《Donnie and You (TMNT, Editing)》Ch4: Finally


~A Few Weeks Later~

You can't stop thinking about him, the way he talks, walks, his little gap tooth, his dorkiness, the way his arms flex when he's nervous and he doesnt even notice. It's all so appealing to you, especially since he doesn't know he's very adorkable. You walk into your room after a stresssful day of college, you flop down onto your bed sinkinng into the bed as you feel yourself slowly drifting into sleep.

You hear a knock on your window as you get up from your bed. You open the window to see Donnie standing there.

"Hey Donnie what's up?" You ask a you casually try to fix your hair.

"Nothing much, just wanted to see you." He says smiling walking closer as he grabs both your hands, you start to blush.

"O-Oh really?" You stutter at his closeness

"Really." He says as he leans in about to kiss you.


You wake with a jolt resulting with you falling off your bed. You look around as little light shines through your window and into your eyes. You groan as you flop back to the ground thinking 'I gotta do something about this.'


After deciding your brilliant plan you go to the layer, as the first step of your plan.

"Hey Guys!" You yell into the sewer.

"Hey (Y/N)!" They call out as you walk in to they're 'living room' to see Mikey playing against Leo in a video game and Raph punching a dummy.

"Donnie's in the lab right." You say already walking towards it.

"You got it dudette!" Mikey calls out.

You walk into Donnie's lab to see him writing stuff down. Step one: find Donnie, check. You sneak up behind him and cover his eyes.


"Guess who?" You whisper in his ear as he stops writing.

"Let me guess, It's a girl, soft hands, that voice sounds oddly familiar? Hmmm I'm going to make a hypothesis of (Y/N)?" Donnie says turning around in his chair to face you. "I was right." He says smiling, getting up and hugging you.

"Heyo Donnie-o, hows life been?" You ask pulling away sitting on your usual counter, crossing your legs.

"You just saw me two days ago?" Donnie says with a smile.

"A lot can happen in two days mr." You say pointing your finger at him jokingly.

"Oh actually, I have been working on something for a while I wanted to show you." Donnie says as he takes your hand and leads you to the garage where they keep the shell razor. "What do you think?" at first your confused but then you realize it's the start of metal heads body.

"Oh cool!" You run over to it. "Donnie this is great, I can't wait to meet him!" You say holding onto his arm, you feel him tense up.

"So what are ya doin here (Y/N)?" Donnie asks as he looks down at you nervously.

"Oh,just wanted to see you." You say looking up at him smiling.

"O-Okay," he says smiling, and blushing. Step two: make him blush, check.

"What else have you been working on?"

"Well-." Donnie starts but he's interrupted by an annoying voice.

"Donnie?" Aprils voice calls out as you internally growl.

It's not that you hate April it's just that when your not here she doesn't pay Donnie any attention, but when your here she pays enough attention to him that makes you wonder if Donnie's her boyfriend and not Casey, it's all so annoying to you.


"Hi April." You say crossing your arms smiling.

"(Y/N)." She replies as she also crosses her arms.

"Okay~" Donnie says nervously as he grabs your shoulders. "What did you need April?" He asks.

"Oh, I just needed help with Biology." She smiles.

"Didn't you just study for a test?" You ask annoyed.

"Yeah, but this is for the next test." She says.

"I'll help, I got an A+ in Biology." You say smiling up at Donnie.

"Wow (Y/N) I had no idea you were into Biology?" He says surprised.

"You never asked." You say then turn back to April. "Deal?"

"Yeah sure."


Hours later and April still hasn't left! She's so annoying and you just wished she would stop playing stupid.

"So that would be the Krebs Cycle?" She asks.

"Correct." Donnie smiles, proud of his pupil, there's a beeping coming from Aprils phone.

"I gotta go see you tomorrow." April leaves as you let out a long irritated sigh, leaning your head against the desk. Tou hear Donnie whistling as he rolls his chair towards yours as he bumps into you.

"What's up?" Donnie says as you turn your head on the desk towards him.

"Ugh!" You yell turning head back to the desk.

"Come on (Y/N) tell the doctor what's wrong." You look over at him, he has a note pad and pen, you laugh as you sit back up and then slouch in your chair crossing your arms the sigh.

"Well, I like this guy,"

"Oh?" Donnie's face becomes serious as he listens closely.

"but he seems to be stuck on this girl, that I find completely aggravating, but yeah." You smile at you look at Donnie he has a some what saddened expression. Step three: tell him about your crush on him, check?

"Well if this guy doesn't notice you for the amazing girl you are then he's an idiot." Donnie says smiling taking your hands in his. You almost wanted to laugh, Donnie just basically called himself an idiot.

"Donnie," You say he looks up at you as cup one side of his face, "your that idiot." You smile at his confused face as you pull him into a kiss.

At first he was shocked and surprised then he kissed you back. You smile as you hold his face and he stands up bringing you with him as he uncertainly puts his hands on your waist.

"Hey Donnie-" You here Mikey's voice, you both turn your heads to see a shocked Mikey. "(Y/N) AND DONNIE WERE KIIIIIISSSSSING!!!!!" Mikey sings out.

"How many times did I say you have to knock!!!" Donnie yells as he throws a book at Mikey, but he doges it and runs down the hallway singing.

"DONNIE AND (Y/N) SITTING IN A TREE K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!" Donnie growls as he gets ready to attack, but you stop him.

"Forget about it." You say playfully as you bring him back into the kiss, finally happy to have your Donnie.

~Authors Note~

Thirty years Later and thus the chapter was born!!! Have fun with this one!

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