《Stranded》Chapter 25: My poor hand!


Becca's P.O.V

Today was such a busy day! I thought as I brush my hair. I turn off the lights and put on my nightlight.

I put down the brush and walk towards my bed. I feel a cold breeze. I shivered. Who opened the window? I am obviously imagining this.

It could be a werewolf or worse a vampire.

Okay, I need to breathe. Vampires and werewolves don't exist. Vampires and werewolves don't exist. Vampires and werewolves don't exist. My aunt, Linda always tells me that vampire and werewolf stories makes you lose your mind! I'm seriously starting to believe it.

Maybe I need to stop reading those kind of books. I carefully close the window.

Did my. . . I swear I saw my bedcover move, just now! I am officially going bonkers!

I close my eyes and look at it again. Yep, it's moving!

I jump into my bed, hoping I can squash it somehow. I bump into something warm and solid.


I gather all the courage I have and I whack it with all my might. "Ouch! What's that for, babe?" the voice mumbles. I dash towards the light switch.

I turn on the lights. I see Noah's tousled hair popping out of my bedcovers.

"Noah, what are you fricking doing here? I thought you were a vampire or something! You really scared me, you. . . you jerk!" I whisper at him, angrily.

"Well, nice to see you, too, babe." he teases. I narrow my eyes at him. He sits up, running a hand through his hair.

Which is standing in many crazy directions. I sigh.

It's so hard to stay mad at him. I walk over to my bed and sit in his arms. He tucks a strand of hair that escaped my bun behind my ear.


"So what are you doing here?" I ask, softly.

"My bed feels lonely. I guess I got used to sleeping with you beside me. I get it. It's creepy. I probably should leave, before things gets weird." he answers, starting to stand up. I nuzzle his neck.

"Stay. Sleep with me." I whisper into his ear.

"Ok, that sounded wrong." he jokes. I swat him.

"You know what I mean." I replied. I get off his lap and lie down in bed.

He climbs in beside me. He faces me. I wrap my leg around his.

He pulls me into his arms. "Good night, sweetheart." I whispered. I kiss his neck.

"Good night, babe." he whispers back.

"Good night, Noah." I whisper, again feeling wide awake.

He grins, his teeth glow in the dark. He chuckles and his lips find mine.

"Good night, babe. This is the last time." he teases.

"Noah?" I whispered. He laughs.

"Yeah?" He whispers back.

"My hand hurts." I complained.

"Let me help make you feel better." he says, tenderly kissing my hand.

"It's the other hand, actually." I giggle. He groans.

"That kind of information is needed to be told earlier." he retorts, kissing my other hand.

I laugh and kiss him. I wrap my arms around his neck. We lie there in silence.

Slowly, my eyelids grow heavier and heavier.

"Becca?" he whispers.

"What." I said, struggling to pronounce the 'wh' part.

"I love you." he whispers.

I open my mouth to say it back, but sleep conquers all of my consciousness just like love does to my brain.

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