《Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)》Ch.19: Life


You walked slowly down the isle, clutching your fathers arm tightly. A flowy cream dress, cascades down to your ankles, also hiding your very slight, yet noticeable baby bump. 'This is perfect' you thought, 'This is really perfect.' You thought over and over to yourself. Your hair in perfect curls, you look up to see Donnie at the end looking nervous but happy. You finally arrived at the end of the isle, of which your father gives you away. You two exchange vows and although your talking all you two can think about is saying the final I do, the final word, bonding you two together.

"I do." Donnie says, with a huge smile.

"I do." You smile just as big.

"You may kiss the bride." The priest says.

You jump up to Donnie's height to kiss him, catching him off guard, but he kisses you I back immediately, as you both hear clapping behind you. When you finish you both run down the isle and out the doors. Running away to a private place. (I Don't Know What Happens After The People Leave?)

The reception was beautiful, but you Donnie could care less. You thought everything was perfect, you wouldn't change a thing, except maybe have Donnie in turtle form. Your parents had insisted on doing everything for the wedding, while you just wanted to have a chilled wedding. But parents almost always get their way. Talking to everyone was the best, until you saw your crying in the corner. She was a year younger than you, and from what you've heard she's been recently dating this guy that everyone hated but she was like "LOVE!". You walk over to her and sit next to her.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" You ask, as you put an arm around her.

"Oh nothing, but my boyfriend being a complete asshole, he dumped me before I got here, I mean who does that?" She cries a little more you pat her back.

A thought came to your head, 'Let's play matchmaker.' You looked around until finally you saw Mikey standing around laughing and talking with everyone. You quickly wiped away your cousins tears and stood her up.

"Come here I a ant to introduce you to someone." You say keeping your eye on Mikey. You reached him with your cousin trailing behind you. "Mikey," you tap his shoulder he turns to face you, "I want you to meet my cousin Carrie, Carrie this is Mikey brother in law." You say as Mikey smiles at the sight of your cousin.


"Hello." Your cousin blushes slightly as she smiles.

"Hey, beautiful, would you like to dance?" Mikey says bowing holding out his arm, making your cousin giggle as they go to dance.

"Playing matchmaker are we?" Donnie asks, coming up behind you and holding your waist.

"Ah, they look so cute together." You sigh happily looking at Mikey and (Y/C/N) dancing goofily together, you turn to look at Donnie bringing your arms around his neck as you both sway together.


It was time to throw the bouquet of purple flowers before you left. You turned around and threw it, but it came back to you because of the string around your finger making some of the ladies fall, you laugh at that, enjoying the fun. When you really threw it, none other than Carrie, caught it making her and Mikey blush as she stood next to him.

You both left for your apartment, when you got there you and Donnie both flopped on to the bed letting out a huge sigh.

"Weddings are so tiring." You say turning your head towards Donnie as he does the same.

"I know right, I don't even see how people have the energy to do it after." Donnie says.

"I know!" You agree rubbing your belly. "Plus I'm already preggers." Looking back at the ceiling.

"Yeah." Donnie agrees looking back at you. "But your not that pregnant." He says looking at the ceiling.

"But that would be weird, or would it?" You say tilting your head also looking at the ceiling.

"Not unless we make it weird, right?" Donnie questions also tilting his head.

"Right." You say turning your head towards Donnie and he does the same.

You two meet up in the middle, for the kiss. You smile into it as you two continue, making it one of your best nights as a married couple.


Your in labor.

Your in pain.

And your killing Leo's hand.

Let's start over shall we.

It was the middle of night when all the sudden you felt something wet in the bed. You got up to see if the ice cream you are earlier had melted, but you turn on the lights to see the liquid is surrounding you. You look in shock and start pushing Donnie awake but when he doesn't you shove him off the bed.


"I'm up! I'm up!" He yells jumping up from the floor, then he looks at the bed then at you.

"Donnie-" your cut off by a pain. "Ah!" You scream in pain, you start your breathing exercises.

"Breath sweetie breath." Donnie says picking you up.

"What's It Look Like I'm Doing!" You yell as Donnie runs you to the lab. As you run pass all the rooms you see everyone come out including Mikey and Carrie wrapped in a blanket. You would've laughed, but you were in too much pain.

"Oh My-!" You yell as another contraction hits you.

"Breath-" Donnie starts but you cut him off.

"If you say breath one more time I will bite your hand off!" You yell as he lays you on the table.

"Okay, sweetie I need my hand." Donnie says trying to pry away, partly for the baby and partly so you won't bite it off.

"No! I need support!" You yell.

"Leo get in here!" Donnie says panicked.

"What is it?" Leo says rushed.

"Take (Y/N) hand!" Donnie says as Leo comes over replacing Donnie's with his.

"Holy Shell!" Leo says as you squeeze his hand.

"Push!" Donnie says.

"I KNOW I NEED TO PUSH!" You yell as you begin to push.


The two turtles and Carrie sat outside waiting.

"How do you think it's going?" Carrie asks looking up at Mikey, as they're cuddled on the couch.

"I KNOW I NEED TO PUSH!" They all hear you scream.

"Not good, not good." Mikey says holding Carrie tighter in fear.


"One last push!" Donnie says as you push harder and squeeze Leo's hand harder.

"Oh my-!" Leo says falling to the ground his hand still held by yours.

Then you feel relief, letting go of Leo's hand letting him fall completely to the ground in pain, then you hear crying. You look up to see Donnie holding up a little green baby making you smile and then cry. Donnie brings the baby over to you as you reach out holding it to yourself.

"It's a girl." Donnie says as you look at this beautiful child.

She's the same green as her father but a little bit lighter, she has a tiny shell and plastron, she has ten fingers and ten toes, and she has little brown hair growing from her head. You smile at the sight of her, she's beautiful in every way.

"She's gorgeous." You smile with small tears.

"What are you guys gonna name her?" Leo asks, rubbing his hand, but smiling.

"Annabelle." You say, looking at her with endless amount of joy.

"Or Anna for short." Donnie says looking at her too.

"I'll get the others." Leo says walking out.

"Okay." Leo walks out and comes back in with everyone else.

"Aw! she's so cute!" Carrie yells as she looks at the baby in your arms. "Can I hold her?" She asks more quietly taking Annabelle in her arms.

"Aw look at her widdle cheeks." Mikey says as he looks over Carrie's shoulder.

"Her names Annabelle." You say to them as Master Splinter comes into the room.

"That is a wonderful name, her name means joy and I am sure she will bring much of it." He says. "May I see her?" You nod as Carrie hands her to Master Splinter.

You smile at your family thinking back to your beautiful wedding day.

'This Is Really Perfect.'

~ Authors Note~

That's it that's the end. Jk there's still an epilogue to do. Hope you enjoyed! but I just want you to know that after this is done I'm coming out with a Leo story but it's not an reader insert so check it out, or tell your Leo fan friends! Anyways epilogue next, luv ya bye!

<3 AlmostTrueStories.

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