《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 13


Winter was out with her family, she told me it's her parents' wedding anniversary. I suddenly felt lonely. How I wish I could feel the same way as they do. I really wanted a normal family.

I looked at the mirror before going downstairs to eat dinner when I say myself crying. I pity myself.

Why is life so unfair?

I wiped it with a tissue and went downstairs as I smell something delicious. But it's so noisy.

I look at our kitchen to see my father had his friends over, they're drinking.

"Faster! Can't you see we don't have anything to eat?!" He shouted at my mom who looks tired of giving what he wants. My heart broke to see her like that. Until my dad saw me, he smiled like she's the best dad in the world. He gestured his hand for me to come near the table and he hugged me, I couldn't move because he's holding me like I'm a teddy bear, choking me.

"Look at her, she's a grown woman now." His friends agreed and I am really uncomfortable right now because of how his friends looks at me. They look like they're eating me alive in their mind.

"You must be really a good dad." His friends proudly said that made my blood boil. He never took care of me, and I want to vomit to hear that his friends thinks he's a good dad.

"You wish." I scoffed whisperedly but it's enough for them to hear. The look in my father's eyes. It's there again. But I know he won't do something until his friends leave.

"Stay here. You're dead later." I'm shaking to death right now. I didn't know what to do and my mom was beside me like we're both his assistant.

After a few minutes, his friends finally left and I can feel my heart wants to escape my chest, my legs that wanted to give up. I can't move.

"You wish?" He took a deep breathe before saying that, he laughed evilly.

Oh god, he's crazy.

He walk infront of me and punch my stomach as hard as he could. I fell down on my knees then he punched my face, I can feel the soreness of my body.

"Stop!" My mom butted in and hugged my dad. As his attention is diverted to my mom. I tried calling Winter for god knows how many times already. She's not picking up.


Winter and her family are having a great time eating and chitchatting when she saw Karina is calling her for many times already. She knew something isn't right so she stood up, diverting all of their attention to her.

After 10 missed calls, Winter answered the call at the same time that Karina's dad threw the bottle of the beer infront of them. She still doesn't have much strength to stand up, beside her is her mom who looks like she's fighting with her life.

"You both are screwing my life!" Her father said the moment he threw the bottle. Winter heard it all and alarmed everyone she's with.

"Aunty Yul, can you please call your team now and let's head to their house immediately?" Yuri quickly called her team and they're on their way while Winter went outside followed by Taeyeon and Yuri.

"Lead the way, kid." Yuri told her and Winter just nodded hopping on her fast motorbike, a Kawasaki Ninja.

"Take care!" Jessica shouted outside the restaurant while the three of them hopped on their respective motorbikes. Taeyeon teached Winter how to use it and Winter was addicted to it ever since.

They all put their helmets on and starts to drive as fast as they can but is manageable. They have earphones to talk to each other since they won't hear each other by just normally talking. Winter has Karina on her left ear while Yuri and Taeyeon is on her right ear.

The more she hear Karina cries, the more drives faster. On the other ear, Yuri is telling her to slow down for a bit because she might get into an accident but Winter couldn't do it because Karina's life is on the line so Taeyeon just told Yuri to let her be. Both older women drives fast to catch up with Winter.

Winter saw the CCTV camera on her phone infront of her, and it's Karina's dad, holding a big glass of the bottle he threw. She's going near the two woman. Winter drives her fastest until she reach her limits. She couldn't hear her Mom and Aunty anymore, all she hear is Karina crying so loud. Winter focused on the road to get there nice and sound for Karina.

Finally, the three of them arrived at the same time with Yuri's team. Yuri instructed her team where should they go, then she instructed Taeyeon and Winter to come with her at the main door.


They reached the main door, Yuri held her gun and kick the door as hard as she could to break it open.

"Put your hands up where I can see them!" She said while pointing the gun at Karina's dad who let gonof the glass and held his hands high. He slowly realized what he's done.

Winter looked at Karina who's fainted on the ground beside her mother who has... bloods on her stomach.

Winter ran to Karina and hugged the latter, she doesn't care anymore if the blood covers her clothes. She found herself crying and found her mother lying beside her, bleeding so bad.

"Call an ambulance quick." Yuri told her team and they quickly do it, as the ambulance arrived faster than they expected.

The women was rushed into the hospital while Karina's dad is taken to the prison. Winter and Taeyeon is with Karina inside the ambulance.

"Hey, Honey. We're on our way to the hospital." Taeyeon called Jessica and informed them where they are going. Then they arrived at the hospital, there's not much people. Both of them was rushed into the ER.

"Wait here please." One of the nurse stopped Winter from following them and can't help but to walk back and forth while her hands are on her hips. Taeyeon couldn't help but to just stare at her daughter infront of the ER.

"Honey? Where's Winter?" Their friends arrived, Taeyeon pointed at the nervous latter who will make you dizzy just but looking at her. Jessica was about to go to her daughter when Taeyeon stopped her.

"Let her be for now, she's feeling so much pressure. She has the urge to hurt you if you go to her." Taeyeon knows her child ver much and what she needed. The others sat beside Taeng and wait for the doctor to come out.

"Sooyoung and others went home early." Jessica told Taeyeon who looked at them and noticed that it's only Jessica, Tiffany, Giselle, Yoona, Krystal and their daughter came here.

"Yoong, you both should go home. It's already late." Taeyeon felt bad because they might be busy.

"It's fine, Unnie. We wanted to be here for my favorite niece." Krystal told them and held Yoona andthey daughter's hand.

"Thank you." Taeyeon thanked them when the doctor came out of the room.

"Relatives of the Patient?"

"I'm her girlfriend." Winter told the doctor even if they don't even have relationship yet.

"Girlfriend of Yoo Jimin?" Winter nodded and watch the doctor's face change. She knew there's something wrong. But someone was caught off guard to hear that name, she slowly took a step behind and ran away. Yoona chased her daughter.

"Jimin is stable now, there's just some bruises and kinda lost blood but all she needs is rest." Winter sighed in relief knowing that she's okay, but the beating of her heart tells her something is still wrong.

"And for her mother." The doctor's eyes became different.

Don't tell me....

"I'm sorry." That two words, the words I hate the most. Karina just lost her parents in such different ways.

"We tried our best but the glass hit the vital parts of her body. She was stabbed multiple times and didn't make it as soon as she entered the Emergency room." I don't know what to feel. I don't know what to say to Karina.

"You can go to your girlfriend now. But I have to excuse myself for now." The doctor left as I rushed to Karina's room to find her laying on the bed peacefully. She's still so beautiful. Giselle is with me inside while our parents gave us some time to be with our friend.

"Where's Chae?" I can hear mommy Taeng asked Aunty Krystal. I saw Chaeryeong earlier but she's gone now? I shrugged the thoughts off and just focused on the girl infront of me.

"She ran away, I don't know where did she go but Yoona followed her." I can still hear them talk. I held Karina's hand and lay my head on her side. Slowly drifting off to sleep because I was so tired. The last thing I saw is Giselle looking at our hands holding each other.

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