《Hey! Winter || Winrina》❥ Epilogue : Heart Trilogy
One semester left until her graduation. This is the day when Minjeong will leave the house for a field trip for her final project.
Waking up, Minjeong looked to her left to find that her girlfriend wasn't there beside her. All left was an empty space on the bed. Minjeong rubbed her sleepy eyes before getting up from the comfy bed.
You were right. The two decided to live together, and the reason was hilarious. It happened one month ago when Minjeong suddenly knocked on Jimin's apartment door with luggage in her hands. As soon as Jimin opens the door for her, Minjeong shows her silly smile to the older girl.
"Hi~," Minjeong said, short.
Jimin, who was still confused about the situation welcoming Minjeong into her apartment, but still her facial expression said otherwise.
"Why are you here? And what's with the luggage?", Jimin asked as she closed the door.
"Let's live together!", Minjeong exclaimed happily with her giggle, making Jimin much more confused than ever.
"I said let's live together~"
"All of sudden?"
"You didn't even tell me?"
"Why?", Jimin holding her arms together in front of her, later walking towards Minjeong who's now sitting on the couch. Jimin stopped right in front of Minjeong while still looking at her in confusion.
"It's because I decided everything this morning, pack all my things up in 1 hour and come here shortly", Minjeong smiled, and that smile success making Jimin scoffing, later laughing softly while looking at her girlfriend.
"So tell me the reason", Jimin putting her hands down, cupping Minjeong's cheek as her body slightly bending down, facing the younger girl closer.
"Isn't it will be much easier to just wake up together in the morning, getting ready for college and go to the college together without you burdening yourself to pick me up every morning?", Minjeong answered.
Jimin smirk happily and later planted a soft peck on Minjeong's plump lips.
"Hey, it's not a burdensome at all. I'm doing that for my girlfriend and that makes me happy. Why did you even bother with that~", Jimin smiled.
"Oh, but I have another reason. Taeyeon eonni was tired to wake me up every morning. She said she'll kill me if I didn't wake up by myself, and I find myself hard to do that. So that's why I'm here!", Minjeong opened her arms wide, welcoming herself to her girlfriend house. She was too sure that Jimin couldn't resist her offer, since Jimin loved her too much.
"So you want me to be your morning alarm, huh?", Jimin giggled looking at Minjeong's funny act. Minjeong later nodded her head as her answer.
"I guess I couldn't kick you out from my apartment. Welcome home, Minjeong~", Jimin smiled lovingly towards Minjeong before pulling her into a soft hug.
Minjeong walking towards the kitchen to find Jimin putting some fried eggs on the plates. The sleepy Minjeong walked towards her girlfriend with a sleepy smile on her face, eyes still half open and hair was messy as hell.
"Chagi-ya, come on have your breakfast~", Jimin said in reflex as she saw her lovely zombie walking towards her with her hand up, greeting the older girl.
"Morning eonni...", Minjeong replied, half smiling formed on her face.
The first thing to do when they wake up, giving a hug towards each other.
"Did you pack your things for the trip?", Jimin asked and Minjeong nodded her head while still hugging Jimin in her embrace.
"Toothbrush?", Jimin asked, and Minjeong nodded her head.
"Towel?", Jimin asked and Minjeong nods again.
"But I want to bring you with me", Minjeong pout before releasing the hug, looking at Jimin with her sleepy eyes. Jimin chuckled, later fixing Minjeong's hair with her tender finger while Minjeong still circling her arms around Jimin's waist.
"I am going with you, don't you remember?", Jimin said.
"But you wasn't in the same room as me! You get a room by yourself while me need to become a roommate with this girl named Kim Chaehyun. I want to be with you tho", Minjeong whines as she tightening her hold on Jimin's shoulder.
"Gosh, baby. It's just for 3 days. 3 days and we'll be in the same room again"
"But I'm not good with strangers", Minjeong replied. Oh, Jimin almost forgot that one fact. The fact that Minjeong was really bad at interacting with someone she never knew. Maybe because all this times, Jimin was never being an awkward silhouette in Minjeong's life anymore.
"You'll be alright. I was there with you, as a lecturer and if you need me, you can come~"
The weather in Daejeon that evening was pretty chilly. Rain poured heavily while they were on the bus just now, and now what was left was the cold chilly breeze through the air.
Jimin lined up together with the other 6 lecturers in front of the students. While Minjeong can only watch Jimin from afar as the older girl discussed something with the other lecturers, a girl in blonde hair came and greeted her out of blue, making Minjeong flinch.
"Hi! Kim Minjeong, right?", the girl asked. Minjeong could only lifted her eyebrows in confusion as the girl suddenly pulled out her hand.
"It's me, Kim Chaehyun. I'm the one who's gonna be your roommate this three days", Chaehyun said with her smile.
Not so good with new people, the first thing Minjeong did was looking at Chaehyun face. Puffy cheeks, small eyes. Also those aura. Those bunny aura. Minjeong can see it from her.
"Oh. Hi. Kim Minjeong", Minjeong replied timidly as she took Chaehyun hand for a shake.
