《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 21


We're back at my parents house and I can't believe it. I can't believe that the love of my life is really gone. I've been locking myself up for a week now, not wanting to eat anything. Everyone's been knocking and telling me to come out of my room but my body rejects it. My energy was drained the day she left me. It never came back. I can see myself in the mirror and I got thinner.

"Winter?" That voice, that's the only voice that I wanted to hear beside from Karina's. But I am contemplating whether I'll let her in or not. But I guess it won't hurt letting her in. So I twist the doorknob and it revealed my best friend, Giselle.

"Lets eat? Our friends are downstairs waiting for you to come out." She extended her arms and I went inside her arms as I cried again, she lets me while brushing my hair. It still hurts everytime I remember that I won't see her again.

"Come, we have something for you too." I calmed down and fixed myself first before we both went down. Our friends and my parents smiles when they saw me. I missed them.

"We're glad that you would come down and eat now." Mommy Taeng told me.

"We're so worried about you, Honey." Mommy Jessica said while holding some plates.

"I know, I'm sorry everyone." I said in a weak tone. I sat down and eat peacefully while I can feel their gaze at me. It's really uncomfortable but I just decided to shrug it off.

"What do you have for me?" I asked Giselle beside me after I eat. It feels like it is very important.

"Sit here." She pointed at the couch and I obeyed her to see what it is. She put something on the TV so I just wait for her.

After that, the TV opened and it revealed the only girl I love. I missed her presence so much. Tears fell down from my eyes when I saw her, Giselle sat beside me and hugged me. Even our friends and my parents are watching.


Dear Mommy Jess and Mommy Taeng,

Thank you for accepting me to love your daughter in just a short time. Thank you for treating me like your own daughter. And for helping me in every way that you can. I haven't tell you this yet but I am such a big fan of you both *chuckles*. I love you both.

I looked at my parents who's already crying. Mommy Sica is covering her face while chuckling. I know she misses her, they've been really close.

I missed her too, Mom.

The video is still going. I didn't know it would hurt like this.


Dear Giselle and Ryujin,

Both of you, please take care of my Jagi well. She may look strong but she's hurting and vulnerable. Thank you for everything. Giselle? Thank Aunty Yul for me please? I owe her something.

Giselle and Ryujin just smiled looking at Karina at the screen. Karina looks so weak there, and it looked like my room at the beach house.

To our friends,

Please continue making my Jagi smile. If any of you makes her sad, I will come to you and throw something at you.

All of them laugh, except for me. As much as I tried to laugh, I cant.

Lastly, My jagi,

Jagiiiii~ you'll probably watch this a week after my burial. Am I right? Yeaaah hahaha. Jagi, I hope we had plenty of time to spend it with each other, but I guess odds were on us. You were the best thing that God gave me. Without you, I'd be nothing. You are the one who completed me. If you ever miss me, look at the stars every night. I'll be there looking at you. You'll always be here, Jagi. Always remember that. I love you, always and forever.

She put her hand on her chest as I found myself crying again. I can't move on. And I will always promise that she'll be the first and last person that I'll love.

"Let it all out." Yeji hugged me tight, caressing my back. Yeji's embrace felt...... comfy.

"Thanks guys. I appreciate you all." I said before going upstairs to lock myself again. I walk around my room and found a piece of paper crumpled up on the floor. How come I didn't notice this back then?

Dear Jagi,

I'm dying. It hurts to see you suffer from the pain because of what's happening so I'll try to fight and maybe I'll live longer that we expected. Baby fight for me okay? I'll always be beside you, guiding you with all of your decisions in life. You'll always be the Winter in my life. May we meet in the next life, and I'll make sure I will love you unconditionally and forever. Once again, I lost someone so special to me, in a different way. If you see this paper, look at your cabinet. I have something for you there......

I quickly rushed infront of the cabinet to open it and saw the black box sitting there. I opened it and it's a necklace, that has our name as the pendant.


..... wear it often, it has my love and soul. Carry me always to your heart so I can be with you wheever you are. I love you so much, my home.

Your Jagi,

Yoo Jimin

P.S: Listen to The One That Got Away by Katy Perry


I held the necklace and put it around my neck. And lay down on the bed hugging the pillow that she always use whenever she's here.

