《Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)》Ch6: First Fight Pt.1


You guys have been dating for a week now and your still new and cute.


You were so excited for tonight the guys were taking you out on your first patrol and you were super pumped to show Donnie your awesome skills. It had taken major convincing for you to use weapons. You both eventually agreed on shurikens, seeing how you have excellent aim and little training in ninjutsu, you got left with those. The only part you didn't like was that April just had to come with.

"Donnie~." You sing out to him as you walk in to the lab.

"Yes my apple pie." He responds.

"Can we talk a minute?" You ask him as you enter.

"Yeah sure, what's up?" He turns around as he looks at you.

"Well I was wondering if, well you know," You say as you walk towards him.

"Know what?" He asks waiting.

"If April could not come this time?" You ask as if your waiting for a bomb to explode, Donnie looked confused.

"Why would you ask that?" Donnie asks as he gets out of his chair.

"Because well, this is my first time going with you guys on patrol and you know April and I don't get along and I get a little, ya know *cough* jealous *cough* sometimes." You say looking back at him.

"I can't just do that." You look at him confused. "I can't just ask April not to go on patrol with us, just because your uncomfortable, plus she's been on the team lot longer than you."

"Oh! So you don't care how I feel? Maybe team member April can be your girlfriend!" You ask him confused and upset.

"No I just-" You don't let him finish putting up a hand.

"Save it, I'll see you on patrol." You walk out of the room upset, going back to your apartment.

Awww your first fight how cute! NOT! yeah I'm just gonna let you guys rough it out. Srry too tired I'll try to get 2nd part by tomorrow but idk

Srry so short

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