《Easy (Complete) | WinRina》Part 7


Hmmm she's still awake. She can't sleep too?

Will she agree? Or she have a strict parents that will prevent us from going at this time?

I quickly get the nearest key beside me and leave the house. I'll tell my parents tomorrow when they wake up. Good thing I'm wearing a presentable clothes, I don't need to change it.

I drive as fast as I can but safely because she wants it haha just kidding.

I arrived at their house in no time. I saw her outside their house waiting for me. Then she rushed to my car as soon as she saw me.

"Hi, where do you want to go?" I asked her the moment she entered the car. She told me to go but my car keeps on beeping. It's so loud, it's irritating me.

"What's that sound?" She asked me innocently then I looked at her, she didn't unbuckle her seatbelt. I stopped the car at the side of the road and grab the seatbelt making her look like a stone inside my car. Our faces are near to each other but I unbuckled it quickly to ease the awkwardness around us.

"Sorry, I just get irritated easily at loud noises." I apologized because she seemed shocked by what I did. I should've just told her to unbuckle it.

"No biggie, I'm just startled." She giggled and we get back to our calm night drive.

(Play Capital Letters by Hailee Steinfeld)

We're both jamming at the song that's playing. It's an upbeat song but not that loud. And it is the song from Fifty Shades of Grey. Haha.

Guess I never dared to know myself

Can my heart beat quiet? No

But then there was you

Yeah, then there was you

Pull me out of the crowd

You were telling the truth

"Do you want to grab some coffee? Or hot chocolate?" I asked her because I saw a coffee place near us.

"Hot chocolate will do." I gently turned left and find the coffee place I saw the other day.

"Okay, let's go." We exit the car and get in the shop to buy some hot chocolates.

"Take outs please." Karina looked at me.

"We're not going to stay here?"

"I'll take you somewhere peaceful." There's so many people here, I just want to be with her by myself only.

We got the drinks and went straight to my car as I drove to the place I've been telling her. It's one of my favorite places. Calm, Peaceful and Private. It's just near here. I always go here to think.


"This is one of my favorite place to go whenever I'm thinking and such." We walk around and sat on one of the benches.

"Wow, this place is amazing." She's mesmerized by the view especially the night view, but I am mesmerized by her beauty. It's radiating everywhere.

We're quiet for a bit and I noticed her sipping the hot chocolate while staring far away. She's once again, sad. I can feel it. Her feelings are strong.

"Is there something wrong? I'm sorry, you look distracted and sad." I can't help it anymore, I think it'll be better if she can open up to someone, it might help her feel better atleast.

"Ahh, it's nothing. I never really open up to someone. I'm not used to it, I think." Well atleast I tried. I will wait for her to be comfortable enough to open up to me. It seems so serious.

"But at the same time, I wanted to open up to you because I know you won't judge me or anything." I looked at her and she's about to cry anytime soon.

"Hey, I'm always here. I'm a good listener. No judgments, I'll just listen. Promise." There goes my first promise to her.

A promise I can keep forever.

"Really?" I nodded and she took a deep breathe before talking to me.

"Do you remember the bruises I kept on having everyday?" I nodded. I don't want to say anything because I don't want to interrupt her of distract her. I want her to let out everything.

"It was all from my father." My eyes widened. I never thought I'd hear it I just started to imagine how hurt it is to be hurt by her own father.

I met a girl at a dance group when I was in Elementary. She's adorable and beautiful. My heart started beating fast at that time but I ignored it.

As weeks passes by, every practice we had, the closer we've been. She's like my first bestfriend ever since I was born. We told each other everything, including our ideal dates and person.

5 months later of being her bestfriend. I took her on our house and practice dancing together. The steps, routines, everything.

We decided to take a rest and then I was looking for my towel to wipe my sweat on my body when she did it for me with her own towel.

Our eyes met and she slowly get closer. Our lips only has 1 inch away from each other then my father caught us. He went to us, wobbling. Drunk again. I can feel his anger towards me.