Time goes by as they did some activity for the projects together. Later did Minjeong know, Chaehyun wasn't that bad. Thanks to her bubbly and mom-like personality, Minjeong felt comfortable around the blonde girl. She felt like she's in someone's care, other than Jimin.
Also did Minjeong know, Chaehyun really like to cling her hands in people arms. Not just Minjeong tho. Even when Chaehyun suddenly ran towards her friend who's named Yeogeun? Yugeun? What the heck is her name? Is it Yeongeun? Yeah... probably Yeongeun. Anyway, she did cling her hands a lot with Yeongeun too.
But even tho Minjeong was comfortable around Chaehyun, that doesn't mean that she can talk freely to the girl. Minjeong was Minjeong. Quiet as always, silence is priority, but not with Jimin.
Night comes and the group having a barbeque feast. Minjeong again, watching Jimin from afar as Jimin sitting with the other lecturers. Gosh, why does that girl look amazingly beautiful in this situation. Only looking at Jimin making Minjeong breathless. The fact that Jimin was the only lecturer in her 20s there making her much more outstanding in Minjeong's view.
It's because the other lecturers was in their 40s and 50s.
"What are you looking at?", Chaehyun asked, realizing that Minjeong keep looking in a direction for quiet some moment. Chaehyun then turn her head towards the same direction and saw what Minjeong was looking at.
"Ah~ You're looking at Jimin kyosu-nim? She's sure is pretty~", Chaehyun smiled and later handed Minjeong a plate of beef handed from the next table.
"I wonder how can she become a lecturer that young. I guess she was pretty smart", Chaehyun continue.
"She was smart"
"I also wonder if she even have a boyfriend---"
"Huh??", Minjeong suddenly turned her head over to Chaehyun, making the younger girl startled in shock. She could see how wide her eyes are right now, and Chaehyun never saw Minjeong eyes that wide.
"Why? Is there something wrong?", Chaehyun asked in confusion.
"You don't know?", Minjeong asked.
"About what?"
"About u--- I mean... About her. You don't know that Jimin kyosu-nim have a girlfriend?", Minjeong stated, because finding someone from the college who didn't know about their relationship was pretty shocking.
"She have a girlfriend??"
"Yeah. Don't you know her on Instagram? Jimin kyosu-nim is an instafmous", Minjeong continued.
"Oh really? I've never use Instagram, maybe that's the reason why I don't know. By the way, did you know who's her girlfriend is? She must be so lucky. I heard rumors saying that Jimin kyosu-nim is really commited on something she's working with. She must also be commited with her relationship!"
"She did"
"Oh. I also don't know who is it. But I know that she has a girlfriend. The news spreading all over the campus. I'm suprised that you don't know about it", Minjeong said, suddenly being the talkactive girl she didn't used to be. Maybe because they're talking about Jimin, Minjeong couldn't hold her silence.
As Minjeong having her fun talks with Chaehyun, and ofcourse what they were talking about was Jimin all along, what they didn't know that Jimin was watching them for a while now, from her seat.
Heart burning in jealousy, Jimin couldn't even look away. Hey eyes was gazing sharp, looking at how happy Minjeong is, talking to the girl beside her. It was an unusual sight, and Jimin couldn't help but to wonder what those girls were talking about.
"Kim Minjeong... You're dead meat...."
Holding an empty cup inside her hand; now crumbled into a ball, Jimin stand up from her seat and talk to one of the lecturer there.
"I'm sorry for disturbing you, Mrs. Gu. Can I ask you a favor?"
"Okay students! Rest well tonight. Tomorrow activity will start on the afternoon, so you'll have plenty time to rest", Mrs. Gu, the head lecturer of the trip said to the students and later they could hear the students cheering in joy.
"Everyone excused to collect their room key, but student with the name Kim Minjeong, please stay for a moment. Thank you"
Hearing her name being mentioned, Minjeong couldn't help from being nervous. Did she make a mistake until she need to stay? Did the head lecterur had something to say to here? Minjeong keeps wondering.
"See you in the room, Minjeong~", Chaehyun said as sehe pat Minjeong's shoulder before permitted herself, walking alongside other students to the resort lobby. The other lecturers, including Jimin already headed together with the other students
Minjeong walking towards the head lecturer with her heavy steps. Guilt already conquering her mind, even until she finally stopping herself right infront of the mid 50s woman. But strangely, Mrs. Gu suddenly flashing her a little smile while handed a room card to Minjeong. Minjeong was confused with the sudden act, but before she could even ask anything, the lecturer spoke up first.
"Your fiancee asked me to handed this to you", the older woman said.
Minjeong jolted in shock. Fiancee? Who? Jimin? Since when?
"She asked me to give your roommate another room, which was a rom of 3 with her other 2 friends. So, you'll get to stay in the same room with your fiancee~", Mrs. Gu continued, making Minjeong much more flustered than ever.
"B-But Jimin eonni isn't---"
"Oh come one girl. Don't be shy shout about it. I'll keep your guys engagement a secret as long as you promise to invite me to your wedding next year", the woman continued.
Next year???
What kind of nonsense that Jimin blurted out to this innocent woman?!
