M-m.... Meatsweats..." He tried to force the words out from his pained sobs and sniffles, every word spoken just make the memories flash in front of him...

"i-... He... He did something to me...." He finally stuttered out, his hands now trembling while latching onto his own arms for stability

"...j-just get out..." Donnie quietly sobbed, his brothers hesitantly left the room, well except Raphael

Donnie could sense him standing there, but yet he stayed silent and expected him to soon leave, but raph stayed there silently for a few moments "what did he do to you..." Raphael finally spoke up

"Don't you think it's obvious raph... JUST- j-just leave, I can't talk to you right now...."

Raph just gave a sorrowed full expression, giving his younger brother a fake smile "okay buddy, ....and I'm always here if you need me.... We all are..." He muttered out lovingly before leaving Donnie's room

Being left alone to sit in the dark comforts of his room, he picked up Mikey's drawing off the floor once again, he examined it carfully and couldn't help but happily give a smirk of how wonderful his brother is... How all of them are

He just could never say it... Donnie just simply hung up Mikey's drawing with all the rest of em, he sat down on his bed and laid there in darkness... Hoping this horrible pain wouldn't last any longer

Then Donnie was met with slumber....

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