"What are you both doing?! You're still a kid yet you're gonna kiss each other?!?!" Everytime his voice raise, I flinch everytime. I felt guilty about it.

"Karina?! You're lesbian??!! You're such a disgrace to our family!" He slapped me as hard as he could, making my lips bleed so much. He's about to punch me, I closed my eyes but I didn't feel anything until I found her lying on the floor.

"How dare you!" I kneeled down to help her stand up. I feel so sorry for her. She didn't deserve it. We both didn't knew this was going to happen. I know we're still young, but it's our feelings. I guess.

My father didn't say anything but the anger is still in him, I can see it through his eyes. The girl beside me left, crying so loud by receiving a punch from my own dad.

I felt humiliated infront of her. I felt sorry for her. I felt bad for not protecting her.

Ever since that happened, my dad doesnt want me to attend school anymore. We moved to another house to be away from her. I never see her after that.

He kept on drinking and hurting me every night he come home. I lost my loving father, I lost the girl I trust so much. The first person I became close with. The first friend I've ever had, was gone.

The only trauma I have is my dad, whom I think I can't never get rid of.

Tears are forming in my eyes when I heard her story. I didn't know these things are happening to her. That's why she never talked to anyone at class, that's why she's so happy when we get close to each other, that's why she has bruises on her body. Everything makes sense now.

"I'm sorry for what happened to you." That's all I said since I know she just wanted someone to listen to her story. We both look at the night scenery infront of us. I held her hand to give some comfort, or atleast make her feel that I'm here.


She's crying.

"Can I hug you?" I asked, and she just nodded while still crying. I went closer to her and hugged her tightly. Her sobs got louder that even I am having a hard time breathing. I let her soak my shoulders with tears. All these time, she needed some shoulder to cry to. She held me closer to her and cry a bit more.

It's already 12:30 am. It's so late. She asked me to take her home and I did. I am driving carefully since she fell asleep. But she seemed uncomfortable with her position, so I stopped the car and lean her seat a little bit so she could sleep well.


"Karina, we're here." I'm shaking her gently, she's in deep slumber. She woke up after 5 minutes. She gathered her stuff and left the car. I followed her and walk her to the door.

"Thank you, Winter. I felt better since earlier." We both smiled at each other. She hugged me for a minute.

"Please don't leave me too." She whispered to my ears while we're hugging. Oh, baby. I don't have plan on doing that.

"I won't. I promise." The second promise I made her. She smiled at me and watch me drive away. All I can think about is what she's going through. I wanted to get her out of there. For her safety and for her health.

I'll protect you as much as I can.


I woke up with the smell of pancakes in my room from downstairs. PANCAKES!! I went downstairs as fast as I could and sit beside Mommy Taeng.

"Moms, last night I went outside." I confessed before they even say anything. They're not mad or shock about it?

"Yup, we know. We're just waiting for you to say it first." They smiled and let me eat first. Both of them are looking at each other like they're dictating something with their eyes.

"What is it?" I just talk because it's becoming annoying. We're literally infront of the foods.

"Hehe sorry. Taengoo, tell her." Mommy Taeng's eyes widen.

"I thought you're gonna do it?" Mommy Sica glared at her, then Mommy Taeng looked scared and just cleared her voice before saying anything.

Sigh, this couple.

"Sweetie, we're planning on making you our model for our next designs." I'm not surprised nor anything, we talked about this back then and I agreed because it's for the company also.

"Okay? And then?" I kept on eating my food when they seemed confused.

"You're not surprised or anything?" Mommy Sica asked me.

"Nope, we already talked about this back then. Snd I already agreed." They nodded and smiled at each other.

"You sure? We're not forcing you, okay? We can find other models." Mommy Sica added.

"But you really fit the theme and designs." Mommy Sica hit Mommy Taeng with her elbow. I just giggled because they look like teenagers, instead of me.

"I will do it." I said, looking at them and they just nodded.

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