Jagi, I can still smell your scent.


Jagi, it's been 3 months after your death. And I'm now on my way to visit you beside your mother.

While driving my motorbike, I found a butterfly following me.

Baby is this you? If it is, please guide me and lets go to you, together.

I arrived and put the flowers above her. I lay down next to her and stare at the beautiful sky, pretending she was beside me, physically.

"I missed you, Jagi. And I will always keep my promise to love only you, forever." I fell asleep with the cold breeze hitting my body.

I woke up by the wet drops on my face. It's raining. I hopped on my bike forgetting about bidding my goodbye to my love. I started my bike but the odds are once again, on me. The road is so slippery I can't even keep up my pace. I'm soaking wet.

I'm trying to keep up with my pace even though the road is dangerously slippery. I looked at my phone who beeped and light up, I saw Karina's face on my lockscreen wallpaper when a bright light hits my face and the sound of the horn honking is everywhere and saw a big truck coming towards me.

The next thing I know is I was on the ground groaning in pain while holding my phone flashing Karina's smile. I heard the siren of the ambulance the moment my eyes closed itself.

I guess it's time to meet you again, my love.


"It's late, where's Winter?" Taeyeon asked Jessica who's watching news on TV.

"She's not answering." Taeyeon is getting frustrated as her daughter isn't answering the phone. But then they heard something on the news.

Just now, An accident occured in Cheongdam-dong. It was reported that the big truck collided with the motorbike driven by a young woman. The woman who drove the motorbike is still unconscious as of now.

"That's.... Winter's motorbike." Taeyeon's phone slid down from her hand and Jessica's eyes widened as she quickly grab their car keys when they heard more.

It was again reported that the woman is also the daughter of one of the richest family in Korea. Stay tuned to receive more news....

Jessica grabbed Taeyeon's hand and pulled her to the car. Jessica realized that Taeyeon can't drive in that state to she drove instead when her phone rang, Taeyeon answered it and put it on speaker mode.

"Hi, is this the mother of Kim Minjeong?"


"She's fighting for her life here at *** hospital and we need you to get here asap."

"We're on our way, thanks."

The call ended and they finally arrived. The couple started to ask the nurses where their daughter is, the nurse points at the girl laying in bed who is surrounded by the doctors. They saw how lifeless their daughter was. They're operating Winter inside the operating room trying to save the woman's life. The ECG became noisy as they saw Winter's flatlining. All of them started to move fast.

"Clear!" They started to use the CPR for Winter who's fighting for her life right now. Taeyeon can't calm down outside who's walking back and forth waiting for a good news.

The doctors and nurses around them did anything they could but it's still flatline. All of them just stood wherever they are.

Time of death: 11:11

One of the doctor went out and find Taeyeon and Jessica who suddenly stood up from their seat.

"How's our daughter?" Taeyeon said in a loud voice but she can't help it.

"I'm sorry." Both of them starts to lose it when they heard those two words again. The most heartbreaking words they never wanted to hear at the moment.

"We did everything we could but it's already too late." Both of them, cried as hard as they can. Taeyeon tried to call Yuri who picked up and it's on their way to TaengSic now.

Someone that look like a nurse approached them. She handed them Winter's cellphone which is unlocked.

Moms, if ever that I won't make it. Please let me be beside Karina. I love you both, so much. You're the best parents in the world.

"Her last words in the ambulance was, I love you, Karina." Then she left. TaengSic couldn't believe they just lost two daughters in one year. They both feels like they're dying too.

Yuri, Tiffany and Giselle arrived running out of breathe.

"She didn't make it." That words was the last thing Giselle wanted to hear. She can't lose her bestfriend. Not until she say what she wanted to say.

All of them went to see Winter's body for the last time, and leave Giselle to say her goodbye to her bestfriend.

"Winter-ah, why did you leave me? You didn't give me a chance to say how much I love you. You didn't let me say my feelings for you. But I'm glad that you and Karina are at the same place now. Please tell Karina to take care of you well." Giselle thought she is too late to admit her feelings for her bestfriend. She cried and fell down on her knees hugging Winter's lifeless body.

Be happy up there, Winter and Karina.

.... .


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