Too stunned and dumfounded to say anything more, Minjeong said her thanks towards the older woman before walking away to pick up her things from the bus.
Heading towards the room written on the room card, Minjeong couldn't help but to feel slightly guilty to Chaehyun. But she was happy that her wish to be in the same room as Jimin came true.
Arrived infront of the room's door, Minjeong push the bell once and she could hear Jimin said to wait for a moment from the inside. Seconds later, the door open revealing Jimin in her bathrobe. Hair damp wet and Minjeong couldn't help to gasp in awe. This isn't the first time she saw this view btw.
"Welcome, babe~", Jimin smiled before took Minjeong's luggage from the younger girl's hand. Her other hand pulled Minjeong inside her room.
Minjeong take her seat on Jimin's queen bed as Jimin placed the luggage at the corner of the room, right next to her own luggage. When she turn her body around and finally facing Minjeong, Jimin could see the quistioning looks on her girlfriend expression.
"What's up with the sudden room change?", Minjeong asked.
"I thought you wanna be in the same room as me?", Jimin answered as she wiped her hair using a towel.
"Also, why did you say to Mrs. Gu that we were enganged? Also, marriage? Next year?", Minjeong asking.
"I called Taeyeon just now, asking her if I can marry you after you graduate next year. She said yes. So basically, you are my fiancee and we are enganged", Jimin said proudly while still wiping her hairs.
"You didn't say anything to me tho", Minjeong pouted.
"Even if I did, I know you'll say yes~", Jimin grin and later dumped the towel on the chair nearby before taking her seat right next to Minjeong on the bed.
"Now let me ask you questions too", Jimin said. Her face suddenly became serious and it startled Minjeong to her death. Jimin with that face sure a bit scary to the younger girl, but that doesn't stop her for loving Jimin.
"Go on", Minjeong said.
"What did you talk with the blondie girl beside you at the barbeque just now? You look so happy while talking to each other~", Jimin smiling, but her eyes were fiery.
"Blondie? Kim Chaehyun?"
"Ah~ That's the girl who supposed to be your roommate tonight? I saw her clinging her arms with you a lot today. DO you like it?", Jimin asked as her face slowly coming closer and closer to Minjeong.
"You talked with her while laughing earlier. You even smiling so wide and I find it so weird to seing you like that with someone you're not close with~", Jimin coming closer much more.
Until the moment Minjeong realized that she already lying down on the bed, while Jimin was on her, pinning her with her arms, eyes still looking at hers straight, bathrobe still wrapped around Jimin's body.
"First, she's the one who's circling her arms around me"
"Second, we talked about you earlier at the barbeque"
"Huh? About me?", Jimin tight face finally soften just in a flash hearing Minjeong's explanation. But the two talking about her just making Jimin much more curious.
"Yeah. She didn't know about our relationship and I end up telling her about you, even tho I hide the fact your girlfriend was me---"
"Your fiancee. Correct it again", Jimin said but now, with her soft expression also a smirk on the face.
"She didn't know I'm your fiancee, and I end up telling her lots of things about you. That's why I looked so excited talking to her just now, because the thing I talked to her about is you. Happy now?", Minjeong scoffed as she rolled her eyes in annoyance. Sometimes Jimin can be hilariously jealous over nothing.
Jimin nodded her head happily, but the position were unchanged. Jimin still on top of Minjeong, with her bathrobe on. Minjeong shifted her gaze over the slightly open cleavage, later gulped for few times before moving her eyes to lock it on with Jimin's again.
"Don't you want to wear your cloth on? It's kinda revealing there", Minjeong said and later Jimin realized what the younger girl talking about. But instead of getting up, she didn't even bother to stay like that still.
"Why? It's not like you've never saw me naked before", Jimin grin. That's true tho. It's not like they've never done that.
"So you wanna sleep like that tonight?", Minjeong asked.
"Can I just naked by your side tonight---"
"No you're not!", Minjeong hurriedly answered as her face shows the sudden red flush in embarassemnt.
"I'm your fiancee, Kim Minjeong. Fiancee~"
"But you gonna make me hard to breath tonight if you plan to do so!", Minjeong said with her flushed cheeks.
Jimin later landed her body on top of Minjeong's. Feeling the contact on their chest and their core, Minjeong just closed her eyes tight as Jimin giving a soft peck on the younger girl lips.
"Should we do it tonight?", Jimin whispers into Minjeong's ear and it shivers Minjeong to her spine. Goosebumps all over her body but her under already flooded with the flirt moments ago.
"We just did it yesterday at home. Also, tomorrow we have projects to do", Minjeong explained, which is true.
"But the project starts in the afternoon, so we'll have times for ourselves~", another whisper to Minjeong ear and that was it. Minjeong accepted her defeat. She couldn't resist much.
"Let's just say that this was your way to celebrate our engagement...", Minjeong panting when Jimin already in action, sucking Minjeong earlobes and licking it in exchange.
"Fiancee, it is...", Jimin whispered one last time before kissing Minjeong passionately on the lips.
and there goes the moans and whines for 2 hours long inside that room, and the two was glad that their room was on different floor with the others.
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