《Stranded》Chapter 17 : Finally home


Becca's P.O.V

"Noah? Wake up." I whispered. He groans. I poke him with my finger.

"Ouch! Babe, you broke my arm!" He cries, cradling his arm, sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

I take his arm and kiss it. "Feeling better, yet?" I asked.

"Much better, babe." He replied.

"Would you like something to eat, sir?" asks a super hot flight attendant. Noah grins. I swat his arm.

"I would like a -

"Never mind" I cut in, knowing he was up to no good.

"Hey, I wanted a sprite." he complains. I roll my eyes.

He leans over and kisses me on my cheek.

"What's that for?" I ask.

"I don't need a reason to kiss my girlfriend, do I?" He says, sweetly. Girlfriend! Girlfriend! Girlfriend! shouted my brain as I tried to come up with a good comeback. He grins as he watches me struggle. I lean over and kiss him.

"All passengers must return to their seats and put their seat belts on. We will be landing shortly." shouts the speaker next to us. I pull away.

"We are landing." I say, gathering up our stuff.

"Wow, was there an announcement?" he replies, mockingly.

We passed security. Luckily we don't have to speak Spanish or French. Noah takes my hand and he suddenly looks excited.

"We are home!" he says, smiling. I lean over and kiss him. We open the doors and enter.

The very first thing I see is my mom. Her hair is tangled and she looks like she hasn't slept for days. Mom gasps as she sees me as if she really can't believe that I am here.

"BECCA!! OH HONEY!" screams Mom as she embraces me. She sobs against my shoulder. I feel my eyes tearing up as well. I hold her tightly.


Dave runs up to me and hugs me, too. "We thought you guys were dead." he said, trying not to look like he's crying, but failing. I ruffle his hair. He smiles and ruffles my hair.

Dad wraps his arms around all of us. I turn my head in Noah's direction. He is also in his parents's arms.

His mom is also crying. He smiles at me. His eyes twinkle with amusement as he quickly leans over and gives my butt a pinch.

I scowl at him. He grins widely and winks. I smile back. I know we are thinking the same thing.

We are finally home.

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