《Church Boy |Yoonmin|》XVIII


"Pick up please pick up."

The phone picked up.

"Yoongi I need some place to stay."

"My dad beat me and kicked me out of the house."

Jimin quickly gave him the street number he was currently at and was speedily picked up.

"Jimin, you look terrible."

Yoongi sighed with sadness looking at his beautiful face all beatened and bruised.

"Just get us home, I feel like shit."

Once they reach his house Yoongi carries him on his back and into the bathroom.

"Let me start you a bath and i'll take care of your injuries."

He places him down onto the closed toilet seat preparing a warm bath, Jimin stripping off his blood stained clothes. Once entering the warm bath he sits back on the cool glass surface.

Yoongi softly scrubs him clean with a soft sponge making sure to be gentle on his purple spotted skin.

"Take pictures of me so I can use it against my father."

Jimin weakly stated, falling into a soft sleep yet jolts awake.

"I have to help my family, they're in danger. Yoongi please, you have to help me."

Tears prickled his eyes wondering how his mother and brother were doing.

"I promise i'll help you. We just need a bit of time for you to heal, i'll contact my lawyers. They're the best around."

Yoongi had a ton of money, the way his house was located in a very gated community. It was practically a castle.

"Thank you."

Jimin muttered, finally falling into deep sleep. Yoongi's heart ached, Jimin was badly beaten and here he was putting his family first. Yoongi calls for a private doctor to come over and take a look at Jimin's broken hand.

"It's just a few broken fingers. He'll be fine."


The doctor states, bandaging Jimin's hand. A few minutes later the medical worker bids goodbye and takes his leave.

Yoongi and Jimin were now in bed, peacefully falling asleep. Morning finally came the two not know what was a head of them.


The bedroom door bursts open to reveal their group of friends who intruded.

"Shut the fuck up."

Yoongi muttered, everyone immediately shuts up and peers over him to see Jimin still a sleep.

"Oh...no. Is he okay?"

Jin worriedly eyes his swollen lip and bruised face.

"His shit of a dad beat him and kicked him out."

"So where are we dumping the body?"

Hoseoks ask, earning a death glare from everyone.

"No one's murdering or dumping a body. I took pictures of Jimin's injuries and contacted my lawyers yesterday."

"Does Jimin know about this?"

Namjoon questions.

"Of course he does."

They all head downstairs to let Jimin sleep and discuss about the unfortunate event. A few minutes later Jimin woke up, feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket. Grumbling he fetches it out to see he recieved a message from his brother.

*7 attachmsnts sent*

Jimin clicked on the attachments and gasped. It was horrible. Jihyun's neck had visible finger prints all over, his skin was an odd variation of blue, purple, red, and green.


Yoongi softly knocks on the door, stepping in to check up on him.

"Yoongi we have to help my family."

The boy gasped with watery eyes.

"Jimin I know, i'm-"

"Please. We have to bring them here by tonight. I can't just leave them with my father."

"I'll see what I can-"

"No. Promise me Yoongi."

"Jimin...I...I promise."

Yoongi looked down onto his own hands. He made a promise and now he had to keep it.


"Come downstairs and we'll discuss it with the rest."

"The rest?"

"Hoseok and them."

Yoongi said, helping Jimin up as the two head down to the kitchen. They warmingly welcome their injured friend yet he cuts them off and gets to the point.

"We have to break into my house, tonight."

Jimin bluntly stated.

"I'm in."

Taehyung and Namjoon immediately add.

"But isn't it illegal? What if we get caught? We'll be thrown in jail for all I know."

Jin mutters.

"Let's just help him out. Let's make a plan first."

Hoseok suggests, Jungkook grabs a nearby pen and napkin.

They dot out a quick map of Jimin's house and get down to business. Namjoon will be on the look out and the mastermind behind the whole operation with Jin on his side, Taehyung was the one to cut the lights out and pick locks, Jungkook was the one that followed Jimin's dad to cause any delay, Hoseok, Jimin, and Yoongi were the ones to retrieve his mother and brother.

"So is everyone fine with this outcome?"

Namjoon questions.

Everyone nods, gathering necessary equipment that could be laying nearby for tonight.

It was all or nothing and they couldn't afford to make mistakes tonight.

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